ochosi | Unit193: yeah, that looks like something that we should include upstream. maybe bluesabre can rebase it on top of master and i'll push it (i have my hands full currently) | 07:29 |
Unit193 | ochosi: I looked back through them because Debian Xfce has turned hard away from xscreensaver and towards LL. We should try to get the others fixed too. | 08:29 |
ochosi | Unit193: yeah makes sense. as i said, i hope bluesabre can rebase it soon so i can merge/push it (should be fairly easy) | 09:11 |
Unit193 | Sure, sure. Just gave more information, not pushing harder. :) | 09:12 |
Unit193 | I can't remember outside of whisker and the panel, I already got -session on both sides. | 09:12 |
=== sorinello__ is now known as sorinello | ||
knome | pleia2, also re: the form... not sure if we want to use recaptcha, we might be better off with a custom solution | 19:53 |
knome | like "what is the codename for xubuntu xx.xx" | 19:53 |
knome | it's very easy to figure out for a human, but harder for a computer | 19:54 |
pleia2 | yeah, I don't have a preference really just don't like spam ;) | 19:54 |
knome | me neither | 19:54 |
knome | we might want/need to start with a subdomain... and re: that and on people getting mad since they are not answered, the subdomain could be something like suggestions.xubuntu.org | 19:55 |
knome | or could be questions.xubuntu.org, somehow that feels like not so swift either (it's not answers.xubuntu.org!) | 19:56 |
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