murrdawg | I made a script: | 00:00 |
murrdawg | And on top of that, I have it starting with the startup applications | 00:00 |
apowl | So in my dumbness, I blew up /boot. Is there an easy way to recreate it? | 00:01 |
tomreyn | murrdawg: hmm yes i guess that's what i would have done, too. i'm afraid i can't help if that doesn't work. you'll need to map the scan codes on your own using xev or the like. | 00:02 |
murrdawg | The only way I can see that perhaps I messed up, is under the startup applications, I add the /etc/rc.local | 00:03 |
tomreyn | apowl: is your system still running or did you try to reboot after the fact? | 00:03 |
apowl | tomreyn: still running. | 00:03 |
tomreyn | apowl: was /boot a separate partition? if so, recreate it. see /etc/fstab for something which mouints to /boot if you dont know. | 00:04 |
apowl | tomreyn: yes, it's a separate partition -- /dev/sda1 | 00:05 |
murrdawg | tomreyn should I be making it an executable? or leave it as is? | 00:05 |
tomreyn | apowl: so this partition still exists? and the file system on it as well? | 00:06 |
apowl | Partition still exists, filesystem is blown up. | 00:06 |
apowl | From df -h: /dev/sda1 3.0Z 3.0Z 0 100% /boot | 00:06 |
apowl | Z :) | 00:06 |
tomreyn | apowl: which ubuntu release? | 00:06 |
apowl | 16.04 | 00:07 |
OerHeks | is /boot full? | 00:07 |
apowl | I corrupted the FS by `dd`-ing sda1 instead of sdb1 :( | 00:07 |
apowl | Partition is still there. | 00:07 |
OerHeks | ah oke | 00:07 |
apowl | Wondering if there's a way to recreate /boot | 00:07 |
tomreyn | so force unmount it, create a new ext4 file system on sda1 | 00:08 |
Bashing-om | apowl: sda1 was that the EFI partition ? | 00:09 |
tomreyn | then mount it at /boot, then reinstall the linux-* packages you currently have installed. | 00:09 |
apowl | Bashing-om: probably. To be honest I'm not sure how to check. | 00:10 |
apowl | tomreyn: reinstalling will add everything /boot needs? | 00:10 |
tomreyn | apowl: reinstall grub, too. i would hope that's all then | 00:11 |
tomreyn | oh also update-initramfs -k all | 00:11 |
tomreyn | although i guess this may happen automatically | 00:12 |
Dizzyywoo | Well guys I must say as being an unwanted client and for 4 months trying to figure why switching and resetting equipment never worked.. I think I understand. Mind you all I knew about was ports | 00:12 |
Dizzyywoo | Now seeing IPv6 addresses as people come in here.. | 00:13 |
radfactz | Dizzyywoo: cool | 00:13 |
k1l | Dizzyywoo: for issues with this irc network better ask in #freenode . this channel is for ubuntu support | 00:14 |
Dizzyywoo | So I've been server stacked from smart tv to direct tv and blinded to script schema WebKit 1.0 hamlet 1.1 with built proxies around the entire area. Link local IPv6 push/multicast with .vbs script stored in the cloud? | 00:16 |
Dizzyywoo | Binded* | 00:16 |
Dizzyywoo | Html* | 00:16 |
k1l | Dizzyywoo: do you have an ubuntu support issue? | 00:16 |
AndroUser | Hello | 00:21 |
AndroUser | Whats the difference between Linux and unix? | 00:22 |
bazhang | AndroUser, have you seen the wikipedia page for that? it's not topical here | 00:22 |
AndroUser | No | 00:23 |
bazhang | AndroUser, then go have a look | 00:23 |
AndroUser | What is topical here? | 00:23 |
murrdawg | How can I capture a button press to see what code it is bringing up? | 00:23 |
bazhang | ubuntu support only AndroUser | 00:23 |
k1l | AndroUser: technical support issues | 00:23 |
hggdh | AndroUser: ubuntu support | 00:23 |
AndroUser | Pntscan | 00:23 |
k1l | murrdawg: xev | 00:23 |
Bashing-om | murrdawg: ' xev ' will do that for you . | 00:23 |
murrdawg | Thanks! | 00:24 |
murrdawg | Interesting.... so it's not acknowledging the hardware buttons on the Thinkpad X41 display | 00:24 |
murrdawg | So does this mean I have to install some kind of driver? | 00:27 |
k1l | murrdawg: i suggest to take a look into the "thinkwiki" for the x41 | 00:28 |
murrdawg | k1l I have been, and not seeing much to help me in my predicament | 00:28 |
hggdh | \ | 00:28 |
AssociateX | Forgive my dumb question, I have not been on IRC in a long time. How do I get to the mint linux channel? Thank you | 00:32 |
k1l | murrdawg: this? | 00:32 |
k1l | !mint | AssociateX | 00:32 |
ubottu | AssociateX: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 00:32 |
AssociateX | thank you. | 00:32 |
k1l | AssociateX: they use another irc network. | 00:33 |
murrdawg | k1l yes, which is where I got this: | 00:33 |
murrdawg | This is the scancode for the toolbox: 0x68 | 00:33 |
guest-H8WvaA | | 00:34 |
murrdawg | and it should correspond to pause | 00:34 |
murrdawg | but when I hit the button, it doesn't do anything | 00:34 |
OerHeks | guest-H8WvaA, don't spam here, thanks | 00:34 |
guest-H8WvaA | didnot no what it was | 00:35 |
OerHeks | yes you do | 00:35 |
AssociateX | @k1l | 00:35 |
AssociateX | thank you | 00:35 |
guest-H8WvaA | jackedu | 00:38 |
murrdawg | k1l anything further? | 00:43 |
murrdawg | definitely confirmed even with bindkeys that the buttons aren't recognized | 00:46 |
cactusfrog | does anyone know how to compile a c++ program on Ubuntu? I am having trouble using the package isostream | 00:47 |
cactusfrog | Here is my problem. I get the error "end1 is not a member of std" when trying to write a simple hello world program | 00:49 |
cactusfrog | figured it out. Apparently 1's and l's look a lot a like | 00:53 |
cactusfrog | quit | 00:53 |
cactusfrog | \quit | 00:53 |
cactusfrog | :quit | 00:53 |
apowl | Does it matter what filesystem I make boot? What's the deafult, ext4? | 00:55 |
nomic | yep | 00:55 |
poofromspace | Any humans online? | 01:00 |
OerHeks | maybe | 01:01 |
Mathisen | poofromspace, yes | 01:01 |
poofromspace | Can anybody install Deepin environment and tell me how it is on Ubuntu? | 01:02 |
bazhang | !find deepin | 01:02 |
ubottu | File deepin found in moka-icon-theme, ubuntu-kylin-software-center, ubuntukylin-theme, unity-greeter-badges | 01:02 |
bazhang | did you mean kylin? | 01:02 |
bazhang | poofromspace, what is the deepin DE | 01:03 |
poofromspace | I meant the Deepin Desktop Environment. | 01:03 |
poofromspace | I want someone to install it and see how it looks | 01:03 |
bazhang | poofromspace, yes, what is that | 01:03 |
poofromspace | Or any bugs. Because it's probably the most beautiful desktop environment on Linux, better than Pantheon. | 01:04 |
OerHeks | There is no official deepin support in repository for Ubuntu 16.04 | 01:04 |
bazhang | poofromspace, install from where | 01:04 |
k1l | poofromspace: there is a ppa for 16.04 | 01:04 |
poofromspace | | 01:05 |
poofromspace | Yeah. | 01:05 |
bazhang | poofromspace, there's a PPA, its not supported here | 01:05 |
OerHeks | poofromspace, why dont you do it yourself? | 01:05 |
poofromspace | I don't have a computer rn | 01:06 |
Mathisen | hahaha.... | 01:06 |
bazhang | poofromspace, then look on the internet for screenshots | 01:06 |
poofromspace | I didn't. I couldn't find anything besides the information on how to install it | 01:06 |
poofromspace | I did* | 01:06 |
k1l | poofromspace: look on the deepin website. they have screenshots | 01:07 |
bazhang | poofromspace, did you understand about 'not supported here' | 01:07 |
econdudeawesome | Hi all. Having a really weird issue with MOCP (Music On Commandline Player). I start it, but it crashes immediately. I'm still pretty newb to ncurses and all, wondering how I can go about digging into the issue? When I run the debug command it just hangs | 01:07 |
econdudeawesome | (Full disclosure: Running debian, but I trust the Ubuntu folks WAY more to have run into something like this, and IIRC it hit me on Ubuntu 12.04 too) | 01:07 |
bazhang | #debian econdudeawesome | 01:08 |
econdudeawesome | Thanks for the pointer bazhang | 01:08 |
econdudeawesome | As I said, I trust Ubuntu folks WAY more to have run into something like this, and IIRC it hit me on Ubuntu 12.04 too. | 01:08 |
bazhang | econdudeawesome, please keep debian issues to the proper channel | 01:08 |
econdudeawesome | Thanks for the pointer bazhang | 01:09 |
bazhang | econdudeawesome, and stop asking here please | 01:09 |
poofromspace | Bazhang not supported here what? | 01:10 |
econdudeawesome | Alright, anyone besides Bazhang have any ideas? | 01:10 |
bazhang | poofromspace, deepin | 01:10 |
bazhang | econdudeawesome, on your debian system ? | 01:11 |
OerHeks | deepin - too many bug warnings in chinese, i dont read chinese | 01:12 |
poofromspace | Oh. | 01:13 |
poofromspace | How about KDE? | 01:13 |
bazhang | poofromspace, what about it | 01:13 |
poofromspace | I mean as a desktop environment how is it? | 01:14 |
poofromspace | Buggy? | 01:14 |
OerHeks | try it yourself. buy a computer | 01:14 |
k1l | poofromspace: where is the sense in asking if you dont have a computer at all? | 01:14 |
bazhang | poofromspace, it's super; did you have an actual installed ubuntu system support issue | 01:14 |
poofromspace | Dude I've been Ubuntu for like 4 years now. I know very well about all this. | 01:15 |
OerHeks | poo-troll .. /ignore | 01:15 |
bazhang | poofromspace, you can readily find screenshots at | 01:15 |
econdudeawesome | I hear you OerHeks | 01:15 |
poofromspace | The thing is I've had a lot of problems with Unity. | 01:15 |
poofromspace | So I want to migrate to a different DE. | 01:15 |
bazhang | install gnome-shell the poofromspace | 01:15 |
poofromspace | I tried Gnome.. Didn't liked it much. | 01:16 |
k1l | poofromspace: we cant tell you what desktop is best for you. so you need to test some desktops and find the best match yourself | 01:16 |
bazhang | poofromspace, only YOU can know what it's like for you | 01:16 |
=== guest-H8WvaA is now known as atowndown | ||
poofromspace | I just want a DE which looks really gorgeous as in the UI doesn't eats up a lot of ram | 01:16 |
bazhang | poofromspace, so really, polling here will not be what you want | 01:16 |
bazhang | poofromspace, check, look at screenshots for lxde xfce and so on | 01:17 |
poofromspace | How about recommendations? | 01:17 |
poofromspace | I did. | 01:17 |
poofromspace | I've seen all of them. I just want a personal opinion | 01:17 |
bazhang | poofromspace, not from this channel, no | 01:17 |
bazhang | poofromspace, this is ubuntu support, not a polling station for 'best DE' | 01:18 |
k1l | poofromspace: #ubuntu-offtopic is a more suiteable channel to talk to people about their favorite desktop in use | 01:18 |
poofromspace | What was it's name again? Ubuntu off? | 01:19 |
k1l | !ot | poofromspace | 01:20 |
ubottu | poofromspace: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:20 |
jjgalvez6500 | does anyone know what the issue is with nvidia drivers snaps and libGL, I am getting the failed to load swrast error | 01:20 |
poofromspace | Okay thanks. | 01:20 |
jjgalvez6500 | and more imortantly how can I fix it | 01:20 |
OerHeks | jjgalvez6500, nvidia drivers snaps ?? | 01:21 |
OerHeks | never noticed nvidia driver as snap | 01:21 |
jjgalvez6500 | nvidia drivers and snaps, specifically I am having issues with the qownnotes snap | 01:21 |
jjgalvez6500 | not nvidia snaps, but nvidia drivers and snaps | 01:22 |
robbieusa | hello how do i remove old kernels using terminal? | 01:23 |
bazhang | jjgalvez6500, #snappy tried there yet | 01:23 |
robbieusa | hey bazhang | 01:23 |
bazhang | robbieusa, list them then apt remove them | 01:24 |
jjgalvez6500 | bazhang: not yet I'll ask their | 01:24 |
robbieusa | how? | 01:24 |
bazhang | robbieusa, best to leave and extra one | 01:24 |
bazhang | an | 01:24 |
bazhang | robbieusa, why the command line | 01:25 |
OerHeks | robbieusa, sudo apt autoremove # this will delete all except current and previous kernel | 01:25 |
robbieusa | doesnt work oerheks | 01:25 |
OerHeks | robbieusa, oh? what error do you get? use for the output | 01:26 |
robbieusa | cant | 01:26 |
robbieusa | when i recieve an update can update says lack of disk space (error) | 01:26 |
robbieusa | cant* | 01:26 |
OerHeks | so you did not try my command? | 01:27 |
robbieusa | yes last time i was here | 01:27 |
bazhang | robbieusa, did you enter the command correctly | 01:27 |
robbieusa | then i recieved an update with error again | 01:27 |
=== guest-H8WvaA is now known as atl | ||
robbieusa | i have 14.04lts | 01:28 |
OerHeks | oh, mayb apt-get, >> sudo apt-get autoremove | 01:28 |
robbieusa | k | 01:28 |
bazhang | robbieusa, sounds like you did not enter the command correctly | 01:28 |
OerHeks | apt-get changed in between | 01:29 |
robbieusa | it removed nothing | 01:29 |
OerHeks | no space on the drive .. maybe it is closed dirty, now mounted read-only ? | 01:30 |
OerHeks | try 'touch test' # and see if you get a write error | 01:31 |
robbieusa | idk | 01:32 |
robbieusa | im trying to do i think | 01:32 |
OerHeks | if you perform the touch test action, we can determin what is really happening. | 01:34 |
sh0t | does anyone use stream2chromecast? | 01:35 |
sh0t | it does not work for me, i know it's not ubuntu-related...but it'slinux related | 01:35 |
sh0t | :) | 01:35 |
bazhang | sh0t, chromecast, the google hardware thing? | 01:36 |
sh0t | yeah that thing there | 01:36 |
sh0t | haha | 01:36 |
sh0t | trying to stream to my tv but it does not work from my compter but from my android phone yes | 01:37 |
robbieusa | im doing its updating right now in terminal | 01:37 |
bazhang | sh0t, the instructions are online for that, all over the place | 01:37 |
econdudeawesome | Howdy all, it's me again, the erstwhile debian'r. Despite @bazhang's protests to the contrary, the mocp issue could affect both ubuntu and debian distributions. So, for the chat logs, the workaround is to move the ~/moc folder to something like ~/, then rerun mocp. It worked for me, may for you. Good luck. | 01:37 |
crimzicz | hello everyone :) | 01:52 |
=== jake| is now known as Conley | ||
jjgalvez6500 | does anyone know how to fix the vidia GL issue with snaps? | 01:54 |
crimzicz | ? | 01:54 |
k1l | jjgalvez6500: maybe the guys in #snappy know better | 01:54 |
jjgalvez6500 | k1l: tried their, no replies | 01:55 |
crimzicz | sorry just started Ubuntu yesterday :( | 01:56 |
crimzicz | i would help if i knew my stuff :( | 01:56 |
bazhang | crimzicz, have you read and gotten the ubuntu manual and pdf | 01:56 |
crimzicz | no | 01:56 |
bazhang | crimzicz, what about the ubuntu wiki and ubuntu help links | 01:57 |
crimzicz | no... | 01:57 |
crimzicz | -_- | 01:57 |
bazhang | !manual | crimzicz | 01:57 |
ubottu | crimzicz: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 01:57 |
crimzicz | thanks :) | 01:57 |
bazhang | !rute | crimzicz and this too | 01:57 |
ubottu | crimzicz and this too: documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 01:57 |
bazhang | crimzicz, have a read of those, that will help a lot | 01:57 |
crimzicz | thank you :) | 01:57 |
bazhang | crimzicz, there are also ubuntuforums and | 01:58 |
crimzicz | im familiar with Linux just not Ubuntu all that much | 01:59 |
crimzicz | used Linux Mint in the past | 01:59 |
crimzicz | i use Ubuntu 16.10 though... only has Ubuntu 16.04 :( | 02:00 |
bazhang | crimzicz, the same applies | 02:01 |
crimzicz | ok | 02:01 |
crimzicz | thanks bazhang :) | 02:01 |
vsk | Haaii | 02:15 |
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant | ||
geoff_ | Is there a guide for optimizing my ubuntu setup for games? My frame rates are not as good as my hardware would suggest I should be able to reach. | 02:25 |
iandouglas | hey all, I have a .desktop application that runs a bash script, but I can't seem to keep things running in the background despite the usual & or disown commands. (the bash script is a little menu that asks the user what they want to do, which launches a code editor, a browser, etc but when the .desktop app ends, it kills the editor/browser) | 02:29 |
iandouglas | I've tried `nohup google-chrome foo.html &` I've tried `google-chrome foo.html& ; disown` I've tried `google-chrome foo.html & ; disown -h %1` ... nothing helps, as soon as the launcher app closes in its terminal window, it kills off the browser etc | 02:33 |
dnock | hi all | 02:41 |
dnock | may i ask you somethings how to install msfconsole on backbox | 02:42 |
Ben64 | backbox isn't supported here, their channel is #backbox on | 02:42 |
dnock | thank you ben64 | 02:43 |
dckx | hi guys, this might not be the right place, but here I go. Does anyone have configured dropbox to use the actual same dropbox folder from Windows and ubuntu? Not only that, but also having that dropbox folder only sync selectively (as opposed to the entire dropbox folder as it is on the cloud)? | 02:43 |
dckx | online informaion seems outdated and doesn't address the selective sync issue... especially for the first synchronization | 02:43 |
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne | ||
iandouglas_ | dckx like in a dual-boot system where you're accessing the same folder on disk (assuming vfat mounted on linux, not ext4 mounted on windows?) | 02:45 |
dckx | iandouglas_: exactly | 02:45 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, I've tried it in the past, but the files I was writing weren't syncing well, I ended up with lots of "conflicted copy" copies of my files, depends what you're syncing and how often, etc. | 02:46 |
iandouglas_ | not sure if it was a problem with dropbox or that what I was writing was changing faster than dropbox could upload | 02:46 |
dckx | iandouglas_: that's too bad. If one only installs dropbox on windows, for instance, and then creates/updates file while on ubuntu, the files would of course upload just fine when one booted back into Windows, right? | 02:48 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, yes. I did have dropbox running on Nautilus just fine, but trying to sync high-frequency written files was problematic for me, but it's certainly possible | 02:50 |
dar123 | can i create dir1/dir3/dir3/dir4 with just one command | 02:50 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, are you asking because it's something you want to try, or because you're trying it now and something's not working? | 02:50 |
iandouglas_ | dar123, mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3/etc | 02:51 |
dar123 | great, thanks :) | 02:51 |
iandouglas_ | anyone here familiar with creating .desktop files to add apps to the launcher? i'm having a problem doing so with a bash script to run other programs in the background | 02:52 |
dckx | iandouglas_: because it is something I want to try. In any case now that I think about it, it seems there is no real reason for me to have dropox on ubuntu, as long as the files I add or modify inside the dropbox folder while being in ubuntu, are updated correctly when I boot back into windows. | 02:54 |
kiarday | is there someone that could assist me with getting my bluetooth adapter work? total noob to linux | 02:55 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, true, but it'd still be convenient to have ubuntu upload them too | 02:55 |
kiarday | well almost total noob anyways | 02:55 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, what kind of bluetooth adapter is it | 02:55 |
kiarday | how can i find that out iandouglas | 02:56 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, try one of these: lspci | grep -i blue or lsusb | grep -i blue | 02:56 |
iandouglas_ | you'll probably see something like Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0cf3:3004 Atheros Communications, Inc. AR3012 Bluetooth 4.0 | 02:57 |
Delta706 | Can anyone recommend a package which has neural net software? | 02:57 |
dckx | iandouglas_: yes, that's true. I guess I will try and see what happens... My original fear was that since when I am syncing selectively on this laptop, when I installed dropbox in ubuntu and selected the existing dropbox folder from windows, it would for some reason delete all the files, and then re-download them before I could tell ubuntu's dropbox to only sync the selected folders which window's dropbox has already downloaded... that | 02:59 |
dckx | seems completely non-sensical now. Thanks for your help | 02:59 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, happy to help, good luck | 02:59 |
dckx | ty | 02:59 |
kiarday | iandouglas jadra@Jadra ~ $ lsmod |grep blue bluetooth 479232 8 bnep,rfcomm | 03:00 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, that doesn't tell us what your bluetooth adapter is, use the lspci or lsusb commands to get the actual make/model, like an Intel, Broadcom, Atheros, etc | 03:01 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, that just shows us that your system is trying to load a bluetooth module (driver) | 03:02 |
kiarday | when i do the lspci it just acts as if i hit enter it doesn't do anything | 03:02 |
iandouglas_ | weird, can you do "sudo lspci" ? | 03:02 |
iandouglas_ | it should give you a bunch of output of everything in your system | 03:03 |
iandouglas_ | oh, if you're using grep and see no output, then nothing directly identifies as bluetooth hardware | 03:03 |
iandouglas_ | try it without the grep, and just do "lspci" or "lsusb" and see if anything there looks like it mentions bluetooth | 03:03 |
iandouglas_ | are you sure your system even has bluetooth? | 03:04 |
kiarday | if i do it without grep nothing says bluetooth at all | 03:04 |
kiarday | yes I am sure there is bluetooth on the system | 03:04 |
kiarday | i have a light and and a switch to turn it on and off but it doesn't do anything | 03:04 |
iandouglas_ | okay, try "lsusb -v | grep -i bluetooth" | 03:05 |
kiarday | acer travelmate5730 | 03:05 |
kiarday | couldn't open device some information will be missing | 03:05 |
iandouglas_ | says your laptop's model might not be tested yet for bluetooth compatibility | 03:06 |
iandouglas_ | you could do "dmesg | less" and in the output type "/bluetooth" and see if it shows any errors, etc | 03:06 |
iandouglas_ | anyone here familiar with creating .desktop files to add apps to the launcher? i'm having a problem doing so with a bash script to run other programs in the background. | 03:07 |
dckx | iandouglas_: I installed dropbox but when I try to change the dropbox folder's location I cannot select the partition where it is installed. | 03:08 |
kiarday | so does that mean it will be pretty difficult to get working ? | 03:08 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, do you have your shared partition mounted somewhere? you could try exiting dropbox on linux and manually changing the path in the config? | 03:09 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, depends on the actual hardware | 03:09 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, what I'm seeing online is that it's a broadcom device, not hard, but broadcom doesn't open-source their drivers | 03:10 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, there will be lots of guides out there for getting the broadcom firmware loaded onto your system and loaded at boot-time though | 03:10 |
iandouglas_ | I've had several systems with broadcom wireless and bluetooth, it's not too hard to do | 03:10 |
iandouglas_ | even for a sorta-noob :) | 03:11 |
kiarday | ok so where do i start ? lol | 03:11 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, the only danger with mod'ing your config is making sure the partition is mounted before dropbox starts... | 03:11 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, I'd start with google ;) | 03:11 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, let me see if I can pinpoint the model of broadcom | 03:12 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, actually you can do that for me with "lspci | grep -i broadcom" or "lsusb | grep -i broadcom" | 03:12 |
iandouglas_ | my systems have broadcom bluetooth listed under lsusb | 03:12 |
kiarday | lsusb doesn't return anything with broadcom listed | 03:14 |
iandouglas_ | what about lspci | 03:15 |
kiarday | nope just doublechecked | 03:15 |
iandouglas_ | your laptop's an older model, like 2010 era, so this should be well solved | 03:15 |
iandouglas_ | hmm, are you sure it's on right now? I wonder if it hides the hardware from the listing if you turn it on/off | 03:15 |
iandouglas_ | one thing to try: run dmesg, hit your switch to turn it on or off, then run dmesg again and look at the last several lines to see if it says anything | 03:16 |
iandouglas_ | also try the lsusb/lspci commands but grep for "bcm" | 03:16 |
iandouglas_ | check lsmod for "bcm" as well | 03:16 |
kiarday | Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized [ 664.625124] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized [ 664.625127] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized [ 664.625134] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized [ 723.501744] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized [ 723.501753] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized [ 723.501759] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11 [ 1099.247584] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3 | 03:17 |
iandouglas_ | okay, looks like it's on now | 03:17 |
iandouglas_ | try lsusb/lspci again | 03:18 |
kiarday | Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 10) | 03:19 |
iandouglas_ | well, that's your ethernet port | 03:19 |
iandouglas_ | nothing for bluetooth huh? | 03:19 |
kiarday | nope | 03:19 |
iandouglas_ | lspci -vv | grep -i bluetooth or lsusb -vv | grep -i bluetooth | 03:21 |
kiarday | nada | 03:22 |
iandouglas_ | k, run "dmesg| less" again, search for bluetooth again with /bluetooth and maybe paste 10-20 lines before/after ... use and give the URL here | 03:23 |
dckx | iandouglas_: the partition seems to be mounted. It shows on the launcher, and when I right click on it it says "unmount"... does that mean it is mounted? | 03:23 |
iandouglas_ | dckx, sounds like it | 03:25 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday, while you're pasting stuff there, paste the output of 'lspci' and 'lsusb' without any -v verbose settings | 03:25 |
iandouglas_ | anyone here familiar with creating .desktop files to add apps to the launcher? i'm having a problem doing so with a bash script to run other programs in the background. | 03:26 |
kiarday | i guess i can't figure out what you me to run with that last dmesg command | 03:29 |
iandouglas_ | kiarday and you're sure you have bluetooth? a hardware profile I saw online at doesn't list any bluetooth hardware | 03:30 |
iandouglas_ | ah, looks like your bluetooth is an intel 5100 | 03:31 |
kiarday | im not 100 percent positive, but if it doesn't have it, what would the switch be there for ? and the light ? | 03:31 |
iandouglas_ | oops, I misspoke about the intel 5100 | 03:32 |
kiarday | how about the biometric scanner ? anyway to make that work ? | 03:32 |
iandouglas_ | switch could be for wifi | 03:32 |
kiarday | no i have a seperate switch for wifi and bluetooth | 03:32 |
iandouglas_ | a separate switch for each? | 03:33 |
kiarday | yes | 03:33 |
kiarday | this is a pretty feature rich laptop so id be highly surprised if it didn't have bluetooth all evidence says otherwise | 03:34 |
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iandouglas_ | sorry, house slood, gotta go, be back later | 03:43 |
LinuxAdventure | hi guys, has anybody here heard of or used Linux Lite? How is it as compared to Ubuntu/Xubuntu? | 03:48 |
mekhami | i just created an ubuntu digital ocean droplet, i added my ssh pub key, tried to connect and it sas permission denied (publickey). how is this possible? | 03:50 |
mekhami | i just created a new key and everything | 03:50 |
countingdaisies | Does anyone know what are some of the differences installing Ubuntu 16.04 to an msata ssd (which I think would show up as /dev/sda2 ?) - as opposed to a regular install where only one regular sata drive exists? | 03:52 |
countingdaisies | What has to happen to install ubuntu to an msata ssd drive? | 03:52 |
countingdaisies | Or is it possible / easy to assign hardware the path (eg: /dev/sda or /dev/sdb ) ? | 03:59 |
=== lu is now known as Guest59049 | ||
OerHeks | countingdaisies, when i read msata, i think of Intel Smart Responce techonoly, disable this, and it should be eassy | 04:03 |
OerHeks | | 04:04 |
Sabel | Reading package lists... Done | 04:16 |
Sabel | Building dependency tree | 04:16 |
Sabel | Reading state information... Done | 04:16 |
Sabel | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have | 04:16 |
Sabel | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable | 04:16 |
Sabel | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created | 04:16 |
Sabel | or been moved out of Incoming. | 04:16 |
Sabel | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | 04:16 |
Sabel | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:16 |
Sabel | runescape-launcher : Depends: libglew1.10 (>= 1.10.0-3) but it is not installable | 04:16 |
Sabel | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 04:16 |
Sabel | Hi guys i'm having trouble installing a package this is the error i get, | 04:16 |
OerHeks | Sabel, don't paste like that, use a pastebin | 04:17 |
Sabel | i actually tried...sorry the link is the pastebin bit i guess it got messed up. | 04:17 |
OerHeks | did you update/upgrade before installing? | 04:17 |
Sabel | i did. | 04:18 |
OerHeks | maybe the force option is your fix, try with apt-get install -f | 04:19 |
OerHeks | you are on trusty? | 04:19 |
Sabel | no such luck | 04:20 |
Sabel | not sure i know what trusty is, do i need to add that as a reposity? | 04:20 |
Sabel | i'm pretty new to linux. | 04:20 |
Sabel | repository* | 04:20 |
OerHeks | no, it is just a list with the package in our repos. | 04:21 |
Sabel | oh. | 04:21 |
OerHeks | what guide did you follow? i know this ppa has an up2date runescape client | 04:22 |
OerHeks | * from git | 04:22 |
Sabel | honestly just followed the runescape sites instructions. | 04:22 |
OerHeks | I don't know the state of their client, long time i played rs | 04:24 |
Sabel | i'm just unsure of how to install the specific bit it says cant be installed "Depends: libglew1.10 (>= 1.10.0-3) but it is not installable " or is it not that simple? | 04:27 |
OerHeks | normally that would be fixed with install -f | 04:27 |
OerHeks | i guess you should talk to the person who wrote their install script :-( | 04:28 |
Sabel | blah it's written directly from them >.< | 04:28 |
Sabel | thank you for your help anyway :) | 04:29 |
kostkon | !find libglew1.10 | 04:30 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others)§ion=all | 04:30 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: thx. nice article. Is there a convenient way to find out if this laptop has that 'Intel Smart Responce' or not? | 04:34 |
OerHeks | countingdaisies, you should check the bios, i don't know a comandline or tool to check that | 04:34 |
countingdaisies | right on | 04:35 |
OerHeks | with native msata/nvme i think it has | 04:35 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: The guy in that article (towards the bottom) said that with msata I only get 3 gbps (eben thought sata III is 6 but because of the msata interface is only half that). Does that sound right? | 04:36 |
OerHeks | sataII max is 6 Gb/s, msata uses 2 pcie lanes ( 2x3 Gb/s) , m2 uses 4, and these are raw numbers | 04:40 |
OerHeks | so technically they are equal, i guess | 04:41 |
iandouglas_ | anyone here familiar with creating .desktop files to add apps to the launcher? i'm having a problem doing so with a bash script to run other programs in the background. | 04:56 |
pluta | what is the command to skip to the latest place when typing bash i know crtl + a is first place | 04:57 |
iandouglas_ | ctrl-e | 04:58 |
pluta | ah thx | 04:58 |
iandouglas_ | np | 04:58 |
ishaved4this | hey guys, I'm pretty new to running my own home server and I was wondering if anyone could help me out in terms of getting transmission-daemons permissions right so i can allow it to download into a mounted ext4 hdd | 05:40 |
cfhowlett | might want to ask #ubuntu-server channel, ishaved4this | 05:40 |
ishaved4this | thanks man! | 05:44 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 05:44 |
countingdaisies | OerHeks: thx | 05:45 |
ishaved4this | doesn't seem like anyones awake over there sadly | 05:45 |
pluta | when running sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common I am getting a update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults. This is on the latest version of ubuntu. I am trying to get x11 to start from non-consoles and change it to everyone for a systemd start for Kodi | 05:59 |
pluta | do I need to install xserver-xorg-legacy? | 05:59 |
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markmt | Hi, anyone know about creating a PAN connection w/ bluetooth? | 06:06 |
markmt | in 16.04? I see explanations using pand, which appears to have disappeared | 06:06 |
lotuspsychje | pluta: wich ubuntu version is that? | 06:08 |
pluta | 16.10 | 06:08 |
lotuspsychje | pluta: thats systemd right | 06:09 |
pluta | yes | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | pluta: trying something with the old init system? | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | morning EriC^^ | 06:10 |
EriC^^ | morning lotuspsychje | 06:10 |
pluta | Nope, used a recommended systemd script from xmbc for starting kodi and it won’t launch just crashes | 06:10 |
pluta | tried adding exception to start for anyone with root, but cant figure it out | 06:10 |
lotuspsychje | pluta: weird, im not too hot about script myself, perhaps someone else might help | 06:11 |
lotuspsychje | pluta: re-ask in here once in a while with all details: 16.10, steps taken etc | 06:11 |
pluta | yes thx | 06:11 |
=== alvaro is now known as malahierba | ||
Everybodydothefl | Hey I have more of a general linux question, & this seems to be one of the more active Linux IRC rooms that I'm aware of. So I just installed Linux Mint PPC 11 on this Apple Powerbook G4. Everything is working fine except for sound. So in my search for answers, I came across the following: "Basically they say to remove /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf and it should work after a reboot. Also, remove "snd-powermac" from /e | 06:51 |
cfhowlett | Everybodydothefl, this is ubuntu support only. | 06:53 |
cfhowlett | !mint | 06:53 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 06:53 |
OerHeks | mint has its own iddues indeed | 06:53 |
Everybodydothefl | So what I need help with for example, is how exactly do I go about removing /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf? Is there a way to get the needed root admin rights to do it through the GUI file system, or do I need to do it in terminal & if so, what are the commands I would type | 06:53 |
cfhowlett | ... iddues ... hmmmm? | 06:53 |
Everybodydothefl | *Facepalms* | 06:53 |
tatertots | Everybodydothefl: linuxmint has their own irc chat channel on spotchat network | 06:54 |
Everybodydothefl | Again, I am aware of that, but as I already said, This is an active IRC chat, while that one is not, & again, as I said, since this is more of a general linux matter I am asking for assistance on, I figured that I could get some help on it | 06:54 |
cfhowlett | Everybodydothefl, and yet, this channel still only supports ubuntu. if you need more support than your OS offers, perhaps you should reconsider your OS choice?? | 06:55 |
tatertots | Everybodydothefl: go there now for've been told you and your problem aren't wanted here....i hope it kicks in and you understand that at this time | 06:55 |
Everybodydothefl | Ok ao let me see if I am understanding this correctly. So your answer is, even though this is a general linux question that applies equally as much to Ubuntu as it does Mint, instead of actually being helpful, you would rather be elitist cunts whom refuse to give the time of day unless it's about Ubuntu specifically? Right. Way to represent the linux community fellas | 06:58 |
cfhowlett | your attitude and your profanity have no place here. leave please | 06:59 |
Everybodydothefl | cfhowlett Your objection to my use of profanity is understandable, however your criticism of my attitude is not. I came here requestiong assistance & the response I got from you lot, including you personally was essentially "If it's not Ubuntu specifically GTFO" | 07:00 |
cfhowlett | asked and answered. we're done here. | 07:00 |
Everybodydothefl | So tell me how you can stand in criticism of my attitude when I was first greeted with rudeness? | 07:01 |
cfhowlett | you were greeted with facts. | 07:01 |
Everybodydothefl | It is a general Linux question. Are you telling me that those are not welcome here? | 07:01 |
cfhowlett | !topic | Everybodydothefl | 07:01 |
ubottu | Everybodydothefl: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 07:01 |
Everybodydothefl | Isn't the purpose of this chat to act as a help community for Linux users? | 07:02 |
vamiry | ##linux has many users. And hopefuly more welcoming. | 07:04 |
Everybodydothefl | In fact, let me position the question another way. Did it ever once dawn on you that if you & the 1 or 2 others that responded, that maybe had I not been treated rudely from the outset, maybe my response wouldn't have been rude as well? | 07:04 |
userro | use rm /path/to/file | 07:05 |
alkisg | Everybodydothefl: there are cases where something works fine in ubuntu and it doesn't work in mint because mint does something wrong. To an ubuntu user or developer, pinpointing a mint bug is completely wasted time. And since we can't know beforehand if it's a mint problem or not, we just don't support mint (or any other unofficial derivative) at all | 07:06 |
alkisg | Users at #linux might care about many distros; ask there | 07:06 |
Everybodydothefl | @alkisg I can understand that & respect that. I have heard what you said, now please afford me the same courtesy. I have tried the linux mint room & it's nothing but lurkers whom never talk at all. Secondly, the question I had was more of a general universal question which would apply the same to most distros, specifically how to go about removing blacklisted items from the file system | 07:08 |
alkisg | Everybodydothefl: then you can install an ubuntu VM, and come with your question, and test our answers on that VM. Then, with that gained knowledge, you can see if it works the same way in mint or not, and we won't care about that second part. | 07:09 |
Everybodydothefl | @alkisg, so just to clarify, am I to presume that the procedure for say... to remove /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf, are you inferring that the process for doing this would be different in Mint than it is in Ubuntu? | 07:10 |
alkisg | For example, mint writes whatever it wants in /etc without respect for debian policy, so yes, there are many cases where things don't work as expectd there | 07:11 |
Everybodydothefl | @alkisg Ok, that makes sense. So with that information, I'll look in other rooms. Thanks for having the decency to clarify that for me. @cfhowlett & @tatertots, you could learn a thing or 2 from this guy. | 07:13 |
alkisg | Everybodydothefl: explaining that to each mint user does take time that we don't want to invest. I just happened to have time now to make an exception for you. | 07:13 |
Everybodydothefl | He said essentially the same thing, but actually had the common decency to be respectful & clear about it instead of obtuse elitist jerks like the 2 of you | 07:13 |
alkisg | To be honest, I didn't see any swearing from these guys, but I saw from you | 07:14 |
alkisg | It didn't feel good to come here to help people and see all that. | 07:14 |
alkisg | Anyway, from now on it's offtopic, let's pause now. | 07:14 |
Everybodydothefl | @alkisg Understandable, & hey I work in tech support, so I get it. Maybe a copy / pasta script that's a bit clearer might help for those times. My perspective is I was thinking it would be more of a "How do you update the system? Sudo apt-get update" type of universal thing that is the same for all Debian & Ubuntu forks | 07:16 |
Everybodydothefl | That's why when I was met with such abrupt seeming obtuseness, I was put off, because I thought it would be more of a universal thing. Anyway thanks for the clarity | 07:16 |
alkisg | For example, apt-get update doesn't work properly in mint :) | 07:17 |
Everybodydothefl | aint that the truth XD | 07:17 |
alkisg | We can't have !info functions for every bit that is broken in every derivative distro | 07:17 |
alkisg | We're offtopic now, let's stop | 07:17 |
Everybodydothefl | Honestly I tried getting Ubuntu MATE PPC & Lubuntu to install on this old heap but mint PPC & Gentoo are the only ones that would work & Gentoo is too much of a pain in the neck to be worth it on an old powerbook | 07:18 |
Everybodydothefl | ok deuces | 07:18 |
alkisg | You can come here or in #ubuntu-mate for mate issues | 07:18 |
Everybodydothefl | Ok hang on, I did come in here 2 days ago for the MATE issue & was also shooed off | 07:19 |
Everybodydothefl | So my questions then were valid regarding MATE? | 07:19 |
alkisg | Sure, ubuntu-mate is an official flavor | 07:19 |
Everybodydothefl | Because I would MUCH rather run that | 07:19 |
alkisg | Do so then :) | 07:19 |
alkisg | I am | 07:19 |
Everybodydothefl | Ugh, that makes me rather frustrated then because when I was actually trying to install MATE, I was told that this wasn't the place for those questions. It would have saved me hours of headache if I could have actually gotten help back then | 07:21 |
Everybodydothefl | Well the issue I was running into was when I would try to install MATE from a USB, once I got past Yaboot & it would start to load the USB live image, the display on this poiwerbook would just cut off | 07:21 |
alkisg | I don't know about macs/powerbooks etc, you'll have to wait for someone else | 07:22 |
Everybodydothefl | ok | 07:22 |
Everybodydothefl | yeah because if I can get mate PPC to run on this heap, that would be fantastic | 07:22 |
akik | Everybodydothefl: you referenced linux mint and elitist cunts which never goes well | 07:22 |
Everybodydothefl | Or at least Lubuntu PPC | 07:22 |
Everybodydothefl | XD I know, Mint is kind of the red headed step child | 07:23 |
Everybodydothefl | & as for those 2 that I called as such, whether the language was called for or not, that is how they came across. It may not have been intentional, but that is how it came off. | 07:24 |
anddam | hello | 07:25 |
cfhowlett | anddam, greetings. ask your ubuntu question | 07:25 |
Eric_____ | im back | 07:25 |
anddam | I'm looking at the org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name property with and without Universal Access > Large Text setting enabled | 07:25 |
Everybodydothefl | well for now I' | 07:25 |
anddam | I see the font is in both cases Ubuntu Mono 13, where's the large text option reflected? how can I know how big it is? | 07:25 |
Everybodydothefl | I'll see if any of the lurkers in the mint room have learned how to type responses yet. Wish me luck | 07:26 |
Everybodydothefl | lol | 07:26 |
Eric_____ | the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into/target/. Without the GRUB boot loader,the installed system will not boot. | 07:29 |
Sc1F1 | Hey guys, I've been trying to fix an issue with my front panel sound for a while now. I'm currently running 16.04, and there is no sound output from the front panel. I've gone through the solutions I could find online, which involved unmuting my headphones in alsamixer, but they're not muted and I'm still not getting any sound out. The input jack works fine. Do you guys know of any other solutions? | 07:30 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: EXPLAIN | 07:31 |
stevenacor | ericwithgirl friend | 07:32 |
B105PH3RE | can't remember how run command on X display wasn't it something like export DISPLAY 0:0 firefox or something like that, thanx any help | 07:34 |
B105PH3RE | from a ssh external tty | 07:34 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: The only solutions I've been able to find online have been to either install gnome-alsamixer, or to just run alsamixer in terminal. Apparently a lot of people had experienced the front panel audio being muted by default. Whenever I run alsamixer, neither "Headphone" or "Front" is muted, and this being the only solution I could find, I'm a bit lost at what to try next. | 07:37 |
B105PH3RE | i use pulseaudio mixer pavucontrol to control my outputs inputs, also be sure to have your bios enabled the fron panel | 07:38 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: do you mean audio out jack on front of pc | 07:38 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: Yes I do | 07:39 |
Eric_____ | the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into/target/. Without the GRUB boot loader,the installed system will not boot. | 07:40 |
Eric_____ | -_- | 07:40 |
radfactz | Is their audio out via a back jack or hdmi | 07:40 |
=== Agent_ is now known as Agent | ||
Sc1F1 | radfactz: I've tested both the rear audio out, and my monitor with HDMI, and they both work. | 07:41 |
stevenacor | ~wwalker@ | 07:41 |
Eric_____ | -_- | 07:43 |
theptr | /ignore *!radfactz@* | 07:43 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: are you able to select it 8n ubuntu audio mixer and make it default sound or turn up the volume | 07:43 |
turista | hello every1, is there a way to make a full install of alsa?¿ | 07:46 |
turista | cuz I did screw it with the realtek driver :-P | 07:46 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: Yeah, it shows up as "Headphones: Built-in Audio", and I can adjust the volume, but I don't see an option to make it default. | 07:47 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: not really option. Just select it. And close the app | 07:48 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: Still no output | 07:48 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: whats your distro/version? | 07:49 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: There is about half a second when I first plug it in that audio will play, but then it goes away | 07:49 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: what music player are you using | 07:49 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: Ubuntu 16.04 | 07:49 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: some music players select their own audio output | 07:49 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: I've just been trying with youtube to troubleshoot, but neither Rhythmbox or any other program I've tried work either. | 07:50 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: try installing pavucontrol and using that to control the output devices and you can select the output for each stream and see if that works | 07:51 |
Sc1F1 | B105PH3RE: Whenever I run pavucontrol and select Headphones, the bar moves back and forth as if sound was playing, but there is no audio. | 07:54 |
B105PH3RE | front panel or rear panel | 07:54 |
B105PH3RE | what do you have under configuration tab? | 07:55 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: are you using headphones or speakers | 07:56 |
Sc1F1 | Front panel, rear panel works just fine. I've got HDA NVidia, Webcam C270, and Built-in Audio | 07:56 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: Headphones | 07:56 |
Sc1F1 | radfactz: My rear panel speakers work just fine | 07:57 |
radfactz | Sc1F1: try other headphones | 07:57 |
B105PH3RE | so only when you use the fron panel its messed up? | 07:57 |
Sc1F1 | B105PH3RE: Yeah, but I just install Ubuntu from Manjaro, and it was working in Manjaro | 07:58 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: what do you have under configuration tab under pavucontrol? | 07:58 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: are you using full duplex, SPDIF,blah blah blah.... | 07:59 |
Sc1F1 | B105PH3RE: I've got HDA Nvidia Profile Digital Stereo(HDMI 2), Webcam C270 Profile Analog Mono Input, and Built-in Audio Profile: Analog Stereo Duplex | 08:00 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: when you playing audio the channel isn't muted by chance | 08:01 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: does it show as (plugged in) under the built in audio headphones port? | 08:02 |
Sc1F1 | Sc1F1: It isn't, and It does. Headphones(plugged in) | 08:03 |
B105PH3RE | when man | 08:03 |
B105PH3RE | well man I don't know then out of options | 08:04 |
B105PH3RE | under out devices the port is set to Headphones and all other outputs are disabled... I give up dunno then | 08:04 |
Sc1F1 | Well it was worth a shot I guess, I prefer using my front panel io for the headphones, but I can also plug them into my rear io amp. Thanks for the help | 08:04 |
Eric_____ | the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into/target/. Without the GRUB boot loader,the installed system will not boot. | 08:06 |
B105PH3RE | just make sure its trying to send digital or something like that cuz some front panels can use SPDIF option in the bios but you said it worked with majaro so | 08:07 |
Eric_____ | biosph3re u talking to me? | 08:08 |
radfactz | Then B105PH3RE told me he likes choking his chicken on the subways. B105PH3RE this is for ubuntu | 08:08 |
B105PH3RE | I was talking to Sc1F1 sorry Eric_____ | 08:08 |
Eric_____ | oh | 08:08 |
Sc1F1 | B105PH3RE: Thanks for the help mate | 08:09 |
Eric_____ | anyone help with the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into/target/. Without the GRUB boot loader,the installed system will not boot. | 08:09 |
B105PH3RE | Sc1F1: no problem hope you find a solution... | 08:09 |
Sc1F1 | Eric_____: What have you tried already? | 08:10 |
berkiyo | hey | 08:10 |
Eric_____ | how | 08:10 |
Eric_____ | im lokin for grub boot loader | 08:10 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: what's the issue? | 08:14 |
asutosh | JdeRobot | 08:18 |
=== fcanela_ is now known as fcanela | ||
ducasse | Eric_____: and can you please answer the questions you are asked today? | 08:20 |
Eric_____ | it won't boot the install | 08:25 |
Eric_____ | the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into/target/. Without the GRUB boot loader,the installed system will not boot. | 08:25 |
Eric_____ | what that means? | 08:25 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: are you in the live session right now? | 08:26 |
Eric_____ | yup | 08:26 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: type "sudo parted -l | nc 9999" and paste the link it gives you here | 08:27 |
Eric_____ | on where? | 08:27 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: also type "mokutil --sb-state" and paste the results, type them in a terminal | 08:27 |
Eric_____ | eric what that its Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes | 08:30 |
Eric_____ | mokutil --sb-state is SecureBoot enabled | 08:33 |
Eric_____ | eric? | 08:34 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: ok, try sudo parted -l | 08:38 |
EriC^^ | if it asks anything press on ignore then copy and paste the output in | 08:39 |
Eric_____ | Number Start End Size Type File system Flags 1 1049kB 525MB 524MB primary ntfs boot 2 525MB 489GB 489GB primary ntfs 3 489GB 500GB 10.7GB extended 5 489GB 491GB 2073MB logical linux-swap(v1) 6 491GB 500GB 8662MB logical ext4 | 08:41 |
Eric_____ | eric you thre? | 08:45 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: paste it in | 08:46 |
EriC^^ | the whole output it gives | 08:47 |
Eric_____ | your poster means ? | 08:47 |
=== Duckle is now known as Duckle|wasDumle | ||
EriC^^ | Eric_____: what? | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | oh | 08:48 |
EriC^^ | you can put any name you want | 08:48 |
Eric_____ | Syntax: mean? | 08:49 |
EriC^^ | it doesn't matter, leave it default | 08:49 |
Eric_____ | ok | 08:49 |
Eric_____ | Content: | 08:50 |
EriC^^ | that's the stuff you want to paste | 08:50 |
Eric_____ | how | 08:51 |
Eric_____ | like what | 08:51 |
EriC^^ | the output of sudo parted -l | 08:51 |
Eric_____ | i put sudo parted -l in paste.unbuntu | 08:52 |
Eric_____ | then what i next? | 08:53 |
Wirehunter | Eric_____, share the link | 08:53 |
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Eric_____ | this link | 08:54 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: no press submit and copy the link at the top | 08:55 |
Wirehunter | Eric_____, After the paste, you'll get an special url | 08:55 |
bazhang | Eric_____, you have to put the command in a terminal, that will give some output | 08:55 |
Eric_____ | link where on top? | 08:56 |
bazhang | Eric_____, you then put the output in the paste site, save and give us the url | 08:56 |
bazhang | Eric_____, is english your native language | 08:57 |
Eric_____ | yup | 08:57 |
Wirehunter | Eric_____, after submit, copy the address from the addressbar | 08:57 |
Wirehunter | It should contain an ID | 08:57 |
Wirehunter | Like : | 08:57 |
Eric_____ | | 08:58 |
ducasse | lol | 08:59 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: sudo parted -sl |& nc 9999 | 09:00 |
EriC^^ | try running that command | 09:00 |
Eric_____ | it said | 09:02 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: ok, so the problem is that you're booted in uefi mode right now, and the disk is setup for legacy bios | 09:02 |
Eric_____ | im in vefi right? | 09:03 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: you need to restart the pc, and choose to boot the usb in legacy mode, if you have 2 options, USB UEFI and USB choose USB | 09:03 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: yes, but before doing so, let's remove the current ubuntu installation, so you get a nice "INstall along windows option" when you install next time | 09:03 |
Eric_____ | in bios settings? | 09:03 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: yes | 09:04 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: which pc model is it? | 09:04 |
EriC^^ | which make rather? hp lenovo etc? | 09:04 |
Eric_____ | hold | 09:05 |
Eric_____ | i get my account joined | 09:05 |
OlofL | If I use middle mouse button + alt and drag mouse to resize window, it seems like I click through my current window and swap between the window behind it. If no window is behind, resize works normal.. 16.04.. suggestions? | 09:06 |
Eric______ | Hey eric is my other account | 09:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, cool | 09:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: i might brb in a sec the laptop battery is dying | 09:07 |
Eric______ | Eric copy and paste to me | 09:07 |
OnceMe | if I install fail2ban is that enough to stop ssh failed logins and ddos attacks? with default rules.. | 09:08 |
Eric_____ | you need to restart the pc, and choose to boot the usb in legacy mode, if you have 2 options, USB UEFI and USB choose USB | 09:08 |
Eric_____ | yes, but before doing so, let's remove the current ubuntu installation, so you get a nice "INstall along windows option" when you install next time | 09:08 |
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EriC^^ | Eric_____: ok im back | 09:11 |
zxcvq | hello world | 09:12 |
EriC^^ | Eric_____: press on the first icon on the launcher to your left and type "gparted" | 09:12 |
Eric______ | Where | 09:14 |
Eric______ | I set legacy | 09:14 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, boot back into the live usb | 09:15 |
Eric______ | Where | 09:15 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, You set legacy in your uefi/bios setup | 09:15 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, The screen you can access with a key like delete during post. | 09:16 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: you only have 10gb set for ubuntu, i'd recommend giving it more like 20gb | 09:16 |
Eric______ | Do i exit bios settings? | 09:16 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yeah save the settings first then exit | 09:16 |
ducasse | Eric______: did you change anything? | 09:16 |
Eric______ | I went in windows 10 -_- | 09:17 |
Eric______ | How eric | 09:17 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: it should say at the bottom F9 save settings & exit or another F-button | 09:18 |
adac | does anyone know where this package is installed? | 09:19 |
adac | sh: 1: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/pg_config: not found | 09:19 |
Kingsy | question, I have network-manager installed and in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf i have manageifupdown set to true, but after a reboot network-manager still says "device not managed" what am I missing? if I edit the connections I can see ifupdown (eno1) last used never but thats about it | 09:19 |
Eric______ | Load default configuration now? | 09:19 |
Cust0sLimen | hi | 09:19 |
Cust0sLimen | where do I get jcontrol/ControlPanel for java ? | 09:20 |
Eric______ | Eric? | 09:21 |
Eric______ | It said load default configuration now? | 09:21 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: no dont load that | 09:23 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, No, don't press that. | 09:23 |
Eric______ | How | 09:23 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: do you have a cellphone you can take pics with and upload easily? | 09:23 |
Eric______ | Yup | 09:23 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok take a pic of the bios screen with the "Boot" screen selected | 09:24 |
Eric______ | I has picture on me | 09:27 |
kalby-imanie | can i create bootable disk using command line? or dd command? las time i did, it was not working at all | 09:27 |
kalby-imanie | it could not boot | 09:27 |
Eric______ | Eric? | 09:28 |
Hariharan | what is the option to do text based installation of ubuntu with preseed file? | 09:28 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes, upload the picture to | 09:29 |
ducasse | kalby-imanie: in my experience that is a very reliable method, you might have done it wrong | 09:30 |
ducasse | Hariharan: please rephrase that. | 09:32 |
Eric______ | Eric i uploaded it to imur | 09:34 |
ducasse | Eric______: where? you need to give us the link. | 09:35 |
Night__ | any one any reason why ubuntu would not renew ipv6 on dhcp lease end? | 09:35 |
Night__ | I have to do it manunaly | 09:35 |
Hariharan | ducasse: I tringger a installion of ubuntu via jenkins, entire log will be dumped to the jenkins console only after the installation is complete, I want realtime log if it is texbased installation with out any grapics the log can be realtime. | 09:36 |
Eric______ | Im talking to Eric | 09:36 |
ducasse | Eric______: he will still need the link, and he might be busy. | 09:37 |
Eric______ | Eric? | 09:43 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes, please give us the link to the image | 09:45 |
Eric______ | On ingur? | 09:45 |
EriC^^ | yes | 09:45 |
Eric______ | How | 09:46 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: copy the url at the top of the browser | 09:46 |
dsva | how can we ensure that ssh or sshd starts on boot | 09:48 |
EriC^^ | dsva: which ubuntu version? | 09:48 |
ducasse | dsva: just installing the ssh server should take care of starting it at boot. | 09:48 |
dsva | EriC^^: ubuntu 14.05 | 09:49 |
Hariharan | ducasse: do we have any option to install using text mode? | 09:50 |
viktor_ | Hello | 09:50 |
ducasse | Hariharan: you'd get better answers for this in #ubuntu-server, i think | 09:51 |
Eric______ | | 09:51 |
EriC^^ | dsva: it should automatically enable ssh after installing, this command is for manually enabling it "sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults" | 09:51 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, it looks good, did you actually change anything or was it already like that? | 09:54 |
Eric______ | I didnt touch them | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok how were you booting the usb flash disk? | 09:55 |
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Eric______ | Do i exit bios settings now? | 09:55 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: not yet | 09:56 |
Eric______ | Ok | 09:56 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: so how were you booting the usb earlier? | 09:56 |
Eric______ | It was first top number 1 | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: did it say legacy at the top? | 09:57 |
Eric______ | Yup | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | ok, which pc make is it? | 09:58 |
Eric______ | What that? | 09:58 |
EriC^^ | hp lenovo acer etc | 09:58 |
Eric______ | Oh its acer | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok exit the bios | 10:00 |
EriC^^ | does windows still boot? | 10:00 |
Eric______ | Exit saving changes? | 10:00 |
EriC^^ | yes | 10:01 |
Eric______ | Windows boot | 10:01 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, go to the control panel and type "disk" in windows | 10:01 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: delete the ubuntu partitions there | 10:02 |
Eric______ | Search control panel then type disk? | 10:04 |
EriC^^ | yup | 10:04 |
EriC^^ | go to disk management | 10:04 |
pottsy | Not having any luck with nvidia proprietary drivers on 16.10 ubuntu gnome , - had read that its an issue with GDM so I switched over to lightdm and same result. Just a black screen - tried a few different versions of the driver and tried rolling back gnomeshell to no avail. Can't find a lot on google - other than some suggestions its a GDM issue which it doesn't seem to be in my case. Have not tried a different kernel yet. | 10:05 |
Eric______ | Create and format hard disk partition? | 10:06 |
EriC^^ | hold on | 10:06 |
EriC^^ | is it windows 10? | 10:06 |
conn | Hello peeps | 10:06 |
Eric______ | Yup | 10:06 |
conn | Is there a way to know what's going on when te installation process just *hangs*? | 10:07 |
EriC^^ | conn: press on the left bottom side of the gui window near the arrow and it should open a tiny terminal | 10:08 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: try to right click on the start button and choose Disk management | 10:09 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 10:09 |
pottsy | Or windows key + X for power menu in w8/w10 | 10:10 |
conn | EriC^^ : IT doesn't reach there... The computer hangs when there are *4 dots* in the beginning | 10:10 |
EriC^^ | conn: try pressing esc when you first get the dots screen | 10:10 |
conn | EriC^^ : I verified the ISO image and it can run in *vBox* | 10:10 |
Eric______ | Im on disk management | 10:10 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, select the ubuntu partitions and delete them | 10:11 |
Eric______ | There is no ubuntu partition | 10:12 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: there should be an extended partition about 10gb in size | 10:12 |
Eric______ | Eric ill upload the picture to ingur | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok | 10:13 |
root____7 | hi | 10:14 |
root____7 | hi | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | hi | 10:14 |
BluesKaj | too many Erics | 10:14 |
Eric______ | | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, right click on the partition that says 1.93gb and press delete | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | do the same for the 8.07gb one | 10:18 |
Eric______ | Delete volume? | 10:18 |
EriC^^ | yes | 10:18 |
livcd | I have noticed my apparmor profiles have been removed (re docker) | 10:18 |
livcd | what could be the cause ? | 10:18 |
Eric______ | | 10:21 |
senaps | hi people... i want to set a valid ip address on my server. im editing /etc/network/interfaces and have set ip to valid ip and gateway to the default gateway. but i cant connect to it. why is that? | 10:24 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, do the same for the 8.07gb next to it | 10:24 |
ducasse | senaps: can you pastebin the file? | 10:25 |
Eric______ | Again delete volume on 8.07gb | 10:25 |
senaps | Eric______, | 10:25 |
senaps | ducasse, | 10:25 |
senaps | Eric______, sorry wrong notify! :) | 10:26 |
ducasse | senaps: i'm pretty sure you need to specify netmask | 10:26 |
ducasse | senaps: plus, that address is not on that network | 10:28 |
Eric______ | Eric i delete 8.07gb right? | 10:28 |
ducasse | senaps: delete broadcast, gateway and network, put in the correct netmask and gateway for your network | 10:29 |
Eric______ | Eric you there? | 10:30 |
BluesKaj | senaps, your address is your pc IP, find it with ip addr in the terminal | 10:30 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes delete the 8.07gb one as well | 10:31 |
Eric______ | Do i delete volume on 8.07,gb right | 10:32 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes | 10:32 |
Eric______ | Ill upload | 10:33 |
Eric______ | | 10:34 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: great | 10:37 |
Eric______ | What i next? | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: click on the first item in the list at the top that says 2MB in one of the columns | 10:37 |
lesshaste | a = [1,2,3] ; a[-1]+=a.pop() . I don't understand how to interpret what python would do | 10:38 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: next to status at the top move the border so it says fully what's under it, i think it should say "Healthy (Extended partition)" | 10:38 |
lesshaste | without trying it, it's worth guessing | 10:38 |
lesshaste | or maybe there is a simple rule to follow? | 10:38 |
ducasse | lesshaste: wrong channel? | 10:39 |
lesshaste | argh | 10:39 |
lesshaste | sorry | 10:39 |
Eric______ | 2mb move into black ? | 10:40 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: at the menu in the top drag the border to see what it says under Status | 10:41 |
Wirehunter | lesshaste, I would guess it will give an index out of bound exceptien | 10:41 |
dioo | Hellooo | 10:43 |
dioo | toha1 you are gay? | 10:44 |
ducasse | !topic | dioo | 10:44 |
ubottu | dioo: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 10:44 |
dioo | sorry | 10:44 |
dioo | but you are gay | 10:45 |
ducasse | ah, a troll. | 10:45 |
bazhang | gone | 10:45 |
Eric______ | I see it | 10:45 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: what does it say under Status for the first line? | 10:45 |
atralheaven | Hi, I encrypted my home with "ecryptfs-migrate-home" using this tutorial: "", it worked fine for home, then I wanted to encrypt my swap partition, I got an error there. This is my fstab file before running the "sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap" command: "", I get this error after running it: | 10:45 |
atralheaven | "" and this is my fstab file after the error: "" what's wrong here? how can I encrypt my swap partition? | 10:45 |
billymichael | hi, no flash videos seem to be buffering for me. any ideas how to fix it? | 10:45 |
ducasse | atralheaven: what's in crypttab? | 10:48 |
Eric______ | | 10:48 |
ducasse | atralheaven: i had this same problem once, and iirc i had to fix the uuid in crypttab to get it working. | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: next to "Status" double click on the border | 10:49 |
Eric______ | | 10:50 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: drag the status border | 10:52 |
Fla_2016 | Hellooo | 10:53 |
Fla_2016 | Hello, I have a ubuntu 16.10 mate. The problem is that after a reboot, alsa does not recognize me as the sound card. Soundblaster Live value. If launch alsamixer is regularly seen as primary (I have two, one of them is built in and not use it to System-> Preferences> Hardware -> audio is not really recognized and can not hear anything | 10:53 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: we want to see what's below it, the whole line "healthy(something...." | 10:53 |
Eric______ | Do i hold button to drag? | 10:55 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes | 10:56 |
Eric______ | Which button? | 10:56 |
EriC^^ | left button | 10:56 |
Eric______ | Right or left button? | 10:56 |
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Eric______ | I moved status | 10:59 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: what does it say under it? | 11:00 |
Eric______ | | 11:00 |
atralheaven | ducasse: its full of swap partitions :| "" the first one is wrong, I think its because I deleted the swap partition and formatted it again. | 11:01 |
ducasse | atralheaven: right. see what the uuid of cryptswap1 is, delete everything else. | 11:01 |
atralheaven | ducasse: actually I didn't know about crypttab at all. what should I do now? deleting the first line and keep one of those lines? | 11:01 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok try to right click on the 455gb partition at the bottom where you clicked in the first place to delete and press on shrink after right clicking | 11:02 |
atralheaven | how can I check what the the uuid of cryptswap1 is? | 11:02 |
ducasse | atralheaven: blkid | 11:02 |
Eric______ | Delete 455.27 GB? | 11:04 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: no | 11:04 |
EriC^^ | right click > shrink | 11:04 |
EriC^^ | you need to make more space for ubuntu | 11:05 |
Eric______ | On C:? | 11:05 |
atralheaven | ducasse: I did, should I reboot now? | 11:06 |
grawity | hi, does Ubuntu's NetworkManager support reading /etc/network/interfaces? | 11:07 |
ducasse | atralheaven: try turning on swap first - 'sudo swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1' | 11:07 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes you need to shrink C: so that ubuntu has about 20gb | 11:08 |
Eric______ | | 11:08 |
ikevin | grawity, no | 11:08 |
ikevin | grawity, so networking is availlable | 11:09 |
akik | grawity: if you create entries in the interfaces file, they'll be used but i doubt it's network manager doing it | 11:09 |
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atralheaven | ducasse: I get this error "swapon: stat of /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 failed: No such file or directory" | 11:10 |
ducasse | atralheaven: ok, which ubuntu version is this? | 11:11 |
k1l_ | grawity: if you put the settings into the interfaces file NM will not be used for that device. but the network will work with that settings | 11:11 |
atralheaven | ducasse: 16.04 | 11:11 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, enter 10000 mb in the amount to shrink | 11:11 |
Fla_2016 | Ciao, ho una ubuntu mate 16.10. Il problema risiede che dopo un riavvio, alsa non mi riconosce più la scheda audio. Soundblaster live value. Se lancio alsamixer viene regolarmente vista come primaria (ne ho 2, una di esse è integrata e non la utilizzo ma da sistema->preferenze>hardware ->audio non viene proprio riconosciuta e non si sente nulla | 11:12 |
Eric______ | Then shrink | 11:12 |
lesshaste | Wirehunter, No! :) a[-1] is the final element in the list a | 11:12 |
k1l_ | !it | Fla_2016 | 11:12 |
ubottu | Fla_2016: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 11:12 |
Fla_2016 | Sorry | 11:13 |
Fla_2016 | Hello, I have a ubuntu 16.10 mate. The problem is that after a reboot, alsa does not recognize me as the sound card. Soundblaster Live value. If launch alsamixer is regularly seen as primary (I have two, one of them is built in and not use it to System-> Preferences> Hardware -> audio is not really recognized and can not hear anything | 11:13 |
ducasse | atralheaven: i *know* i fixed this before, but i'm a little unclear on how :) | 11:13 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yeah | 11:13 |
ducasse | atralheaven: there should be a cryptsomething.service you need to restart with systemctl | 11:13 |
ikevin | Fla_2016, does playing file with alsaplayer is working? | 11:15 |
Eric______ | | 11:15 |
atralheaven | ducasse: I have "", but its not a service | 11:16 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, looks good! save the changes and exit | 11:16 |
Eric______ | U see green | 11:16 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: let windows reboot once then reboot again and before it boots press Esc or f12 to get a boot options screen | 11:17 |
Eric______ | Where is save? | 11:17 |
atralheaven | Eric______: I think it didn't have save option, its already saved | 11:18 |
Eric______ | I pressed X | 11:19 |
grawity | ikevin, akik, k1l_: thanks for the answers | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok let it reboot | 11:19 |
Fla_2016 | Ikevin: yes!!! strange.. | 11:20 |
atralheaven | EriC^^: do you have any idea about my problem? I was talking about it with ducasse | 11:20 |
ducasse | atralheaven: 'sudo systemctl restart cryptdisks.service' | 11:20 |
Eric______ | I restart then press f2 right? | 11:20 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: don't know much about encrypted swap, i'll have a look who knows | 11:20 |
atralheaven | ducasse: Failed to restart cryptdisks.service: Unit cryptdisks.service is masked. services can be masked? | 11:20 |
ikevin | Fla_2016, have you tryed tools like padevchooser? | 11:21 |
Fla_2016 | Ikevin: nope.. | 11:21 |
ducasse | atralheaven: they sure can. ok, comment your swap line out of fstab, then reboot to restart the entire crypt subsystem. if you don't comment it out, you might get problems booting again :-/ | 11:22 |
Fla_2016 | Ikevin: is't a ppa? | 11:22 |
ikevin | Fla_2016, nop | 11:22 |
Fla_2016 | Ikevin: it's a ppa? | 11:22 |
Fla_2016 | ok | 11:22 |
Eric______ | Eric i restart then f2 right? | 11:23 |
ikevin | Fla_2016, oh sorry, it look like padevchooser is no longer availlable in ubuntu :x | 11:25 |
atralheaven | ducasse: sorry commenting out mean putting # or removing it? | 11:26 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: i think you have to have /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 in /etc/fstab instead of the uuid | 11:26 |
ducasse | atralheaven: # at beginning of swap line | 11:26 |
earlybird | Hi. Is the Ubuntu Precise 12.04 EOL at the END of April or on April 1st? | 11:27 |
k1l_ | earlybird: iirc at end of april. but better plan the upgrade now to be able to test it :) | 11:28 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes restart into windows first then reboot and press esc or f12 | 11:28 |
atralheaven | EriC^^: do you mean something like this? because it is how it became now | 11:28 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: yes that's it | 11:28 |
k1l_ | earlybird: its 26th of april | 11:29 |
EriC^^ | is /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 there after you reboot? | 11:29 |
atralheaven | ducasse: I think that should be right, yes? , it did it automatically | 11:29 |
ducasse | EriC^^: he has that, but needs to reboot | 11:29 |
atralheaven | EriC^^: idk, is it safe to reboot and see? | 11:29 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: yes it is | 11:29 |
ducasse | atralheaven: no | 11:29 |
atralheaven | ok so lets see what happens! | 11:29 |
ducasse | atralheaven: wait, please | 11:30 |
EriC^^ | the only scary part is in /etc/crypttab but you're using uuid there so no worries | 11:30 |
atralheaven | ducasse: ok | 11:30 |
ducasse | atralheaven: comment out the last line as well. if something is wrong and systemd can't find it, it will halt boot. | 11:30 |
lucia_ | Looking for the best distro for an elderly person to work with. Best ideas I could come up with. Lately, I have been looking into Lubuntu. Anyone have any input? Thanks! | 11:30 |
atralheaven | ducasse: you mean the "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0" line? | 11:31 |
ducasse | atralheaven: yep. comment at beginning of line, save, then reboot. | 11:32 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: before you reboot | 11:32 |
chu | lucia_: I think Lubuntu isn't as complete as, for example, Xubuntu. | 11:32 |
EriC^^ | can you please run "(cat /etc/crypttab; sudo blkid) | nc 9999" ? | 11:32 |
ducasse | lucia_: lubuntu is for elderly computers, not elderly people | 11:33 |
atralheaven | EriC^^: sure, here is the results: | 11:34 |
lucia_ | I am currently running Ubuntu 14.04 as my distro and have not looked into Xubuntu. I'll have to download the live version and give it a try. Thanks! | 11:35 |
ducasse | atralheaven: that looks good still | 11:35 |
EriC^^ | +1 | 11:36 |
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atralheaven | so should I comment out the "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0" line before rebooting now? | 11:37 |
ducasse | atralheaven: there is an open bug on this, so i would still comment that line out to be safe. we'll fix that after reboot. | 11:37 |
atralheaven | ducasse: ok | 11:37 |
u_u | can someone help me? i used the command marco --replace and now i dont know how to get unity back | 11:38 |
atralheaven | brb! | 11:38 |
ikevin | u_u, unity --replace is not working? | 11:39 |
u_u | @ikevin: no | 11:39 |
OlofL | Hello spotify font looks ugly. , I tried installing apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer .. not helping | 11:40 |
atralheaven | ok im back | 11:40 |
ducasse | atralheaven: ok, now try 'sudo swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1' | 11:40 |
atralheaven | ducasse: no errors this time! | 11:41 |
ducasse | atralheaven: brilliant :) now you just remove the comment sign for the /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 line in fstab and everything's good. no need to reboot again. | 11:42 |
Eric______ | .eric? | 11:43 |
atralheaven | ducasse: is that normal that the swap partition in gparted is not on? I mean I have the swapon option, is that normal? | 11:44 |
fozu | u_u: I'm guessing you tried rebooting.. | 11:44 |
ducasse | atralheaven: gparted says it's not in use? does 'free -m' report swap? | 11:44 |
atralheaven | ducasse: free -m: "Swap: 3318 0 3318" | 11:45 |
atralheaven | it shows swap, so I think its ok? | 11:46 |
atralheaven | if you have this setup on your system now, may you check and see how is it for you? | 11:46 |
ducasse | atralheaven: good. i guess gparted doesn't see it because you're using the crypto device, not the raw block device. | 11:46 |
Eric______ | Eric im on f2 screen | 11:46 |
ducasse | atralheaven: hang on, i'll check. | 11:47 |
ducasse | atralheaven: same thing here. | 11:48 |
Eric______ | Eric? | 11:50 |
atralheaven | ducasse: good :) so everything is fine! thank you! | 11:50 |
atralheaven | EriC^^: thank you too! | 11:50 |
ducasse | atralheaven: np :) | 11:50 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: does it say boot options usb etc? | 11:52 |
EriC^^ | atralheaven: no problem | 11:52 |
Eric______ | | 11:55 |
earlybird | k1l_: thanks. | 11:56 |
JakeukalaneWeb | Hello. I have a USB that I cannot connect graphically but is detected with Gparted. O want to copy all the | 12:03 |
grawity | does gparted actually show a partition? | 12:03 |
grawity | and does it detect a filesystem in it? | 12:03 |
JakeukalaneWeb | Contents with the dd command. How could I do that? | 12:03 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok put the usb at the top and save | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | JakeukalaneWeb: does it show with "sudo parted -l" ? | 12:04 |
JakeukalaneWeb | Yes. It shows the two partitions of the USB | 12:04 |
Eric______ | Im outside smoke wait | 12:04 |
grawity | well, if you just want an image, `dd if=/dev/sdb of=disk.img bs=4M status=progress` is a good start | 12:05 |
grawity | or `pv /dev/sdb > disk.img` | 12:05 |
EriC^^ | JakeukalaneWeb: type sudo parted -l | nc 9999 and paste the link it gives you here | 12:05 |
Eightynine | I installed Ubuntu MATE and it worked without problems. Then I connected my headphones and selected them in sound settings. I had sound but couldn't make it lower. Then I installed Budgie and I have no sound even when selecting headphones and couldn't switch keyboard layout in Budgie. | 12:05 |
JakeukalaneWeb | OK. I will do in a time. I realized I cannot do right now | 12:05 |
ouroumov | Eightynine, sometimes you have to turn the other hardware in sound settings to "off" | 12:06 |
JakeukalaneWeb | Anyway I am really happy that there is people here helping. I will connect here from now on a lot. Thank you everybody | 12:08 |
Eightynine | I selected soundcard instead of monitor but there's empty space in sound settings where you can select profile. | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | Eightynine, open alsmixer in the console and set your volume ctls there , and disable automute which probly enabled after your budgie install | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | alsamixer | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | Eightynine,^ | 12:11 |
Eric______ | Im on text screen saying try ubuntu without installing | 12:11 |
Eric______ | Install ubunutu | 12:12 |
Eric______ | Oem install (for manufacturers) | 12:13 |
Eric______ | Chevk disc for detects | 12:13 |
Eric______ | Which one? | 12:13 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: that's uefi mode | 12:13 |
Eightynine | For some reason I can't switch keyboard layout. Even when I selected russian by clicking RU in tray it printed in English. | 12:13 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: try to reboot the pc and press esc before you get that screen | 12:13 |
Eric______ | Which one? | 12:14 |
ducasse | Eightynine: that's a known budgie bug, iirc. also, budgie is not supported here (yet). | 12:14 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: neither, you need to reboot and start it in legacy mode, it gives a different menu in the middle | 12:14 |
Eightynine | Should I switch back to MATE? | 12:15 |
Eric______ | Try ubuntu without installing? | 12:15 |
ducasse | Eightynine: if you want support here before 17.04 is released, yes :) | 12:15 |
Ali_Waris | Hii | 12:16 |
Ali_Waris | When installing Lubuntu using live usb disk, its giving me booting kernel failed error | 12:16 |
Eightynine | Thank you. And what about that bug with sound? It worked in MATE but I couldn't make it lower. Sorry for my English. | 12:16 |
Ali_Waris | Please help | 12:16 |
Ali_Waris | The error message is "booting kernel failed: invalid argument" | 12:17 |
Ali_Waris | Is there anyone who can please help me out? | 12:17 |
Ali_Waris | Isn't there any help available in Ubuntu channel? | 12:20 |
Ali_Waris | :( | 12:20 |
ducasse | !patience | Ali_Waris | 12:20 |
ubottu | Ali_Waris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 12:20 |
Ali_Waris | ubottu: i am trying to boot Lubuntu from live disk, it is giving me booting kernel failed error. | 12:21 |
ubottu | Ali_Waris: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:21 |
Eric______ | Eric do i click try ubuntu without installing or install ubuntu? | 12:21 |
Ali_Waris | WTH | 12:21 |
userro | ubottu, lol | 12:22 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: are you still getting the black and white menu or a different one? | 12:23 |
Eric______ | Im on black and white screen | 12:23 |
userro | lol | 12:24 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, black & white screen is uefi mode, you don't want that | 12:25 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: try rebooting the pc, then immediately press Esc and see if there are any boot options like "boot usb" "boot usb uefi" etc and choose "boot usb" no uefi | 12:26 |
Eric______ | | 12:26 |
ducasse | Eric______: how did you write the usb? | 12:26 |
leeyaa | hi | 12:28 |
EriC^^ | hi leeyaa | 12:28 |
k1l_ | Ali_Waris: is that old hardware? is it 32bit only? does it work with pae? | 12:28 |
leeyaa | does xenial support reiserfs ? I've installed reiserfsprogs but I still cant mount reiserfs partitions ?\ | 12:28 |
leeyaa | works fine on precise | 12:28 |
Eric______ | | 12:29 |
leeyaa | as far as I can tell reiserfs is not loaded | 12:29 |
ducasse | leeyaa: try loading it with 'sudo modprobe reiserfs' | 12:29 |
leeyaa | ducasse: i did | 12:30 |
leeyaa | modprobe: FATAL: Module reiserfs not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-45-generic | 12:30 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: reboot the pc, try pressing hammering on the Esc key while it's about to boot | 12:30 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, maybe if you install linux 4.8, which can be done by install hwe packages | 12:31 |
leeyaa | Wirehunter: hew ? | 12:32 |
leeyaa | hwe* | 12:32 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, | 12:32 |
Eric______ | Hammering is hold on esc long? | 12:32 |
k1l_ | isnt reiserfs deprecated? | 12:32 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, Because I found on google that people running 4.4 need to upgrade for that. | 12:32 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: that's be drilling | 12:32 |
Eric______ | Drilling lime? | 12:33 |
nocktal | hello | 12:33 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, but i'm not sure about it | 12:33 |
leeyaa | dafuq | 12:33 |
leeyaa | I just want reiserfs ;p | 12:33 |
ducasse | leeyaa: i've got /lib/modules/4.8.0-41-generic/kernel/fs/reiserfs/reiserfs.ko, try looking if that dir exists for your kernel version | 12:33 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: press it repeatedly | 12:33 |
leeyaa | ducasse: don't have it | 12:34 |
leeyaa | note its a pv vm | 12:34 |
Eric______ | I see grub> | 12:34 |
LulZsEC | hello | 12:34 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok try the same except use f12 this time | 12:34 |
nocktal | wot | 12:35 |
nocktal | hello | 12:35 |
nocktal | help | 12:35 |
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Wirehunter | leeyaa, then install the hwe package, I have it on my xenial install | 12:35 |
k1l_ | !details | nocktal | 12:35 |
ubottu | nocktal: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 12:35 |
nocktal | CrazyTux Is Penis | 12:35 |
leeyaa | Wirehunter: that looks like a huge package | 12:35 |
LulZsEC | kontol | 12:36 |
ducasse | leeyaa: try installing linux-image-extra-virtual-lts-xenial | 12:36 |
leeyaa | 350MB | 12:36 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, It's a port of linux 4.8 from ubuntu 16.10 | 12:36 |
leeyaa | I need just reiserfs | 12:36 |
WildPenguin | hello | 12:36 |
Eric______ | | 12:36 |
leeyaa | I cant believe it is that difficult rofl | 12:37 |
ducasse | leeyaa: check the package i mentioned, it should have the modules you're missing | 12:38 |
leeyaa | ducasse: don't have it | 12:38 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: reboot the pc, try pressing on the F12 key while it's about to boot | 12:39 |
leeyaa | sorry I mean I do have it but it is huge | 12:39 |
leeyaa | im not installing 350MB just for reiserfs | 12:39 |
Wirehunter | You can remove your older kernel image afterwards | 12:39 |
scottjl | 350M is huge? | 12:39 |
leeyaa | Wirehunter: swapping the kernel for something so simple is out of the question for me | 12:40 |
scottjl | this isn't 1980 | 12:40 |
leeyaa | scottjl: im a minimalist | 12:40 |
Eric______ | Text screen is black n white | 12:40 |
scottjl | then you get minimal functionality | 12:40 |
leeyaa | why install something so big if you are going to need like 1% of it | 12:40 |
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne | ||
grawity | and yet you're using ubuntu | 12:40 |
leeyaa | this used to work 14.04 and earlier | 12:40 |
leeyaa | grawity: the server image is pretty good | 12:40 |
scottjl | if you want minimal you should be installing debian, or building gentoo | 12:40 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: which acer is this? | 12:41 |
leeyaa | but to install a 300+MB package for Reiser ... | 12:41 |
leeyaa | and to swap kernel for it like wtf | 12:41 |
leeyaa | are you sure thats the only way ? | 12:41 |
leeyaa | cause I can install it somewhere else and copy that module | 12:42 |
leeyaa | but still it sounds stupid | 12:42 |
Eric______ | Do i hold esc and f12 same time? | 12:42 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: no | 12:43 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: which acer model is it? | 12:43 |
ducasse | Eric______: seriously, you are trolling, right? | 12:43 |
leeyaa | is reiserfs support officially removed ? cause it is, ill just ditch it | 12:43 |
leeyaa | afaik Debian removed it, but I might be wrong | 12:43 |
k1l_ | leeyaa: | 12:44 |
ubottu | Debian bug 717517 in "RM: partman-reiserfs -- ROM; now useless" [Normal,Open] | 12:44 |
leeyaa | I guess it is removed indeed, that explains | 12:44 |
leeyaa | ok thanks, ill just convert that crap to ext4 | 12:45 |
k1l_ | leeyaa: reiserfs was meant as a replacement for ext2. time has moved on since then | 12:45 |
Eric______ | Acer E1-532-2657 | 12:45 |
leeyaa | k1l_: yeah ik. it was great for workflow with many small files at that time. but this was like 8y ago | 12:45 |
k1l_ | most distros that used reiserfs moved to ext3 when that was stable. | 12:45 |
leeyaa | this is part of my daily struggles with ubuntu hardy and dapper ;p | 12:46 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: | 12:46 |
ducasse | k1l_: it's there in 16.10 and 17.04, though? | 12:46 |
leeyaa | ducasse: you probably have some extra package enabled | 12:46 |
k1l_ | ducasse: the module? or the package? | 12:47 |
Wirehunter | Yes, it's in the hwe kernel :P | 12:47 |
Wirehunter | on xenial | 12:47 |
Wirehunter | the module | 12:47 |
Eric______ | Im dumb eric | 12:47 |
leeyaa | Wirehunter: I still don't know if even if I install it it will mount that volume, the volume is from ubuntu dapper | 12:48 |
Eric______ | I forgot to enble f12 in bios settingz | 12:48 |
Wirehunter | leeyaa, why wouldn't it? It's still reiserfs, right? | 12:48 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: any luck with it now? | 12:48 |
leeyaa | so ill just convert it, I wont even say to my team there is a kernel option | 12:48 |
leeyaa | Wirehunter: you never know until you actually do it | 12:49 |
leeyaa | is hwe kernel considered for its servers now ? | 12:49 |
Eric______ | What i do next reboot pc then press f12 right? | 12:49 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yeah | 12:51 |
Eric______ | Eric i forgot to enabled the f12 im dumb lol | 12:51 |
Eric______ | | 12:54 |
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EriC^^ | Eric______: try the first one USB hdd | 12:55 |
Eric______ | | 12:57 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: press enter | 12:58 |
naren | help | 12:58 |
Eric______ | Its said try ubuntu without installing and install ubuntu | 12:59 |
naren | i installed projectsend on ubuntu, its working fine on the lost but while accessing on network it cannot open pages as its accessing them as localhost | 12:59 |
naren | quit# | 13:00 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: same black and white menu as before? | 13:00 |
Eric______ | Yes | 13:01 |
OlofL | how do I change root when connected to a remote file ssh server via "files" ? | 13:01 |
ducasse | Eric______: how did you write the usb? there could be a problem with it. | 13:01 |
Eric______ | Do i click try ubuntu without installing? | 13:06 |
Eric______ | Or | 13:06 |
Eric______ | Install ubuntu | 13:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: answer ducasse 's question please | 13:07 |
Eric______ | Its ubuntu 16.04 lts iso | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: how did you make the bootable usb? | 13:10 |
Eric______ | It was on poweriso | 13:11 |
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EriC^^ | Eric______: ok try creating it again using linuxliveusbcreator | 13:12 |
EriC^^ | | 13:12 |
=== system323 is now known as longerstaff13 | ||
Eric______ | Do i re do download ubuntu iso on it? | 13:19 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yeah let it install to it | 13:20 |
=== longerstaff13 is now known as system323 | ||
Eric______ | I go on windows 10 to redo it again | 13:21 |
EriC^^ | ok | 13:21 |
Eric______ | Eric do i format the usb flash then install ubuntu iso again right? | 13:23 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes | 13:23 |
Eric______ | Download LiLi version 2.9.4? | 13:27 |
plinux | /msg NickServ identify plx19891110 | 13:28 |
SwedeMike | plinux: you should change password. | 13:29 |
plinux | oh, typo | 13:29 |
=== fmount9 is now known as fmount | ||
Eric______ | Or other versions portable version? | 13:30 |
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k1l_ | Eric______: use rufus to make the ubuntu usb when you are on windows | 13:39 |
jarlath | Anyone have experience/solution for Audacity regularly freezing and crashing on 16.04? | 13:39 |
radfactz | jarlath: crashing | 13:40 |
ducasse | jarlath: try asking in #ubuntustudio, they will have more experience with audacity. | 13:41 |
jarlath | ducasse: many thanks! | 13:41 |
Eric______ | | 13:42 |
Eric______ | Right one | 13:42 |
k1l_ | Eric______: no | 13:42 |
Eric______ | ? | 13:42 |
k1l_ | Eric______: seriously: how hard can it be? | 13:42 |
Eric______ | Ill do rufus | 13:43 |
Wirehunter | | 13:43 |
Wirehunter | I really like this tool, It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 | 13:43 |
Wirehunter | It even downloads the iso for you | 13:44 |
k1l_ | Wirehunter: some of them have issues, since they change the ubuntu iso to make their own boot screen or boot menu, which can result in errors. rufus is known to work. | 13:45 |
Eric______ | Which one i download rufus 2.12 or rufus 2.12 portable? | 13:45 |
nscp | perhaps dump question: how can i install programs for users who are not in sudoers? | 13:45 |
nscp | with apt-get | 13:45 |
k1l_ | Eric______: the portable works without installation on windows | 13:46 |
Wirehunter | k1l_, I always use universal-usb-installer, never gave me any trouble, but I always chose an iso from my filesystem. | 13:46 |
k1l_ | nscp: if you isntall the programs with apt every user can use them | 13:46 |
nscp | k1l_: sorry just realised it's with pip | 13:46 |
k1l_ | nscp: pip has some --user switch or such | 13:46 |
Eric______ | I want dual | 13:47 |
nscp | k1l_: ah, i didnt know that! ill look into it, thanks :) | 13:47 |
Eric______ | I download rufus portable | 13:47 |
k1l_ | Eric______: that is not related to making a ubuntu usb | 13:47 |
cfhowlett | nscp, non sudo users cannot install | 13:47 |
Eric______ | Its downloading iso on rufus portable | 13:49 |
nscp | cfhowlett: in that case, how can i install a program with pip for another user? | 13:50 |
cfhowlett | nscp, no idea what pip is, sorry. but the standard installation uses apt | 13:50 |
ducasse | nscp: users would use pip --user afaik | 13:51 |
nscp | cfhowlett: no problem, thanks anyway :) pip is a tool for managing python packages as far as i know | 13:51 |
k1l_ | nscp: ubuntu already ships a huge load of python pacakges in the repos | 13:52 |
nscp | k1l_: im looking for the `aws-cli` package | 13:52 |
arny | Try awscli | 13:54 |
Eric______ | I got ubuntu iso in usb flash that downloaded from rufus portable | 13:57 |
Eric______ | What i do next? | 13:57 |
Eric______ | Do i try ubuntu without installing or install ubuntu which one? | 13:59 |
nscp | arny: thanks, ive misspelled it i see :) running `pip install --user awscli` did the trick. thanks everybody! | 13:59 |
nscp | Eric______: are you wanting to install ubuntu or just try it? | 14:00 |
Eric______ | Yup so i can have windows and ubuntu | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: did you get the same black & white menu? | 14:01 |
nscp | Eric______: then select install | 14:02 |
k1l_ | Eric______: use the live ubuntu. from there you can run the isntall app but have internet too | 14:02 |
Eric______ | It got me confused | 14:03 |
ducasse | Eric______: you need to answer the question from EriC^^ first, that's kind of important | 14:03 |
Eric______ | Yup | 14:04 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: black & white? | 14:04 |
Eric______ | Yup | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: np, press on try ubuntu | 14:05 |
Funeral | hello, anyone know how to remove a program in ubuntu, it keeps comming back everytime i reboot | 14:05 |
EriC^^ | i'm trying something in a vm, if it works we'll go ahead with it Eric______ | 14:06 |
=== Spontex is now known as Guest50187 | ||
Eric______ | Rufus dont works | 14:07 |
ducasse | Funeral: what program and how did you install it? | 14:07 |
Funeral | f.lux indicator applet | 14:07 |
Funeral | dont remember how i did install it | 14:07 |
Funeral | it goes away when i remove it from the ubuntu software manager but comes back when i reboot | 14:08 |
k1l_ | f.flux? that was not insatlled from the ubuntu repos | 14:09 |
Eric______ | Rufus dont work | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Funeral: "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc 9999" and show the output url here | 14:10 |
Eric______ | So i do on poweriso | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Eric______: so what happend? | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Eric______: stop | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Eric______: tell me what doesnt work? what exactly? stop making a mess all over again | 14:10 |
Eric______ | It was dots loading still | 14:10 |
k1l_ | Eric______: how long did you wait? | 14:11 |
Funeral | k1l_: | 14:11 |
Eric______ | 2to 3 mins | 14:11 |
k1l_ | Eric______: so you saw a purple screen with dots showing in the middle? | 14:11 |
Eric______ | Yup | 14:11 |
k1l_ | Eric______: the loading can take some time, depending on the hardware | 14:12 |
k1l_ | Funeral: so you didnt use a PPA, how did you install it? | 14:13 |
ducasse | Eric______: rufus didn't work so you wrote the usb with poweriso like last time? | 14:13 |
Eric______ | Yup it was worked | 14:13 |
Funeral | i think i used | 14:14 |
Funeral | or | 14:14 |
Funeral | i think i have two different flux | 14:14 |
k1l_ | Funeral: did you run "sudo apt purge fluxgui"? | 14:14 |
Funeral | E: Unable to locate package fluxgui | 14:15 |
k1l_ | Funeral: so you used the git install? | 14:15 |
Funeral | prob both >_< | 14:16 |
Funeral | the first one didnt work | 14:16 |
Funeral | now i use Redshift | 14:16 |
k1l_ | Funeral: "sudo python install --record installed.txt" then run "sudo xargs rm -vr < installed.txt" | 14:16 |
terrible | someone can help with file-roller cause it crash on every boot of the system?? | 14:17 |
Funeral | ython: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory | 14:18 |
b3h3m0th | I created a file /etc/systemd/system/hostapd.service so that hostapd runs as a service. But when I try systemctl status hostapd, it says no such file or directory. Please help | 14:18 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: booted yet? | 14:20 |
Eric______ | It downloading iso on poweriso wait | 14:20 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, Again? | 14:21 |
ducasse | Eric______: the point of writing it with something else was that we suspect poweriso didn't do it correctly since you can only boot in uefi mode. | 14:21 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, An ISO image shouldn't change, so what's the point in downloading it again and again? | 14:21 |
Wirehunter | Eric______, Please try this one | 14:22 |
Eric______ | You all see and wait if its work ill let you know | 14:22 |
k1l_ | Funeral: "ls -al /tmp | nc 9999" | 14:22 |
akik | Eric______: rufus has a dd write mode too. did you use it? | 14:22 |
Wirehunter | Can't get easier than that. | 14:22 |
dury | hi there channel which ubuntu for toshiba 2800.400 | 14:22 |
ducasse | Eric______: but if you install while booted in the wrong mode you will have the same problem you came in here with six hours ago. | 14:23 |
nicomachus | dury: up to you. Most people will usually recommend the LTS version, which would be Ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 14:23 |
Funeral | k1l_: | 14:24 |
k1l_ | dury: try the 16.04 first | 14:24 |
MediocreN | rudus has a dd write mode? | 14:24 |
MediocreN | rufus* | 14:24 |
MediocreN | when did that become a thing? | 14:24 |
akik | Eric______: Alt-I (v1.4.7 or later) - Toggle ISO image support: By default, when an ISO image can be used as both a regular bootable ISO (Syslinux, WinPE, ...) or bootable flat disk image (DD), Rufus will choose the former method when copying the data. With this option, you can force DD image writing. | 14:24 |
nicomachus | MediocreN: isn't Rufus a windows program? | 14:24 |
akik | nicomachus: yes it is | 14:24 |
nicomachus | wrong place to ask, then | 14:25 |
akik | nicomachus: come on now | 14:25 |
MediocreN | no i ask because akik just said it has one | 14:25 |
akik | nicomachus: it can be used to write a linux iso on a usb stick and install .. linux | 14:25 |
dury | nicomachus, k1l_, old laptop though toshiba 2800.400 | 14:25 |
MediocreN | are you using a usb 3.0 to try and instal? | 14:26 |
k1l_ | dury: i dont know what toschiba 2800.400 is | 14:26 |
Eric______ | See everyone on picture im right with poweriso | 14:26 |
nicomachus | dury: what's the hardware? Pentium, celeron, core2duo? | 14:27 |
dury | nicomachus, k1l_, | 14:27 |
Eric______ | | 14:27 |
MediocreN | nicomachus: all the satillites were celeron age i believe | 14:27 |
terrible | someone can help with file-roller cause it crash on every boot of the system?? | 14:27 |
dury | pentium III I guess | 14:27 |
k1l_ | dury: looks like pentium3? then i dont think that there is a ubuntu that will work | 14:27 |
MediocreN | oh, i stand corrected | 14:28 |
nicomachus | k1l_: 64MB memory is the real problem | 14:28 |
MediocreN | ^ | 14:28 |
nicomachus | Maybe Lubuntu? but I don't think so | 14:29 |
k1l_ | nicomachus: i dont think pentium3 are supported at all. iirc pentium4 is the oldest supported cpu | 14:29 |
MediocreN | you could use crunch bang | 14:29 |
radfactz | nicomachus: yes. Programmers got sloppy with memory | 14:29 |
ducasse | Eric______: open a terminal and enter 'ls /sys/firmware/efi'. if that returns a small list you are in uefi mode, and your install will not work. | 14:29 |
dury | puppylinux maybe | 14:29 |
dury | or Damn Small Linux could be too | 14:30 |
k1l_ | dury: ##linux will know if there is a linux that still runs on that old and slow machine. | 14:30 |
MediocreN | crunchbang will run on that beast | 14:30 |
radfactz | dury: DOS | 14:30 |
MediocreN | i'd imagine damn small would also | 14:30 |
k1l_ | Funeral: maybe run the git clone again and then afterwards run the uninstall instructions: | 14:31 |
tarzan | sa | 14:31 |
tarzan | salut | 14:31 |
tarzan | hello | 14:32 |
Funeral | k1l_: oki, ill try | 14:32 |
aotaointbin | greetings | 14:32 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: don't do anything yet! | 14:32 |
EriC^^ | where are you at now? | 14:32 |
radfactz | MediocreN: DOS | 14:33 |
Eric______ | Im on terminal | 14:33 |
ducasse | EriC^^: check mode first, though | 14:33 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ^ | 14:34 |
ducasse | Eric______: just type the 'ls' command i gave you | 14:35 |
jakeukalane | hello | 14:35 |
EriC^^ | hi jakeukalane | 14:35 |
jakeukalane | I have a computer with Ubuntu 14.04.5 that don't have internet | 14:36 |
jakeukalane | before an update, it had internet | 14:36 |
jakeukalane | I don't know what happened, how I could set internet again | 14:37 |
Eric______ | Is: command not found | 14:37 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ls /sys/firmware/efi | 14:37 |
EriC^^ | small L not an I | 14:38 |
Wirehunter | jakeukalane, No internet? Does it have an ip? | 14:38 |
jakeukalane | the nm-applet don't connect | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | jakeukalane, wifi or ethernet? | 14:39 |
jakeukalane | ah, also the screen seem distorted. I think it started when I started ubuntu in fault mode | 14:39 |
jakeukalane | neither. it doesn't connect with the cable | 14:40 |
Wirehunter | jakeukalane, Are you familiar using a terminal? | 14:40 |
jakeukalane | yes | 14:40 |
Wirehunter | what interfaces can you see with ifconfig? | 14:40 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: can you choose an older kernel to boot in grub menu? does it work there? | 14:40 |
jakeukalane | ok, I will try. I will search how to show differnt kernels | 14:41 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: on grub menu, go to "advanced options" there it will list old installed kernels to boot | 14:42 |
jakeukalane | I will try, thanks | 14:42 |
jakeukalane | what key is the one to show the menu? | 14:42 |
EriC^^ | jakeukalane: hold shift | 14:42 |
jakeukalane | great, thanks | 14:43 |
Eric______ | How to run terminal as adim? | 14:43 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: put sudo before a command | 14:43 |
Eric______ | sudo is/sys/firmware/efi? | 14:45 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: no, just run "ls /sys/firmware/efi" | 14:45 |
jakeukalane | ok, the other kernel worked | 14:46 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: you're almost done, just run that command and tell us if it gives a bunch of dirs or what it says | 14:47 |
jakeukalane | how I set that that kernel always start with that kernel? | 14:47 |
jakeukalane | the grub* | 14:47 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: better look at what was broken on the new kernel to not have that issue again | 14:47 |
jakeukalane | how I see that? | 14:48 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: run "cat /var/log/syslog | nc 9999" and show the output url here | 14:48 |
Eric______ | It said config_table fw_platform_size runtime systab | 14:48 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ok, in the same terminal, type "ubiquity -b" | 14:48 |
jakeukalane | ok, I will do | 14:49 |
Eric______ | efivars fw_vendor runtime-map vars | 14:49 |
Eric______ | Eric wait i go on webcat easy | 14:49 |
Eric | im here eric | 14:51 |
EriC^^ | Eric: ok, open a terminal and type "ubiquity -b" | 14:51 |
compdoc | \o/ | 14:51 |
EriC^^ | this will open the installer without installing the bootloader, ducasse pointed it out, god bless him, lol xD | 14:52 |
Eric | O_O | 14:52 |
Eric | see it worked with PowerIso better | 14:53 |
EriC^^ | so we're not that far off from installing ubuntu now Eric______ after the installer finishes, we can manually install the bootloader in legacy mode and you should be good | 14:53 |
TidakDiKetahui | ikeh | 14:53 |
TidakDiKetahui | ikeh | 14:53 |
TidakDiKetahui | ikimochi | 14:53 |
k1l_ | TidakDiKetahui: this channel is for ubuntu support only. | 14:53 |
TidakDiKetahui | wow | 14:53 |
jakeukalane | what is | 14:54 |
EriC^^ | Eric: in the installer choose to install as usual, press on the "Install ubuntu alongside windows" and let it install itself | 14:54 |
TidakDiKetahui | sorry | 14:54 |
Eric | it said welcome on screen | 14:54 |
TidakDiKetahui | sry | 14:54 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: it will load the text to a pastebin an show you a url, show that url here so we can see the output | 14:54 |
Eric | eric it said force uefi installition | 14:56 |
EriC^^ | Eric: say yes | 14:56 |
Eric | contnue in uefi mode? | 14:56 |
EriC^^ | yes | 14:56 |
Atomic20 | I know this might be off topic but does anyone know the terminal command in encfs to decrpt I tried encfs encrypted folder decrypted folder and it asks for other variables | 14:57 |
Eric | eric it said erase disk and install ubuntu | 14:58 |
Eric | encryt the new ubuntu installation for security | 14:59 |
jakeukalane | I also want to delete a user, but it says that it doesn't exists | 14:59 |
Eric | use livecd with the new ubuntu installation | 15:00 |
Eric | something else | 15:00 |
Eric | which one? | 15:00 |
Eric______ | | 15:03 |
EriC^^ | Atomic20: what other variables | 15:04 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: press on "Something else" at the bottom | 15:04 |
Atomic20 | mount options | 15:04 |
Atomic20 | -v | 15:04 |
Atomic20 | --reverse crpt | 15:05 |
Atomic20 | that menu | 15:05 |
EriC^^ | Atomic20: paste it in | 15:05 |
Atomic20 | what's the command in encfs to decrypt | 15:05 |
Atomic20 | I really just need the command to decrypt | 15:05 |
EriC^^ | Atomic20: encfs /full/path/to/dir /full/path/to/empty/dir | 15:08 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: ? | 15:09 |
rek | hi folks, i run this command i want to put in my crontab and it works and deletes eveything but it says find: '/shares/24h_registr/Nuova cartella': No such file or directory i know when i don't specify -type f or type d is both infact i want to delete both folders and files..and it works but i get that warning, the command i issue: find /shares/24h_registr/* -exec rm -r {} \; | 15:10 |
EriC^^ | rek: try with just find /shares/24h_registr -exec rm -r {} \; | 15:11 |
jakeukalane | the pastebin has limits | 15:12 |
rek | EriC^^, i fink that will delete my folder | 15:12 |
Eric | yup eric? | 15:12 |
jakeukalane | the size of the txt exceed 512 kb | 15:12 |
rek | EriC^^, i cannot delete my shared folder | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | rek: no it'll look for stuff in that dir | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | rek: hmm it hink it will | 15:13 |
Eric______ | | 15:13 |
EriC^^ | rek: you're right | 15:14 |
radagea | i | 15:14 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: how much ram do you have and do you want hibernation? | 15:15 |
momken_ | Hello | 15:15 |
Eric | on memory ram? | 15:15 |
EriC^^ | Eric: yeah | 15:15 |
Eric | whers system info? | 15:15 |
fastputty | hi guys, could someone help me out. my iotop show 24.60 for IOWAIT. im not sure what is the reason for it. I have 4 cores so i guess its 100% IOWAIT on a single core. | 15:16 |
fastputty | iostat* | 15:16 |
momken_ | I have found this document about which drivers are available in linux for working with Gobi3000 mobile-broadband cards | 15:16 |
momken_ | | 15:16 |
EriC^^ | Eric: press on the settings icon that has a wrench and go to details | 15:17 |
wei__ | 大家有懂中文的吗 | 15:17 |
wei__ | 英文不太好,遇到问题想请教在的 Ubuntu-mate 16.04.01升级后到了16.04.02发现桌面壁纸和字体等没有办法设置 | 15:18 |
BluesKaj | !cn | wei__ | 15:18 |
ubottu | wei__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 15:18 |
momken_ | Excuse me, the main document is this one: | 15:18 |
momken_ | This is a better document | 15:18 |
Eric | Memory 1.8 GiB | 15:19 |
momken_ | It seems that in my ubuntu bydefault it's using drivers "cdc-wdm" and "qmi_wwan" for managing my mobile-broadband card | 15:20 |
Eric | eric? | 15:22 |
momken_ | There are 2 series of drivers for working with Gobi mobile-broadband devices: 1.Qualcomm's GobiNet/GobiSerial and 2. qmi_wwan in upstearm kernel | 15:22 |
momken_ | But the "qmi_wwan" driver doesn't work well in my ubuntu. Anyone has experience with it? | 15:23 |
momken_ | There are no ttyUSB devices as mobile-broadband modem to speak with, so I can't upload the firmware to the gobi-device | 15:24 |
momken_ | As described in under section 3.4.1, the device /dev/cdc-wdm1 is currently known and available in my ubuntu | 15:26 |
jakeukalane | k1l_, the paste is 1.2 Mb; I can't upload | 15:27 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: i gave you a command that will upload it and will show you a url | 15:27 |
momken_ | This shows that cdc-wdm driver is currently loaded to communicate with my mobile-broadband card | 15:27 |
jakeukalane | but I don't have internet on the computer when I execute the command | 15:28 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: you said it worked with the older kernel | 15:28 |
jakeukalane | yes, but I started again the new kernel to do the output | 15:28 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: its ok to run it from the old kernel | 15:29 |
jakeukalane | ah, ok | 15:29 |
jakeukalane | also, I want to remove a user, sudo deluser user should work right? | 15:29 |
jakeukalane | ok, I solved, I deleted the user :D | 15:32 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: yes, that will remove "user". use --remove-home if you want to get rid of the homfolder too | 15:32 |
Eric | eric? | 15:33 |
J_P_ | hide joins :) | 15:33 |
kalby-imanie | can i decrease size of root partition for my swap? lastime i tried, it had a kind of warning that it might be corrupted? | 15:34 |
kalby-imanie | so when i accidentally put remaining size for / partition, could it be tweaked? | 15:34 |
kalby-imanie | i have 1TB disk size | 15:34 |
kalby-imanie | i kinda worry if it would do some harm | 15:35 |
J_P_ | kalby-imanie shouldn't be a problem | 15:35 |
J_P_ | Only if the sectors have data in them, but they are probably empty :p | 15:35 |
J_P_ | as long as you don't do drastic decrease | 15:35 |
kalby-imanie | as long as i dont mess with /boot partition, things would work fine right? | 15:36 |
k1l_ | kalby-imanie: changing things on partitions can always result in dataloss. so what do you want to do exactly? | 15:36 |
kalby-imanie | data loss is fine, but not my OS to be corrupted | 15:36 |
k1l_ | well, if system data gets "lost" the system is not fine anymore :) | 15:36 |
J_P_ | :p | 15:36 |
jakeukalane | | 15:37 |
kalby-imanie | system related things are under / partition, right? | 15:37 |
kalby-imanie | grub and whatnot | 15:37 |
J_P_ | oh your swap is made huge :p | 15:37 |
k1l_ | kalby-imanie: can you show a "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin and explain what you want to change? | 15:37 |
J_P_ | Yeah i'm pretty sure you can change that without any problems | 15:38 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: what is the output of "uname -r" on the working kernel? | 15:38 |
kalby-imanie |, this is my VM partition | 15:39 |
kalby-imanie | i would try at it first | 15:39 |
kalby-imanie | but please explain | 15:39 |
kalby-imanie | let say i want to reduce root size for swap | 15:39 |
jakeukalane | k1l_, 3.13.0-91 | 15:39 |
kalby-imanie | would it be okay? | 15:40 |
J_P_ | kalby-imanie for your swap it would not matter | 15:40 |
k1l_ | kalby-imanie: yes, shrinking sda3 and increasing sda2 should be ok | 15:41 |
J_P_ | but if you have 1TB disk, why are you worried about this? | 15:41 |
kalby-imanie | i just want to know how it works | 15:42 |
jakeukalane | I think the solution should be to set that kernel to default | 15:42 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: no, that is not the solution | 15:42 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: because that way you miss kernel udpates which are there to fix security issues | 15:43 |
J_P_ | Kalby-imanie :p, your better off reading docs and tutorials then | 15:43 |
jakeukalane | I think the new kernel is 118 | 15:43 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: does "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" want to install new updates? | 15:44 |
jakeukalane | 108, sorry | 15:44 |
jakeukalane | yes, a lot | 15:45 |
jakeukalane | 112, an xserver between them | 15:45 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: run them. maybe that issue is already fixed | 15:45 |
jakeukalane | ok, I will do | 15:45 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
dawidek | hey guys, when I set MTU value to 1492 in my DSL connection via Edit Connections the value is not set - it's still 1500. When I change it via terminal (ip link set ppp0 mtu 1492) it is changed. How can I set the MTU to be 1492 for my DSL connectioon? | 15:46 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: still there buddy? | 15:46 |
pluta | Is it possible to set a package, Kodi to be specific, to run at startup as a specific user from the desktop (unity) | 15:47 |
Wirehunter | EriC^^, doesn't he use Eric now? | 15:47 |
EriC^^ | Wirehunter: ah right, thanks | 15:48 |
EriC^^ | Eric: still there? | 15:48 |
pavlos | dawidek, can you add mtu 1492 to /etc/network/interfaces and restart network? | 15:51 |
FunkSt8r | i just updated my 16.04.2 LTS this morning and now my member server doesn't work, getent doesn't show domain users anymore | 15:54 |
dawidek | pavlos, yes I can. I didn't know about that value. I'm googling how to do it | 15:54 |
dawidek | about that file*** | 15:54 |
erwan_lebescond | join /drupal | 15:58 |
Duosora | Greeting | 15:59 |
pluta | Is there a gksudo on ubuntu? I am trying to run an app, Kodi, as a different user from the desktop . | 16:00 |
auronandace | !info gksu | pluta | 16:01 |
ubottu | pluta: gksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB | 16:01 |
pluta | Is there a way to set to autostart when i login as my user to launch kodi with the kodi user? | 16:01 |
pluta | using gksu that is | 16:02 |
Eric______ | Yup you there? | 16:04 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: yes, where are you at now? | 16:05 |
Eric | u said mmory and i said 1.8 Gib | 16:05 |
Eric | oops memory | 16:05 |
=== mcphail_ is now known as mcphail | ||
jakeukalane | k1l_, hey, all fixed!!! thank you!!! | 16:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric: ok, in the installer press on the + sign at the bottom left corner | 16:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric: choose ext4 journaling system, logical partition, and mountpoint "/" | 16:07 |
pavlos | pluta, you can add in Startup Applications, I assume it will look like this (not tested) gksu -u kodi /usr/bin/kodi | 16:07 |
FunkSt8r | a recent apt update has broken my samba member server. Is there an easy way to rollback the updates? | 16:07 |
k1l_ | jakeukalane: ok :) | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | Eric: for the size, make it whatever the maximum is minus 2gb | 16:07 |
Eric | do i click free space? | 16:08 |
EriC^^ | Eric: yes then + | 16:08 |
Eric | its said size 21224 Mb | 16:08 |
EriC^^ | Eric: ok make it 19000mb | 16:09 |
Eric | and then what? | 16:10 |
=== CyberDems is now known as fragtion | ||
EriC^^ | press ok | 16:10 |
EriC^^ | then same thing for the remaining free space, press + this time select the type as "Swap" | 16:11 |
Eric | choose ext4 journaling system, logical partition, and mountpoint "/" | 16:11 |
EriC^^ | also logical partition | 16:11 |
fst | hi guys! can someone assist on a 802.1x problem? i would like to authenticate to a wpa2-enterprise network with a kubuntu workstation laptop. everything works fine but networkmanager saves the password. i would like to have a popup which asks for user/pw. how is this done? | 16:11 |
Eric | use as ext4 journaling file system? | 16:12 |
=== sorinello__ is now known as sorinello | ||
grawity | fst: as in, you want the prompt to show up every time? | 16:13 |
OerHeks | fst, remove it from your keys&password app? | 16:13 |
OerHeks | = keyring | 16:13 |
grawity | I guess you'll have to convince NM to "forget" them every time, I guess | 16:13 |
grawity | er. went a bit department of redundancy department there | 16:14 |
fst | OerHeks, yes i want to just select the network and then it prompts for user/pw every time | 16:14 |
fst | right now if you set it up using network manager gui it saves it in current users keyring | 16:15 |
Eric______ | | 16:15 |
fastputty | hi guys, could someone help me out. my iostat show 24.60 for IOWAIT. im not sure what is the reason for it. I have 4 cores so i guess its 100% IOWAIT on a single core.. iostat -x 1 : and iotop: | 16:17 |
sgen | How can I clear inotify watches? | 16:17 |
nomike | Hi! | 16:19 |
nomike | What is the preferred way to configure search domain entries for /etc/resolv.conf in 16.10? | 16:19 |
EriC^^ | Eric: yeah that's correct | 16:20 |
Eric | i clicked ok | 16:20 |
EriC^^ | Eric: same thing for the remaining free space, press + this time select the type as "Swap" | 16:21 |
grawity | sgen: kill programs which are using too many of them | 16:21 |
fastputty | no one able to help me with my issue? :( | 16:21 |
sgen | grawity: I just restarted so should there be any? | 16:21 |
sgen | grawity: how do I find out which processes are using them? | 16:21 |
grawity | sgen: sure, if they're the kind that auto-starts with the system | 16:21 |
grawity | tracker and dropbox would be my first guesses | 16:21 |
sgen | I dont have either of those installed | 16:22 |
yo1 | why at the end of a release upgrade it says removing 107 packages could take "several hours"? shouldnt removing packages be pretty quick? | 16:22 |
grawity | sgen: run this in a root shell: grep inotify /proc/*/fdinfo/* | 16:22 |
Eric | then what i do next? | 16:22 |
EriC^^ | Eric: same thing for the remaining free space, press + this time select the type as "Swap" | 16:22 |
Eric | i did already | 16:22 |
EriC^^ | Eric: ok, take a screenshot of the setup and post it to imgur | 16:23 |
sgen | grawity: Ok that spat out a massive list, where are the procids? | 16:23 |
Eric______ | | 16:24 |
sgen | Or what do I do with this? | 16:24 |
grawity | right there in front of each line | 16:24 |
grawity | you can pipe it to | awk -F/ '{print "watches - pid", $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | 16:24 |
nacc | sgen: why do you care about the inotify watches? | 16:24 |
EriC^^ | Eric______: it looks good, press Install now | 16:25 |
sgen | nacc: Because Im using node watches and ive run out of inotify watches | 16:25 |
nacc | sgen: just increase the maximum number of inotify watches? rather than potentially breaking software taht assumes it can use inotify? | 16:26 |
Eric | do i click /dev/sde5 ext4 /? | 16:26 |
sgen | nacc: I already did to 512mb/ram worth of watches | 16:27 |
grawity | ...huh? | 16:27 |
grawity | those aren't measured in megabytes | 16:27 |
nacc | sgen: what grawity said | 16:27 |
sgen | one second | 16:27 |
fst | OerHeks, i did delete the password from the password app, then it pops up once and saves it to keyring again :( | 16:27 |
grawity | fs.inotify.max_user_watches directly maps to units, not to memory allocation | 16:28 |
sgen | I did this: $ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=582222 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p as per | 16:28 |
Eric______ | | 16:28 |
=== mekhami1 is now known as mekhami | ||
nacc | sgen: well, the default (in 17.04) value is 1048576, so you reduced it possibly? I don't have a 16.04 in front of me | 16:28 |
nacc | sgen: and also that value is not any useful number | 16:29 |
nacc | sgen: 568.576K? | 16:29 |
grawity | "useful"? it doesn't have to be a round number, you know | 16:29 |
grawity | bit weird a choice but doesn't matter | 16:29 |
nacc | grawity: 'useful' as in reference value | 16:30 |
sgen | so what should I set it to? | 16:30 |
nacc | grawity: yes, it doesn't need to be round, but it makes sense to be for most people to understand *why* you set it to something | 16:30 |
kouul | join #drupal-google | 16:31 |
nacc | sgen: ah on 16.04 the default appears to be 8192; so just set it to a high enough value that you don't hit the limit? | 16:31 |
sgen | nacc: I just set it to the 17.04 default | 16:32 |
EriC^^ | Eric: doesn't matter | 16:32 |
sgen | grawity, nacc: Ive got 16gb / ram so Ill be fine right? | 16:32 |
sgen | GB* | 16:33 |
grawity | sure | 16:33 |
Eric | i click install now | 16:33 |
EriC^^ | Eric: yeah | 16:33 |
sgen | ok thanks a bunch! | 16:33 |
nacc | sgen: yes, inotify watches are relatively cheap | 16:33 |
OerHeks | fst, good question, i cannot find the answer | 16:36 |
Eric | the following partitions are going to be formatted | 16:36 |
Eric______ | | 16:39 |
Dethfull | how can i modify ("/dev/pcm_out") parameters ? | 16:39 |
=== eublem is now known as test123q | ||
Dethfull | or how can i replace ("/dev/pcm_out")? | 16:42 |
nacc | Dethfull: what is your actual issue? | 16:43 |
Dethfull | how can i modify ("/dev/pcm_out") parameters ? | 16:44 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
Dethfull | nacc low volume | 16:44 |
nacc | Dethfull: that question doesn't make sense. /dev/pcm_out is a dev-node. It doesn't have parameters. | 16:44 |
Dethfull | nacc ok i understand, iif i delete this, no aound | 16:45 |
Dethfull | sound | 16:45 |
grawity | delete what from where, though? | 16:45 |
nacc | Dethfull: if you delete /dev/pcm_out? | 16:45 |
Dethfull | nacc yes | 16:45 |
nacc | Dethfull: yes, of course, because that's the PCM output device | 16:45 |
nacc | Dethfull: you should not ever delete something /dev randomly | 16:45 |
* grawity has never seen /dev/pcm_out on any Linux though | 16:45 | |
nacc | grawity: a goodpoint :) | 16:46 |
nacc | Dethfull: which ubuntu is this? | 16:46 |
Dethfull | unix | 16:46 |
nacc | Dethfull: ? | 16:46 |
grawity | Dethfull: which unix is this? | 16:46 |
k1l_ | Dethfull: unix is not a ubuntu release | 16:46 |
grawity | aix? solaris? freebsd? macos? hp-ux? | 16:46 |
nacc | Dethfull: I asked "which ubuntu is this?" and you replied "unix" | 16:46 |
Dethfull | yes i replied unix | 16:46 |
nacc | Dethfull: that's not an ubuntu | 16:47 |
k1l_ | Dethfull: then please ask in a support channel for your OS. this here is ubuntu support only | 16:47 |
nacc | Dethfull: and you are in the ubuntu support channel, please ask in a relevant channel for your OS | 16:47 |
Dethfull | i sea4ched forums, , it exists linux with dev pcm in | 16:47 |
Dethfull | nacc i see linuxes forums discussing ("/dev/pcm_out") | 16:48 |
nacc | Dethfull: you are in the wrong channel, sorry | 16:49 |
k1l_ | Dethfull: then ask in ##linux thanks | 16:49 |
Eric | ERIC? | 16:49 |
Eric | eric^^? | 16:49 |
onca | It seems no matter what I try in a virtual machine of kubuntu, the clock never shows the correct time. Anyone know what I have to do? | 16:50 |
nacc | onca: use NTP? | 16:50 |
onca | thanks I'll check that out | 16:50 |
Wirehunter | onca, maybe wrong timezone is set? | 16:51 |
onca | no. it's set to EST. | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | onca: when you say it doesn't show the correct time. Is it off by exactly some amount of hours? or is it off by minutes? Or something else? | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | because those are vastly different things | 16:52 |
onca | It is off by 4 hours | 16:53 |
tgm4883 | Yep, that sounds like a timezone thing. 4 hours in which direction? | 16:53 |
PipeItToDevNull | onca, My rig is always off by 4 hours with a Manjaro dual boot. | 16:53 |
onca | Normally I just ignore it. | 16:54 |
Eric | eric? | 16:54 |
nacc | !tab | Eric | 16:55 |
ubottu | Eric: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 16:55 |
Eric | how | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | onca: what time does it say now? | 16:56 |
onca | the vbox vm of kubuntu reads 9:01 AM - my computer's time is 1:01 | 16:57 |
tgm4883 | onca: um, none of those are current EST time... | 16:58 |
* tgm4883 checks if there is another EST | 16:58 | |
onca | tgm4883: it's close enough. | 16:58 |
=== Diveyez is now known as nem | ||
tgm4883 | onca: oh heh, my brain needs coffee. I was thinking 1:01 AM | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | it's a VM, so I think that makes things a little more difficult. What hypervisor are you using? | 17:00 |
OerHeks | Eric, just be patient, you got support from EriC^^ for 8.5 hours now, he must eat & sleep i guess | 17:00 |
ducasse | Eric: also, he helped you get the installer started correctly. now you just install as you did before, you should be fine. | 17:01 |
Eric | hey oerheks take a look at picture | 17:01 |
pineappletoothbr | Hi everyone! Something quite odd has been happening on my Ubuntu installation. After I got a notification saying that I was running out of space, I opened the Disk Usage Analyzer and found that the directory .Private contains many subdirectories starting with ECRYPTFS_FNEK_* and some are very large, one is taking up 4GB and the others also around 1GB. Does anyone have any idea how to fix that? | 17:01 |
Eric | ducasse | 17:01 |
Eric______ | | 17:02 |
nacc | pineappletoothbr: have you failed to type your encryption password correctly a few times? | 17:03 |
ishufncv | i wonder why ubuntu repos doesn't contain the latest glibc release.. is there a reason for this? the version I have is 2.23 but is already available the 2.25 | 17:03 |
tgm4883 | pineappletoothbr: that's your encrypted home | 17:03 |
tgm4883 | !latest | 17:03 |
ubottu | Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 17:03 |
nacc | ishufncv: --^ | 17:03 |
ishufncv | nacc: ok, I see. but they do contain security patches.. | 17:04 |
pineappletoothbr | ishufncv also sometimes the people packaging the software are sometimes different from the developers on it, and again stability on ubuntu takes precedence over latest version. | 17:05 |
pineappletoothbr | tgm4883 I think it is. I wonder why there's so many of those folders | 17:05 |
nacc | ishufncv: "they do contain"? what is "they" and the security team puts out updates as needed | 17:05 |
tgm4883 | ishufncv: security updates get backported | 17:05 |
pineappletoothbr | Some were last opened months ago though. I don't think I'll run into any problems if I delete those | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric: still there? | 17:06 |
k1l_ | ishufncv: ubuntu/debian do bacport security patches but dont increase the version. that is the idea behind a stable release system. its not a rolling release. | 17:06 |
Eric | wb eric^^ | 17:06 |
ducasse | pineappletoothbr: if you delete them you will delete the actual contents of your encrypted home | 17:06 |
Eric______ | | 17:06 |
ishufncv | with "they" I mean the 2.24 and 2.25 | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric: thanks | 17:06 |
EriC^^ | Eric: ok, press continue | 17:07 |
ishufncv | k1l_: ok that make sense | 17:07 |
tgm4883 | ishufncv: what security issues are you wondering about? CVE please | 17:07 |
nacc | ishufncv: and 2.24 is in 16.10+ | 17:07 |
Eric | it said where are you? | 17:07 |
pineappletoothbr | ducasse thanks, there's twenty of them though. Is everything working as it should or there shouldn't be so many? | 17:07 |
nacc | ishufncv: also 2.25 is not yet in Debian and we're unlikely to move ahead of Debian on glibc | 17:07 |
=== danny_ is now known as pinchi | ||
ducasse | pineappletoothbr: there are usually plenty of them, yes. | 17:08 |
ishufncv | tgm4883: CVE-2016-3075, CVE-2016-3706, CVE-2016-1234, CVE-2016-4429, CVE-2016-5417, CVE-2016-6323, CVE-2015-5180 | 17:08 |
pineappletoothbr | ducasse Thanks, I'll look into some other unneeded stuff to delete :D | 17:09 |
nacc | ishufncv: | 17:10 |
k1l_ | ishufncv: | 17:10 |
tgm4883 | k1l_: +1, I didn't know we could look it up by package :) | 17:10 |
nacc | k1l_: yeah, that's a nice page :) | 17:10 |
Eric | eric^^ it said where are you? | 17:10 |
ishufncv | oh cool, thanks guys | 17:11 |
Duosora | hello | 17:11 |
Duosora | where do i talk about a handmade? | 17:11 |
ducasse | Duosora: handmade? | 17:12 |
ishufncv | they are almost all "needed" | 17:12 |
EriC^^ | Eric: choose your country location | 17:12 |
ishufncv | "they" the CVEs | 17:13 |
Eric | i type saskatoon? | 17:13 |
ishufncv | on my Xenial | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | press it on the map Eric | 17:13 |
EriC^^ | brb | 17:13 |
Eric | i live in saskatoon | 17:14 |
k1l_ | ishufncv: see the descriptions of the cves | 17:14 |
nacc | ishufncv: which means they've been triaged by the security team, aiui | 17:14 |
ishufncv | nacc what do you mean? I well know what that vulns are | 17:15 |
Eric | O_O ur crazy eric | 17:15 |
EriC^ | Eric: what? | 17:16 |
Eric | u has 2 accounts same i has 2 accts | 17:16 |
akik | Duosora: do you mean ubuntu phone? #ubuntu-touch | 17:17 |
HoNgOuRu | hi, every time I reboot my computer my removable usb hard disk ext4 stays as unclean and cannot be mounted again... maybe I am doing something wron when mounting it... any ideas? | 17:17 |
EriC^ | HoNgOuRu: maybe it's not unmounting properly when you shutdown, try unmounting it manually and see what it says | 17:18 |
Eric | eric^ keyboard layout is english us right? | 17:18 |
axisys | I am seeing Dummy Output under Sound Settings.. tried to play with alsa-base.conf with different options.. still no sound.. works fine with live CD | 17:19 |
ishufncv | anyway, that's cool. thanks for the help ;) | 17:19 |
axisys | my device output | 17:19 |
axisys | any trick short from re-installing the OS? | 17:20 |
tozen | axisys: alsamixer >> mute option ? | 17:20 |
axisys | tozen: I am not seeing that option.. | 17:22 |
Eric | eric^ its installing system | 17:22 |
EriC^ | Eric: great | 17:23 |
axisys | tozen: alsamixer looks like this | 17:24 |
tozen | axisys: just have a look under channels there should be small window showing <00> - unmute <M> - mute | 17:24 |
rek | what i wrot in my crontab went away after the reboot generally what do you do to keep it? | 17:24 |
tozen | axisys: use M button to unmute | 17:24 |
=== sucode_ is now known as Guest90242 | ||
axisys | for all three? | 17:24 |
axisys | tozen: Sound Settings -> Output -> Dummy Output | 17:25 |
tozen | axisys: stop!!!! | 17:25 |
axisys | k | 17:25 |
tozen | Haven't see your screen | 17:26 |
=== `j is now known as wlp1s1 | ||
axisys | looks like tozen left.. anyone else has any suggestion? | 17:29 |
Eric | eric^ its working now its installing | 17:30 |
anonymous | hi | 17:32 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest88042 | ||
Guest88042 | hay | 17:33 |
Guest88042 | hi | 17:34 |
MediocreN | damn | 17:34 |
MediocreN | no responce in 1min and they dip | 17:34 |
Eric | hey eric^ | 17:35 |
MediocreN | So its not exactly ubuntu, can i ask questions about i3 setups in here? | 17:35 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, let me know when it finishes installing | 17:35 |
MediocreN | or is that ment for offtopic? | 17:36 |
Eric | installation has finished you can continue testing ubuntu now. but until you restart the computer, any changes you make or documents you save wil not be preserved | 17:37 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, open a terminal | 17:37 |
Eric | continue testing or restart now? | 17:38 |
EriC^ | continue testing | 17:38 |
Eric | im on terminal | 17:39 |
EriC^ | Eric: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt | 17:39 |
ducasse | MediocreN: why not ask them in #i3? i know it's not dead, as we're discussing something there rn. | 17:40 |
Eric | and what i do next? | 17:40 |
MediocreN | ducasse: sorry didnt even look in alis. | 17:40 |
EriC^ | Eric: type this following line word for word | 17:40 |
EriC^ | Eric: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 17:40 |
ducasse | MediocreN: if it's ubuntu-specific, try here though :) | 17:40 |
MediocreN | ty | 17:40 |
Eric | i type ii in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i | 17:42 |
Eric | oops "i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i" | 17:42 |
EriC^ | Eric: for i in .... | 17:42 |
EriC^ | with the for too | 17:42 |
EriC^ | and ;done too | 17:42 |
Eric | i....? | 17:45 |
EriC^ | Eric: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 17:45 |
EriC^ | copy it letter for letter | 17:45 |
Eric | i got it | 17:46 |
Eric | what i do next? | 17:46 |
MediocreN | Eric think of the for i in to be for everything in | 17:46 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt | 17:46 |
Eric | root@ubuntu:/# what that? | 17:47 |
MediocreN | eric, it means your running the terminal as the root user | 17:48 |
MediocreN | which is like god mode | 17:48 |
Eric | oh ok | 17:49 |
Eric | what i do next? | 17:49 |
MediocreN | so basically be very careful with any rm statements | 17:49 |
EriC^ | Eric: dpkg -l grub* | 17:49 |
EriC^ | Eric: do you see any grub-efi-amd64 stuff there? | 17:50 |
EriC^ | Eric: nevermind that command | 17:50 |
Eric | root@ubuntu:/# on the screen on terminal | 17:50 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda | 17:50 |
Eric | beside root right? | 17:51 |
EriC^ | Eric: yeah | 17:51 |
Eric | like this | 17:51 |
Eric | root@ubuntu:/# grub-install --recheck /dev/sda | 17:52 |
CrazyTux | hello, is anyone using Ubuntu 16.10 or other variants of it? | 17:53 |
CrazyTux | here? | 17:54 |
EriC^ | Eric: yeah | 17:54 |
CrazyTux | ok. Are you experiencing random freezing of the OS? | 17:54 |
nicomachus | CrazyTux: better to just ask your question, not take a poll. | 17:54 |
Eric | Installing for i386-pc platform. Installation finished. No error reported. | 17:55 |
CrazyTux | I was just playing a video and had a couple of tabs open when suddenly the OS freezed. | 17:55 |
EriC^ | Eric: type update-grub | 17:55 |
nicomachus | CrazyTux: sounds like CPU or RAM maxing out, but you'd have to be monitoring those two sensors during the event to know for sure. | 17:55 |
CrazyTux | I couldn't do anything. Had to press the power button on my laptop to reset it. | 17:55 |
CrazyTux | I have a brand new laptop which has 4 GBs of RAM and runs on Core i3 2 Ghz cpu. | 17:56 |
Eric | Generating grub configuration file ... Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported. Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.0-41-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.8.0-41-generic Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.0-36-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.8.0-36-generic grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1. Check your Adding | 17:56 |
CrazyTux | I have Xubuntu 16.10 installed and was working on Lubuntu DE when this happened. | 17:57 |
nicomachus | CrazyTux: similar specs here, but sometimes browsers get stuck on a single thread of the CPU and run away with it. | 17:57 |
CrazyTux | what to do when this happens. | 17:57 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, now type dpkg -l | grep grub | nc 9999 | 17:57 |
EriC^ | Eric: it'll give you a link to , paste it here | 17:58 |
MediocreN | CrazyTux: you can try ctrl-shft-q | 17:58 |
CrazyTux | Because of this I am scared to use this Xubuntu 16.10 | 17:58 |
MediocreN | i think | 17:58 |
MediocreN | to kill the last process | 17:58 |
CrazyTux | Nothing works. Everything gets frozen. Even keyboard and mouse. | 17:58 |
MediocreN | oh damn | 17:58 |
MediocreN | cant even to another display? | 17:58 |
nicomachus | CrazyTux: `top` or `htop` in a terminal can show you what is using the most resources. you can also install indicator-sysmonitor to have those specs in the menu bar, so that you can see them even when things are frozen. | 17:58 |
nicomachus | indicator-sysmonitor may be a PPA, now that I think about it. | 17:59 |
CrazyTux | from where can I install that? | 17:59 |
Eric | | 17:59 |
nicomachus | CrazyTux: | 18:00 |
CrazyTux | ok | 18:00 |
nicomachus | !info indicator-sysmonitor | 18:00 |
ubottu | Package indicator-sysmonitor does not exist in yakkety | 18:00 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, also install the metapackage, type apt-get install grub2 | 18:00 |
nicomachus | yea, gonna have to use a PPA or git clone | 18:00 |
CrazyTux | But, what is the solution for this freezing problem | 18:01 |
CrazyTux | ?? | 18:01 |
tgm4883 | CrazyTux: for starters, figuring out what is causing it | 18:01 |
Eric | on terminal? | 18:01 |
Eric | like this | 18:01 |
MediocreN | yes | 18:01 |
MediocreN | type that full statement behind your root prompt | 18:01 |
CrazyTux | I am on Mint now. Will have to restart my laptop. | 18:02 |
Eric | root@ubuntu:/# apt-get install grub2 | 18:02 |
kalby-imanie | how can i shrink partition using parted? i already selected the device number, then? | 18:03 |
kalby-imanie | anyone used parted? | 18:03 |
CrazyTux | ok. I'll come back later. | 18:04 |
CrazyTux | thanks for the help | 18:04 |
R2AMO | I mean I shrinked with gparted several years ago, gparted more human | 18:04 |
EriC^ | Eric: yes | 18:04 |
CrazyTux | that problem is really annoying me. I like to use Ubuntu Mate but because of this problem I am scared to use it. | 18:05 |
Eric | Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed: grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common Suggested packages: multiboot-doc grub-emu xorriso desktop-base The following NEW packages will be installed: grub2 The following packages will be upgraded: grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common 4 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to re | 18:06 |
MediocreN | kalby-imanie: use gparted imo, but in parted its resize2fs /dev/path size i believe | 18:06 |
MediocreN | you will need the fs type also | 18:06 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, go with it | 18:07 |
Eric | Need to get 2,532 B/3,303 kB of archives. After this operation, 21.5 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] | 18:08 |
wiz_974 | salut | 18:09 |
=== junke1991 is now known as junke1990 | ||
momomo | I am writing a document usex laTex ... generating the pdf ... and then opening it ... however I am a bit annoyed that if I have scrolled in the document .. the pdf will start at the start of the document.... how can I autoupdate the pdf ??? is there a pdf reader that will scan for file change and then autoupdate the visible pdf ?? or a pdf program that can remember scroll position ?? | 18:11 |
MediocreN | momomo: texworks | 18:12 |
MediocreN | works also latex will work | 18:12 |
EriC^ | Eric: ye | 18:12 |
Eric | eric^ | 18:13 |
EriC^ | yes | 18:13 |
MediocreN | in ~/.latexmkrc set $pdf_previewer = "start xpdf - remote %R %O %s"; $pdf_update_method = 4; $pdf_update_command = "xpdf -remote %R -reload"; | 18:13 |
MediocreN | each on their own line, straight from latex documents | 18:13 |
Eric | The grub-pc package is being upgraded. This menu allows you to │ select which devices you'd like grub-install to be automatically │ run for, if any. │ │ Running grub-install automatically is recommended in most │ situations, to prevent the installed GRUB core image from ┠| 18:14 |
EriC^ | Eric: take a screenshot | 18:15 |
Eric______ | | 18:17 |
momomo | MediocreN: thanks ... works like magic .. i had assumed the default pdf reader --> xreader was bacially evince ... looks the same basically inside .. but works differently | 18:17 |
MediocreN | momomo: yeah, it drove me nuts once upon a time :p | 18:18 |
EriC^ | Eric: press the TAB key | 18:22 |
EriC^ | then press enter | 18:22 |
EriC^ | press the OK button | 18:22 |
blackflag | Good afternoon! I cannot print in duplex mode in a HP P3015 in an ubuntu 16.04 in one of the PCs of my job. I even cannot configure the duplex print option. The duplex configuration appears gray to me. I don't know where to start. Thanks for the attention and sorry for my bad English. | 18:23 |
nacc | blackflag: can you pastebin `lpoptions -l` ? | 18:25 |
momomo | MediocreN: do you know if there is a way to get pdflatex to auto execute upon file change as well? | 18:26 |
nacc | blackflag: and do you have hplip installed? | 18:26 |
momomo | to generate the pdf that is | 18:26 |
Eric_____ | | 18:28 |
blackflag | nacc: Yes, hplip is installed. Sure, I will pastebin | 18:28 |
EriC^ | Eric_____: press spacebar so you get an X there | 18:29 |
EriC^ | Eric_____: then go down to Ok and press enter | 18:29 |
EriC^ | Eric_____: choose the first one /dev/sda | 18:29 |
MediocreN | momomo: i actually dont... i'd say we can try and walk down that road and figure it out, but i have to go out on the floor for awhile | 18:30 |
MediocreN | will be back in awhile | 18:30 |
blackflag | nacc: When I try "lpoptions l" the output is : "lpoptions: Unable to get PPD file for HP_CP3525_Color: Not Found" | 18:30 |
nacc | blackflag: -l right? | 18:30 |
momomo | MediocreN: I tried this but only worked once | 18:31 |
momomo | | 18:31 |
blackflag | nacc: Yes "lpotios -l" | 18:31 |
Eric | [ ] /dev/sdb (62914 MB; Flash_Disk) ? | 18:32 |
nacc | momomo: that's gross. rerun pdflatex every 3 seconds? | 18:32 |
blackflag | nacc: *lpoptions -l | 18:32 |
EriC^ | Eric: no the first one /dev/sda (500107 MB.... | 18:32 |
nacc | momomo: use a SCM and do a git hook or something, or add a inotify watch | 18:32 |
Eric | i put X on red right? | 18:33 |
momomo | nacc: i just need something to work right now | 18:33 |
momomo | nacc: not that important if it's expensive at the moment | 18:34 |
momomo | but not wokring | 18:34 |
nacc | momomo: just run pdflatex when you need to? | 18:34 |
momomo | only first echo is outed | 18:34 |
momomo | nacc: that's more work for me | 18:34 |
nacc | momomo: "I just need something to work right now" | 18:34 |
EriC^ | Eric: yeah keep the red at /dev/sda and press space so you get an X there | 18:34 |
nacc | momomo: your script also makes no sense, if pdflatex successfully runs, you exit 0 | 18:35 |
nacc | momomo: *exit | 18:35 |
nacc | momomo: in any case, this is not really an ubuntu support topic | 18:35 |
ricks | /whoami | 18:35 |
momomo | nacc: this works | 18:37 |
momomo | | 18:37 |
Eric_____ | | 18:37 |
momomo | problem is $ check | 18:37 |
momomo | so it makes sense | 18:37 |
momomo | ooh | 18:37 |
nacc | momomo: yes, as i just said. | 18:39 |
EriC^ | Eric_____: looks good go down to Ok and press enter | 18:39 |
luksi | Hi all, I have a luks encrypted partition (secondary that holds just personal data) i added entries in fstab and crypttab however i see the following message when booting: "the disk drive for /mydata is not ready yet or not present" telling me to keep waiting or press S to skip... if i wait all goes OK my guess is that the fstab is tryign to mount | 18:39 |
luksi | before the luks partition is completely "unlocked" can this be the case? is there any options i can pass to stop this from happening? | 18:39 |
Eric | what i do nxt? | 18:40 |
Eric | next | 18:40 |
EriC^ | Eric: did you press Ok? | 18:41 |
scottjl | luksi: | 18:41 |
luksi | scottjl: i have stumbled accross that one before however my key is on /root | 18:44 |
momomo | nacc: it was a copy and paste while loop .. forgot to check what was in there | 18:46 |
Eric | eric^ what i do nxt? | 18:48 |
EriC^ | Eric: did you press oK? | 18:49 |
Eric | yup i did already | 18:49 |
EriC^ | Eric: what happened? | 18:50 |
Eric | Get:1 xenial-updates/universe amd64 grub2 amd64 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8 [2,532 B] Fetched 2,532 B in 0s (4,724 B/s) Preconfiguring packages ... (Reading database ... 208832 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../grub-pc_2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8_amd64.deb ... Unpacking grub-pc (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) over (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.7) ... Preparing to unpack .../grub-pc-bin_2.02~be | 18:51 |
_Trullo | I think when I updated something and I got a question if I want to change the grub file, I pressed ok.. when in fact it stood on the leave it as it is option.. now it boots until busybox and hangs there.. | 18:52 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, did it return a prompt back? | 18:52 |
Eric | Running in chroot, ignoring request. Running in chroot, ignoring request. Running in chroot, ignoring request. Running in chroot, ignoring request. Unpacking grub-common (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) over (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.7) ... Running in chroot, ignoring request. Selecting previously unselected package grub2. Preparing to unpack .../grub2_2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8_amd64.deb ... Unpacking grub2 (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... Processing trigge | 18:52 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: try to manually boot from grub then reinstall it and update-initramfs | 18:52 |
Eric | Processing triggers for install-info (6.1.0.dfsg.1-5) ... Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu16) ... Running in chroot, ignoring request. Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ... Setting up grub-common (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... Installing new version of config file /etc/grub.d/10_linux ... update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults | 18:53 |
_Trullo | how do I do this? I get to the grub menu, I just pick an older kernel? | 18:54 |
Eric | Running in chroot, ignoring request. Running in chroot, ignoring request. Setting up grub2-common (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... Setting up grub-pc-bin (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... Setting up grub-pc (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... Installing for i386-pc platform. Installation finished. No error reported. Generating grub configuration file ... Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer suppor | 18:54 |
nacc | !paste | Eric | 18:54 |
ubottu | Eric: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:54 |
luksi | scottjl: lvm -> luks -> lvm | 18:54 |
Eric | Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.0-41-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.8.0-41-generic Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.0-36-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.8.0-36-generic grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1. Check your Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration done Setting up grub2 (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.8) ... | 18:54 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: no press "c" then type "ls" | 18:54 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, type update-grub , then type exit and reboot | 18:55 |
snowkrash | when i drag and drop in ubuntu it often crashes | 18:56 |
_Trullo | ok, the hd9 is not in the list | 18:56 |
snowkrash | or better freezes | 18:56 |
snowkrash | is this a known bug? | 18:56 |
=== gokhan is now known as Guest8235 | ||
snowkrash | i also cant drag and drop between virtual spaces | 18:56 |
Eric | root@ubuntu:/# update-grub , then type exit and reboot | 18:56 |
snowkrash | the system freezes | 18:56 |
snowkrash | today i wanted to drag a picture in some email apps email it got frozen | 18:57 |
snowkrash | the whole system | 18:57 |
_Trullo | EriC^, then what? I get a bunch of hd's there | 18:59 |
Aundre | hello friends] | 18:59 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: which one is the ext* one? | 19:03 |
EriC^ | Eric: just update-grub | 19:03 |
_Trullo | EriC^, not sure, how can I tell? | 19:04 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: are you using uefi? | 19:05 |
_Trullo | no | 19:05 |
EriC^ | ok dual booting? | 19:05 |
_Trullo | no | 19:05 |
EriC^ | ok, try ls (hd0,msdos1)/ | 19:06 |
_Trullo | ls is not responding now.. I get nothing.. | 19:07 |
Eric | hey eric^ | 19:07 |
EriC^ | what other hdd's do you get? | 19:07 |
Eric | where | 19:08 |
EriC^ | Eric: did you run the command? | 19:08 |
_Trullo | EriC^, get nothing now.. it's like it's searching or something.. it's a big server so maybe that's why | 19:09 |
_Trullo | numlock is responding, so it hasn't crashed | 19:09 |
Eric | command on where? | 19:10 |
EriC^ | Eric: update-grub | 19:11 |
Eric | i did already | 19:11 |
EriC^ | Eric: ok, type exit and reboot | 19:14 |
Eric | run a command as admin | 19:15 |
=== kalby-imanie is now known as craptalk | ||
joelwallis | Hey. I'm trying to use add-apt-repository on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS but I'm getting an error | 19:16 |
joelwallis | vagrant@precise64:~$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | 19:16 |
joelwallis | sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found | 19:17 |
joelwallis | FYI, I'm using Vagrant, which uses VirtualBox | 19:17 |
joelwallis | I'm trying to setup it to run Docker containers on it | 19:17 |
pluta | would it make sense to add a git python applications settings and other necessitiies into /var/lib/appname ? | 19:17 |
pluta | I was always under the impression that /var/lib/ is for storage of things like databases and files that change | 19:18 |
_Trullo | EriC^, ls (hd0,msdos1)/ , no such partition, if I try hd9 which I think it's the bootdrive is says cannot get C/H/S values | 19:18 |
ducasse | joelwallis: install software-properties-common or do it manually | 19:19 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: try echo $root | 19:19 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: is it grub, or grub rescue? | 19:19 |
_Trullo | GNU GRUB version 2.02 | 19:19 |
snowkrash | why does ubuntu freeze on drag and drop? | 19:20 |
_Trullo | hd1 responded with /etc var etc etc, so that seems to be the drive | 19:20 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: no i mean the grub prompt, i guess it's grub> cause you got the menu | 19:20 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: ok, try ls (hd1,..)/boot/ | 19:20 |
_Trullo | this is super grub something.. | 19:20 |
joelwallis | ducasse: thank you for helping. I just installed `software-properties-common` but I still can't use the `add-apt-repository` utility. How can I add the given apt repo manually? | 19:23 |
ducasse | joelwallis: what does add-apt-repository say now? | 19:23 |
joelwallis | ducasse: same | 19:25 |
ioria | joelwallis, ls /usr/bin/add-apt-repository | 19:25 |
joelwallis | hm, I tried it without sudo and it warned that python-software-properties was not installed | 19:25 |
grawity | wasn't it apt-add-repository? | 19:25 |
joelwallis | installing now | 19:25 |
ioria | joelwallis, right :þ | 19:25 |
ducasse | grawity: one is a symlink to the other | 19:26 |
joelwallis | after installing python-software-properties it worked | 19:26 |
joelwallis | Thank you for helping - and sorry for those newbie questions haha | 19:26 |
ducasse | joelwallis: great :) still, 12.04 goes eol in a month - you know that, right? | 19:27 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: any luck with the ls ...../boot command? | 19:27 |
Eric | im back eric^ | 19:28 |
_Trullo | had to reboot | 19:28 |
joelwallis | ducasse: Hm good to know. I'll update the base box for my Vagrant setup to use a more recent version | 19:28 |
EriC^ | Eric: wb | 19:28 |
EriC^ | Eric: try to reboot | 19:28 |
Eric | ty eric^ | 19:28 |
Eric | i did see dual boot loader of win 10 and ubuntu on menu | 19:29 |
EriC^ | Eric: great | 19:29 |
Eric | on purple screen | 19:29 |
EriC^ | that's it | 19:29 |
EriC^ | that's the standard grub menu | 19:29 |
_Trullo | EriC^, I get a bunch of kernels in there | 19:30 |
_Trullo | EriC^, echo £ | 19:30 |
_Trullo | echo $root gives me hd0 | 19:30 |
Eric | eric^ do i run 5 imvu clients on ubuntu? | 19:30 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: hmm, try "ls /" | 19:30 |
EriC^ | Eric: not sure what that is | 19:31 |
Eric | | 19:31 |
_Trullo | EriC^, get a bunch of files, could it be the usb drive I'm booting on? | 19:31 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: yeah | 19:32 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: try set root='(hd1,....)' | 19:32 |
rx-bad | hello | 19:32 |
_Trullo | should it be (hd1,msdos1) ? | 19:33 |
rx-bad | is that grub | 19:33 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: yeah use the one you found earlier that had /etc /root /boot | 19:33 |
EriC^ | Eric: not sure about it, it looks graphic intensive so i guess it depends on your pc specs? | 19:34 |
rx-bad | does anyone know about work | 19:35 |
_Trullo | EriC^, done now when I do ls / I get the hd I think, has var etc media cdrom bin etc etc | 19:36 |
rx-bad | or work in a work-agency | 19:36 |
ducasse | rx-bad: wrong channel | 19:36 |
rx-bad | advice pls | 19:36 |
ducasse | rx-bad: no, it's offtopic here | 19:36 |
rx-bad | ok | 19:36 |
ducasse | rx-bad: ask in #freenode where you can ask | 19:37 |
rx-bad | ok thanks | 19:37 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: ok, earlier you were getting the menu you usually get when you boot the install? | 19:38 |
_Trullo | ya | 19:38 |
EriC^ | ok | 19:38 |
_Trullo | should I boot into that? | 19:38 |
EriC^ | no | 19:38 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: try linux /boot/vmlinuz-<tab complete the latest kernel> root=/dev/sda1 | 19:39 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: then initrd /boot/initrd<same-version as above> | 19:40 |
rx-bad | see ya | 19:40 |
_Trullo | I know I just installed a server edition, I get both 2.6.31 server and 3.13.0 (I didn't format the drive) so I assume I should pick the latest server edition? | 19:41 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: which ubuntu did you install? | 19:42 |
_Trullo | latest server 16.04 lts I think | 19:42 |
EriC^ | hmm, it should be 4.4 | 19:42 |
EriC^ | maybe it was 14.04lts? | 19:42 |
ioria | _Trullo, 2.6.31 it's lucid | 19:42 |
nacc | that is 14.04 afaict | 19:43 |
nacc | well, 3.13 is | 19:43 |
nacc | and yeah, 2.6.31 is way past eol | 19:43 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: alright, use the 3.13 kernel and initrd | 19:43 |
nacc | blackflag: sorry, but i guess if that's the case, then you need to install the PPD, i think you can do that from the printer settings in system settings | 19:44 |
Bashing-om | _Trullo: EriC^ ' ls -al (hd0,msdos1)/etc/issue ' ? To know the release . | 19:44 |
Eric | | 19:44 |
nacc | Eric: why did you type that here? | 19:45 |
Eric | i just ask if playonlinelinux works on ubuntu? | 19:46 |
nacc | Eric: did you? i see no question mark with that URL. Do you mean you were trying to ask that? | 19:46 |
_Trullo | EriC^, ok done | 19:47 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: type boot | 19:47 |
ducasse | Eric: playonlinux works on ubuntu, but install it from the repos instead of downloading it yourself | 19:48 |
_Trullo | same shit.. it's trying to create a raid.. which I had ages ago on this server.. | 19:48 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: boot the live usb you have and reinstall grub and stuff | 19:49 |
=== Ahnberg_ is now known as Ahnberg | ||
_Trullo | can I use the recovery option? | 19:49 |
vlt | Hello. Since the latest update of Ubuntu’s Firefox from 51 to 52 the users complain about an (important) java applet not working anymore. How can we fix this? | 19:50 |
terlands | hi! im new to this. and need some help whit changeing themes | 19:53 |
terlands | anyone from sweden? | 19:53 |
terlands | my english is bad | 19:53 |
aotaointbin | i've never met a swede whose english was bad :P | 19:54 |
aotaointbin | !ubuntu-se | 19:54 |
EriC^ | !themes | seen this terlands? | 19:54 |
ubottu | seen this terlands?: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 19:54 |
terlands | not talking but taping | 19:54 |
terlands | yeha | 19:54 |
terlands | but it says i need a gtk+ something to make it work | 19:55 |
bekks | terlands: What exactly does what exactly say? | 19:55 |
_Trullo | EriC^, should I use a device as root or not, I have no idea which drive is the boot drive.. | 19:56 |
terlands | it wont look properly cause the necessary gtk+ theme engine "adwaita" is not installed | 19:56 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: did you boot the live usb? | 19:57 |
terlands | sorry i have my ubuntu i swedish | 19:57 |
_Trullo | yes, I'm in recoverymode | 19:57 |
_Trullo | well, rescue mode | 19:57 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: does it have parted installed? | 19:57 |
ioria | !info gnome-themes-standard | 19:58 |
ubottu | gnome-themes-standard (source: gnome-themes-standard): Adwaita GTK+ 2 theme — engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.20.2-3ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 14 kB, installed size 512 kB | 19:58 |
_Trullo | no idea, I'm at the select a drive to use as root file system.. and got a bunch of drives to select from, but I don't want to use the wrong drive and damage data on it.. | 19:58 |
EriC^ | _Trullo: do you have any ubuntu live usb you can use? | 19:59 |
EriC^ | or any other distro that will give you a live session? | 19:59 |
cyrus_ | hey i have a question | 19:59 |
terlands | anyone? | 19:59 |
ioria | !info gnome-themes-standard | 20:00 |
ubottu | gnome-themes-standard (source: gnome-themes-standard): Adwaita GTK+ 2 theme — engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.20.2-3ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 14 kB, installed size 512 kB | 20:00 |
cyrus_ | i can't find the fingerprint on the site of the io i'm trying to download | 20:00 |
bekks | terlands: Why dont you just install adwaita then, if its missing? :) | 20:00 |
bekks | cyrus_: Which "site of the io"? | 20:00 |
terlands | where do i find it? | 20:00 |
cyrus_ | the site of the iso is manjaro | 20:00 |
ioria | terlands, install gnome-themes-standard | 20:00 |
terlands | from the terminal? | 20:01 |
cyrus_ | how did you know i wanted gnome? | 20:01 |
ioria | terlands, sudo apt install gnome-themes-standard | 20:01 |
terlands | thank you | 20:01 |
cyrus_ | is that the fingerprint? | 20:01 |
bekks | cyrus_: For manjaro support, please ask the manjaro community. | 20:01 |
cyrus_ | i did i sent them an email | 20:01 |
bekks | cyrus_: And it still doesnt make it being an ubuntu issue. | 20:02 |
ducasse | cyrus_: then wait for a response or search online | 20:02 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: it's right on the get-manjaro page. They have the signature and sha1sum on there. | 20:02 |
texla | !osprober | 20:02 |
hydrajump | is there a way to show the terminal like grub menu when booting the ubuntu 16.10 iso instead of the graphical UI that has two big buttons "try ubuntu" and "install ubuntu"? | 20:02 |
rx-determine | them there is a choice to grub | 20:02 |
rx-determine | if you want to install alongside | 20:03 |
cyrus_ | but i already have the good signiture i'm looking to verify the gpg fingerprint | 20:03 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: it says at the bottom of that page how to verify. | 20:03 |
EriC^ | hydrajump: in uefi mode it gives a grub menu | 20:03 |
dmp450 | under "How to verify our install media" | 20:03 |
Bashing-om | hydrajump: You mean to display the grub boot menu in the install ? | 20:03 |
EriC^ | hydrajump: why do you want one though? | 20:04 |
=== cory__ is now known as crycllr_hs01 | ||
hydrajump | Eric: I need to take a screenshot of it. | 20:04 |
kernel_panic | Anyone good with Preseed here? | 20:04 |
bekks | kernel_panic: What if? | 20:04 |
kernel_panic | bekks: Do you know what the required parameters for a preseed file? The ones that if not given, halt an unattended install? | 20:05 |
kernel_panic | bekks: for Ubuntu 16.04 | 20:05 |
kernel_panic | bekks: This link is for 9.04, I am not sure if the contents apply to 16.04 | 20:06 |
nacc | kernel_panic: this may help: | 20:07 |
bekks | kernel_panic: I guess its a more like a trial and error at that point. | 20:07 |
hydrajump | EriC^: thank you got it by chaning the boot mode | 20:07 |
cyrus_ | i can't find it | 20:07 |
kernel_panic | nacc: thanks | 20:07 |
cyrus_ | the fingerprint | 20:08 |
EriC^ | hydrajump: no problem | 20:08 |
nacc | kernel_panic: np -- note that depending on how you are providing the preseed, some bits need to be passed on the kernel cmdline as well | 20:08 |
nacc | kernel_panic: e.g., networking information, if serving the preseed over the network (othewrise, how would hte installer be able to get the networking config from the preseed file :) | 20:08 |
cyrus_ | i also have another question | 20:09 |
kernel_panic | nacc: Thanks, that is super helpful | 20:09 |
nacc | kernel_panic: np | 20:10 |
cyrus_ | when i try to encrypt or sign a message in thunderbird mail it sais this | 20:10 |
cyrus_ | Certificate Manager can't locate a valid certificate that can be used to digitally sign your messages with an address of <>. | 20:10 |
cyrus_ | but i know i have a public and private key | 20:10 |
ducasse | cyrus_: which ubuntu version? | 20:11 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: where are your keys located? | 20:11 |
cyrus_ | in a sub directorey | 20:11 |
cyrus_ | on my dektop | 20:11 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: that's probably why | 20:11 |
cyrus_ | where do i need to put them? | 20:12 |
dmp450 | I can't remember offhand, but I think for thunderbird to sign, you need them in ~/.gnupg | 20:12 |
dmp450 | or ~/.gpg | 20:12 |
dmp450 | can't remember the default directory name | 20:12 |
cyrus_ | ok i'll try brb | 20:12 |
dmp450 | if you're using Enigmail, I think there's also a setting in there somewhere to choose a different direcotry. | 20:12 |
cyrus_ | yeah i'm using enig mail | 20:13 |
cyrus_ | where is the setting? | 20:13 |
dmp450 | I can't remember where | 20:13 |
cyrus_ | what is it called? | 20:13 |
dmp450 | I don't have thunderbird handy at the moment | 20:13 |
armin | cups: i use the identical settings on 2 computers, one running voidlinux, the other running ubuntu. the voidlinux one is printing fine, the ubuntu one is only printing the text "**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.". i copied over the entire /etc/cups directory and restarted cups, to no avail. anyone a hint? thanks! | 20:13 |
rx-determine | you are installling a email | 20:15 |
rx-determine | you are installling a email ???? | 20:15 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: in the thunderbird settings, there should be an enigmail option. From there, you should be able to import keys. Run through the Enigmail wizard. | 20:15 |
ducasse | !who | rx-determine | 20:16 |
ubottu | rx-determine: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 20:16 |
cyrus_ | ok brb | 20:16 |
armin | rx-determine: in soviet russia, email install you. | 20:16 |
rx-determine | dam | 20:17 |
rx-determine | hello armin | 20:17 |
armin | hello dear ubuntu users out there! also, hello rx-determine! | 20:17 |
cyrus_ | dmp450: where is the option? | 20:19 |
dmp450 | cyrus_: I honestly don't know. I don't have thunderbird with enigmail with me at the moment. Sorry :( | 20:20 |
bytefire | does anyone here use quilt | 20:20 |
bytefire | how do you make quilt mail to thread the sent messages? | 20:21 |
hydrajump | now that I can see the Grub2 menu when booting the ubuntu ISO. Can I change the resolution of the menu from GRUB? | 20:22 |
hydrajump | obviously it won't be a permanent change but just so that the menu is legible | 20:23 |
hydrajump | I found references to GRUB_GFXMODE but not sure if it can be set from grub> | 20:23 |
dmp450 | hydrajump: yeah, it's in the grub settings somewhere. I think it's in /etc/default/grub | 20:23 |
dmp450 | hydrajump: when you are in grub, you can enter grub command line and change options from there | 20:24 |
nacc | bytefire: not really ontopic -- but i think it's a flag to quilt | 20:24 |
bytefire | nacc: thanks for replying! been asking all day.. | 20:26 |
bytefire | nacc: sorry can't find the right channel. there is a --reply-to option to quilt mail, but i don't know how to use it. | 20:27 |
bytefire | it seems to be looking for a file, i.e. a sent email file | 20:27 |
bytefire | when i supply a sent email it works okay but then it still generates an intro email | 20:28 |
bytefire | no idea how to do it. btw i'm using 0.65 | 20:28 |
momken | Hello again | 20:31 |
apowl | Having trouble using environment variables with spaces in them | 20:32 |
momken | I could compile an out-of-tree driver (kernel module) for my mobile-broadband card | 20:32 |
apowl | For example `export space="human readable name"` | 20:32 |
momken | Now how could I use it instead of the current driver? | 20:32 |
apowl | running `env` would give space=human | 20:32 |
apowl | Sorry, interpreting the output of `env` gives space=human | 20:33 |
apowl | but ignores "readable name" | 20:33 |
S0bait | Hello, is it possible for me to see the UDP messages being sent by an application? My goal is to recreate the same type of messages to send to the same target port. | 20:33 |
nacc | apowl: you might want the bash channel? | 20:35 |
nacc | bytefire: i would have assumed it's looking for a message ID | 20:35 |
nacc | bytefire: or ask the quilt developers? i assume they have an issue tracker or a mailing list | 20:36 |
S0bait | anyone? | 20:37 |
bytefire | nacc: yeah posted on mailing list yesterday | 20:38 |
nacc | S0bait: yes -- i think that's what wireshark and others can do | 20:38 |
nacc | bytefire: ok :) | 20:38 |
bytefire | nacc: i thought the same - message id. but it fails with error. something like file not found | 20:39 |
andrej | trying to replicate an existing machine. did the base install of 12.04 (I know, I know; I'm trying to see how an upgrade will affect the current box). The boxes are both x86_64, architecture according to dpkg amd64 | 20:39 |
=== Biogene is now known as MrBiogene | ||
andrej | doing a dpkg --set-selection from a list of installed packages on the original tries to install a TON of i386 packages on the target - what's going on there? | 20:39 |
Bashing-om | hydrajump: Change grub's resolution . doable .. 1st nake sure grub can accommodate . Boot to th grub menu -> 'c'key for a command line and execute ' vbeinfo' . do you see the desired resolution in that output ? | 20:39 |
bytefire | nacc: here's the exact check from the script: if [ ! -e "$opt_reply_to" ] | 20:39 |
bytefire | then; printf $"File %s does not exist\n" "$opt_reply_to" | 20:40 |
bytefire | exit1 | 20:40 |
bytefire | exit 1** | 20:40 |
bytefire | nacc: moreover the /usr/share/doc/README.MAIL file says that patchset emails should automatically use References: header to point to the intro email | 20:44 |
MaxiReglisse | #psc | 20:45 |
nacc | bytefire: i don't konw, sorry | 20:45 |
bytefire | nacc: that's fine :) | 20:46 |
cfoch-al1 | hi | 20:50 |
cfoch-al1 | what's your favorite program to make mockups quickly? | 20:50 |
nacc | !ot | cfoch-al1 | 20:51 |
ubottu | cfoch-al1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 20:51 |
aruns | Hi, I am looking for a good DB visualiser that is easy on the CPU for Ubuntu 16.04. | 20:57 |
aruns | I use MySQL Workbench / Sequel Pro at work. | 20:57 |
nacc | aruns: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or a DB channel | 20:57 |
aruns | I know that Workbench is available for Linux, but suspect there are probably other Linux alternatives out there that are less intensive. | 20:57 |
aruns | nacc: OK. | 20:58 |
ducasse | aruns: | 21:04 |
aruns | ducasse: Thanks :D | 21:06 |
ducasse | aruns: np, hope it helps you :) | 21:06 |
aruns | ducasse: It does, I forgot about DBeaver | 21:07 |
aruns | ducasse: I mean, tbh, I use the command line for most operations and am for the most part anti GUI, but a DB visualiser is one of the few exceptions for me. | 21:07 |
aruns | It really helps me have a better overview of the records that are returned from my select queries, for a start. | 21:08 |
aruns | Hey Nani, hey Mistermild. | 21:11 |
aruns | It is I, Oscar winner Leonardo Di Caprio, accepting a tin beans award. | 21:12 |
aruns | Hey Nani, is Nani actually your name? | 21:13 |
bazhang | aruns do you have an ubuntu support issue | 21:14 |
aruns | bazhang: Oh sorry I am in wrong chat sorry | 21:14 |
aruns | Wrong terminal window. | 21:14 |
G33kDad | should i ask an "ubuntu core on raspberry pi 2" question here or is there another channel? | 21:19 |
ducasse | G33kDad: maybe #snappy or #ubuntu-arm, depending on the question. | 21:21 |
G33kDad | ducasse: thanks.... i can't get the image from to boot.... | 21:22 |
ducasse | G33kDad: then i'd try #ubuntu-arm. | 21:23 |
MediocreN | um so... this is super offtopic, but i feel like everyone needs to know | 21:23 |
MediocreN | BOGO small boneless wings at all bdubs nationwide today | 21:24 |
MediocreN | | 21:24 |
bazhang | MediocreN, never post that here, as was told before | 21:24 |
IdleOne | MediocreN: very interesting and absolutely useless info. | 21:24 |
somethis | Hello good people ... :-) | 21:27 |
G33kDad | somethis: hello | 21:28 |
bytefire | nacc: so that's a bug in 0.65 the latest version. 0.63 works fine | 21:30 |
Eagle-357 | Hello sry for my english I just want where i can find a tchat to talk of informatique in general | 21:31 |
ducasse | Eagle-357: ask in #freenode | 21:31 |
tekk | can anyone recommend an ubuntu based live cd that has no windowing system | 21:31 |
tekk | i just want terminal live cd | 21:31 |
Eagle-357 | ok thx | 21:32 |
IdleOne | Eagle-357: there is also #ubuntu-fr | 21:32 |
dmp450 | tekk: you could just use ubuntu server | 21:35 |
tekk | oh i didn't realise ubuntu server had a live mode | 21:35 |
tekk | good shout | 21:35 |
Eagle-357 | thx IdleOne i've yet look | 21:36 |
ducasse | tekk: iirc the server install does not exactly have a live mode like the desktop version does | 21:38 |
tekk | thats what i thought... | 21:39 |
tekk | but dmp450 says otherwise | 21:39 |
tekk | giving it a go... | 21:39 |
tekk | ok, so i cna confirm there is no live mode | 21:40 |
tekk | as expected | 21:40 |
tekk | urgh | 21:40 |
dmp450 | sorry :( I thought it did | 21:42 |
dmp450 | You could grab a different linux distro as a live disk with no GUI | 21:43 |
ducasse | tekk: or just use the console from the desktop image | 21:43 |
dmp450 | ^ | 21:43 |
tekk | ctrl+alt+backspace didn't seem to get me out the desktop environment | 21:43 |
dmp450 | tekk: ctrl+alt+f1 | 21:43 |
tekk | and the IPMI environment is too crap to navigate mcuh aroudn the desktop | 21:43 |
tekk | ah shit | 21:43 |
dmp450 | or f2, etc | 21:44 |
tekk | i got the short cut wrong | 21:44 |
tekk | typical | 21:44 |
tekk | did it not used to be ctrl+alt+backspace | 21:44 |
tekk | or am i old and my brain is shrinking | 21:44 |
dmp450 | not sure. I've never used it if it has been | 21:44 |
dmp450 | I've always done f1-f6 | 21:44 |
ducasse | tekk: it's disabled by default for a long time, enable it with setxkbmap | 21:44 |
tekk | heh | 21:45 |
tekk | nah its fine, i'll use ctrl+alt+f1 then | 21:45 |
ducasse | tekk: 'setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' | 21:45 |
Blackhawk8100 | Ello | 21:45 |
hasanmerkit | hi everybody | 21:45 |
hasanmerkit | i am using windows | 21:45 |
somethis | Could someone give please assist with a hint for a next step? Can't power down my Ubuntu ... "Disabling IRQ #16" ... | 21:45 |
somethis | | 21:45 |
hasanmerkit | i want to start linux | 21:45 |
somethis | | 21:45 |
hasanmerkit | what do you recommend | 21:45 |
somethis | <-- description and bios screens | 21:45 |
bazhang | ubuntu hasanmerkit | 21:46 |
dn1987p | hasanmerkit, you can start by using a vm | 21:46 |
hasanmerkit | ubuntu 16.04 on virtualbox? | 21:46 |
Blackhawk8100 | Quick question, where do I find the Radeon Open source stuff? | 21:46 |
dn1987p | hasanmerkit, sure | 21:46 |
luksi | Hi all, I have a luks encrypted partition (secondary that holds just personal data) i added entries in fstab and crypttab however i see the following message when booting: "the disk drive for /mydata is not ready yet or not present" telling me to keep waiting or press S to skip... if i wait all goes OK my guess is that the fstab is tryign to mount | 21:46 |
luksi | before the luks partition is completely "unlocked" can this be the case? is there any options i can pass to stop this from happening? | 21:46 |
hasanmerkit | thanks | 21:46 |
OerHeks | Blackhawk8100, with 16.04 you will get the open source radeon driver, or AMDgpu opensource, automaticly. | 21:47 |
tekk | whilst this channel is active... i've got a weird situation where the drives on my HBA / backplane fail to enumerate with SCSI command timeouts | 21:47 |
tekk | | 21:47 |
tekk | hangs at boot for a good few minutes attempting with this message before continuing | 21:47 |
Blackhawk8100 | 16.04+ I'd assume OerHeks | 21:48 |
Blackhawk8100 | ? | 21:48 |
OerHeks | wrong assumption, 16.04 and up. | 21:48 |
Blackhawk8100 | Sorry, that it is what I meant | 21:48 |
Blackhawk8100 | Thanks! | 21:48 |
ducasse | luksi: try commenting out the fstab line, then reboot and try mounting the mapper device manually. | 21:52 |
meem | Hi there, can someone good with programming explain what this image mean | 22:03 |
nacc | !ot | meem | 22:04 |
ubottu | meem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 22:04 |
Fox9tails | hello - anybody in here ever deal with a digital microscope on ubuntu 16.04? | 22:09 |
Fox9tails | or at least 14.04? | 22:09 |
vlt | Hello. Is it generally safe to assume that I don’t need to backup my ~/.cache directory? | 22:09 |
luksi | ducasse: it mounts ok when i do that, it also mounts OK if i wait... it seems like it is trying to mount the entry on fstab before the entry on crypttab is done but after sometime it probably retries it and all goes good | 22:11 |
luksi | but i cant get rid of the msg | 22:11 |
ducasse | Fox9tails: that is kind of a narrow question, you might have better luck asking for help in ##linux | 22:11 |
ducasse | vlt: quite safe, yes. | 22:11 |
Fox9tails | ducasse: i will try there. ty. | 22:12 |
vlt | ducasse: Thank you. Any edge case in mind? | 22:12 |
ducasse | vlt: not a single one that i can think of, and i frequently wipe ~/.cache | 22:16 |
donofrio | anyone here keeping up with 17.04? | 22:17 |
benjaminaxis | /amsg 1984+33=? English || Alfred Schaefer Speaks || || 1984 is here today. We have lost our ability to think and to speak clearly. || Those who do not want us to be able to think, do not want you to understand this. Please copy this video and upload again and share with all of the people you know. | 22:17 |
=== benjaminaxis is now known as rowdypiper | ||
nacc | !ubuntu+1 | donofrio | 22:17 |
ubottu | donofrio: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 22:17 |
vlt | ducasse: Ok, that’s enough to comvince me. Thanks. | 22:18 |
OerHeks | rowdypiper/benjaminaxis, stop spamming such ugly racist spam. | 22:19 |
OerHeks | !ops | 22:19 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 22:19 |
rowdypiper | [1] 1984+33=? English (24:02) by Alfred S [+113/-4, 1380 views] [YouTube] || Those who do not want us to be able to think, do not want you to understand this. Please copy this video and upload again and share with all of the people you know. | 22:19 |
dax | OerHeks: thanks | 22:19 |
sonOfRa | Is there an easy way to create a live USB stick that uses the proprietary nvidia-drivers rather than nouveau? I'm having trouble with nvidia-drivers on my rig, and they go away with nouveau. I'd like to debug if it's actually nvidia-drivers, or some other software that I have installed... | 22:20 |
elisa871 | how can I access the history from an ssh session I had to my machine? | 22:20 |
elisa871 | the current history only shows the history of the current tab in the terminal not even the tab next to it | 22:20 |
ducasse | vlt: try to shut down the programs you can conveniently shut down, though. i do, in case something is badly written and gets confused. | 22:21 |
nacc | elisa871: yes, because they are different bash shells | 22:21 |
elisa871 | is there any such thing as global history across all the times a user accesses a machine? | 22:21 |
ducasse | vlt: if you wipe it while running, i mean. | 22:21 |
wedgie | elisa871: in many cases the history isn't written to .bash_history until the shell exits | 22:21 |
OerHeks | !info snoopy | 22:21 |
nacc | elisa871: no, not really | 22:21 |
ubottu | snoopy (source: snoopy): execve() wrapper and logger. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-2 (yakkety), package size 29 kB, installed size 118 kB | 22:21 |
dn1987p | would logging into the local machine via ssh show it? | 22:22 |
somethis | Hello good people. Any suggestions on how to go on from here? ... | 22:22 |
OerHeks | elisa871, standard not for ssh, but see snoopy >> | 22:24 |
elisa871 | OerHeks: so how to use snoopy for seeing history? | 22:24 |
OerHeks | elisa871, you have to install it first, i guess. | 22:24 |
nacc | elisa871: well, you'd need it already for it to be useful | 22:24 |
elisa871 | I did OerHeks | 22:25 |
elisa871 | sudo: /home/mona/.bash_history: command not found OerHeks nacc | 22:25 |
nacc | elisa871: what? | 22:26 |
nacc | elisa871: that's not a command and why are you using sudo? | 22:26 |
nacc | elisa871: iirc, you have come in here every few days and asked these sort of questions -- not really a support question (like you've found a bug), but wanting to learn -- which is great, but offtopic IMO. There are lots of great guides and tutorials, books, etc. for learning this | 22:27 |
OerHeks | elisa871, the github page of the maker shows a help, edit etc/snoopy.ini first | 22:28 |
OerHeks | the log will be pretty raw .. | 22:28 |
kacem | OerHeks: invite | 22:29 |
vlt | ducasse: Sure. In my case it was just about backup. | 22:29 |
OerHeks | kacem, invite what? | 22:29 |
elias_a | People for a cup of coffee? | 22:37 |
bazhang | elias_a, try the offtopic chat | 22:38 |
vlt | Hello. Since the latest update of Ubuntu’s Firefox from 51 to 52 the users complain about an (important) java applet not working anymore. How can we fix this? | 22:39 |
OerHeks | Firefox 52 ... two major changes: support for WebAssembly and the removal of support for NPAPI (Netscape Plugin API) plugins like Silverlight, Java, and others, with the exception of Flash. | 22:41 |
vlt | Right. What can we do? | 22:41 |
OerHeks | vlt, there maybe a hack to make java work | 22:42 |
vlt | OerHeks: Thank you. | 22:43 |
OerHeks | FF esr download, unpack, etc | 22:43 |
Blackhawk8100 | How do I disable a built in audio output in Ubuntu? | 22:46 |
elias_a | ikonia: Any news about Skype for linux doing progress? :) | 22:47 |
Blackhawk8100 | *crickets* | 22:49 |
bazhang | Blackhawk8100, ubuntu support here, chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:50 |
Blackhawk8100 | Isn't what I asked support? bazhang? | 22:50 |
Wirehunter | !patience | Blackhawk8100 | 22:51 |
ubottu | Blackhawk8100: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 22:51 |
bazhang | Blackhawk8100, check pavucontrol and padevchooser | 22:51 |
bazhang | elias_a, skype for ubuntu is in the partner repos | 22:52 |
bazhang | !info skype partner | elias_a | 22:52 |
ubottu | elias_a: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 22:52 |
Wirehunter | bazhang, there is the skypeforlinux package now, right? With skype 5, although it's in beta. | 22:54 |
Wirehunter | !info skypeforlinux | 22:54 |
ubottu | Package skypeforlinux does not exist in yakkety | 22:55 |
bazhang | Wirehunter, could be, but not in the ubuntu repos | 22:55 |
bazhang | Wirehunter, the repos are where we tell people to install from here | 22:55 |
Wirehunter | bazhang, I see, must be on skype's own repo then. | 22:56 |
bazhang | could be | 22:56 |
Amara | Is it safe for daily desktop usage to mount with noatime? 16.04 | 22:58 |
frozenonline | anyone have issues with screen tearing with nvidia graphics? | 23:02 |
Wirehunter | frozenonline, I do. | 23:02 |
bazhang | which card and what drivers, which version of ubuntu | 23:02 |
Wirehunter | frozenonline, Using nvidia-prime. Known issue I think. | 23:02 |
frozenonline | 960m; Drivers 378.13; ubuntu 16.04 | 23:03 |
Amara | frozenonline, it is said in the nvidia forum by a mod or something, patches are sent, but it won't be in 16.04. | 23:03 |
bazhang | frozenonline, tearing using what vid player\ | 23:03 |
frozenonline | I have an i7 6770HQ; MSI Laptop GP72-6QF | 23:03 |
tatertots | frozenonline: screen tearing in firefox? or any specific application ? | 23:04 |
Amara | it is a known issue with nvidia, both x and kernel needed patches | 23:04 |
frozenonline | firefox mostly and simple watching small videos within VLC, Video Player | 23:04 |
bazhang | frozenonline, what happens with smplayer | 23:05 |
tatertots | frozenonline: in firefox enter "about:config" in the address bar (without the " " of course) and observe your settings | 23:06 |
tatertots | frozenonline: locate "layers.acceleration.force-enabled" | 23:07 |
tatertots | frozenonline: report it's state/status | 23:07 |
frozenonline | haven't tried smplayer | 23:07 |
frozenonline | default | boolean | false | 23:08 |
tatertots | frozenonline: set it to "true" | 23:08 |
bazhang | frozenonline, so why not give it a check | 23:08 |
tatertots | frozenonline: apply the changes, exit and relaunch/restart firefox and test for this so called "tearing" | 23:09 |
tatertots | frozenonline: report observations afterward | 23:10 |
bazhang | frozenonline, does the video have a slightly blue-ish tint to it | 23:10 |
bazhang | does the tearing on vlc come with reszing the window, does vlc start fullscreen | 23:12 |
frozenonline | smplayer seems to work nicely. | 23:13 |
frozenonline | For VLC it happens in reg window and in FS mode | 23:14 |
frozenonline | no change on setting the default value from false to true | 23:14 |
bazhang | so on to test with smplayer, if you so decide | 23:15 |
frozenonline | no bluish tint | 23:15 |
bazhang | not video acceleration then | 23:15 |
frozenonline | oddly enough when using the xvidia settings and switching to intel works fine.. | 23:15 |
frozenonline | This may not be the proper venue but I have a question in regards to the nvidia settings; if my display shows. "PRIME Displays cannot be controlled by nvidia-settings and must be configured by an external RandR capable tool. | 23:17 |
Wirehunter | This is why I want to switch over to bumblebee one day. | 23:17 |
frozenonline | Does that may any difference when modifying the xorg.conf file? | 23:17 |
hydrajump | is it possible to use a font .pf2 as a terminal font? | 23:18 |
frozenonline | would upgrading to the latest X11 (1.19) make a difference? | 23:18 |
frozenonline | or it simply an nvidia driver issue or a combination thereof? | 23:19 |
bazhang | frozenonline, doing all that before checking other video players? | 23:19 |
Wirehunter | frozenonline, just google nvidia prime screen tearing, lot's of people having the same issues and possible fixes. | 23:21 |
frozenonline | thanks wire. | 23:22 |
tarelerulz | I want to copy a 5.9 gb file to a thumb drive of 128. I read online how to format and even mount it so Icould transfer the file. It still says win95 on Fdisk -l. It copy file an the last bit it said some kind of error. I'm lost what should I do ? I trying to play the file on the PS4. I having such a hard time getting this working. Is exfat supported any more. | 23:22 |
Wirehunter | Or workarounds :( | 23:22 |
Wirehunter | You can use bumblebee instead of nvidia prime as well, but I think it's hard to configure. It didn't work for me and I gave up on it. | 23:23 |
Wirehunter | It creates a new xorg instance with the gpu, just to run a specific application and switches off the gpu when it isn't required without logout/reboot. | 23:24 |
james1138 | Question about Ubuntu 16.04.02 in the 32 bit version. Is PAE enabled by default or is some manual tweaking needed?? | 23:27 |
Arathen | Hiya all. Not sure im in the right place. Is there anyone here with knowledge of the ubuntu classic server image for raspberry pi 2? | 23:27 |
Seven_Six_Two | popey, are you available? You approved my wiki editor application, but I still can't edit the London, Ontario page. | 23:29 |
k1l_ | james1138: ubuntu is PAE only :) | 23:30 |
james1138 | Mayor Thanks K1l!! I am using the 64 bit version but I am just plain worn out trying to get my older 32 bit apps to run. On top of that... getting Wine to run 32 bit so I can keep playing my favorite old 32 bit games... yuck. If this grampa had hair - it be yanked out. | 23:33 |
james1138 | The only thing I see maybe a issue of Chrome no longer updates 32 bit... but I can live with that. | 23:34 |
k1l_ | james1138: ubuntu is multiarch. so you can run 32bit stuff on the 64bit os. and there should not be any doubt to run a 64bit os on a 64bit cpu | 23:34 |
k1l_ | james1138: wine runs on 64bit. | 23:34 |
dax | but yeah, as you mentioned the opposite is not true | 23:35 |
james1138 | Wine requires 32 bit architure (sorry spelling) to run 32 bit Windows apps. | 23:35 |
dax | (so no 64-bit dependent stuff on 32-bit) | 23:35 |
k1l_ | james1138: it depens on 32bit libs which you can install on 64bit ubuntu. | 23:37 |
k1l_ | iirc wine will drag in a lot of 32bit libs anyway. | 23:38 |
LFP6 | Google isn't really helping me here... If I have an incoming request on, how would I redirect that to, which is on the same machine (I assume using iptables) | 23:40 |
LFP6 | I'm having issues binding my server directly to the second IP for some reason... It's a DigitalOcean floating IP, and doesn't appear on ifconfig, so I'm wondering if that could also be causing issues... | 23:40 |
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe | ||
snowrichard | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER snowrichard rycwohzttfex | 23:58 |
hggdh | snowrichard: time to change your password | 23:59 |
LFP6 | You added a space there | 23:59 |
LFP6 | ^ | 23:59 |
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