alumno__ | holi | 00:05 |
Calfret | Hello | 01:14 |
Dekkard | a | 01:17 |
nicklas_ | i happened to remove the emblems on the default icons in home. is there any way to get the emblems back in mate? | 01:38 |
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
crackers_ | I just tried to install ubuntu alongside windows 7, having already installed windows. I didn't see an "install alongside windows 7" option and the only other options were to erase the disk or some other option. I chose the other option and it seems to be working, but will there be some negative consequences to this? | 05:36 |
=== madsa is now known as Guest42101 | ||
mengyang | hi' | 06:36 |
mengyang | Hi have anyone? | 06:36 |
Burazen | Hello | 06:39 |
mengyang | My name is MengyangLi | 06:41 |
mengyang | What time are you | 06:43 |
mengyang | I come from China. | 06:45 |
mengyang | oh No | 06:47 |
alkisg | !ask | 06:48 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:48 |
ozmage | hello | 08:52 |
ozmage | on this last build | 08:52 |
ozmage | | 08:52 |
ozmage | is mate 1.18 ? | 08:52 |
ozmage | i have it compiled on gentoo but has too many problems | 08:53 |
ozmage | hello someone can hear me ? | 08:53 |
ouroumov | hi ozmage | 08:55 |
ozmage | hello | 08:55 |
ozmage | are you on zesty ? | 08:56 |
ouroumov | ozmage, afaik flexiondotorg hopes to get 1.18 into 17.04 Beta2, I don't think it's there yet. | 08:56 |
ozmage | ok | 08:56 |
ozmage | i see | 08:56 |
flexiondotorg | Currently testing final builds. | 08:56 |
ozmage | ok | 08:57 |
ozmage | with gentoo with the -9999 ebuilds portage grabs from git | 08:58 |
ozmage | and is not complete | 08:58 |
ozmage | is just vanilla | 08:58 |
ozmage | no patches no fixes | 08:58 |
ozmage | nothing | 08:58 |
ozmage | at least no build failure | 09:00 |
ergosomnic | Does anyone know where terminal configuration settings are kept? In a flat file that I can edit, maybe? | 10:55 |
eso4a | marica | 10:58 |
eso4a_ | m | 10:59 |
alkisg | ergosomnic: run this : dconf watch / | 11:15 |
alkisg | Then play with whatever settings you want, and you'll see dconf telling you where they are stored in gsettings | 11:15 |
eso4a_ | DKOLED | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | D | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | D | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | HOLA | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | SOY ANDREA | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | JEJW3JERJE | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | su hermaano | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | ERESTONTICA | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | waoi | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | wapo | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | vacilea | 11:16 |
alkisg | Stop it | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | TIENES UN ORNITORRINCO | 11:16 |
alkisg | Go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | vaciloa culo que ve culo que explota | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | JEJEJEJE | 11:16 |
eso4a_ | JEJEJEE | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | ojala | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | wapa | 11:16 |
eso4a__ | tk | 11:16 |
alkisg | !ops | 11:17 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 11:17 |
eso4a__ | what the hell????????????????????''' | 11:17 |
alkisg | A kick here please? ^ | 11:17 |
torera | ee | 11:19 |
torera | ee | 11:19 |
alkisg | Stop spamming | 11:19 |
torera | acholchi | 11:19 |
alkisg | !ops | 11:19 |
torera | who are u | 11:19 |
eso4a | MIGEL CABESA | 11:19 |
torera | jaj | 11:19 |
ozmage | im waiting for ubuntu mate 1.18 in the meanwhile im here | 11:43 |
ergosomnic | alkisg, thanks for the dconf command. I miss flat file configd, though. *sigh* | 12:28 |
alkisg | ergosomnic: there's also dconf-editor to edit gsettings visually | 12:48 |
alkisg | I like that it's a binary file. I don't like that they don't expose a text interface, like the kernel does with /sys | 12:49 |
alkisg | So they could have a virtual file system that we could poke, for example in ~/.config/gsettings/* | 12:49 |
ergosomnic | is there a way to "export" dconf settings, so that I can use my beautifully configured terminal profiles on another system? | 13:16 |
vlt | ergosomnic: There's ~/.config/dconf/user which I have transferred successfully in the past. | 13:20 |
alkisg | ergosomnic: dconf dump / > out => saves everything, dconf load / < out => restores everything | 13:22 |
alkisg | You can also put a specific path intead of / | 13:22 |
alkisg | *instead | 13:22 |
ergosomnic | Awesome! Dump and load is what I was looking for. thanks | 13:23 |
vlt | alkisg: Wow, thank you! | 13:23 |
alkisg | np :) | 13:24 |
boopathi | h | 16:23 |
caine | hiii | 16:54 |
ouroumov_ | hi caine | 16:54 |
caine | how are uu.... | 16:54 |
caine | sir | 16:54 |
ouroumov_ | I'm fine. Do you have a specific issue you need help with? | 16:54 |
caine | i just wats to know the mistakes which forensic investigators done during forensic investigation can u help me | 16:55 |
ouroumov_ | !ot | caine | 16:55 |
ubottu | caine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:55 |
caine | ok sir | 16:56 |
caine | thx | 16:56 |
caine | best tool for signature detection in caine OS | 16:56 |
ergosomnic | Under System->Advanced->Miscellaneous->RAM Disk there is a setting for "Periodic RRD Backup" that takes an integer. Does anyone know what that means? X backups per day/hour/minute? One backup per X days/hours/minute? | 17:33 |
ergosomnic | Never mimind!!! I posted ion the wrong board | 17:33 |
ergosomnic | Doh! | 17:34 |
andres_ | saapbbeeen | 17:54 |
Eightynine | When MATE 1.18 will be available in Ubuntu MATE? | 18:00 |
mateus | hi all | 19:49 |
mateus | is there blustaks ok linuxx mate | 19:51 |
mate|65259 | hello people, i am very new to ubuntu. i am way behind the curve. i have a question if anyone can help. i have a hacker that has turned my life upside down . a friend suggested ubuntu "because it doesnt get visus" well its way worse. on top of my ignorance he has taken a2 routers the bios from 3 computers few cell phones. help!! | 20:20 |
mate|65259 | sorry guys, i got kicked off | 20:41 |
nomic | just ask questions | 20:51 |
kevr | does Ubuntu MATE use a different kernel for armv7 than ubuntus? | 22:14 |
nomic | cos its x86 vs arm processor kevr | 23:14 |
nomic | arm = different architecture -- is arm processor.. your average ubuntu is for x86 (intel) | 23:14 |
nomic | is different instruction set, from the basis | 23:14 |
nomic | x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 23:15 |
nomic | armv7l GNU/Linux | 23:15 |
nomic | x86 | 23:16 |
nomic | arm | 23:16 |
nomic | totally different build - the 'object files' (assembly) = for different instruction set | 23:16 |
nomic | PC = x86 | 23:16 |
nomic | = intel/amd | 23:17 |
nomic | although I believe intel stopped producing x86 late last year | 23:17 |
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