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amerigena | Does Xfce have published human interface guidelines, like KDE? | 11:07 |
knome | amerigena, #xfce-dev is a better place to discuss that, but there is some work done: https://wiki.xfce.org/dev/hig/general and i believe there will be more discussion/writing in the near future as things progress towards gtk3 | 11:14 |
amerigena | OK knome | 11:15 |
amerigena | Thank you | 11:15 |
knome | np | 11:15 |
flocculant | bluesabre: changed tag on 1512120 to verification-done-xenial and -yakkety so it's obvious both were checked - what do we do now? given it was 11 days ago now that sil accepted into -proposed | 12:46 |
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [cont1704] r629 Changes as per review (by Kev Bowring) | 13:38 | |
esdwdftty | Hello. Who knows? Using Fuse for exFAT will work alignment or only read and write? exFAT alignment. | 15:25 |
bluesabre | evening all | 21:46 |
bluesabre | lp 1512120 | 21:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1512120 in thunar (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] thunar crashes on file renaming" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512120 | 21:47 |
bluesabre | (laziness) :D | 21:47 |
flocculant | bluesabre: didn't do that - thought you might know which sru bug it was :D | 21:47 |
flocculant | and evening to you too :) | 21:48 |
bluesabre | hi flocculant | 21:48 |
bluesabre | Oh I knew | 21:48 |
flocculant | :) | 21:49 |
bluesabre | But getting a link is not easier | 21:49 |
bluesabre | ;) | 21:49 |
flocculant | ha ha | 21:49 |
bluesabre | flocculant, sent a poke | 21:54 |
flocculant | bluesabre: cheers :) | 21:55 |
bluesabre | Need to send a request out for translations | 21:56 |
flocculant | bluesabre: you seen xfce 13364 ? | 21:56 |
ubottu | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 13364 in general "After moving files, a Ghost file sometimes remains in Detail View" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13364 | 21:56 |
flocculant | translations for zesty? | 21:56 |
flocculant | don't know how to get information for that bug given that it doesn't actually crash or anything | 21:58 |
bluesabre | yeah | 21:59 |
flocculant | also - can't change the bug title cos it's not detail view - just any view you happen to try :) | 21:59 |
bluesabre | flocculant, how would you like the title to be labeled, I seem to have edit powers | 22:00 |
bluesabre | in fact, I seem to have a lot more powers on there than I used to | 22:01 |
bluesabre | I wonder if ochosi upgraded me to admin so I would stop avoiding bugs | 22:01 |
flocculant | ha ha | 22:01 |
Unit193 | Didn't seem to work... | 22:01 |
bluesabre | indeed | 22:01 |
Unit193 | :D | 22:01 |
bluesabre | I'm a stubborn one | 22:01 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: Also, xfdashy went ignored on -permissions. | 22:02 |
bluesabre | I see a lot of things going ignored on there | 22:02 |
flocculant | bluesabre: and ummm don't know :p surprise me :) but it doesn't seem to reload in any view at all - even if it's a view of the sea | 22:02 |
bluesabre | I'm wondering whats happened to canonical's email servers... :) | 22:02 |
Unit193 | They turned 'em off. | 22:02 |
bluesabre | ochosi needs to make them xfce bz admins | 22:03 |
bluesabre | flocculant, you can watch this all day to feel better http://imgur.com/a/oMDRx | 22:09 |
flocculant | bluesabre: ha ha ha | 22:09 |
flocculant | bluesabre: bu are you moving them manually? | 22:10 |
bluesabre | who knows | 22:10 |
flocculant | eg cut and paste? | 22:10 |
bluesabre | :D | 22:10 |
bluesabre | touch test.txt; rm test.txt; | 22:10 |
bluesabre | create the illusion of functionality | 22:10 |
flocculant | cos obviously I couldn't be bothered to chase around the interweb pipes with my little hard hat on finding bits to cut and paste - so used zsync instead :D | 22:11 |
bluesabre | :D | 22:12 |
flocculant | anyway all that aside the best bit of that bug is ... | 22:12 |
flocculant | it doesn't crash :p | 22:12 |
flocculant | very Mr Benn's shop-keeper | 22:13 |
bluesabre | yay for not crashing | 22:13 |
bluesabre | and being able to do basic file management | 22:13 |
flocculant | :) | 22:20 |
* flocculant bids adieu ... | 22:20 | |
bluesabre | nighty flocculant | 22:25 |
bluesabre | dinner time here, bbl | 22:25 |
knome | hmm, food | 22:48 |
ochosi | hey bluesabre | 23:37 |
ochosi | what do you need exactly? | 23:37 |
ochosi | even moar admin powars? : | 23:38 |
ochosi | ) | 23:38 |
bluesabre | hey ochosi | 23:46 |
ochosi | hiya | 23:46 |
bluesabre | xfce4-notifyd bugfix release this week maybe? :) | 23:46 |
ochosi | bluesabre: oh right | 23:58 |
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