hhee | morn or night. need to install php 7.1, which more truly way to do it? | 02:01 |
hhee | ubuntu 16.10 | 02:01 |
drab | hhee: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php | 02:01 |
drab | seems like your best bet | 02:02 |
hhee | drab, got it. thx for support | 02:02 |
hhee | drab, dont see php7.1-pdo or smth like this... | 02:10 |
hhee | in that repo | 02:10 |
hhee | whas i did wrong? | 02:10 |
drab | hhee: yeah that repo doesn't have it for some reason | 03:37 |
drab | dunno why he choose not to package it | 03:38 |
drab | hhee: oh, apparently it's packaged in the specific backend | 03:39 |
drab | hhee: so apt-get install php7.0-mysql or whatever will get you the PDO for mysql | 03:39 |
drab | hhee: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32728860/php-7-rc3-how-to-install-missing-mysql-pdo | 03:40 |
hhee | drab, got it, thx a lot! | 03:41 |
drab | hhee: btw, you'd get a lot further faster if you just googled those questions | 03:41 |
drab | because that link I passed you was the third result for "php7.0 install pdo ubuntu 16" | 03:42 |
drab | hhee: and ppl on irc get easily annoyed if you ask dumb questions that can be answered by a simple google search | 03:42 |
hhee | drab, got it too :) sorry | 03:42 |
hhee | promise to google before ask questions | 03:43 |
hhee | i promise* | 03:43 |
drab | no need to be sorry, just need to put in the work | 03:43 |
drab | sorrow helps nobody, elbow grease does | 03:43 |
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mybalzitch | anyone here played with MPTCP? or multiple internet connections under linux? | 08:51 |
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blackflow | 'ello. Any users of munin monitoring here? one of the plugins (if_*) stopped working on all our 16.04 nodes. it's registering "nan" values on the master, but running munin-run on the nodes shows everything okay. No error or warning in any of the logs either. | 11:32 |
blackflow | it stopped working with latest update to munin packages few days ago. | 11:33 |
PhoenixMage | Hi All, has any one had any experiencing configuring nfs4 using Active directory as a kdc? | 11:39 |
PhoenixMage | I think I have everything configured correctly but when I try to mount the filesystem mount essentially hangs until I ctrl-c | 11:40 |
huggybear404 | installing ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64 on ASUS Strix H270F Gaming mainboard , getting gnu grub menu then click install and screen turns off, is there a way for me to install this ? | 12:18 |
huggybear404 | has anyone had luck installing any ubuntu or linux on a modern asus board ? | 12:22 |
lordievader | !modeset | huggybear404 | 12:25 |
lordievader | !nomodeset | huggybear404 | 12:25 |
ubottu | huggybear404: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 12:25 |
lordievader | That's the one. | 12:25 |
huggybear404 | I tryed replace quiet with nomodeset, no change | 12:26 |
huggybear404 | does that mean there is no way to install ? | 12:27 |
lordievader | How new is that motherboard? | 12:28 |
huggybear404 | got it 2 days ago so pretty new | 12:29 |
huggybear404 | should the - after quiet remain ? | 12:31 |
huggybear404 | what does set gfxpayload= keep mean ? is that bad ? | 12:31 |
lordievader | Production date I mean ;) It could be that it is too new, that the current 16.04 kernel does not yet support it. | 12:31 |
patdk-lap | man, the marketing on the board | 12:33 |
lordievader | You could try 16.10 (or even the development version) to see if that does support your system. | 12:33 |
huggybear404 | is there something very different with its gpu ? | 12:33 |
patdk-lap | gamer's guardian (the cmos 2032 battery) | 12:33 |
huggybear404 | is there a list of supported boards ? | 12:33 |
patdk-lap | what gpu did you put in it? | 12:34 |
patdk-lap | it doesn't come with one | 12:34 |
huggybear404 | i didnt its onboard | 12:34 |
patdk-lap | no, it's not | 12:34 |
huggybear404 | are the hdmi port just for decoration ? | 12:34 |
patdk-lap | ok, if you didn't put in a dedicated gpu in a pcie slot | 12:35 |
patdk-lap | what CPU did you isntall, so we can manually look it up on the website as to what gpu is contained in the cpu | 12:35 |
patdk-lap | yes | 12:35 |
huggybear404 | g4400 | 12:35 |
huggybear404 | so I need a cpu with better graphic card ? | 12:35 |
huggybear404 | this new tech will be the end of me | 12:36 |
patdk-lap | generally using server motherboards for servers work better | 12:36 |
huggybear404 | I miss the old days where we plugged in a vga card and played | 12:36 |
patdk-lap | why can't you still do that? | 12:36 |
huggybear404 | where can I get server boards ? | 12:37 |
huggybear404 | I found none in my local shop | 12:37 |
huggybear404 | will it work better if I plug in a vga card ? | 12:37 |
patdk-lap | dunno, that gpu should be working fine | 12:39 |
patdk-lap | in 15.10+ | 12:40 |
huggybear404 | what is happening ? is it ubuntu server being kind and setting up a 4096 display that it knows the screen cant handle to make me use windows instead ? There is no way to setup a resolution or driver that will give me picture ? seems to me this reduces the usefullness a little bit. I wish the user installing can have some choice in video settings | 12:44 |
huggybear404 | in windows there is a video test and if I dont answer that it works it reverts to a simpler mode, seems that would add a ton of value in linux as well and allow install on any hardware | 12:45 |
lordievader | huggybear404: You mentioned hdmi.. Is that the only connection? If not did you check the others? | 12:47 |
huggybear404 | there is a dvi and none of my adapters fit it since the have pins that this dvi dont have | 12:48 |
huggybear404 | screen has vga and hdmi input | 12:49 |
huggybear404 | probably max 1980 res | 12:49 |
huggybear404 | I tryed with a hdmi to vga adapter but its no use is ubuntu only uses 4096 resolution | 12:52 |
huggybear404 | seems I cant install if it always automatic select highest setting and blow up screen | 12:53 |
huggybear404 | I see no way to set lower res | 12:53 |
patdk-lap | I doubt a hdmi to vga adapter would work at all | 12:55 |
patdk-lap | if it did the dvi port would have the vga pins | 12:55 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: you'll need a new libvirt | 13:07 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: I think I have a fix, how'd you like it to be best testable for you? | 13:07 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: is a ppa ok? | 13:07 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: or does your setup imply you need something else? | 13:07 |
huggybear404 | whats a ppa ? | 13:08 |
cpaelzer | !ppa | 13:09 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 13:09 |
cpaelzer | huggybear404: ^^ | 13:09 |
huggybear404 | how can I use that ? | 13:10 |
cpaelzer | huggybear404: as a user using one or as a developer creating a ppa? | 13:10 |
huggybear404 | I think what I need is a way to setup a resolution that my screen will read, I suspect ubuntu set up maximum the gfx card can do never trying to detect the screen. can a ppa help this ? how can I load it ? | 13:12 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: I can splice in a PPA | 13:13 |
huggybear404 | in the iso ? | 13:13 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: ok creating one for you to check then | 13:13 |
lordievader | huggybear404: That ppa talk wasn't directed at you ;) | 13:14 |
cpaelzer | huggybear404: I was talking to jamespage on a different bug, I don't think it applies to your case | 13:14 |
lordievader | huggybear404: There are some kernel parameters for setting the resolution, but I forgot what they where. | 13:15 |
lordievader | huggybear404: I suppose google can help you with that. | 13:15 |
cpaelzer | lordievader: did you mean https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/svga.txt? | 13:16 |
cpaelzer | vga=ask first time, then scan and picking one to be set next time | 13:16 |
cpaelzer | long long time ago :-) | 13:16 |
lordievader | Yes, that seems to be the one. | 13:17 |
lordievader | huggybear404: ^ | 13:17 |
huggybear404 | ah I missed it was to james, I tryed vga=ask and also ASK_VGA from the web , im not getting any menu tho, just black screen again | 13:23 |
huggybear404 | maybe im doing it wrong ? | 13:23 |
huggybear404 | if it "asks" me in a 4096 mode its not much help | 13:24 |
huggybear404 | maybe a way to lock it to 1024 ? | 13:24 |
patdk-lap | but nomodeset would have fixed that | 13:27 |
patdk-lap | http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu | 13:28 |
huggybear404 | tryed vga= 773 nomodeset still black | 13:31 |
=== xibalba_ is now known as xibalba | ||
huggybear404 | tryed nomodeset vga=773 before quiet still black | 13:38 |
huggybear404 | might be on the right track tho | 13:38 |
huggybear404 | i hope | 13:38 |
huggybear404 | no way to disable onboard gfx so im not sure if it will be different with an old vga card in pci | 13:39 |
coreycb | beisner, jamespage: oslo.messaging 1.8.3-0ubuntu0.15.04.2~cloud3 is ready to promote to kilo-updates | 13:39 |
huggybear404 | im not tempted to invest a bundle in a 4k screen just for testing | 13:40 |
coreycb | beisner, jamespage: also python-rfc3986 0.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1~cloud0 is ready to promote to mitaka-updates | 13:40 |
jamespage | coreycb: I did a sweep on mitaka stuff am today | 13:41 |
jamespage | that included | 13:41 |
coreycb | jamespage, cool thanks | 13:41 |
jamespage | coreycb: pike opening is mostly done; postponing enablement of auto-backports until zesty +1 opens | 13:42 |
coreycb | jamespage, ok great thanks for doing that. so we will just upload new pike packages straight to the cloud archive until zest+1 opens? | 13:42 |
jamespage | coreycb: oslo.messaging in kilo done | 13:42 |
coreycb | jamespage, thanks | 13:43 |
jamespage | coreycb: ah | 13:47 |
jamespage | Launchpad encountered an error during the following operation: copying package oslo.messaging. oslo.messaging 1.8.3-0ubuntu0.15.04.2~cloud3 in trusty (source has no binaries to be copied) | 13:47 |
jamespage | coreycb: ok so that failed to build from source | 13:47 |
* jamespage looks | 13:47 | |
hoobaman | hi | 13:53 |
hoobaman | i am looking for a pulp alternative (pulpproject.org) for ubuntu | 13:53 |
hoobaman | pulp allows you to "tag" and "pin" updates into a global update, validate that global update and roll them out on every server | 13:54 |
hoobaman | so all servers have exactly the same packages | 13:54 |
hoobaman | is there an apt variant avaiable? | 13:54 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: the ppa is built and I updated the bug with the link | 13:55 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: ta | 13:55 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: | 13:59 |
hoobaman | ok found it aptly -> aptly.info | 13:59 |
jamespage | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ka16zb97/ | 13:59 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: is that a working seeing it "attached" | 14:00 |
cpaelzer | ? | 14:00 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: yes - going to run a tempest smoke test against it as well | 14:01 |
jamespage | that also covers the boot from volume test case | 14:01 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: yay | 14:02 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: I already queued it for my non openstack tests | 14:02 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: give me a ping when the smoke test worked, if possible into the bug helping the latter SRU | 14:02 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: will do | 14:02 |
beisner | hi coreycb, all clear on thos uca moves, or still need attention there? | 14:33 |
coreycb | beisner, all good for now, thanks | 14:33 |
jamespage | cpaelzer: +1 commented on bug with test results | 14:33 |
jamespage | coreycb: washed proposed->updates for ocata - smoke tested OK with the new charm changes for cinder-ceph/nova-compute | 14:42 |
jamespage | \o/ | 14:42 |
coreycb | jamespage, awesome | 14:47 |
coreycb | jamespage, that oslo.messaging test runs successfully for me locally | 14:50 |
coreycb | jamespage, it is weird though, looking at the test it seems that the final assert could be -3 if both consume calls timeout | 14:51 |
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huggybear404 | I tryed 2 graphic cards now with same results, can never get past the first menu | 15:19 |
huggybear404 | Apreaciate all tips tho | 15:19 |
huggybear404 | looks like this board just cant do what I need | 15:19 |
lordievader | huggybear404: Have you tried 16.10 yet? | 15:24 |
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Elzington | Let's say I have 3 servers that I use ssh to access, should I have a different key created for each server, or should I just use the same key for all three servers? | 16:23 |
bekks | Elzington: Create different keys on each server, and one on your client. USe your client key to login into each server. | 16:25 |
Elzington | ah, ok, thanks! | 16:26 |
huggybear404 | I download 16.10 now, takes ages on my "broadband" | 16:35 |
teward | nacc: powersj: wait, so did I basically create a precedent for specialized triage rules now? o.O | 17:17 |
teward | (in terms of wiki pages and such) | 17:18 |
nacc | teward: you did indeed! | 17:18 |
nacc | teward: put that on your resume! | 17:18 |
teward | we might want to create a template page somewhere then that can just be copied over, if we start doing this regularly xD | 17:19 |
teward | but I didn't expect my one little effort to become a "Hey let's do it for XYZ package!" precedent xD | 17:20 |
teward | this makes me smile :) | 17:20 |
powersj | teward: yes you did, it was so nice you set the bar :) | 17:21 |
teward | heh | 17:22 |
teward | powersj: nacc: once that page is done, if there's specialized triage rules, donk't forget to add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Triage/#Actions underneath the 'some packages have additional policies on triaging' section, so new bug triagers who read the guide are aware of such rules :) | 17:23 |
powersj | teward: thanks for the reminder I had forgotten about this page | 17:24 |
teward | you're welcome. :) | 17:25 |
nacc | teward: good catch | 17:25 |
Sebastien | hello, i just installed webmin on my tiny 5$/month linode account. was wondering if it's a good idea or not. | 18:09 |
tarpman | !webmin | Sebastien | 18:09 |
ubottu | Sebastien: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 18:09 |
Sebastien | oh darn. | 18:09 |
Sebastien | is there another alternative to it? | 18:10 |
sarnold | webmin and other tools are a leading source of remote compromise. Be sure to install firewall rules that allows you and only you to access the thing from your house. | 18:10 |
Sebastien | and will purge remove it completely? | 18:10 |
tarpman | Sebastien: vi(1) | 18:10 |
Sebastien | yeah ufw is enabled | 18:10 |
Sebastien | vi ? | 18:10 |
drab | has anybody seen "Hardware error from APEI Generic Hardware Error" before? | 18:13 |
drab | this one seems to be specifically referred to the PCIe subsystem | 18:13 |
drab | but not much fo a clue how to debug it any further | 18:13 |
drab | found very little on google except for memory subsystem for which ppl replied "bad mem" | 18:14 |
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sarnold | * For more information about Generic Hardware Error Source, please | 18:19 |
sarnold | * refer to ACPI Specification version 4.0, section | 18:19 |
DammitJim | man, please send me to the right room | 18:33 |
nacc | DammitJim: ? | 18:33 |
DammitJim | but if a developer notices that a service they are using from one of our clients is timing out | 18:33 |
DammitJim | why does the "devops" team have to get that resolved? | 18:34 |
DammitJim | the service isn't even for production but something for test | 18:34 |
DammitJim | I guess I'll have to deal with it | 18:35 |
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sarnold | "Hello; thanks for the report. If you check with the signed SLA between our groups you'll see that this is a testing service and therefore not subject to the uptime guarantees that we have provided. Thus I am going to lunch." | 18:36 |
DammitJim | LOL | 18:37 |
DammitJim | thanks sarnold | 18:37 |
DammitJim | someone understands me | 18:37 |
nacc | "Also never e-mail me again." | 18:37 |
sarnold | nacc: ooh nice, planning for the future too :) | 18:37 |
sarnold | that's the kind of proactive approach that gets you noticed! | 18:37 |
DammitJim | blah... so, seriously, who normally would take care of this in a company? | 18:38 |
drab | it's devops, it's nice ppl, not some old grumpy sysadmin :P | 18:38 |
drab | feel the vibe man | 18:38 |
nacc | sarnold: :) | 18:38 |
DammitJim | I guess we do since we take care of calling the power company when there is a power outage | 18:38 |
* DammitJim is a grumpy sysadmin | 18:38 | |
nacc | lol | 18:38 |
drab | I guessed, all the devops ppl are on slack, not irc :P | 18:38 |
drab | irc isn't fancy anymore | 18:38 |
sarnold | DammitJim: "yeah, we tried turning it on and off again. no luck. better call devops." :) | 18:39 |
sarnold | drab: lol | 18:39 |
DammitJim | no, they haven't even done anything... just reported that there is a problem | 18:39 |
drab | sarnold: ok, so it was power related after all, I had looked at the kernel txt but didn't find that ref | 18:41 |
drab | which actually makes sense since I'm using a pci card with a nvme device and 2 M2 SSDs.. | 18:42 |
drab | maybe that's just too much with aux power, I just wonder why it worked for a month no prob and then just started rebooting non stop with taht error | 18:42 |
drab | workload has not changed | 18:42 |
sarnold | drab: ugh! that's annoying. did you lose a powersupply and not notice? | 18:43 |
drab | also I will note the somewhat ironic comment in syslog "Error recovered, nothing to do" | 18:43 |
drab | and then the system reboots | 18:43 |
drab | heck of "have you tried to rurn it off and on again" joke | 18:43 |
DammitJim | anybody? | 18:44 |
drab | sarnold: nope, lights on power PSUs are green and IPMI says it's all dandy | 18:44 |
drab | DammitJim: ? | 18:45 |
drab | if the service isn't prod SLA is diff, but if the team is in charge of maintaining the test env, then it's still your responsibility? | 18:45 |
DammitJim | I don't know | 18:45 |
drab | it's really down to who manages that environment and also how nice you are I guess, I don't mind landing a hand as long as ppl aren't abusive | 18:45 |
DammitJim | there is no SLA | 18:45 |
DammitJim | I guess I manage the environment | 18:46 |
drab | ok, well, if you spend time fixing that you aren't spending time working on prod... somebody needs to have handle of priorities, if it's cool for you to jump on that and you manage it, then do it | 18:46 |
drab | but you're the only person that knows your priority, and/or maybe your manager if that's where you're at | 18:46 |
DammitJim | tru | 18:46 |
drab | the problem with these things is that I've seenf ar too many folks bring drawn in responsive work and never getting to proactive one | 18:47 |
drab | and fixing broken stuff in test is a classic source of that | 18:47 |
drab | so sometimes the right thing is to put taht at the end of the queue and carve out time for proactive work to improve things | 18:47 |
drab | balancing that and helping others is one of the tricky thing that imho makes a good team member and a "senior" person, as opposed to simple tech skills | 18:48 |
DammitJim | the problem in this case is that it's a test service that one of our clients is supposed to have available for our company | 18:48 |
DammitJim | specifically for a project that this developer is working | 18:48 |
DammitJim | on | 18:48 |
drab | ok, then isn't that their responsibility if they are making it available? | 18:49 |
DammitJim | and the developer just happened to notice that his requests started to time out | 18:49 |
DammitJim | yeah, but the dev lead is asking my team to take care of the problem | 18:49 |
DammitJim | meaning... go call whomever, open a ticket, explain the problem, follow up on the issue, blah blah blah | 18:49 |
DammitJim | sorry, thanks for letting me pour out the weird feelings | 18:50 |
drab | np, we've all been there | 18:50 |
DammitJim | so, I don't know if I should help (I'm busy and they know it... as well as my team) | 18:51 |
drab | if you don't have a direct line that would make this quicker I'd say bounce it back, I'm sure he has hands and a web browser and can open a ticket | 18:51 |
DammitJim | or just tell them to take care of it themselves | 18:51 |
drab | generally duimping problems on others is not good practice | 18:51 |
DammitJim | right | 18:51 |
DammitJim | and I don't know why they get the idea that they don't deal with anything but coding | 18:51 |
DammitJim | well, I guess that's their job description | 18:52 |
DammitJim | see how I'm having a hard time? | 18:52 |
DammitJim | lol | 18:52 |
drab | it's ok, admins have had for years the idea that they didn't deal with anything but systems :) | 18:52 |
drab | finding a niche of expertise and shunning everything else is a normal human mechanism | 18:52 |
drab | it creates comfort and security | 18:52 |
DammitJim | that's right | 18:52 |
DammitJim | so, I should ask them nicely to take care of it themselves, right? | 18:53 |
drab | I'd ask them to please give it a go and if they have a specific reason why they can't do it or get stuck you're happy to help, but then to please provide some info of where's they are stuck | 18:53 |
drab | also intentions to me are important, especially if you are emailing ppl, because it's obvious when folks are pissed | 18:54 |
drab | os if you email back pissed because you feel they just tried to drop it on you, that won't go down well even if it's reasonable | 18:55 |
drab | of course easier said than done :P | 18:55 |
DammitJim | yeah, nothing easy about this (and it's probably my fault too because I'm making it a big deal) | 18:56 |
drab | well, it depends on the pov, to me it's important because it helps ppl grow and a team become stronger, sometimes it's good to educate folks to jfgi | 18:57 |
drab | again what matters is the mindset, are you annoyed at someone or are you trying to help the team[s] grow? | 18:57 |
drab | better teamwork isn't shaped by a manager shouting out some cheesy slogans and off site retreats, it's built by conscious choices like this to encourage responsibility etc | 18:58 |
DammitJim | I'm trying not to let them keep throwing stuff at our team | 18:58 |
DammitJim | maybe that's why | 18:58 |
drab | right | 18:58 |
drab | and I think that's a very good thing | 18:58 |
DammitJim | the dev lead was just at my desk telling me how we need to manage all the SSL Certificates and make them available in a keystore for their applications | 18:58 |
DammitJim | I guess we are in charge of that as well? | 18:59 |
drab | I'd rather do that, yes, but that's just me :) | 18:59 |
DammitJim | yeah... that I'm fine with | 19:00 |
DammitJim | anyways | 19:00 |
DammitJim | we'll see how this goes | 19:00 |
DammitJim | blah | 19:00 |
sarnold | could you just automate the whole thing away to lets encrypt and be done with it? :) | 19:01 |
DammitJim | sarnold, I could | 19:02 |
drab | sarnold: have you tried that? was planning on testing it for some internal domains here | 19:02 |
DammitJim | but requests like these keep me from getting important stuff like that from getting done | 19:02 |
DammitJim | you know how it it | 19:02 |
DammitJim | it is | 19:02 |
sarnold | drab: no, happy to avoid all such responsibility :) | 19:02 |
drab | lol, k | 19:02 |
drab | anyway, enough irc for me, ttyl :) | 19:03 |
DammitJim | I thought it was slack | 19:03 |
DammitJim | not irc | 19:03 |
DammitJim | sarnold, what do we troubleshoot first... the application or the infrastructure? | 19:05 |
sarnold | DammitJim: if one depends upon the other, whichever is most foundational. If they don't depend upon each other, whichever one is currently costing the company the most money per minute. | 19:06 |
DammitJim | hhmmmm... that's a tough one | 19:07 |
DammitJim | an application travels through the systems that we maintain and end on someone else's system, then finally tries to reach another application at the other end | 19:07 |
DammitJim | I'm going to shut up now | 19:08 |
drab | ok, I got stuck and need irc again :P | 19:19 |
drab | stgraber: hitting you up directly, hope that's ok - is there any way to init lxd in an unattended way? | 19:19 |
drab | it seems like it used to be configured with flat files, so you could just drop those into place | 19:20 |
drab | but now that it's sqlite based I don't see an easy way | 19:20 |
drab | https://github.com/juju4/ansible-lxd/ <-- this seems to be the "official" moduel to do with with ansible, but it's old afaics and for lxc1 | 19:21 |
drab | using flat config files | 19:21 |
nacc | drab: what does `lxd init` do? i don't know if it now prompts or not | 19:22 |
drab | nacc: it asks a bunch of questions about datastore, setting up a bridge, etc | 19:22 |
nacc | drab: lxc1 != lxd -- if they say lxd, it means lxc2 | 19:22 |
drab | they say lxd but they are still using the bridge file in /etc/lxc, which I thoguht was 1 business | 19:22 |
nacc | drab: i think /etc/lxc is used by lxd too ... although the default-bridge stuff is now gone, that's true | 19:24 |
nacc | but that was a recent chagne (with the addition of `lxc network`) | 19:24 |
drab | in any case, I tried to do for example a search for zfs in that repo | 19:24 |
drab | and it has nothing but the installation of packages | 19:24 |
drab | so it's not telling lxd which backend/datastore to use, which is one of the questions lxd init asks | 19:25 |
nacc | drab: taht would be `lxc storage` | 19:25 |
nacc | drab: so if you don't want to use `lxd init`, you will need to manually configure lxd, afaict | 19:25 |
nacc | drab: setting up the networking and storage pools, at a minimum | 19:26 |
drab | I guess I'll test if I can call lxc commands before doing a lxd init, I thought I tried and it wasn't working, ie hanging, as if the service was unconfigured | 19:26 |
drab | but maybe I should have just started it anyway and then used lxc commands as you are suggesting | 19:26 |
drab | lemme test that, thanks | 19:26 |
nacc | drab: yeah, i'm not 100% -- there's also #lxcontainers | 19:27 |
nacc | drab: you might be able to the various config commands (config, storage, network) since those are not starting containers | 19:27 |
drab | nacc: #lxcontainers ime is just stgraber anyway :) | 19:28 |
drab | otherwise just questions with no answers or a part/join fest | 19:28 |
drab | I guess I could hit the ML too, that seems to have some more action | 19:29 |
drab | anyway, testing | 19:29 |
nacc | drab: yeah, i answer in there every so often ... but it keeps the topic separate in my head :) | 19:29 |
drab | heh, fair enough | 19:29 |
drab | on a different note, anybody doing nic teaming here? maybe I'm just getting confusd, but rhel has a nice page describing bonding Vs teaming as if they were diff things and also with diff features | 19:40 |
drab | and they say there's a "teamd" daemon that is being used | 19:41 |
drab | however I can't find a similar doc for ubuntu-server and all the docs I'm seeing are for "bonding", with no ref to teaming | 19:41 |
drab | also on most sites the words seem to be used interchangeably, but that seems incorrect if you buy the diff from RH | 19:43 |
drab | http://rhelblog.redhat.com/2014/06/23/team-driver/ | 19:43 |
drab | ok, I guess this is the source and it just hasn't been ported to ubuntu? https://github.com/jpirko/libteam | 19:49 |
drab | I see libteam tho in apt | 19:49 |
drab | ah-ha, found it, it's in libteam-utils | 19:51 |
drab | nobody out there seems to be doing it tho, all google results for "ubuntu nic teaming" bring up articles about setting up bonding with ifenslave and just have "teaming" in the title as if it was the same thing | 19:52 |
sarnold | drab: that's because I didn't like the code quality when it was proposed for including in ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libteam/+bug/1392012 | 19:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1392012 in libteam (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libteam" [Undecided,Expired] | 19:56 |
sarnold | drab: s/in ubuntu/in ubuntu main/ | 19:56 |
drab | ok, looks like bonding it is | 19:59 |
drab | thanks sarnold | 19:59 |
drab | at least I figured out what's what, the internets was confusing the heck out of me for a change | 19:59 |
sarnold | :) | 19:59 |
drab | obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/386/ | 20:00 |
sarnold | <3 | 20:01 |
drab | unfortunately I gtg, but someone should set all those ppl straight on their terminology :P | 20:01 |
DK2 | http://abload.de/image.php?img=imag1185-107uwv.jpg | 20:43 |
DK2 | i have like 5 installations with this weird error | 20:43 |
DK2 | when booting into the OS | 20:43 |
DK2 | after grub, this screen appears | 20:43 |
DK2 | any1? | 20:44 |
nacc | DK2: what OS is it? | 20:45 |
DK2 | ubuntu 16 | 20:46 |
nacc | DK2: 16.04? | 20:46 |
DK2 | yea | 20:46 |
nacc | DK2: did you verify the ISO you are using? Is this from the installer or from the installed OS? | 20:46 |
nacc | DK2: looks very strange and suspicious, I've never seen anything like it | 20:46 |
DK2 | yes that iso worked few days ago | 20:47 |
nmjnb | Hi, I'm looking for some kind of control panel for Ubuntu Server. I looked at Zpanel, which seemed fine, but it seems they don't have a version for 16.04. Do you have tips of other free control panels for Ubuntu 16.04? | 20:48 |
DK2 | i was thinking of hardware error, but this is appearing on more than one machine, so i dont know | 20:48 |
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