=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
=== heis2201 is now known as heis2201_ | ||
=== FJKong is now known as BH1SCW | ||
=== BH1SCW is now known as FJKong | ||
aquarius_ | heya. Where will I find the error logs for gnome-shell? Specifically, errors in shell extensions so I can debug the one I'm trying to write? lg says there's an error in my extension but not what it is; .xsession-errors doesn't seem to show anything; there's no .cache/gdm (because I'm launching from lightdm) | 16:16 |
jbicha | aquarius_: maybe try #gnome-shell on irc.gnome.org | 20:49 |
aquarius_ | jbicha: I could, but I'm trying to avoid the "your problem is that you're running Ubuntu so we shan't help" thing... :) | 22:55 |
jbicha | aquarius_: which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 23:18 |
aquarius_ | 16.04 | 23:18 |
jbicha | I don't think you'll be criticized for using Ubuntu for asking about how to debug a shell extension you're writing | 23:19 |
jbicha | you might want to try your extension on newer versions of gnome-shell too, maybe in VirtualBox | 23:20 |
jbicha | Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 Beta includes the latest GNOME Beta | 23:21 |
aquarius_ | We shall see, perhaps :) This is where I say "where's the debug log", they say "it's in systemctl or ~/.cache/gdm/* or ~/.xsession-errors", I say "it isn't", and then... well, we shall see :) | 23:21 |
jbicha | but I've never written a shell extension so I can't help you much directly | 23:21 |
jbicha | well, Ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd and journalctl | 23:21 |
jbicha | why aren't you using gdm by the way? | 23:21 |
aquarius_ | I don't want to upgrade my OS -- I run the LTS version :) If the answer here is "the version of gnome and gnome shell in Ubuntu 16.04 is too old and didn't work right" then I'm fine with that | 23:22 |
aquarius_ | not using gdm because I installed the ubuntu gnome session, so I've got the same login screen that I always had, which I assume is lightdm | 23:22 |
jbicha | if you fresh installed Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS and did not install Unity or some other desktop, you're using gdm | 23:23 |
aquarius_ | Yeah, but I didn't. I have been running 16.04 since release, and I installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop | 23:23 |
jbicha | does your login screen look more like http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Ubuntu-16.04-Login-Screen.png | 23:24 |
aquarius_ | it does | 23:25 |
aquarius_ | except that I have the session-selector icon to the right of my name so I can choose between Gnome and Unity | 23:25 |
jbicha | so you started with Ubuntu (Unity) and then installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop on top of it | 23:26 |
aquarius_ | yup | 23:26 |
jbicha | it looks a little bit nicer if you just install Ubuntu GNOME directly | 23:26 |
jbicha | are you interested in switching to gdm? | 23:26 |
aquarius_ | Oh, certainly. But I don't wanna reinstall. I'm not sure I want to switch to Gnome shell as a desktop environment; the goal here was to try it out, see whether all my stuff works and whether it fits with my workflow. I'd _like_ to be using it, because it's getting more attention than unity 7, but I'm not switching to it full-time until I know it can do what I like. Hence writing a little extension or two to do things that I use a lot :) | 23:28 |
jbicha | the gdm login screen looks like the 4th screenshot on http://www.distroscreens.com/2016/04/ubuntu-gnome-1604-xenial-xerus.html | 23:28 |
jbicha | ok, from a terminal, run | 23:28 |
jbicha | sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 | 23:28 |
aquarius_ | hang on, do I _need_ to be running gdm? I mean, I can certainly set it as display manager if I need to, but it feels to me like I shouldn't have to? | 23:28 |
jbicha | and use your arrow keys and enter to select gdm or lightdm, whichever you prefer; then reboot | 23:29 |
jbicha | you don't have to run gdm, some things are a bit nicer | 23:29 |
jbicha | do you use nvidia proprietary drivers? | 23:29 |
aquarius_ | nope. Intel. | 23:29 |
jbicha | ok, no problem then | 23:30 |
jbicha | lightdm works too, it just isn't quite as integrated into GNOME | 23:30 |
jbicha | the lock screen, for instance, doesn't look as nice | 23:31 |
aquarius_ | yeah, that's what puzzled me; I mean, Shell tells me that there's an error in my extension, and I'm sure there is -- I've only implemented half of it! -- but I can't find out what that error _is_ :) | 23:31 |
jbicha | GNOME 3.24 (what you'd find in Ubuntu GNOME 17.04) uses a newer version of Mozilla's Javascript engine so the syntax is even a bit stricter there | 23:32 |
aquarius_ | If I need to change my display manager in order to find this out then, well, OK, but that leans me in the direction of "don't use this unless you're prepared to reinstall". Which I am fine with if that's the message. :-) | 23:32 |
jbicha | gdm is easy to switch to, but I don't think you'll need it | 23:33 |
aquarius_ | yeah, that's what I figured | 23:33 |
aquarius_ | asking on #gnome-shell, anyway :) | 23:38 |
jbicha | the GNOME channels are more active during the European day | 23:42 |
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