=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb | ||
powersj | hehe "AssertionError: 'HST' not found in 'HDT\n'" silly daylight savings messing with my integration tests | 15:39 |
rharper | lol | 15:43 |
smoser | powersj, i put a comment on your mp... i may be over thinking things. | 17:13 |
powersj | smoser: hmm but won't that change between -0900 and -0800 depending on day light savings? | 17:28 |
smoser | it should not. | 17:28 |
powersj | and that command depends on what timezone you are in | 17:29 |
powersj | which is ok, since we are setting | 17:29 |
smoser | no... we specify the full time with offset -0400 | 17:29 |
powersj | yes, but the output changes... here is mine: "Wed, 02 Nov 2016 22:47:00 -0600" | 17:29 |
smoser | Thu, 03 Nov 2016 00:47:00 -0400 == Wed, 02 Nov 2016 19:47:00 -0900 | 17:29 |
powersj | oh... maybe that's what I'm not getting | 17:30 |
smoser | the output changes based on the default time zone of the system. | 17:30 |
smoser | (your default time zone is 0600) | 17:30 |
smoser | but the test is testing that we can set the default time zone to US/wierd-timezone | 17:30 |
smoser | that must be hawaii ? | 17:30 |
powersj | it is Hawaii | 17:30 |
smoser | so .. if we correctly set the timezone | 17:32 |
smoser | date will always convert the '--date' to the default timezone of the system. | 17:32 |
smoser | and so we're checking that dates output was converted to the time zone that we expect to have set the system to | 17:32 |
smoser | right? | 17:32 |
powersj | yeah, let me change it and play with it a bit. Never used date like that before, so still grawking it. | 17:33 |
smoser | :) | 17:33 |
rharper | alternatively can't we check that /etc/localtime points to the right tz we specified? | 17:33 |
powersj | ah that might be good too, check that symlink | 17:36 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24171815/ | 17:37 |
smoser | maybe that helps ? | 17:37 |
smoser | well, the symlink could work, but that is somewhat of an implementation detail. | 17:39 |
powersj | smoser: it does, thanks :) | 17:39 |
smoser | where as the other way depends on 'date' behaviing correclty. | 17:39 |
smoser | powersj, did you open a bug ? | 18:35 |
smoser | for the timezone? | 18:35 |
powersj | smoser: no | 18:35 |
smoser | k | 18:35 |
powersj | I did wrt the new password change (a 2nd one) | 18:35 |
powersj | I'll get the timezone merge fixed up here in a bit | 18:36 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24172068/ | 18:38 |
powersj | lol | 18:39 |
powersj | thank you :) | 18:39 |
smoser | i'll just take that now. i think the comnments there make it more clear than my explanation before. | 18:39 |
powersj | smoser: yes they do and wfm thanks | 18:40 |
smoser | early november is probably a really bad time to pick | 18:40 |
powersj | why? | 18:40 |
smoser | as someone might think that is on the cusp of a time change. | 18:40 |
powersj | ah | 18:41 |
smoser | but i'm using it anyway | 18:41 |
smoser | :) | 18:41 |
smoser | powersj, you mentioned something about cloud-init tags and buildilng ? | 20:31 |
smoser | in your qa report | 20:31 |
smoser | more info ? | 20:31 |
powersj | I was trying to understand why we needed the tags when setup.py runs. I had not looked at that file enough to understand how it gets packaged up | 20:31 |
powersj | So looked into how you specify an init system and the check that occurs when building cloud-init via tag + version in __init__ | 20:32 |
smoser | yeah, the check can be annoying for sure, but you should always have some tag to base it off of. | 20:32 |
powersj | I've been played with snap'ing cloud-init as well and the python plugin doesn't take an option so I couldn't specify an init system | 20:33 |
powersj | Even if it doesn't quite make sense too, it was an interesting lesson :) | 20:33 |
smoser | powersj, python plugin doesnt take an option | 20:36 |
smoser | ? | 20:36 |
smoser | you mean tryin to get the init system into setup.py ? | 20:37 |
powersj | yes | 20:37 |
powersj | so your part would look like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24172666/ | 20:38 |
powersj | and we would want a "options: ['--systemd']" or something like that | 20:38 |
powersj | This all started because I was looking at https://build.snapcraft.io/ | 20:40 |
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz |
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