kjackal | Good morning Juju world! | 08:14 |
hoenir | good morning to you kjackal | 08:16 |
kklimonda | is there a way to define, and later reference, variables in a bundle file? | 09:26 |
kklimonda | it's painful to embed gpg key for each and every service | 09:27 |
kjackal | kklimonda: I haven't seen variables in a bundle | 09:37 |
cnf | morning | 09:52 |
kjackal | hi cnf | 10:17 |
cnf | another week, another try at getting stuff to work :P | 10:20 |
cnf | is there any documentation on how to put the juju api behind a reverse proxy? | 10:56 |
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alexlist | Hi... just trying Juju-as-a-Service. At the deploy step, 10mins ago I got an option to choose the target public cloud. Now I have this spinning circle and don't get any options to choose. Are we being slashdotted? ;) | 11:15 |
alexlist | I see nothing on Twitter regarding JaaS ... | 11:20 |
rick_h | alexlist: not that I'm aware of. Are there any errors in the JavaScript console? Did you get.to the point to enter credentials? | 11:34 |
=== degville_ is now known as degville | ||
zeestrat | kklimonda, kjackal: We've been using variables for a short while now after coming over this example bundle: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/298175262/bundle.yaml | 12:30 |
alexlist | rick_h: I get to the point "Choose cloud to deploy to" but no buttons to choose gce,aws,azure anymore. That worked earlier today. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24170595/ | 13:10 |
rick_h | alexlist: and this is on jujucharms.com/something ? | 13:11 |
rick_h | alexlist: can you please post a bug at https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com | 13:12 |
alexlist | rick_h: will do | 13:12 |
rick_h | alexlist: screenshots, urls, etc that would be really helpful | 13:12 |
kklimonda | zeestrat: thanks, that does seem to work :) | 13:35 |
zeestrat | kklimonda: np :) You reminded me that I had should add a bug for docs on that. See https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/433 | 13:40 |
zeestrat | kklimonda: Came over that example bundle by luck in the #openstack-charms channel I think. | 13:41 |
kjackal | nice zeestrat I did not know you could do that! Cool! | 13:54 |
alexlist | rick_h: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/434 | 14:00 |
alexlist | rick_h: I got this far using Firefox. Will restart my Chrome to see if it's something in the cache that stopped me from selecting the cloud provider. | 14:01 |
zeestrat | kklimonda, kjackal: Somewhat related: Passing dynamic stuff (perhaps --config) at deploy time for bundles is on the roadmap according to Rick. | 14:02 |
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jamespage | rick_h: hey - aware of any v4 charmstore API type issues? | 14:27 |
jamespage | we just started hitting | 14:27 |
jamespage | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/gO5ykMTA/ | 14:27 |
rick_h | jamespage: not yet, looking | 14:27 |
beisner | hi all. Is https://api.jujucharms.com/ --> 'Not Found' a known issue? | 14:27 |
beisner | oh /me sees james just asked here. thx | 14:28 |
rick_h | beisner: yea, looking. https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/~openstack-charmers-next/percona-cluster/meta/any loaded for me | 14:29 |
rick_h | is that loading for you beisner jamespage ? | 14:29 |
jamespage | rick_h: yup | 14:29 |
rick_h | hmm, putting series back in worked: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/percona-cluster/meta/any | 14:29 |
rick_h | I wonder if something flipped... | 14:29 |
beisner | rick_h, yes, but this is not: | 14:29 |
beisner | https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/percona-cluster/meta/any | 14:29 |
jamespage | s/charmstore//g | 14:29 |
beisner | which is the url we get when using bundletester + amulet + theblues + charmstore et al | 14:30 |
rick_h | beisner: oic, with the /charmstore | 14:30 |
rick_h | beisner: jamespage ok, so the /charmstore is supposed to be there. It says what service API to hit. I'm not sure if that changed recently but it kind of worked w/o by accident due to "first thing in the list wins" rules. | 14:31 |
rick_h | beisner: jamespage I'll see if something's changed and if we can get the "magic" behavior back, but we need to file bugs/get tools updated to use the right urls. | 14:31 |
jamespage | rick_h: ack | 14:38 |
jamespage | rick_h: please on restoring magic | 14:39 |
jamespage | rick_h: gate blocked atm | 14:39 |
rick_h | jamespage: working on a cowboy to production to add a rewrite rule atm | 14:39 |
rick_h | jamespage: will try to get it back asap with webops help | 14:39 |
beisner | jamespage, as a work-around, i can have osci set env var for libcharmstore to consume @ https://github.com/juju-solutions/libcharmstore/blob/master/charmstore/lib.py#L37 | 14:44 |
beisner | that should unblock on the short term, but we should defo raise an issue @ libcharmstore (i think) to track the real fix | 14:45 |
rick_h | beisner: ty for finding the bad url source. I'll get a PR to them. | 14:48 |
rick_h | RT is filed for the apache redirect, will hopefully get that through soon | 14:48 |
beisner | rick_h, jamespage - raised https://github.com/juju-solutions/libcharmstore/issues/5 -- will have a PR up momentarily to jig that default global URL. | 14:52 |
rick_h | beisner: so there's a default url in theblues that the libcharmstore should just reuse | 14:54 |
rick_h | beisner: was going to do a pr for it once I get the RT picked up | 14:54 |
beisner | rick_h, cool, i'll hold off, let you drive that. thx | 14:54 |
cnf | anyone know how to run the juju api behind a reverse proxy? | 15:09 |
rick_h | beisner: jamespage please check it again, cowboy in place | 15:32 |
beisner | rick_h, yeehaw! and yep, the url works now. thx | 15:35 |
mbruzek | bdx: is it too early to ping? | 16:03 |
hoenir | juju can add storage to machine with add-storage? | 16:52 |
hoenir | or this options is only with units that support.. | 16:53 |
hoenir | this option? | 16:53 |
stormmore | o/ juju world | 17:03 |
bdx | mbruzek: sup | 17:51 |
mbruzek | bdx: I heard you have your own haproxy charm? Is that right? | 17:52 |
bdx | mbruzek: I wish I was that cool | 17:54 |
mbruzek | bdx: I am working on reworking the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes to use haproxy load balancer instead of nginx. And my experience with haproxy is minimal. Wondering if you had any tips/tricks or advice/pointers. | 17:54 |
bdx | mbruzek: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/juju-layer-lxd-proxy | 17:55 |
bdx | ^ non haproxy based | 17:55 |
bdx | just uses iptables, but that may be what you are referencing | 17:55 |
mbruzek | bdx: I was misinformed. This charm looks super interesting in its own right. | 17:56 |
bdx | mbruzek: when I was setting up deis, I had to manually configure haproxy to proxy to the deis router/component ports on each of the nodes | 17:56 |
mbruzek | oh maybe that was the intel I got. OK | 17:57 |
bdx | mbruzek: let me see if I can find that for you for reference real quick | 17:57 |
jrwren | mbruzek: haproxy charm is very nice. I got a bit familiar with it. I cna help too if needed. | 17:57 |
cholcombe | can juju deploy centos7 at this point? i thought it could in the past but i can't seem to find the centos image | 18:00 |
mbruzek | jrwren thanks I might hit you up. | 18:04 |
mbruzek | bdx: I would be interested in the configuration if you could share it. | 18:04 |
bdx | mbruzek: here is an example with multiple frontends and backends ... this (multiple frontend/backend) can be accomplished with the haproxy charm too -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24171930/ | 18:05 |
tvansteenburgh | mbruzek: here's the haproxy config from the revq bundle, in case that helps http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24171951/ | 18:07 |
bdx | mbruzek: I'm currently working on some haproxy relations for one of my apps to accomplish creating the multiple frontend -> multiple backend routing via juju relations, I'll keep you posted when I have something worth sharing | 18:25 |
mbruzek | bdx that would be great. Thanks | 18:26 |
skayskay | is there a way to remove a resource? | 19:19 |
jrwren | no. there is no way. | 19:19 |
skayskay | ouch. so, if I have a charm that uses the snap layer, and I've attached a snap so that I can test the snap before publishing it, then I am stuck using a local file after that and can't go back to using the snap from the store | 19:20 |
skayskay | I want to be able to switch | 19:21 |
skayskay | I'm trying to remove-application and it's not working | 20:38 |
skayskay | I can resort to removing the machine by force, but I should figure out why the application won't go away | 20:39 |
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=== skay_ is now known as skay | ||
zeestrat | skayskay: Could you try pasting "juju status name-of-your-application --format yaml"? | 21:14 |
skay | zeestrat: it's not in the same state. I gave up and removed the machine | 21:15 |
zeestrat | skay: Gotcha. I've run into such situations where it was stuck upgrading. | 21:15 |
skay | zeestrat: aha, my upgrade step was failing | 21:16 |
skay | zeestrat: I released a new charm to pick up a fix in the snap layer | 21:16 |
skay | zeestrat: what did you end up doing? | 21:17 |
zeestrat | I got hit by #1671428 so I ended up killing the controller. I logged #1671476 for being stuck while upgrading. | 21:19 |
mup | Bug #1671428: deploying with default binding prevents upgrade-charm <juju:Fix Committed by jameinel> <juju 2.1:Fix Committed by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1671428> | 21:19 |
mup | Bug #1671476: destroy-model does not work when charm is stuck in upgrading state <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1671476> | 21:19 |
skay | zeestrat: did you try remove-machine with --force? that seemed to work for me | 21:20 |
* skay adds self to bug | 21:21 | |
zeestrat | skay: Not yet. I can give it a go. | 21:21 |
kklimonda | ha, I was just about to report that bug | 21:23 |
=== siva is now known as Guest20118 | ||
Guest20118 | I am rendering a list of ipaddress in my charm template | 21:43 |
Guest20118 | I want the rendered output to be like this servers = ["", "", ""] | 21:44 |
Guest20118 | I have my template entry like this 'servers = [{{ '\"'~servers|join('\", \"')~ '\"' }}] | 21:44 |
Guest20118 | My input.yaml file to 'juju config <application> --file= input.yaml' looks like this | 21:45 |
Guest20118 | servers: "" | 21:46 |
Guest20118 | The rendered output looks like this | 21:46 |
Guest20118 | servers = ["1", "9", "2", ".", "1", "6", "8", ".", "1", ".", "2", "5", "2", " ", "1", "9", "2", ".", "1", "6", "8", ".", "1", ".", "2", "5", "3", " ", "1", "9", "2", ".", "1", "6", "8", ".", "1", ".", "2", "5", "4"] | 21:46 |
Guest20118 | in the config.yaml it is of type string | 21:46 |
Guest20118 | In the charm code i, yaml load it like this servers_list = yaml.load(config.get("servers")) | 21:48 |
Guest20118 | What is wrong here? | 21:48 |
Guest20118 | Why is very character interpreted a string here? | 21:48 |
Guest20118 | Any help is much appreciated | 21:49 |
tvansteenburgh | Guest20118: servers = {{ servers }} | 22:11 |
tvansteenburgh | it's already a list | 22:11 |
tvansteenburgh | Anyone know how to find out in which regions a particular aws instance type is available? | 22:18 |
tvansteenburgh | I'm trying to deploy a p2.xlarge in us-east-1 (juju 2.1.0) controller and I'm getting 'invalid constraint value: instance-type=p2.xlarge' | 22:20 |
tvansteenburgh | Well I just deployed a p2.xlarge into us-east-1 with the AWS console, so I'm not sure why Juju won't do it. :/ | 22:26 |
anastasiamac | tvansteenburgh: instance types support was updated in juju 2.1.1 | 22:27 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: Oooh. I was trying to remember if they were baked in or downloaded from somewhere - I guess it's the former. | 22:28 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: Thanks! | 22:28 |
anastasiamac | tvansteenburgh: it requires manual intervention. but we try to keep on top of it for every new release | 22:28 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: So there's no way for me to use a p2 instance type w/o upgrading juju? | 22:29 |
anastasiamac | tvansteenburgh: potentially | 22:29 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: I upgraded to 2.1.1 and get the same error. Any ideas? | 22:39 |
tvansteenburgh | doh | 22:39 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: I upgraded to 2.1.1 and get the same error. Any ideas? | 22:44 |
anastasiamac | tvansteenburgh: wallyworld might have a better idea if p2.xlarge was added .. m sorry i have issues with my machine atm, can't look at codebase | 22:45 |
anastasiamac | tvansteenburgh: i can confirm a bit later on | 22:46 |
tvansteenburgh | anastasiamac: k thanks | 22:46 |
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