=== shawn is now known as Guest10967 | ||
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SeduceMoon | whoani | 05:07 |
SeduceMoon | ??/ | 05:07 |
SeduceMoon | ?/? | 05:07 |
mr_lemo | !list | 07:29 |
ubottu | mr_lemo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 07:29 |
jubo2 | y0 and thanks for the very nice OS | 08:19 |
jubo2 | I put laptop to sleep last night and now I find it mirrors the internal display to external | 08:20 |
jubo2 | I didn't change a thing in the settings | 08:20 |
jubo2 | In settings -> display configuration there is no external display listed in the positioning window | 08:20 |
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jubo2 | ahh sorted | 08:35 |
jubo2 | The displays were in a stack | 08:35 |
jubo2 | just moving the internal display from covering the external one and that sorted it | 08:35 |
hateball | :) | 09:10 |
IrcsomeBot | ghishadow was added by: ghishadow | 10:21 |
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IrcsomeBot | Maksim Muruev was removed by: Maksim Muruev | 10:59 |
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kubuntu_ | hello | 11:39 |
kubuntu_ | me be poor student from poland | 11:39 |
kubuntu_ | send moneys | 11:39 |
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kubuntu__ | ahlop | 11:41 |
kubuntu__ | masz poczochraj juz moj plusz | 11:41 |
kubuntu__ | kubuntu | 11:41 |
kubuntu__ | ale super | 11:42 |
kubuntu__ | mozemy pisac do siebie | 11:42 |
kubuntu_ | cze | 11:42 |
kuiz | hehehe | 11:42 |
kubuntu__ | rozne smieszne rzeczxyy | 11:42 |
kubuntu_ | 8=====D | 11:42 |
kubuntu__ | hehehehe | 11:42 |
kubuntu__ | kubuntu co ty | 11:42 |
kuiz | aleprzednia zabawa | 11:42 |
kubuntu_ | jak sie zmienia nazwe? | 11:42 |
kubuntu__ | no wlasnie | 11:42 |
kuiz | klikaszna swoja | 11:42 |
hateball | !pl | 11:42 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 11:42 |
kubuntu_ | sorrys | 11:43 |
kuiz | mybad | 11:43 |
=== kubuntu__ is now known as sadomaso | ||
sadomaso | czesc | 11:43 |
sadomaso | co tam | 11:43 |
sadomaso | helol | 11:43 |
sadomaso | what there | 11:43 |
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Igor_Zaton | me is gay | 11:44 |
Igor_Zaton | me like guys | 11:44 |
sadomaso | helol | 11:44 |
sadomaso | helol | 11:44 |
sadomaso | helol | 11:44 |
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Igor-Zaton | helol | 11:44 |
Igor-Zaton | helol | 11:44 |
Igor-Zaton | helol | 11:44 |
Igor_Zaton | bye | 11:44 |
=== kuiz is now known as napewno_nie_Igor | ||
napewno_nie_Igor | czesc | 11:44 |
Igor-Zaton | hej | 11:45 |
Igor-Zaton | co tam | 11:45 |
Igor-Zaton | slyszalem ze lubisz grac w makao | 11:45 |
Igor-Zaton | pogramy kiedys | 11:45 |
Igor-Zaton | ? | 11:45 |
Igor-Zaton | ignorujesz mnie? | 11:46 |
Igor_Zaton | !pl | 11:47 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 11:47 |
OerHeks | Igor-Zaton, napewno_nie_Igor Igor_Zaton stop this please | 11:47 |
OerHeks | all same ip | 11:47 |
Igor_Zaton | sorry, we have linux classes | 11:48 |
napewno_nie_Igor | okok | 11:48 |
Igor-Zaton | sorry | 11:48 |
napewno_nie_Igor | take it easy | 11:48 |
EllaKappa | hi everyone | 11:57 |
EllaKappa | i'm back with the same issue as yesterday | 11:57 |
EllaKappa | I can't get any software in Software Center | 11:58 |
EllaKappa | I start my Software Center but it doesn't contain any list of software. No games no browsers no media players nothing | 11:59 |
EllaKappa | so if anyone has any helpful suggestions I'd be glad | 12:00 |
EllaKappa | I love Kubuntu | 12:01 |
Igor_Zaton | Kappa | 12:10 |
EllaKappa | Igor_Zaton ? | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:59 |
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daum | hi guys - when I upgraded from 14 to 16 it seems my kwallet didn't get migrated. I can see the files in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet however I can't get the wallet to import to the newest kwallet any idea how to do that properly? | 15:02 |
Roey | hi! | 16:04 |
Roey | BluesKaj: hi! | 16:04 |
Roey | For Plasmashell in a top listing, why does "virt" read as 26.132g? res = .014t, shr = 222316, %mem=22.9 | 16:06 |
Roey | Is this normal?? | 16:06 |
=== ente_ is now known as doctor_ente | ||
doctor_ente | cheerio, | 16:21 |
doctor_ente | i've got a problem with fortune | 16:21 |
doctor_ente | i istalled the fortunes-ger (successfully), bit it only drops the english cookies | 16:22 |
doctor_ente | *bUt | 16:23 |
=== neon is now known as Guest61691 | ||
northernGuy_ | hi | 19:14 |
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=== greg__ is now known as GregB_Work | ||
ubuntuserver | thought i'd ask here, didn't get any help @ ubuntu | 20:36 |
ubuntuserver | have a ubuntu 16.04 server with xubuntu install, need to run a Qt app | 20:36 |
ubuntuserver | there's some weird keyboard layout issue in Qt apps | 20:36 |
ubuntuserver | for example when i type "s" it shows "b" | 20:37 |
=== the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek | ||
MikeHunt | Howdy partners | 21:25 |
MikeHunt | y'all know the minimum system requirements for that there Kubuntu? | 21:26 |
diogenes_ | 2G ram, accelerated graphic | 21:26 |
MikeHunt | thanks diogenes_ | 21:27 |
diogenes_ | yw | 21:27 |
MikeHunt | Do you think a 7 gig partition would be enough? | 21:27 |
diogenes_ | no | 21:28 |
MikeHunt | My first puter had 512MB of storage, everyone thought what will I do with all that space? | 21:29 |
MikeHunt | 8MB of RAM | 21:29 |
MikeHunt | and when I pressed the turbo button the numbers on the case would go from 100 to 133 | 21:30 |
diogenes_ | and probably you also had a mamooth as a pet? | 21:30 |
MikeHunt | lol | 21:30 |
MikeHunt | I'm trying to setup a Debian based system with KDE and Plasma in order to get Shashlik (android emulator) to work | 21:31 |
diogenes_ | none of the debian based work well on my system, I found that only rpm based play well with my hardware | 21:33 |
MikeHunt | I tried Netruner (all the working demos are in Netrunner environment) but my disk space quickly approached 100% and now I can't even get into single user mode | 21:33 |
MikeHunt | interesting, but isn't this a kubuntu room, a derivative of debian? | 21:33 |
diogenes_ | you can boot in live mode and delete some of the stuff and you'll be able to boot into netrunner | 21:34 |
MikeHunt | genius, thanks | 21:34 |
diogenes_ | yes it's derivative of debian but I guess it's not a sin or something immoral if I stay here, how do you think? | 21:35 |
MikeHunt | of course not, its a free country | 21:36 |
diogenes_ | :) definitely not the North Korea | 21:36 |
=== usuario2 is now known as NatashaHack | ||
MikeHunt | I suppose not. Long live Kim Dotcom! thanks for the advice, and may the (Mass * Acceleration) be with you! | 21:41 |
diogenes_ | may saint Emacs bless you | 21:41 |
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=== ubuntourist is now known as fugitive_at_larg |
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