
mwhudsoner i thought there was some way i could embed a part's git sha1 into the snapcraft version, am i making that up00:34
sergiusensmwhudson: that has been discussed but not possible yet01:46
sergiusensin should be soonish but I need to send a proposal out01:46
mwhudsonsergiusens: ah i'll stop looking for how to do it in the source then :-)01:47
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mupPR snapd#2995 closed: interfaces: extend location-control out-of-process provider support <Created by vosst> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2995>07:56
outsidecontexthi. I have searched a lot, but found no definitive answer. is there some generic way to give my snapped app access to call a DBus interface?08:48
outsidecontextor does this always require implementing a snapd interface which gives access to the specific DBus interface?08:48
zygaoutsidecontext: it depends, we now have a generic dbus interface08:49
outsidecontextzyga: ok. would it allow me to configure my snapped app to access e.g. org.freedesktop.FileManager1 ?08:51
mupPR snapd#3026 opened: cmd/snap-confine: use defensive argument parser <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3026>08:51
zygaoutsidecontext: if that thing is running unconfined then the answer is no, for that you need a proper interface08:52
zygaoutsidecontext: we have a dbus interface for apps that want to provide dbus services08:53
zygaoutsidecontext: or talk to dbus services provided by other snaps08:53
zygaoutsidecontext: but if you want to talk to something outside of the sandbox you need a new interface as this has unpredictable security impact08:53
outsidecontextzyga: I see. I am aware that I can expose a DBus interface, but that doesn't help in this case08:54
outsidecontextzyga: so a generic interface to access unconfined DBus interfaces will not happen? that's a pitty :(08:56
outsidecontextzyga: but thanks for confirming my suspicion. that makes it a bit hard to package anything that relies on DBus services not covered by the existing interfaces08:57
zygaoutsidecontext: it's the only way to make security sensible08:57
zygaoutsidecontext: would you feel comfortable knowing that any snap you install can talk to *anything* on your system session or service bus?08:58
zygaoutsidecontext: outside of any supervision?08:58
outsidecontextzyga: wouldn't it be similar to e.g. the x11 interface? or any other available service granting me access to dbus services? any app can use those, too08:59
zygaoutsidecontext: no, it would not; x11 is going away and we cannot mediate it (if we could, it would be confined already)08:59
zygaoutsidecontext: all the other interfaces that grant dbus access were reviewed by the security team08:59
zygaoutsidecontext: in many cases new services are created as old services were insecure08:59
zygaoutsidecontext: and many sensitive apis are blocked09:00
zygaoutsidecontext: the security review goes into reviewing the actual code on the other side of the dbus connection09:00
outsidecontextzyga: ok, I see. so the idea is to have interfaces only for secure, well behaving DBus services. makes sense09:00
zygaoutsidecontext: well, in general the idea is not to give blank checks09:00
zygaoutsidecontext: that give you access to unconfined processes09:00
zygaoutsidecontext: please file a bug on snapd, describe your case and we can simply add an interface for what you need09:01
outsidecontextzyga: how would one go forward with general services like  org.freedesktop.FileManager1 ? does it make sense for me to open a feature request for snapd?09:01
outsidecontextzyga: was too slow, you already gave the answer. I will do that09:01
zygaoutsidecontext: I'm not sure yet, but the way to start is to file a bug I think :)09:01
zygaoutsidecontext: the security team will review the code and we can make decisions09:02
outsidecontextzyga: thanks a lot :)09:02
zygaoutsidecontext: I'm sorry security isn't easier :)09:02
gbissonHi all, what is the best way to debug snapd modules mounting? I'm asking because since Friday I can't seem to create an image which loads the modules/firmware in /lib/, don't know why11:04
gbissonI've looked at the syslog/journalctl/snap changes etc... the only thing I can see is that lib-firmware.mount and lib-modules.mount (systemctl) don't happen any more11:05
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mupPR snapd#3027 opened: snap: run snap-confine from core if snap is also running from core <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3027>11:30
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mupPR snapd#3028 opened: interfaces: seccomp tests cleanup <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3028>13:03
mupPR snapcraft#1189 closed: core: resolve ld link first <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1189>13:47
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mupPR snapd#3020 closed: osutil: fix double expand in environment map code and add test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3020>14:08
gbissonI'm answering my own question, /lib/modules or /lib/firmware is only mounted if the folders are in the root directory of the kernel snap https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/165817714:29
mupBug #1658177: snapcraft kernel plugin puts module and firmware under 15.04-era lib/ directory <Snapcraft:Fix Released by lool> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1658177>14:29
gbissonmy snapcraft version was apparently too old14:31
barryhi all.  is there anything i have to explicitly do in order to get my classic snap reviewed?14:52
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alecuogra_, morphis: any idea why bluetoothctrl on the raspi3 with core can't find any bluetooth controller?15:15
alecuI'm trying out the steps here: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/bluetooth/doc/overview15:16
alecubut it gets stuck waiting for the line that reads: "[NEW] Controller 1C:C3:E4:79:43:4C localhost.localdomain [default]"15:16
morphisalecu: don't know, need to check with koza15:21
alecuSounds good, let's ask koza then15:34
Son_Gokuzyga, any luck on those two golang deps?15:36
pmcgowanogra_, question about time updates on core images15:44
Marco_I have a question about installing snapd on debian15:45
Marco_Can someone help me ?15:45
pmcgowanzyga, maybe15:45
seb128or you can just ask and see if somebody knows the answer15:46
Marco_I just have one question, what debian sources i need to add to  my sources list, because now apt install snapd does not work15:47
Marco_Ty :)15:47
naccMarco_: what version of debian are you on?15:47
Marco_nacc, Last one debian 8,415:48
naccMarco_: that's stable, right?15:48
Marco_nacc: Yup :)15:48
naccMarco_: snapd is only in testing and unstable curently15:48
Marco_Ah, thats maybe why, because i want to install Rocket.Chat but i have some issues, and it seems easier with snapd15:49
Marco_Thanks also for you help15:50
naccslangasek: funny 'snapd' in sid says "Manage an Ubuntu system with snappy." and "Tool to interact with Ubuntu Core Snappy."15:50
naccslangasek: which i guess might be true, but is odd to read in Debian15:50
naccMarco_: yeah, that's my guess -- i don't know much beyond that, was just reporting what i saw in rmadison15:50
Marco_OK, So thank you all for helping me,15:51
Marco_Have a great day15:51
mupPR snapcraft#1187 closed: tests: take into account the new current link <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1187>15:53
mupPR snapcraft#1190 opened: .travis.yml: Don't use sudo to install dependencies as it's not even installed yet <Created by Roadmaster> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1190>16:14
mupBug #1672803 opened: Console-conf crashes on db with wrong wlan SSID <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672803>16:40
mupPR snapd#3013 closed: cmd/libsnap: simplify sc_string_quote default case <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3013>16:54
mupPR snapcraft#1191 opened: tests: run the CLA check in a docker container <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1191>17:05
mupPR snapcraft#1190 closed: .travis.yml: Don't use sudo to install dependencies as it's not even installed yet <Created by Roadmaster> <Closed by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1190>17:08
marcoceppiHow do I prime packages from a PPA?17:14
mupPR snapd#3029 opened: snapstate: introduce helper to apply to disk a alias states change for a snap <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3029>17:15
elopiomarcoceppi: you can't. There are a few whishlist bugs, like https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/149308117:16
mupBug #1493081: Ubuntu plugin: allow downloading of binary packages from PPAs <first-steps> <Snapcraft:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493081>17:16
marcoceppielopio: not even with like, scriptlets?17:16
elopiomarcoceppi: oh, well, on a scriptlet you can do whatever you want, even add-apt-repository. And then add to stage-packages something from that repository.17:17
marcoceppielopio: is there an example of that?17:17
elopiothat's not like, really supported, but you can.17:17
elopiomarcoceppi: no. The guideline is to support snaps as build-packages and snaps as remote parts first. We shouldn't recommend to use PPAs.17:18
elopioI recently updated my go examples to use the go part, instead of the go ppa.17:19
mupPR snapcraft#1192 opened: repo: refactor into a package <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1192>17:53
mupBug #1672472 opened: Date and time reports the wrong timezone <Snappy:New> <snapweb:Confirmed for justinmcp> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672472>18:02
mcphailkyrofa: is there any way to set snapd to email me when nextcloud updates, so I can re-enable the apps?18:09
mupPR snapd#3030 opened: assertstate,snapstate: have assertstate.AutoAliases use the "aliases" header <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3030>18:25
King_InuYashasergiusens: first round of comments on the PR :)18:44
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coreycbsergiusens, hi, i narrowed this down a bit more: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/167085220:01
mupBug #1670852: python console_scripts not installed into /snap/<snap>/current/bin <openstack> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670852>20:01
sergiusenscoreycb: interesting, btw, this is a dup, now I don't know which to make a dup of which20:09
coreycbsergiusens, oh ok.  well it doesn't matter to me.20:09
mwhudsonoh ho20:11
mwhudsonhas anyone tried reproducing this setuid issue on a newer kernel, say zesty?20:11
mwhudsonoh hm20:12
mwhudsonkernel git is slightly different in a way that i have no idea is important or not20:12
mwhudsonbut zesty does not have that change yet20:12
sergiusenscoreycb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/167032320:13
mupBug #1670323: binary entry (and lib) for python projects not installed in final snap <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snapcraft:New> <snapcraft (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1670323>20:13
sergiusenscoreycb: but you raise an interesting point, isn't pip_command a list in your tests? such as `python -m pip install ...' ?20:14
sergiusensKing_InuYasha: thanks!20:14
King_InuYashasergiusens: np, I'm glad to see us finally moving forward on it! :D20:15
coreycbsergiusens, you mean as opposed to a string?20:15
sergiusenscoreycb: yeah, a list of those elements in the string I gave you above20:31
mupBug #1672872 opened: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.7.so.1.0 <openstack> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672872>20:39
coreycbsergiusens, it is in fact a list20:43
sergiusenscoreycb: ah, good, so then I need to be smarter about pip_command21:05
sergiusenspython is really messy sometimes :-/21:05
coreycbsergiusens, :)21:06
sergiusenscan't wait to see what other ripple effects there are after changing this21:07
coreycbsergiusens, happy to give it a test run if you want21:11
mupPR snapcraft#1193 opened: asset-tracking: track per-part build-packages <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1193>21:26
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mupPR snapcraft#1140 closed: [WIP] catkin plugin: support building with an underlay <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1140>22:05
mupPR snapd#3031 opened: cmd/snap-confine-suid-trampoline: add new helper <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3031>23:39

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