
theShirbinyelacheche: :\ i was sleeping05:28
theShirbinyelacheche: \o20:58
elachechetheShirbiny: I'm gonna tell you a story21:00
elachechePart1: I have a Ubuntu 16.04 ISO, I use unetbootin to create a bootable USB that works with BIOS.. I got a USB that works with BIOS..21:01
elachechePart2: I get an other USB, I have a Ubuntu 16.04 ISO, I use unetbootin to create a bootable USB that works with BIOS.. I got a USB that works with EFI..21:02
elachechePart2 was repeated for too many USB keys.. Only my own USB key was the good one that works as I need it in BIOS mode.. WTF!21:03
theShirbinyunetbootin? use dd :p21:05
elachechetheShirbiny: same my friend :) same21:13
elachecheAnyway, too tired, I'll explain the problem in details tomorrow21:13

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