
Budgie^Smoremiss me?00:22
xavpaiceanyone here using juju-deployer with 2.1 and spaces?03:27
kklimondahow can I list bindings for the deployed application?07:18
kjackalGoog morning Juju world!07:25
kjackalkklimonda: by bindings you mean relations?07:25
kklimondakjackal: with 2.1, I have to bind all my containers to spaces, and it's failing randomly - I'm trying to understand what spaces did the unit request, and failed to get07:36
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
zeestratkklimonda: Yeah, there's not a lot of visibility at the moment. I created #1672997.08:42
mupBug #1672997: Missing overview over charm bindings <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672997>08:42
cnfhow do i get juju to reprovision a machine?10:21
cnfone machine failes to come up, and juju just stops :/10:22
cnfretry-provisioning maybe...10:23
cnfno, that doesn't seem to do anything10:24
cnfjuju really doesn't seem to like machines not doing the right thing10:27
disposable2cnf: hmmm... i see you still haven't given up on your juju powered openstack dream.10:42
cnfdisposable2: i'm close to giving up10:42
cnfit really should not be this difficult10:44
disposable2cnf: same here. while i'm still allowed to continue testing, my management will not allow me to use this in production. primarily because of all the guesswork involved. the absence of proper documentation is the showstopper. this is the 3rd time over last 5-6 years i've tried using maas/juju for something and it just isn't improving. there are still no books, there are still no useful manpages, no useful examples/howtos.10:44
cnfwhile i'm the one deciding, not management :P10:45
cnfi'm very much advising NOT to use it, at this point10:45
cnfi'm trying to find out how to replace a failed node10:47
cnfand i can't found out how to do this10:47
disposable2cnf: well, i wish i could help you.. did you ever find out whether MAAS needed to be aware of all the networks juju was going to use?10:51
jamespagecnf: disposable2: reading backscroll a bit then I'll try answer some of your questions10:52
jamespagecnf: re your failed provisioning of a machine - as a workaround try juju remove-machine --force <ID of machine>10:53
jamespageand then re-add the application units that removes using juju add-unit10:53
cnfi didn't, i added a bundle10:54
jamespagethat's a bit of a workaround but I agree that retry-provisioning should dtrt there10:54
jamespagedisposable2: cnf: on the query re MAAS needing to be aware of networks juju is going to use - yes that is the case; MAAS holds the underlying map of actual servers, network fabrics, vlans etc...10:55
cnfhow do i see what units are running on a machine?10:55
jamespagecnf: lemme check that10:56
cnfalso, juju should have a migrate function, or something similar10:59
jamespagecnf: hmm other than 'grep' I can see a nice way to figure out services -> machine mapping for a specific machine11:01
jamespagecnf: that said juju deploy <bundle> should figure out what's missing a re-add it if you run it again11:02
cnfi'm trying to get cs:bundle/openstack-base-49 working11:02
jamespagecnf: ok so juju remove-machine --force <ID> the failed machine11:03
jamespagecnf and then juju deploy cs:bundle/openstack-base-49 again11:03
disposable2jamespage: does that maintain state? i.e. bring up the missing machine with the configuration the previous machine had (if the configuration was done via juju)11:04
cnfand now to wait 15 minutes11:04
cnf(HP servers are slow to boot)11:04
jamespagecnf: I can related to that... esp if they have lotza different cards in them11:06
cnfi also need to figure out how to force the use of specific machines or maas tags for specific services11:06
cnfugh, and now MAAS is being difficult11:06
cnf(retry-provisioning  seems to do nothing at all, ever, btw)11:09
cnfjamespage: i do apologise for the frustration leaking through11:10
cnfi have been at this for a while11:10
cnfwow, juju doesn't even see the machine coming up, now...11:25
cnfmaybe i'm doing something wrong, but it seems impossible to actually get anything working reliable with juju :(11:26
cnf"message: agent is not communicating with the server" ...11:28
disposable2cnf: well, at every single FOSDEM, marco ceppi demonstrates deploying and scaling up wordpress. so i'd guess at least that has had all its bugs ironed out.11:33
cnfwordpress is the last thing i care about :P11:33
disposable2then again, on my computer even that fails setting up the mysql server.11:34
junaidalicnf: I'm also a juju user and alot of improvements came up recently in juju 2.X. are you facing this issue with a specific machine?11:37
cnfno, in general11:38
cnfa machine failed because i did something silly11:38
cnfbut getting juju to recover has been a pain11:38
cnf(among all the other issues)11:38
junaidaliis that machine now in 'deployed' state in MAAS?11:39
junaidaliwhich has the status in juju "message: agent is not communicating with the server"11:40
cnfHP machines take a LONG time to boot11:40
cnfoh, it was deployed when it showed that11:40
cnfi removed it (again) and ran juju deploy cs:bundle/openstack-base-4911:40
junaidalibtw when the status is 'deployed' in MAAS, it means the machine is now provisioned. Then juju will install some packages and deploys the charm that we specified.11:42
cnfi expect it to go to "pending" shortly after maas says "deployed" though11:45
cnfnot sit at down for 10 minutes11:45
cnfat least it is at pending, now11:46
junaidalimachine status in juju goes to pending as soon as we run the bundle, which eventually changes to 'started' after the 'deployed' status in MAAS11:46
cnfwe'll see how that goes11:46
cnfjunaidali: yes, except it wasn't :P11:46
cnfso i had to remove the machine, again, and deploy, again11:46
cnfwhich takes 15+ minutes, again11:46
junaidaliwhat are the specs of these hp machines, for me it usually takes <10-12 mins even with a slow internet11:48
cnfthis is one of the slowest ones11:48
cnf32 cores, 96G ram11:48
cnfhw boot always takes a long time on HP servers11:50
cnfi'll wait until juju debug-log quiets down11:50
cnfi do find it troubeling how hard it seems to replace hardware with juju11:51
cnfwell, "hardware", "a machine instance"11:51
=== petevg is now known as petevg_afk
junaidaliGetting started with juju is not very helpful due to the docs but once we spend some time, imo it turns out to be a great tool11:54
cnfplausible, but i'm struggling figuring out how to use it properly11:55
disposable2junaidali: there won't be much adoption if there's no good documentation.11:55
junaidaliI second ya disposable211:55
cnfand if this gets deployed in production will be largely based on my reccomendation ^^;11:56
cnfjust finding the right juju command is hard o,O11:56
junaidaliyes, its not easy for a newbie11:57
junaidaliand this is due to the documentation11:57
cnfi'll admit i also need(ed?) to figure out MaaS at the same time11:59
cnfand some of my problems is me doing silly stuff with maas11:59
cnfk, i think everything came up?12:00
cnfbut openstack is in full error mode12:00
cnfbut that will have to be for after lunch12:00
junaidalicnf: what is the output of juju status ?12:00
cnfceph-osd blocked, neutron-gateway in error12:01
cnfk, i need a short break, and some food :P12:03
cnfbbl, thanks for the help so far12:03
junaidalicnf: ok, ssh to neutron gateway (juju ssh neutron-gateway/0) and share output of /var/log/juju/unit-neutron-gateway-0.log12:03
junaidaliwhen you are back :)12:03
junaidalii think the issue is most probably due to the neutron-gateway config "bridge-mappings" which you should update as per your environment12:05
stubMmike: I think we already have your mongodb changes in the git branch at https://launchpad.net/mongodb-charm. Its got everything up until March 6th, including your patches from January and February12:08
stubMmike: (I've responded to your email)12:09
jamespagejunaidali, cnf: yup due to slot based naming, we can't write a bundle atm that just works everywhere - you'll need to set the data-port value according to your server wiring12:13
stokachujunaidali: and there is always http://conjure-up.io12:36
zeestratAnyone got an example file of a yaml file formatted as a string so it can be inputted as config for a charm?12:43
tvansteenburghzeestrat: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24171951/12:48
tvansteenburghzeestrat: lines 11-26 are string-formatted yaml12:49
rick_hReminder Juju Show #8 this afternoon: https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/84199703880812544112:58
zeestrattvansteenburgh: Thanks, managed to sort it out I think.13:08
zeestrattvansteenburgh: P.S. The syntax for the ssl_keys have me intrigued. Where does that include-base64:// come from and is it native juju?13:09
cnfok, back13:11
cnfjunaidali: and juju ssh neutron-gateway/4, it seems...13:11
tvansteenburghzeestrat: No, I think that's a juju-deployer thing13:11
cnfand it can't find eth013:12
cnfmakes sense13:12
cnfjamespage: that was my next question, the bundle seems to not take care of networking / disk storage well13:13
cnfhow do i deal with this?13:13
junaidalicnf: sorry, you need to update data-port instead of bridge-mappings in the bundle13:15
cnfhow do i do that?13:16
junaidalinow as the charm is deployed, run $juju config neutron-gateway data-port="br-ex:<external-interface-name>"13:17
junaidaliexternal network interface*13:18
junaidalistokachu: nice, I looked at it a few days back. I will surely check it13:18
cnfhmm, i should sort out the networking for openstack, and how it relates to juju, i guess13:19
cnf(and maas)13:19
cnfas a side note, can I create links between models in juju?13:20
rick_hcnf: that's in development atm13:21
cnfhmm, ok13:21
cnfi'm not very comfortable putting all of ceph and all of openstack on the same model13:21
cnfk, adding some vlan's on the qfabric13:36
cnfjunaidali, jamespage so I need to configure the openstack network in MaaS before i deploy the juju components?13:39
cnfno way to add it afterwards?13:39
rick_hcnf: no, MAAS is kind of the 'state of existance' and MAAS only ingests data in there when the machine comes up. So Juju can't rely on changes made afterwards in MAAS14:01
cnfand juju can't set ip14:03
cnfand mount disks either, right?14:03
cnfso, then how can I get juju to pick certain machines when i deploy things?14:04
cnfbecause not all machines should have ip's in all networks, for example14:04
cnfor not all machines have big storage for ceph etc14:04
zeestratcnf: Check out machine constraints: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-constraints14:05
cnfzeestrat: yeah, so that;s on cpu and ram etc, but network spaces only work on ec2?14:06
rick_hcnf: the networks are meant to be handled by defining spaces and then using the endpoint binding in charms so that you can tell ceph to get a management network interface on network X, a data transmission interface on network Y, etc.14:06
cnfand i don't see a way to use raw disk space?14:06
rick_hcnf: heh, network spaces work in maas better than ec214:06
cnfoh, ok14:06
rick_hcnf: what do you mean by "raw disk space" ?14:06
cnfdocs say "EC2 is the only provider supporting spaces constraints. Support for other providers is planned for future releases."14:06
cnfok, so i'll have a look at spaces14:07
rick_hcnf: you can constrain based on disk space available and then do some stuff with https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-storage14:07
cnfrick_h: so ceph doesn't want a raid5 partition, it wants just raw disks14:07
cnfwell, ideally14:07
rick_hoic, hmm. You can specify size and such, but not sure if there's a way to read that level of data about a disk to decide if the machine is ideal or not.14:08
cnfso you'd want ceph to deploy to the machine that has 10 x 2T of disks14:08
rick_hcnf: I think folks tend to tag their machines they want for storage, as you mention, they tend to be phyically different and setup specifically for that purpose14:08
cnfyeah, indeed14:08
cnfok, i'll focus on networking first14:08
cnfso atm all my networking in maas is in space-014:09
cnfbecause i didn't get what they where for14:09
rick_hcnf: yea, they take a second to get around14:09
cnfhmm, especially the vlan , fabric , spaces thing is a bit weird14:10
cnfi still don't quite get the distintions14:10
rick_hcnf: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.1/network-spaces hopefully helps14:10
cnfyeah, i have that open together with https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/intro-concepts14:11
rick_hso spaces are any group of subnets that are routable and have similar ingress/egress rules. e.g. juju can help spread workloads across subnets in this space and it'll work out.14:11
cnf"that are routable" ?14:11
cnfamong themselves, you mean?14:11
rick_hcnf: yes, within that space14:11
rick_hcnf: so if I deploy 10 of something and they get on different subnets it's important to know they'll still be able to behave in the same way14:12
cnfand how do spaces and fabric differ?14:13
ZiclazyPwr / mbruzek : hi, just to let you know, my upgrade of CDK in production from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 was successfull, I just encountered a little "bug" at "juju status"-side, master was stuck at: kubernetes-master/0*      waiting   idle   2        mth-k8smaster-01           6443/tcp        Waiting for kube-system pods to start14:24
Zicbut pods of kube-system namespace was in fact Running14:24
ZicI waited some minutes with no evolution, so I just restarted the juju controller VM and went it was back online, all was simply green/idle14:25
mbruzekZic: We are interested in feedback if you have any thing we can improve14:25
cnfrick_h: also, can an ipv6 and an ipv4 subnet be in the same space?14:32
cnfor would juju / maas expect 2 spaces for them?14:32
=== scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey
stormmoreo/ juju world16:54
ybaumymaybe somebody here can help17:01
ybaumywhy is that if a disable proxy arp on a interface intervlan routing doesnt work anymore?17:01
ybaumydisable on the asa firewall which is also a router17:01
lazyPwr\o stormmore17:11
stormmorehows it going today lazyPwr17:15
lazyPwrstormmore: still feeling poorly so I'm trying to keep on trucking17:16
stormmorelazyPwr, I feel you there... took me a couple of hours yesterday to figure out that I was having routing issues17:16
lazyPwrahh networking, so fun :)17:18
stormmorelazyPwr, ain't that the truth! :P hence why I have asked if we can hire a network engineer ;-)17:19
stormmoreoh and type MASS instead of MAAS definitely doesn't help17:21
stormmorelazyPwr, was troubleshooting why juju bootstrap was hanging at fetching the juju agent even though it could do apt update / apt dist-upgrade17:23
lazyPwrstormmore: ah that seems...fun?17:23
lazyPwrwhat was the trouble?17:23
stormmorelazyPwr, my MaaS server isn't masquerading the traffic right17:26
stormmorelazyPwr, it is basically to do with the fact that the maas server has multiple NICs and I choose the "wrong" one to be the outbound17:27
lazyPwraaahhh that'll do it17:28
lazyPwrwrong gateway and all that fun business17:28
lazyPwri would have thought that you'd have seen that much earlier though like when doing a single unit validation on just the maas setup17:29
stormmorelazyPwr, yeah I would have too17:29
stormmorelazyPwr, but I could do enlistment and commissioning... even most of the initial deploy install before it failed17:30
lazyPwrgremlins man17:30
lazyPwri hate it when its intermittent like that, because its only 10k times harder to debug17:30
stormmoreyup true dat!17:31
lazyPwrglad you got it sorted though, i dont know that i would have been much help in that scenario17:31
lazyPwr"did you try turning it off and on again?"17:31
stormmoreit isn't quite sorted, I know what the issue is but I am trying to decide which path to use to fix17:31
stormmorethe problem is if I change the NIC then the traffic is going to be double nated, so I am currently attempting to change the default gateway to go out to the not NAT NIC17:32
stormmoreI think people seem to forget that there is sometimes reason to set a gateway address on each interface!17:37
rick_hjuju show hangout url:  https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/75g7b4wrhvgfff66e6howu2dlqe17:46
rick_hjuju show viewing url: http://youtu.be/tjp_JHSZCyA17:46
rick_hmarcoceppi: lazyPwr arosales bdx and anyone that wants to join ^17:46
stormmorepatiently waiting rick_h17:48
rick_hstormmore: wheeee17:54
stormmorenot if I could come up with a non-"hackish" way to solve my gateway problems17:54
stormmoreoh rick_h btw I don't believe in best practices per say ;-)17:55
rick_hstormmore: fine, "somewhat potentially nice to have practices" :P17:56
rick_hexternalreality: you can join as well ^17:56
rick_hperrito666: ^17:56
rick_hif any core folks want to join in17:56
stormmorerick_h, yeah that is a bit better phrasing, I just like to push the limits of the tools to the max17:57
rick_hstormmore: I'll update it for you17:57
rick_hok, going once ... before we start18:00
jrwrenooh, i'm back JUST in time for the show18:01
zeestratAny date on 2.1.2?18:04
zeestratHit some binding bugs in 2.1.118:05
stormmoreI really should look at snaps18:05
jrwrenlazyPwr: link?18:11
jrwrenlazyPwr: WOW!!!!18:12
lazyPwrjrwren: ikr? :)18:14
stormmorelazyPwr, CDK ftw on that :)18:23
lazyPwrstormmore: interesting times indeed :) we're getting more features thanks to our great community18:24
stormmorelazyPwr, oh and that is what is awesome :)18:24
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
stormmorelazyPwr, I wouldn't mind having the juju data in the same grafana as the k8s stuff18:28
lazyPwri'm pretty sure you could do that18:28
lazyPwrmultiple promethius's with a single grafana18:29
lazyPwri'd want to pilot that before i commit though18:29
stormmorelazyPwr, yeah adding it on my list of things to look at18:29
lazyPwrthere ya go stormmore :)18:31
stormmoreoh I can think of 2 other things that would be nice to merge into grafana18:32
zeestratrick_h: Any ETA on 2.1.2?18:33
rick_hzeestrat: sorry, not sure. perrito666 any hints I should be aware of? ^18:34
bdxrick_h: the controller monitoring setup is really sweet18:34
bdxrick_h: I almost want my controllers back18:34
rick_hbdx: cool, yea it's a road paved by our folks internally running controllers for JAAS18:35
rick_hbdx: :P always good to keep a couple controllers over on the side to play with18:35
rick_hits' not really cheating...18:35
zeestratrick_h: No worries. Dropped out for a bit. Links for Prometheus stuff coming in the show notes?18:36
lazyPwrfamous last words18:36
lazyPwr"its not really cheating if only have one side controller... and i only use it once in a while"18:36
rick_hzeestrat: yes, I'll give you the first look: https://github.com/juju/stressjuju/tree/master/prometheus-config18:36
zeestratCool. Thanks!18:37
stormmorethat was a really cool discussion, thanks guys18:42
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
stormmoreman I feel sorry for the ops team to have a dev that believes they aren't paid enough to be on call for their application!19:37
stormmorelazyPwr, so since I have upgraded to 1.5.3 I am no longer getting logs into the kubernetes-dashboard21:29
stormmore"an error on the server ("unknown") has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods" is the error I am getting both from the UI and kubectl21:39
andrew-iiI am getting an `Incomplete relations: identity` though keystone is active, ready, and idle. Is there a good way for me to troubleshoot it?21:46
stormmorelazyPwr, I suspect a DNS issue21:57
andrew-iiMay as well rebuild. I'm going to try again from the bundle instead21:58
lazyPwrstormmore: yep22:42
lazyPwrstormmore: if your units to not have FQDN kubectl logs and kubectl exec are broken for you atm22:42
lazyPwrstormmore: that other issue however, get po was giving you an "unknown" error? thats new... that typically happens in an HA control plane scenario and only on specific commands. get po is not one of those...22:43
stormmorelazyPwr, the one that is broken right now kubectl logs23:18
stormmorelazyPwr, https://paste.ubuntu.com/24185553/ is what I get just trying to get the logs from the default http backend23:20
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
stormmorelazyPwr, collecting an output from kubectl --v=823:37
stormmorelazyPwr, https://paste.ubuntu.com/24185633/23:40

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