donofrio | anyone know the status of this bug? ?? | 00:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1606089 in yaboot (Ubuntu) "unable to boot after 'entire disk' install (16.10, ppc)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:27 |
donofrio | it's suppose to have grub2 but only installs yaboot that is not booting on my host ?? | 00:28 |
donofrio | this is what I see when I manually install grub | 00:30 |
donofrio | cannot boot after install - | 00:33 |
nacc | donofrio: just an fyi, powerpc is gone (afaik)? | 00:34 |
nacc | donofrio: ? | 00:34 |
donofrio | so g5 is that? | 00:34 |
nacc | donofrio: yeah -- although i'm trying to find the official: | 00:35 |
nacc | | 00:35 |
donofrio | also why would there be a 17.04 for powerpc if going away (I have aboute 18 mac's and love ubuntu) video working network working apps working installs work just doesn't boot... | 00:35 |
hggdh | well, it seems 32bit PPC is gone, but not necessarily 64bits | 00:35 |
donofrio | k g5 is 64 bit | 00:36 |
nacc | right, ppc64le is different | 00:36 |
nacc | i believe the g5 is still BE | 00:36 |
donofrio | was told 970 is not ppc64le, I scratch my head I have inxi for ya if helpful | 00:36 |
donofrio | BE? | 00:36 |
nacc | big endian | 00:37 |
nacc | donofrio: right, the 970 is BE, iirc | 00:37 |
nacc | donofrio: what does `uname -a` say? | 00:37 |
donofrio | ? | 00:39 |
donofrio | hopefully that helps | 00:39 |
nacc | donofrio: ok, 64-bit BE | 00:41 |
nacc | donofrio: which ISO did you use to install? | 00:41 |
nacc | donofrio: after installing grub2, it seems like grub-install possibly didn't run | 00:42 |
nacc | donofrio: and yaboot is still present | 00:42 |
donofrio | xenial-alternate-powerpc | 00:42 |
nacc | oh and you release upgraded up? | 00:43 |
donofrio | it did run just doesn't seem to do what it's suppose to. | 00:43 |
donofrio | I chrooted and apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-gte autoclean -y && apt-get autoremove -y | 00:45 |
donofrio | didn't help | 00:45 |
donofrio | but I'm 4.10 now ;) wish I should boot | 00:46 |
nacc | donofrio: ok, i've been trying to understand this for a while -- afaict, you might be using a 64-bit kernel but userspace is still 32-bit, maybe? can you do pastebin something like `file $(which file)` ? | 00:46 |
donofrio | my issue is "/ht@0,f2000000/pci@7/k2-sata-root@c/@0/@0:3,/vmlinux: no such file or directory" | 00:46 |
donofrio | returned from yaboot upon boot | 00:47 |
nacc | donofrio: right, but that's because you're using yaboot stil | 00:48 |
nacc | i'm *guessing* that 17.04 didn't migrate to use grub2 yet, and needs some manual twiddling | 00:48 |
donofrio | agreed | 00:48 |
nacc | e.g., you could try `grub-install /dev/sd$(insert appropriate value)` -- but that might also make your system not boot :) | 00:48 |
nacc | donofrio: you may want to google around | 00:49 |
nacc | donofrio: and you may also want to try installing from the zesty ISO and not dist-upgrading | 00:49 |
donofrio | yah anyone got a script for this - | 00:49 |
nacc | donofrio: you can see here: | 00:52 |
nacc | donofrio: the powerpc ISOs are not being built anymore | 00:52 |
nacc | donofrio: i imagine that you might find the archive is also possible not getting updated | 00:52 |
donofrio | I didn't install this time with alt, the last four rebuilds useing "zesty-desktop-powerpc.iso2017-02-08 17:24919M" | 00:53 |
nacc | hggdh: it's confusing, really, becuase i *think* BE 64-bit was only installable via the powerpc (which to me is 32-bit) ISO | 00:55 |
hggdh | nacc: heh. I myself do not know, left PPC a lon time ago | 00:56 |
nacc | hggdh: yeah, i'm trying to remember (i was at ibm still when the ppc64el stuff was started and going round and round on these) | 00:56 |
nacc | i know ppc64el is not comptaible with the apple macs | 00:57 |
nacc | donofrio: did you provide that `file` output? | 00:57 |
donofrio | yes to show you what time this was released | 00:57 |
donofrio | if your asking about that iso I just posted | 00:58 |
nacc | donofrio: no, i mean i need to see `file $(which file)` output | 00:58 |
nacc | donofrio: also, debian (afaict) no longer supports any non-LE power machines | 01:01 |
nacc | | 01:01 |
nacc | well, with stretch they won't | 01:01 |
donofrio | but BE will be correct ;) | 01:01 |
nacc | donofrio: hrm? | 01:01 |
donofrio | hrm? | 01:02 |
donofrio | dunno that term | 01:02 |
nacc | donofrio: were you just making a joke? | 01:02 |
nacc | donofrio: "hrm" like the noise one makes when murmuring | 01:02 |
donofrio | no | 01:02 |
nacc | donofrio: can you please provide `file $(which file)` ? | 01:03 |
donofrio | working on it - started ssh | 01:17 |
donofrio | | 01:20 |
nacc | donofrio: right that's 32-bit powerpc | 01:20 |
nacc | donofrio: in userspace | 01:20 |
nacc | only the kernel is 64-bit | 01:20 |
nacc | and that's what no longer will exist | 01:21 |
nacc | (that being 32-bit powerpc) | 01:21 |
nacc | donofrio: you should go back to 16.04 or so | 01:21 |
donofrio | 16.04 videio was weird and unstable if i recall....why not use 17.04? | 01:21 |
nacc | donofrio: because, afaict, it's sort of on its way out ... there's no guarantee it will stay maintained in the archive (aiui the discussion states if a pacakge FTBFS on powerpc it might just get deleted from powerpc, although i'm not sure htat is official) | 01:23 |
donofrio | so 16.04 then upgrade to 17.04 any howto's or hints as to keeping most current while still not installing 17.04 but dist-upgrade to it I guess | 01:27 |
nacc | donofrio: no, i don't think you want to run 17.04 at all | 01:29 |
nacc | donofrio: just stay on 16.04 | 01:29 |
nacc | donofrio: as per that e-mail i linked to, that's your best bet | 01:29 |
nacc | | 01:29 |
nacc | donofrio: 16.04 is supported for 5 years | 01:29 |
nacc | donofrio: or you might try other distributions, but both debian and ubuntu are dropping the 32-bit powerpc support (which is the version you have installed) | 01:30 |
donofrio | 16.04 seems unstable video wise, like missing agp support and more....17.04 works just yaboot not booting and would like a workaround or something (not looking for quick answer just always want to be newest I can.) | 01:30 |
nacc | donofrio: it doesn't make sense to be on the newest if it's not supported | 01:31 |
donofrio | during livedvd session it's been the most stable I've run.....just yaboot doesn't know how to recall openfirmware path or something like that | 01:32 |
donofrio | how do I let someone know that bug id that we are still out here ;) | 01:43 |
donofrio | and we want to help ;) | 01:45 |
nacc_ | donofrio_: got confirmation that powerpc will be deleted from the archive in 17.04, so you really don't want run it | 14:53 |
nacc_ | donofrio_: there's nothing you can do, and it doesn't make sense to even test it | 14:53 |
nacc_ | (afaict) | 14:54 |
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc | ||
donofrio_ | nacc, why are they killing something that is on 16.04/10 was unstable, sound was hard to get working in 17.04 live dvd session these are all working first time in years | 15:33 |
nacc | donofrio_: it's not working, it's not maintained | 15:35 |
nacc | donofrio_: and you then clearly didn't read the e-mail I sent that explained that, yesterday | 15:35 |
donofrio_ | why does it seem to be working (just wondering) | 15:35 |
donofrio_ | you sent me email | 15:35 |
donofrio_ | ? | 15:35 |
nacc | I linked to it 2 times yesterday | 15:35 |
donofrio_ | reviewing log | 15:36 |
nacc | donofrio_: well, because they haven't deleted the archives yet. Eventually `apt` won't be able to do anything | 15:36 |
donofrio_ | it's just a sad day because I have 2 - G5's 6 - MacMini's, 5 powerbooks, so yah ;( | 15:37 |
nacc | you have 4 more years of 16.04 | 15:38 |
donofrio_ | I didn't want to load 12.04 because I thought that was too old now I put 17.04 on it and its not supported ;( | 15:38 |
nacc | well, 12.04 goes eol next month | 15:39 |
nacc | so that would be a bad choice | 15:39 |
donofrio_ | yes I agree | 15:39 |
nacc | 14.04 or 16.04 should work; if they don't, then you can file bugs for them | 15:39 |
donofrio_ | they don't work in various degree's mostly video is unstable and I was told it maybe because agp was removed from the kernel.... | 15:40 |
nacc | if that was true, then 17.04 wouln't magically work, would it? | 15:40 |
donofrio_ | well it's displaying and not locking up....same hardware newer distro.... | 15:40 |
nacc | donofrio_: it sounds like you don't actually know what the root cause was -- and since 17.04 is no longer supporting those particular machines, if you want to resolve it, you can try and boot 16.04 (or liveusb or whatever) and ask in #ubuntu | 15:41 |
donofrio_ | no youtube video of meeting from - ;( | 15:42 |
nacc | | 15:42 |
nacc | there's a whole section on graphics problems | 15:42 |
nacc | donofrio_: the IRC log explains it, iirc | 15:42 |
donofrio_ | I know very well the issues with 16.04 and the faq's hence why I'm klike 17.04 your gold for me...but then now I take it... | 15:43 |
nacc | well, 17.04 isn't out yet, so you used it at your own risk... | 15:43 |
* nacc recalls the decision to drop powerpc was pretty broadly covered. And Debian had already made that change. | 15:44 | |
donofrio_ | going to have to start learning portage again, havn't used gentoo sence the first xbox when I ran gentoox.....hope I never bother you good folks, thank you for all you do.... | 16:21 |
nacc | donofrio_: i think fedora may still support powerpc (not sure) | 16:28 |
donofrio_ | what is the package that can take you from a text install to a full gui with xfce and packages that are used by daily desktop folks....I forget what it's called... | 17:28 |
nacc | donofrio_: xubuntu-desktop? | 17:30 |
nacc | donofrio_: may want to ask in #ubuntu | 17:31 |
donofrio_ | k tnx | 17:31 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC |
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