
cmaloneyPower is back22:20
greg-gcmaloney: wow22:30
jrwrenyay! congrats cmaloney22:30
cmaloneyThank you. :)22:30
cmaloneyYeah, we lost it on Wed. at 11am22:31
cmaloneyand got it back around 3pm22:31
cmaloneyYou wouldn't believe how many things got backed up.22:32
cmaloneyCOuldn't read my email (without logging into Linode to view text files in Maildir)22:32
cmaloneycouldn't wash dishes (garbage disposal needed to be run)22:32
cmaloneyAnd we were worried about the cat.22:32
greg-gI guess I should buy that small solar panel that carrie is bugging me to22:41
jrwreni'm holding out for tesla shingles23:27
greg-gmeh, not a home owner. And this could be used with the RV/other camping/whatever23:44

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