
ubottunicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu (krazzgal)04:21
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:11
lotuspsychjecan someone change !grep trigger to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/grep ? might be usefull for users?07:12
ubottualkisg called the ops in #ubuntu-mate ()11:17
lhavelundI'm still in the ops prompt? Unexpected.21:31
Unit193Hmm.  Did I send you a memo about that too? :P21:32
lhavelundYou did not!21:32
lhavelundBut I had anticipated being removed after years of inactivity.21:32
lhavelundOn that note, are there any auto_bleh equivalents for WeeChat?21:32
Unit193lhavelund: Seems so: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuide#Useful_Scripts21:33
lhavelundI was just finding that! :)21:33
lhavelundexcept I found it on github21:33
lhavelundthat's done now I think.21:48
Unit193lhavelund: #ubuntu-sandbox?21:48

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