elacheche | Morning! | 09:23 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: The idiot Systemd is creatign conflicts with my already installed packages and PXE needed services.. I'm gonna try to use a fresh VM.. just in case it won't work, do you have an idea what a pan B can look like? x) x( | 09:24 |
elacheche | s/pan/plan | 09:25 |
nzoueidi | Morning elacheche and others | 09:26 |
nzoueidi | Well, that's what I was going to talk about :D | 09:26 |
nzoueidi | Maybe several dvds and usbs? the old way x) | 09:27 |
praisethemoon | Good day | 09:34 |
elacheche | I honestly don't think that people will have working DVD readers x) Espacially on laptops | 09:39 |
elacheche | I'll get ISOS just in case | 09:39 |
elacheche | Morning praisethemoon :) | 09:39 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: If you have your laptop now and have good net can you please download the iso as well? just in case.. We'll use 16.04.2 Desktop AMD | 09:40 |
nzoueidi | Already have it :D | 09:41 |
elacheche | Thanks :) | 09:42 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, this might interest you:https://about.gitlab.com/2017/03/02/why-we-are-not-leaving-the-cloud | 09:44 |
elacheche | Thanks praisethemoon :) | 09:47 |
elacheche | Very interesting | 09:47 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 09:48 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: Guess what! The idiot SystemD just hangued on boot asking me to press ctrl+d to continue!! Oh boy!! | 09:48 |
nzoueidi | hahahaha :D | 09:50 |
elacheche | for a second I thougth that X crashed as well.. | 09:50 |
elacheche | You know.. One of the most wise decisions I ever made is to NOT use SystemD when installing Gentoo.. Thanks Ubuntu for teaching me that SystemD is garbage.. :/ | 09:51 |
nzoueidi | oh! that would be your lucky day | 09:52 |
elacheche | x) | 09:56 |
elacheche | check pm | 09:56 |
pavlushka | Morning everyone :) | 10:51 |
* pavlushka feeling sleepy | 10:53 | |
praisethemoon | pavlushka, o/ | 11:00 |
praisethemoon | u-la-la, entertain pavlushka, he's sleepy | 11:00 |
* u-la-la pours coffee on pavlushka, he's sleepy and runs for his life | 11:00 | |
praisethemoon | well done u-la-la | 11:00 |
pavlushka | Hello praisethemoon elacheche nzoueidi , the leaned one :p | 11:18 |
elacheche | Hey pavlushka :) | 11:19 |
pavlushka | elacheche: can you switch to upstart from systemd ? | 11:21 |
elacheche | pavlushka: Systemd in in Ubuntu.. It's the default now.. I think if I emove it and switch to something else the OS will fail.. And I'm alsmost sure that an upgrade will make it worst by re-installing systemd and creating conflicts | 11:23 |
pavlushka | oh | 11:23 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: So, that's it, no PXE this time :/ I need to find what's wrong with these service conflicts.. We burn USBs | 15:47 |
elacheche | dd | 15:47 |
nzoueidi | o/ | 15:50 |
nzoueidi | how are pavlushka :D | 15:51 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: no problem I will see how many usbs I can bring with me :D | 15:51 |
elacheche | I have 2.. And the 3rd have OS X on it (for work).. I'll format it if we'll need it | 15:52 |
pavlushka | nzoueidi: I am good, you? and what happened to praisethemoon , looks like he is running around in and out :) | 15:55 |
nzoueidi | I have 2 too @home I think | 15:56 |
nzoueidi | pavlushka: pretty fine too just tired from working | 15:56 |
nzoueidi | praisethemoon: is always here by night, he is a moon :D | 15:56 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 15:57 |
praisethemoon | xD | 15:57 |
praisethemoon | well frankly, i have horrible internet at home | 15:57 |
praisethemoon | if I join, i'll be a join-flooder | 15:57 |
praisethemoon | ^^ | 15:57 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: Like what happended between 12:35 and 13:53 ? | 16:04 |
praisethemoon | When is that? xD | 16:04 |
elacheche | today | 16:05 |
praisethemoon | oh yeah | 16:10 |
praisethemoon | sorry about that :( | 16:10 |
praisethemoon | it does not usually happen | 16:11 |
praisethemoon | we have fiber optics here | 16:11 |
praisethemoon | btw have anyone seens fwninja around here? | 16:11 |
pavlushka | praisethemoon: o/ No, I didn't | 16:12 |
praisethemoon | pavlushka, y u no program your bot to capture users last joins :D | 16:13 |
praisethemoon | I have seen some bots who does that | 16:13 |
praisethemoon | .seen elacheche | 16:13 |
praisethemoon | and that would invoke the bot :3 | 16:13 |
praisethemoon | just a suggestion | 16:13 |
praisethemoon | .seen elacheche => elacheche is always here son. | 16:13 |
pavlushka | u-la-la: seen fwninja | 16:17 |
u-la-la | pavlushka: I don't know who fwninja is | 16:17 |
pavlushka | u-la-la: seen praisethemoon | 16:18 |
u-la-la | pavlushka: praisethemoon was last seen 4 minutes and 11 seconds ago in #ubuntu-tn on freenode [2017-03-09 22:13:59 +06], and has been online on freenode since 2017-03-09 18:54:03 +06 | 16:18 |
praisethemoon | like a boss pavlushka xD | 16:19 |
praisethemoon | <3 | 16:19 |
* pavlushka fixes his collars as it is without a tie | 16:21 | |
elacheche | :) | 16:22 |
praisethemoon | xD | 16:23 |
elacheche | https://medium.com/unbabel-dev/a-tale-of-three-kings-e0be17a16e2b#.cepn0t5w3 | 16:32 |
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