
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
uppockDoes cloud init support setting up ipv6 via dhcp6. Im having problems getting the correct network config in a ubuntu intance on openstack13:19
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jgrimmthanks rbasak14:11
smoseruppock, if you use config drive on openstack and it provides network_data.json then it should work.14:20
smoserhowever, if you  just want to do "dhcp v6 on the first nic", then there is not currently a way to do that without modifying an image.14:21
smoseri recently just did this in bug14:21
smoser 14:21
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1657940/comments/414:21
smosersee the 'sudo tee' line there. thats how you can configure the system to do it for a spicific NIC by mac. i am pretty sure if you know the name the nic will get you can drop the mac14:22
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uppockI do have network_data.json via the metadata server, but that does not help?14:51
smoseruppock, currently no it does not.14:58
smoserthat is a change that can be done, but its not working now.14:58
uppocksmoser: ok15:02
uppockthanks for the help15:16
smoserrharper, https://code.launchpad.net/~wesley-wiedenmeier/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/31758916:40
smoserNETWORK_CONFIG_V2  is a bad name i think16:40
smoserno. its not passthrough.16:40
smoserwhat shoudl we call that.16:40
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smoserrharper, also i had https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/319506 for you16:57
smoserwhich is terribly rendered there because i rebased to master16:58
rharpersmoser: I don't have a better suggestion;  I had talked with magicalChicken about having maybe a list of network renderers; as well as paththrough  features16:58
rharpersmoser: oh, the ntp test17:00
smoserhm.. i guess the name isnt terrible in itsel.f17:01
smoseras i think cloud-init is basically stating that it can render17:01
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/24152513/17:01
smoserwhich is "network config v2"17:01
smoseran interesting thing though is that we cannot render the sysconfig for that yet, right?17:02
rharpernot yet17:02
smoserwe have a generic v2-to-v1 ?17:02
smoserso we could v2-to-v1-to-sysconfig17:02
smoseroutside of features not supported.17:03
rharperyes, v2 to network-state, and network-state to *whatever*17:03
rharperthis branch adds a v2 parser -> netstate;  and then a state -> netplan17:03
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rharperwe have a v2 -> output skipping state17:04
rharperaka, 'passthrough'17:04
powersjsmoser: test regression wrt chpasswd last night LP: #167188317:10
smoserpowersj, should be fixed in trunk17:11
powersjsmoser: oh look at that :)17:12
powersjI'll launch the tests again then. thanks!17:12
smoseryeah, horay for that integration test.17:13
smoserrharper, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/31960517:13
smosermagicalChicken, ^17:14
smoserthat is simplified and more-inert version of https://code.launchpad.net/~wesley-wiedenmeier/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/31758917:14
magicalChickensmoser: calling it NETWORK_CONFIG_V1 might be confusing though, as there are versions of cloud-init with network config support but without the feature flags17:31
powersjsmoser: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24152754/17:31
smoser"it" ?17:31
rharpersmoser: would we fill that out with other input formats we support?  I sorta liked the idea of specifying the list of inputs and outputs supported17:31
magicalChickensmoser: sorry, the feature for network support17:31
smosermagicalChicken, there, i just took your suggestion, but currently if i merged this into trunk, we do not support NETWORK_CONFIG_V217:32
smoserbut we *do* support NETWORK_CONFIG_V117:32
smoserso i listed that support as a feature17:32
magicalChickensmoser: oh, right that makes sense17:32
magicalChickenyeah, it may be good t fill out that list17:32
magicalChickenthe mp i had filed had been into ~raharper/cloud-init:netconfig-v2-passthrough, once that branch lands in trunk it will support v2 though17:33
smosermagicalChicken, right.l but i was just grabbing the "add feature list"17:34
magicalChickenyeah, that makes sense17:34
smoserrharper, i dont know what to do there..17:34
smoserwrt listing "sysconfig" or "ifupdown"17:35
rharperright; those might be per distro17:35
smoseri think if we follow curtin's lead, we end up with:17:35
magicalChickeni like the features output command17:35
rharperit could be a KEY into a list of distros that support those renderes17:35
smoserunfortunately, that then possibly leads to17:36
smoseror something like that17:36
magicalChickenrharper: i think we had discussed this before, the per-distro features vs global features17:36
rharperRENDERERS = 'eni, sysconfig, netplan, netcfg';   distro_renderers = { 'Ubuntu': ['eni', 'netplan'], 'Fedora': ['sysconfig'] }17:36
smoserpowersj, [embarrased] how do i run integration test for specific test ?17:42
smoserrharper, so i dont want to over complicate things.17:42
powersjAs an example: python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run -v -n xenial -t tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml --deb cloud-init_daily_all.deb17:43
smoseri dont think t here is any reason to query cloud-init and say "can you render Fedora/sysconfig"17:43
rharpersmoser: agreed; certainly for now, a flag or two makes sense17:43
smoseri can see a reason to say "if i gave you v2, can you render that for *THIS SYSTEM*"17:43
rharperwe may want something more complex later17:43
rharpersmoser: from curtin perspective, it will know what it has (v1 or v2)  and it will want to know if cloud-init can render it , and it *will* know what the target os is17:44
rharperso, I do think it's cloud-init, can you render v2 -> fedora/sysconfig17:44
rharperbecause, they may want to see if we can v2 -> fedora/networkd17:45
rharperI do think it's  os + networkcfg format17:45
smoserpowersj, what am i doing wrong17:45
powersjsmoser: what version of pylxd do you have? If I recall 2.1.3 is still the one that works best until we get magicalChicken's branch added17:47
magicalChickensmoser: you need to run from the current branch then17:48
magicalChickensmoser: the old cloud_tests can't handle 2.217:48
magicalChickenwait, if 2.2.3 is out that means that the fix for the leaked file handle bug is released, so I can go ahead and update the tox env in the new version17:49
magicalChickenthat means we should be able to run 2.2.3 on jenkins17:49
powersjyep looks like that just got released!17:49
powersjgetting that + the tox commands would make smoser's life easier too17:51
smoseryeah, do you have a example tox env ?17:51
magicalChickensmoser: 1 sec17:52
magicalChickensmoser: ^17:52
magicalChickenpowersj: i am going to be able to work almost full time next week, so i may go ahead and add support for distro and platform feature flags and write some of the kvm platform17:53
magicalChickenpowersj: i have been talking to jgrimm about getting centos tests running smoothly so we can start integration testing there too17:54
powersjmagicalChicken: no beach vacation for spring break? ;)17:54
magicalChickenpowersj: haha no, probably not :)17:54
powersjmagicalChicken: sounds great -- let me know what you start on. I can jump between bugs and the kvm stuff17:55
magicalChickenpowersj: sure, sounds good17:55
magicalChickeni'll get all thise done in a new branch so that mp doesn't get any bigger17:55
jgrimmthanks magicalChicken17:55
magicalChickenjgrimm: no problem :)17:56
smoserpowersj, was that the test that failed ? tests/cloud_tests/configs/modules/set_password.yaml17:56
powersjsmoser: yes17:56
smosermagicalChicken, can you just put a MP for the citest toxenv right now ?17:58
smoserthat is very useful on its own.17:58
magicalChickensmoser: sure i'll pull that out17:59
magicalChickensmoser: if it would make it easier to review the main one, i can split it up into a few smaller ones. they'll all still be needed to get everything working but it may make the diff easier to read18:00
powersjmagicalChicken: if there are some things that we could divide out it probably would be good to do anyway18:02
magicalChickenpowersj: part of the problem is that if i divide things out, the test suite as a whole won't work until almost all of it is merged in18:03
smosermagicalChicken, patch series are easier, yeah.18:03
smoseryou can just work it as a patch series...18:04
smoserin a single mp, and rebase ... commit --fixup.... like that.18:04
magicalChickensmoser: the commit history is already pretty heavily modified, there aren't really any junk commits left18:04
magicalChickeni can do it a bit further though18:05
smoserif you want, i can just do the tox.ini change for trunk right now.18:05
smoserpowersj, that wont cause harm to antying in c-i right ?18:06
smoserif i aadded 'citest' tox18:06
magicalChickensmoser: that should be fine18:06
powersjsmoser: correct that is fine18:06
* powersj greatly wants that change too18:06
magicalChickensmoser: it would have to just be the pylxd 2.1.3 env for now though ,the 2.2.3 env would break18:06
smosermagicalChicken, powersj18:11
smoserthat look sane ? i'll push that now.18:12
magicalChickensmoser: yeah, that looks good, thanks18:12
magicalChickenat some point we should probably update the docs again, but there's enough stuff changing for now that it can probably wait18:13
smoserand powersj trunk should hopefully pass again18:15
powersjsmoser: thank you18:16
smoserrharper, you want to ack https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/319605 ? and i'll pull it18:16
jgrimmmagicalChicken, fwiw i generally like to see doc changes accompany said code/test changes.18:19
jgrimmbut please open a bug as reminder if known gaps18:19
magicalChickenjgrimm: sure, i'll open a bug to track integration-testing doc updates18:20
magicalChickeni'll see if i can get to some of those changes next week18:20
jgrimm+1 thanks18:20
rharpersmoser: done18:39
smoserpowersj, i kicked https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/cloud-init-integration-z/ and it ran successful18:48
powersjsmoser: good, I had gone into torkoal after I saw the failure and blew away the offending lxc image18:48
powersjthat means tot is fixed as well :) \o/18:49
smoserah. i didnt realize there had been lxc issues18:49
powersj"Failed to create ZFS filesystem: cannot mount '/var/lib/lxd/images/(uuid of image)"18:49
powersjthis is the issue cpaelzer and I keep hitting on the test systems18:50
powersjI am trying to reproduce locally, but waiting for new daily images as I think that is when it happens18:51
cpaelzerpowersj: so we hit it again?19:33
powersjcpaelzer: on torkoal yeah :(19:33
cpaelzerwithout touching LXD versions19:33
cpaelzerjust as I promised19:33
cpaelzerare you giving stgraber access again?19:34
cpaelzerprobably the best debug chance19:34
powersjwell, I already blew the failed image away19:34
cpaelzerdid that make it working?19:34
cpaelzere.g. after sync of the same image it is ok19:34
cpaelzerbut that is a great indicator where stgraber can check next time it happens19:35
cpaelzerpowersj: did yu update the github issue I filed`19:35
powersjno, but I can19:35
cpaelzeruh, I just got suggested that I#M in EOD (EOW) for a while ...19:35
* cpaelzer hushing back to family19:36
powersjmagicalChicken: for integration tests, the only system requirements right now are python3, lxd, and pylxd==2.1.3?19:40
magicalChickenpowersj: as far as i know yeah19:41
powersjUpdating the docs with how to run via tox + putting small section on dependencies19:42
magicalChickenpowersj: that's all that is set up in the tox env and that works19:42
magicalChickenpowersj: oh, nice19:42
powersjmagicalChicken: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24153367/19:42
magicalChickeni'll pull those changes in with the pylxd 2.2 stuff and update them for that as well19:42
magicalChickenpowersj: yeah, that looks good19:43
magicalChickenpowersj: it may be worth changing the full path to the test config to just moduules/user_groups19:43
powersjI don't need the "tests/cloud_tests/configs" part?19:44
magicalChickenit doesn't really make a difference, but i find it easier to read that way19:44
magicalChickenpowersj: no, the argument normalizer will handle that for you19:44
powersjO.o didn't know this19:44
magicalChickeni built in relative path -> absolute path stuff pretty much everywhere because i'm lazy typing out commands :)19:45
powersjlet me go try this then19:45
smoserrharper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24153396/19:48
rharpersmoser: re the virtual stuff; that's just super annoying19:50
powersjmagicalChicken: very nice19:51
rharperI don't think rename in lxc is an issue, no? it's created with the name it needs19:51
rharpersmoser: so not sure why that matters19:51
magicalChickenpowersj: :) the code that handles args in the new version is kinda cool19:53
smoserwell, definitely one way to interact with lxc is to request it to name your network devices.19:53
smoserbut another is to tell cloud-init via network config.19:54
rharpersmoser: I updated my comment in the bug; we need to somehow detect duplicate macs and sort out the *real* interface that should be renamed19:55
rharpersmoser: that's for the review, replying to it is somewhat awkward19:56
smoserwhy did i do it like that..19:57
smoserbecause it wasnt submitted for merge19:57
smoserright ?19:57
smoserbah. well it woudlt be there19:58
smoserfor some reason i thought you hadn't clicked submit19:58
smoseri can replay my comments onto the mp19:58
smoserrharper, updated. https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/31925920:07
rharpersmoser: I sent a mail reply20:14
dtphello.  cloud-init-0.7.8-5.fc25 is failing to write net config for me on Fedora 25.  error is [ValueError: Unknown subnet type 'loopback' found for interface 'lo'] at net/sysconfig.py:23820:22
harlowjalarsks have u seen anything like that ( dtp was poking me - also works at godaddy, but not sure if u've already fixed that, lol )20:23
larsksharlowja: I haven't seen that previously, but 'loopback' is clearly not one of the supported types in NetInterface.iface_types...20:24
harlowjaya, lol20:24
larsks...but why are they passing in configuration for lo?20:24
larsksThat sounds goofy.20:24
dtpmy content/0000 looks like ubuntu w/ an [iface lo inet loopback] line20:25
rharperisn't the content/XXXX path where a complete eni  is being injected rather than using network_data.json ?20:26
dtpadded network_data.json image to that link, too20:27
dtpi don't see a loopback in network_data.json; so must be coming from content/0000?20:28
rharperI need to review the code path, but I thought if we got a content eni file, we'd just pass that through; but maybe we're attempting to inject the eni into network_State and then re-render something else (like sysconfig)20:28
rharperwhich sounds like what's happening20:29
* harlowja didn't think we did that (but maybe we do, ha)20:29
dtpadded most of the stack trace to that link20:29
rharperbut if openstack sends a network_data.json, I'd think we prefer that to injesting eni into network_state20:29
larsksrharper: and yet, the network_data.json doesn't container any reference to lo...20:30
rharperit shouldn't20:30
larskswell, of course not.20:30
larsksSo the exception dtp  is seeing suggests that we *don't* prefer network_data.json.20:31
rharperI wonder why they send both20:31
larsksrharper: huh, looking at the code, it seems as if network_json should take precedence: https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/blob/master/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceConfigDrive.py#L14220:36
larsksdtp: do you see any of those message in your logs (on lines 145 or 150)?20:36
dtpnot that i recall larsks, but i will dbl check now20:37
dtpnot that i can see20:38
larsksHmm. I need to run off, but if you haven't already, open a bug so that we don't forget (including details of cloudinit version, distro and version, cloud provider, etc)20:39
rharperlarsks: not quite;  the code I see checks if the we have a self._network_config; if it's None, then we check if we have a network_json and convert;  so the eni file mapped in the metadata content will get used first20:54
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larsksrharper: ah, good catch.20:55
rharperlarsks: but I think we're meant to20:56
rharpergiven the network_eni20:56
rharperin distro/rhel.py we do this;  so I suspect we're getting the eni passed in here;  entries = net_util.translate_network(settings)20:59
rharpersomething funny is going on w.r.t the type of network config that was found and passed in;  more investigation needed;21:17
rharperdtp-afk: if you can, attaching the configdrive to the bug would be super helpful21:18
smoserrharper, sorry for the noise above with the patch comments... can you re-play on the MP ?21:20
smoseri'ms orry i just didnt' think you'd proposed for merge21:20
rharperno worries21:20
* rharper forklifts into web form21:21
* rharper mumbles something about gerrit 21:21
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dtprharper you want the directory listing or ?22:37
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dtpuploaded 0000 and meta_data.json22:52

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