
Loganrbasak: is that a thing that's supported now?03:47
LoganI haven't been doing many merge proposals since UDD died03:47
Loganbecause I used to use bzr for everything03:47
Loganand debdiffs are harder03:48
Loganooh usd is damn cool05:33
Loganrbasak: kinda want to join the team :P05:34
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=== BH1SCW is now known as FJKong
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rbasakLogan: we're in soft ramp up mode at the moment. We need to make a storage efficiency improvement in Launchpad before we can make it general us.09:57
rbasakLogan: but feel free to use it and ask us to push any imports you need09:58
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rbasakLogan: it's still experimental though. We may tweak and invalidate all previous commit hashes. It's already happened a couple of times so far.09:58

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