floridagram1 | <whisperit2me> Thx for ur help. I was unable to make it work. I'll try it again another day. | 01:50 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/integrate-nextcloud-onlyoffice | 04:32 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> @AdamOutler - you use Samsung SmartThings correct? | 16:08 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Yes | 16:14 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Why? | 16:14 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> i found a nasty exploit in it that would allow me to... just kidding. I am thinking of getting one | 16:15 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> It's a good system. Works with Google home. | 16:16 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> You can assign rooms to groups of lights or items and say "turn on lights I need to take out the trash" or "turn off all the things" | 16:16 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> "turn on trash lights" is the one I use. I made a room called trash. | 16:17 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> It takes a bit to set up smart things. But once that's done, it's automatic. | 16:17 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> The (dumb) timer switch that I have controlling the lights in front of the house needs to be replaced - it is 15 years old so I figured I may as well replace it with something more modern | 16:18 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Yeah. Get a smartthings, and a zwave or zigbee switch. | 16:19 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> You can set an automation to automatically turn it off after it's been turned on. | 16:19 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Or you can make it respond to presence of your phone or a motion sensor. | 16:19 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> The smartthings app itself is a presence sensor for your hub. | 16:20 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Hey, you can also use it with a raspberry pi to create your own theme song when you get home! | 16:21 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> I saw what you did with your Pi | 16:22 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Or a tablet. | 16:22 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> There's an Android app that acts as an announcer. | 16:22 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> What is that Google IMS thing? | 16:30 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, I have a feeling that it will be what introduces RCS to Android | 16:38 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> https://usnews.today/2017/03/13/house-gop-members-launch-an-unprecedented-plan-to-replace-daylight-savings-time/ | 16:57 |
maxolasersquad | That's a gop bill I could stand by. | 17:07 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> did you read it? | 17:08 |
maxolasersquad | Im getting my oio changed. Ill read it whenI get back in the office. | 17:09 |
maxolasersquad | oil changed | 17:09 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> TrumpTime is expected to work like this – … Twice a year we will all need to move our clocks forward or backwards by 1 hour. These changes will take place in March and November of each even numbered calendar years. On odd calendar years, we would be expected to follow the same procedure except move our clocks by 60 minutes instead of an hour. It is really that simple. | 17:10 |
maxolasersquad | perfect. Should aleviate uuuall problems everywhere. | 17:11 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> @AdamOutler -http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/03/13/google-carrier-services-moves-play-store-absolutely-nothing-now/ | 17:26 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> @KMyers new article idea: After massive success with Seamless Updates, Google has rolled out a new project: Senseless Updates. These updates focus solely on ensuring the changelog rotation meets stringent criteria and may include actual code changes including changing the display font of the Android Version in the settings menu, to recompiling the kernel to change the date. | 19:16 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> Ok... that made my head sppin | 19:17 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Senseless Updates. | 19:18 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> :D | 19:18 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> all manner of senseless updates may be included in this. | 19:18 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> March Security Update is available. | 19:20 |
maxolasersquad | "Changes in this release: Added new entry in the changelog to document this release." | 19:29 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Exactly! | 19:33 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Changes in this release: Built up release hype | 19:34 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Changes in this release: Updated version information | 19:35 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Changes in this release: Added a service which returns null | 19:35 |
floridagram1 | <AdamOutler> Changes in this release: We now wish you a merry christmas at start of logcat just in case it is christmas when you view it. | 19:39 |
maxolasersquad | Changes in this release: Introduced a bug that causes the application to update with no new features or enhancements. | 20:14 |
sintre | that's a winner | 20:15 |
sintre | :) | 20:15 |
floridagram1 | <AbMind> Hacks | 20:16 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> Holy crap @AbMind | 20:17 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> He lives | 20:17 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> @KMyers found my issue with texting | 20:23 |
floridagram1 | <KMyers> What? | 20:36 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> I looked at Digit and all my text were going to that and now my phone | 20:37 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> *not | 20:39 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> https://support.t-mobile.com/thread/135962?start=0&tstart=0 | 22:23 |
floridagram1 | <ahoneybun> yepp | 22:23 |
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