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QIII | wgrant -- are you available? | 03:23 |
wgrant | QIII: Hi | 03:25 |
QIII | Hey! I'm an Admin on the Ubuntu Forums. My Launchpad account is paddyhayes. There is an account qiii which would make a better match as my @ubuntu.com email address when emailing from the Forum Council mailing list. the current qiii account seems to be abandoned. What can I do to see if I can claim that account? | 03:28 |
wgrant | QIII: And just like that, the name was freed. | 03:28 |
QIII | Woot! Thank you kindly! I'll send you a box of donuts in the morning! | 03:29 |
QIII | Cool. Didn't mess up any of my Admin stuff. Thanks again! | 03:32 |
QIII | Well ... I'm not getting a confirmation that my new email address is qiii@ubuntu.com. Any help there? | 03:38 |
QIII | Ah. Read wiki. the script runs every 48 hours. Time to hurry up and wait. | 03:42 |
QIII | Thanks! | 03:42 |
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Vadi | Why is my 32bit build running on a 64bit builder? See https://launchpadlibrarian.net/310948791/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.mudlet_1%3A3.0.0-1~ppa3-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz - i386 in the url yet kernel version reports x86_64. The qmake package that gets installed is 32bit (Setting up qt5-qmake:i386) yet when qmake is called, it tries to call the 64bit version (usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake: Command not found) | 08:48 |
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cjwatson | Vadi: I'll answer the ticket you filed. | 09:53 |
Vadi | ok! | 10:12 |
cjwatson | (done) | 10:13 |
Vadi | thank you! | 10:27 |
=== Guest9965 is now known as Vorpal | ||
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mapreri | I got this email from LP: | 13:19 |
mapreri | Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: copying package genwqe-user. It was logged with id OOPS-daf151fe074c0c6aa2ab7bf223a979ba. Sorry for the inconvenience. | 13:19 |
ubot5 | https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-daf151fe074c0c6aa2ab7bf223a979ba | 13:19 |
mapreri | and the package in question seems to have happily landed in the ubuntu archive, though. | 13:20 |
mapreri | What was that error about? | 13:20 |
mapreri | umh, apparently the copied package was synced by LocutusOfBorg not me (so I guess we raced somehow…) | 13:21 |
cjwatson | mapreri: yeah, looks like a particular form of that race that only occurs when the package is new to the distribution | 13:29 |
mapreri | funny | 13:29 |
xnox | Hi. Is it normal that security builds; that fail; do not publish a build log? | 13:42 |
xnox | e.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/52.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.10.1/+build/12097124 | 13:42 |
xnox | or was this not marked to build on s390x at all? | 13:43 |
cjwatson | That happens if there's a catastrophic builder failure. | 13:54 |
cjwatson | Nothing to do with security specifically. | 13:54 |
cjwatson | Give me a few minutes to track it down. | 13:55 |
cjwatson | uh | 13:56 |
cjwatson | cjwatson@carob:~$ zgrep 12097124 /srv/launchpad.net-logs/production/alphecca/buildd-manager.log-201703* | 13:56 |
cjwatson | cjwatson@carob:~$ | 13:56 |
cjwatson | I am confused | 13:56 |
cjwatson | Oh, I see, so actually it kind of is to do with security specifically because security is weird. | 13:57 |
cjwatson | Security uploads aren't built directly in -security - they're always copied from some other staging area. | 13:58 |
cjwatson | In this case, the s390x build failed in that staging area, so when it was copied LP tried to build it again but then another bit of LP refused to do so. | 13:58 |
cjwatson | The actual original failure was https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/11920063 | 13:59 |
xnox | thanks | 13:59 |
cjwatson | See https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=firefox&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=yakkety | 13:59 |
xnox | will know to transverse back to build PPA | 13:59 |
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Network maintenance 23:00 - 00:00 UTC; expect short outages | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | ||
GunnarHj | Is there a general problem with LP right now? The past hour a Bazaar branch update has got stuck, and a package upload hasn't been acknowledged. | 23:25 |
mwhudson | GunnarHj: /topic, network maintenance is happening now | 23:25 |
GunnarHj | mwhudson: Thanks! | 23:26 |
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