
flexiondotorgMorning hikiko08:20
hikikomorning flexiondotorg08:21
didrockshey flexiondotorg, hikiko08:23
flexiondotorgMorning didrocks08:23
hikikohi didrocks08:25
Sweetsharkmorning all08:38
hikikomorning Sweetshark08:40
willcookemorning all08:55
Laneyhey hey08:59
willcookeahoy Laney08:59
willcookeBeautiful day today08:59
Laneyhey willcooke09:01
Laneyit is!09:01
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
* Laney used to think that was "drinks and gravy in the park"09:04
Laneyahh, bisto09:04
davmor2Morning all09:05
willcookehi davmor209:05
seb128good morning Sweetshark willcooke Laney09:06
davmor2Laney, seb128, willcooke: was there a new version of software updater pushed out seems the details view is only one line thick again09:06
willcookeI want to buy an attachment for the hoover for hard floors.  Dyson want 35 quid for a bit of plastic.  True story.09:06
seb128davmor2, what distro serie?09:06
seb128willcooke, they know how to make money :-/09:07
Laneywillcooke: 3d printer!09:07
davmor2seb128: zesty it was fixed to 200px iirc with flexiondotorg patch that barry landed but now it is down to one line again09:07
seb128davmor2, dpkg -l | grep aptdaemon?09:08
seb128davmor2, that version is stil in zesty-proposed it seems09:08
seb128did out test out of proposed before and reinstalled without that pocket?09:08
seb128libsecret autopkg issues blocking it09:09
davmor2seb128: ah I might of tested the fixed package that might be the reason09:10
seb128which probably has nothing to do with the change09:10
seb128I pinged barry about it09:10
Laneylibsecret isn't blocking aptdaemon, it's aptdaemon itself09:10
desrtgood morning everyone!09:10
Laneyhey seb128!09:11
Laneyhey desrt!09:11
desrthi laney :)09:11
seb128hey Laney :-)09:11
Laneywhat's up09:11
desrtseb128: hi!09:11
seb128I hit the wrong line09:11
seb128Laney is right09:11
desrtLaney: not much.  looking forward to a relatively relaxing day.  think i will stay home tonight, even09:12
seb128still probably not due to the change09:12
seb128but some look real issue, maybe packagekit version changed or bindings did09:12
seb128barry should sort it out...09:12
Laneydesrt: nice09:22
Laneywe're supposed to be singing at the folk club tonight09:22
seb128Laney has a busy life :-)09:27
seb128pub quiz yesterday, climbing and singing tonight09:27
Laneywon't be doing very much for the rest of the week though (H)09:28
willcookeLaney, seb128 - what are your thoughts on this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/oem-priority/+bug/166722209:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1667222 in OEM Priority Project "set password in "user accounts panel' won't remove user from "nopasswdlogin" in all cases" [Critical,Confirmed]09:28
willcookelow priority ^09:28
seb128willcooke, it seems a bit annoying ... it's somewhat similar/has to do with the one Laney fixed no?09:30
LaneyI'm sure there are some other problems there09:30
seb128or at least the "user not removed from nopasswd"09:30
seb128did we SRU that fix to xenial btw?09:30
Laneythe group thing is okay I think, but switching between the modes is a bit ropey09:30
Laneymight be waiting verification still09:31
* seb128 looks09:31
seb128yeah, still in proposed09:31
willcookeso you think that setting a new password should indeed remove the user from the nopasswd group?09:31
seb128well if you have a password then you are not *no*passwd...09:32
LaneyI think the testcase I gave in the SRU bug that I fixed is fixed09:32
LaneyI don't claim that all bugs around nopasswdlogin are gone09:32
seb128that's what is writing on the SRU bug comments09:33
willcookeyeah, the original problem is fixed09:33
seb128they made it verification-done and opened the other one as a follow up09:33
seb128but the appdata one failed verification09:33
Laneybe in nopasswdlogin, open u-c-c, weird shit happens09:33
seb128which is what is blocking the SRU :-/09:33
LaneyI can believe that09:33
willcookeseb128, while we're waiting to see what is going on with livepatch, would you be able to see if we can get that sorted out? ^09:35
Laneywell maybe Robert can have a look at his fix and decide if it should go in anyway or if he can fix it up or if he needs to revert it09:35
seb128robert_ancell, ^09:36
* Laney isn't used to that guy being on IRC when he is09:36
seb128yeah, I was surprised to see his nick on the channel :p09:36
seb128willcooke, "that" being the stucked SRU or the new problem?09:37
willcookeseb128, I guess both really :)09:38
seb128willcooke, but yeah, I'm going to have a look to that new one, it's not an option used often I think and not really a security issue but it could mislead users to think their account is locked when it's not which is not nice09:38
seb128let's see what robert_ancell says about the SRU09:38
willcookethanks chaps09:38
willcookeI think I worked out whats wrong with my printer09:39
Laneyseb128: all those code paths are a bit annoying btw09:39
willcookethere is a09:39
Laneylemme know if you want me to review your fix :-/09:39
seb128Laney, thanks, reviews are always welcome!09:39
Laneyalso I think upstream just removed the nopasswd stuff09:39
* robert_ancell forgot to close XChat...09:39
seb128night robert_ancell09:40
willcooke*an electric motor inside which seems to drive some belt connected to the big transfer drum.  It seems to be jammed and getting very hot, so I think it's just broken.   A new part > cost of a new printer.09:40
willcookenight robert_ancell :)09:40
Laneywillcooke: can you get it out?09:41
robert_ancellLaney, what was my fix?09:41
Laneyappdata for u-c-c09:41
Laneythe bug got verification-failed09:42
willcookeLaney, no, it's really annoying - the mounting seems to be moulded in and so getting just the motor out would break the plastic supporting the rest of the gubbins.09:42
robert_ancelloh, I was looking at the nopasswd bug09:42
robert_ancellnight all!09:43
davmor2willcooke: just buy an Air Ram mk2 if you need to vac ceilings get a multi too and be done ;)09:46
* Sweetshark tried kvm/virt-manager and feels stupid about having VirtualBox around still.10:12
seb128Sweetshark, what's wrong with virtualbox?10:23
seb128Sweetshark, oh btw how did that ppa upload from yesterday go? build is done?10:23
Sweetsharkseb128: 5.2.6/yakkety is smoketested and moved to the libreoffice ppa, 5.3.1/zesty is uploaded and currently building in a personal ppa. 5.3.1 snap was also updated, succeeded on amd64, broke on armhf due to infra, broke on i386 in a test, but maybe a heisenbug. retried armhf, i386.10:26
seb128Sweetshark, let me know if/when you need sponsoring for something10:27
Sweetsharkseb128: willdo.10:30
Sweetsharkseb128: compared to vbox, kvm is just much smoother in desktop/video emulation for me for starters. installs were also really quick, so IO might be better too. but that might also just be my new hardware.10:31
seb128I should give it a try again10:31
Sweetsharkseb128: also thorsten from #libreoffice-dev showed me he can boot into his native windows dual-boot install from the running linux, which is quite cool.10:34
seb128that sounds useful10:35
Sweetsharkseb128: He said the only tricky thing is not to miss the grub menu, because booting into the linux install that you are currently running causes some confusion between host and guest.10:36
Sweetshark"Yo dawg, We heard you like linux, so we put your linux in your linux ..."10:37
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tedgLaney: So I have a silo building (failing on PPC) that has UAL without Upstart, but it's still blocked on s390x because of other deps.13:43
tedgLaney: Do you want my to try to get those in the same silo or do you want to do "archive magic" to do rebuilds later?13:44
xnoxtedg, what silo? =) can i look?13:44
tedgxnox: No, it's for Laney only.13:45
tedgxnox: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/257713:45
Laneyhi tedg13:45
* xnox is *sad*13:45
LaneyNice one13:45
Laneytedg: It comes down to u-s-s?13:47
tedgLaney: Yeah, I've pinged kenvandine about that one and he's looking into it.13:47
xnoxtedg, powerpc should be dropped as an architecture anyway; and s390x should not have ual as we don't support clicks/desktop there at all13:47
LaneyStop it please13:48
Laneytedg: Thanks, ok, sounds good13:48
LaneyYou can upload the things into the silo to see if they work13:48
tedgxnox: Well, I'm not going to argue those points. But from an academic perspective, my stuff shouldn't break there either. :-)13:48
kenvandineon my todo list for this morning13:48
xnoxtedg, right, imho then powerpc/s390x builds should be libertine-less as we don't support graphical desktops on those arches anymore.13:49
tedgxnox: Also, FWIW, this silo drops click support as well ;-)13:49
xnoxor at least we have for sure not ported libertine, nor tested it on powerpc & s390x13:49
Laneyxnox: We don't add arch-specific hacks all over the archive13:49
LaneyCan you please leave it?13:50
LaneyWe're close to getting this fixed now13:50
tedgFor the record, if someone wanted to get me an s390x rack I could use as a desktop, I'd be happy to dogfood it :-)13:50
xnoxlol, ok.13:50
kenvandine*happily* :-D13:50
xnoxLaney, ok13:50
Laneytedg: kenvandine: I'll be off tomorrow and Friday, so if you could check that you can get gtk built against this then please feel free to publish13:52
Laneyafter uss is fixed I would hope that libertine and then ual should get builds automatically13:52
Laneyassuming there's no other problem13:52
kenvandinetedg, does this silo also fix the issues renatu was talking about with app starting when dbus-user-session is installed?13:54
tedgkenvandine: Yes13:54
renatuwow \o/13:55
tedgkenvandine: When it's not installed though, right?13:55
kenvandineapplication starting is sort of important :)13:55
kenvandinethe issue was when dbus-user-session was installed13:55
renatutedg, yes after install dbus-user-session the apps does not start from content-hub anymore.13:56
tedgOkay, perhaps I'm confused then. It fixes the issue of dbus-user-session not being installed, which ual needs.13:56
kenvandineyeah, that's not the issue i was talking about13:56
renatutedg, did you remember that you told me that the env vars could be wrong13:56
tedgYeah, but that's a content-hub issue.13:56
renatutedg, but only happens after install  dbus-user-session13:57
tedgYes, it happens when content-hub is using systemd instead of upstart.13:57
tedgUpstart has the environment of the full graphic session because it is once per session, where systemd is once per user.13:57
renatuhumm I tought that was transparent for content-hub13:58
tedgSo we have to include more environment.13:58
kenvandineto be clear, content-hub is using UAL13:58
kenvandinewe don't use systemd directly13:58
tedgThat environment is getting taken from the launching process.13:58
kenvandineor is it the exec-tool?13:58
tedgWhich *should* be the same for everyone. But somehow must be different.13:58
tedgkenvandine: Wait, are we talking "applicaiton launching" or "untrusted helper launching" ?13:59
kenvandinei think it's both13:59
kenvandinerenatu, right?13:59
kenvandinerenatu, it's an issue with both importing and exporting?13:59
renatukenvandine, let me try. I am not sure13:59
kenvandineLaney, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/no_upstart/+merge/31992614:00
kenvandineLaney, perhaps you can review that14:00
kenvandinethe upstart build depends was synthetic, looks like Mirv added that just to keep it from building on those arches14:01
renatukenvandine, tedg: works to pick a file (dbus-user-session)14:04
kenvandineso the untrusted helper launching does work14:04
renatukenvandine, ted: but does not work to export14:04
kenvandineit's just the app launching that doesn't14:04
renatukenvandine, what is the diff?14:05
kenvandineexport just uses UAL to launch the app14:05
kenvandineimporting uses the untrusted helper to setup a trust session and launch the app14:05
kenvandineit's a little different14:05
kenvandineso the trust session works, so woot14:05
tedgSo this branch changes that :-)14:05
kenvandinesimple app launching doesn't...14:05
tedgIt makes the helpers use systemd as well.14:06
kenvandinetedg, so i wonder if you are breaking content-hub :)14:06
kenvandinei'll test that with the silo14:06
kenvandinetedg, i'm going to build uss in the silo, want me to rebuild ual too?14:06
tedgkenvandine: Give me two minutes...14:06
kenvandinetedg, i'll let you kick the build tne14:07
tedgK, trying to find a fix for these powerpc failures.14:07
davmor2willcooke: do you know when the new slide artworks is likely to land?  Still got the Yak on installer slides14:24
willcookedavmor2, I just branched the code14:24
davmor2willcooke: awesome thanks14:24
willcookein anticipation of the graphics hitting my inbox in the next few mins14:25
willcookedavmor2, should be the next hour or so14:25
davmor2willcooke: so should be in tomorrows iso right?14:25
willcookedavmor2, depends on how charitable xnox is feeling :)14:26
davmor2willcooke: between you saying please and me shouting DO IT NOW DAMN YOU! should be good ;)14:27
xnoxwillcooke, did you vote remain?14:27
davmor2xnox: did you?14:27
xnoxof course14:27
* willcooke is wearing a Union Jack as a shirt and drinking lager at 2:30pm 14:27
xnoxwillcooke, with or without scottish flag union jack?14:28
* willcooke <- not a xenophobe 14:28
* xnox wants dragon on top of union jack14:28
davmor2willcooke: I think you'll find that is a Union Flag unless it is on a ship :P14:29
willcookedavmor2, damn it, I nearly put "flag"14:29
willcookeI knew someone would point that out :)14:29
davmor2xnox: don't give George another target damn you I like dragons14:29
davmor2willcooke: I like the title pedant :D14:30
davmor2xnox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86MO-JWTNjo I think that is Mays official response right?14:34
xnoxmore like this: https://www.facebook.com/999BABF/posts/1417849411607460:014:37
tedgkenvandine: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/2577/+build/1212961514:44
tedgkenvandine: Can we drop U1 auth as well?14:44
tedgkenvandine: I think it doesn't work...14:44
kenvandinetedg, in uss?14:45
tedgkenvandine: I thought all the u1auth stuff was now macaroons.14:48
kenvandinei haven't looked at any of that14:48
tedgI might be confused, but I thought dobey was trying to move out of libu1auth everywhere.14:48
kenvandinei think we only use it in the updates panel14:48
tedgYeah, you need to talk to snapd for that now.14:48
tedgWell and apt.14:48
kenvandineso all of that can be removed for now14:49
kenvandinejgdx, ^^14:49
kenvandinetedg, what about system image?14:49
tedgkenvandine: snapd14:49
tedgThere is no system image14:49
tedgsnapd ate it.14:49
kenvandineright, i'm thinking we just remove the updates panel completely14:49
kenvandinefor now14:50
tedgWell, I imagine you'll want the same QML, just a different model.14:50
kenvandineyeah, but until we have time to port that14:50
kenvandinewe can just disable building it14:50
tedgThe updates made it look really nice, would hate to lose that :-)14:50
jgdxkenvandine, yes to that14:50
kenvandineporting that panel isn't on our backlog14:51
jgdxwe want to use some qml bits from it in the apt-based one, but other than that…14:51
kenvandinebut it should be14:51
dobeydo what14:53
dobeykenvandine: yeah you should just get rid of the updates panel entirely now14:54
kenvandinei'll prepare a branch that does that14:54
dobeyi don't think we want to spend time writing a bunch of code to have apt updates in u8 system settings do we?14:56
kenvandinedobey, i don't think we know right now14:56
dobeycurrent update-manager should work under unity8 i think; might need a little tweaking to ensure it's getting started in that session though14:57
dobeywhatever does the popping up of it and such, that is14:57
dobeyouch. $600+ for 64GB DDR4 :-/15:16
Laneytedg: you dont have to care about ppc; it's going away and britney already ignores it15:24
tedgLaney: I think I fixed it :-)15:26
Laneygood, if it indicated a real bug :P15:26
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dobeyLaney, willcooke: can we just make gtk+ not build the mir back-end on s390x?15:46
Laney"can" yes, "should" no15:47
Laneythese upstart dependencies have to be sorted out anyway15:47
dobeyyes, but support mir/unity8 stuff on s390x is an oxymoron15:48
Laneysupport upstart into the future becomes one too15:48
dobeyi'm not talking about supporting upstart15:49
Laneyadding technical debt into the gtk+3.0 package doesn't seem like fun either15:49
Laneydoing what you want just kicks the can down the road15:49
Laneyyou are going to have to unwind the upstart stuff at some point15:49
dobeyupstart is irrelevant to what i'm saying15:50
Laneyit is the reason you are asking me to insert a hack into the gtk3 package15:51
Laneywhat is causing the problem then15:51
dobeythe reason i'm asking is because mir/unity8 on certain architectures makes absolutely no sense15:51
Laneythat's not how the archive works15:52
Laneywhat you're finding out now is that adding a pile of hacks to work around an upstart bug on s390x is a painful experience to undo15:53
Laneyand I am to blame too, because I added the one to ubuntu-system-settings15:54
dobeyno, what i'm finding out is that we care more about building on architectures that don't make sense, than being efficient15:54
LaneyYou're wrong, and you don't want to listen to what I'm saying.15:56
LaneyI'll upload ubuntuone-credentials.15:57
dobeyupload it to what?15:58
dobeyno i am not wrong. and you don't want to listen to what i'm saying.15:58
dobeywhy would you upload ubuntuone-credentials?15:59
dobeywe want to remove it from the archive, not add more architectures to it15:59
dobeyit needs to die15:59
LaneySounds good to me, feel free to make its dependencies not be depdencies16:00
dobeysystem-settings is getting rid of it per previous discussion16:01
xnoximho we actually do need gtk+3.0 on s390x with support for xvfb and remote-forwarded X11 server16:05
dobeyxnox: yeah, but mir?16:05
xnoxbut we are not commiting to support it; or run either unity7 or 8 on it.16:05
seb128dobey, but mir is build/available on s390x16:05
dobeyyeah, but it's a pointless build16:06
xnoxideally one wants similar gtk3+ to other arches, to lower any maintaince costs16:06
seb128and why not having it if it's not extra cost? it might be useful to some people some day16:07
dobeyit is extra cost16:07
seb128which one?16:07
seb128having s390x builders to idle a bit less?16:08
dobeyhow many developers have s390x or ppc64 boxes sitting on there desk? where's the hardware to run our CI on them?16:08
seb128in the datacenter16:09
seb128as for other archs?16:09
xnoxdobey, most of our mainframe is not utilised; and actually s390x works as a great canary as it finishes builds before anything else most of the time.16:09
dobeynot launchpad builders, CI for developers16:09
xnoxdobey, add a worker to your jenkinsaas environment?16:09
seb128dobey, you are speaking for the mir team there?16:10
dobeywhere are my jenkins nodes that are s390x and ppc6416:10
xnoxdobey, ppc64 are in scalingstack & s390x are coming.16:10
dobeywhy do i have to care if my software keeps building on s390x, when it will NEVER be run on that architecture?16:10
xnoxdobey, e.g. juju teams; hwe; server teams are all running slaves in their jenkins on both ppc64 and s390x16:10
xnoxdobey, because we have reverse-dependcy chains to build (eventually) source packages that are useful in their command-line equivalent.16:11
xnoxfor example we had to build qt, to build cmake, to build a bunch of command-line utilities and server daemons that use cmake.16:11
xnoxditto with gtk+3.0, we need it because there are useful command-line tools that link with gtk+3.016:11
dobeyyeah, but choosing to add a new dependency to something that doesn't build on an archtecture where you normally build, doesn't mean the thing you depend on needs to change. it means you need to make it optional16:11
xnoxditto e.g. mir -> it's in the stack for u-a-l which can be used to launch s390x snaps from command line16:11
dobeyso when is the mir team going to provide remote terminal support for mir so i can run it as a thin client? or forwarding of mir over ssh?16:12
xnoxdobey, we've tried that, but the dependency cycles are weird and instead of redoing the chains of optional builds; it's cheaper and easier to just build everything and use the parts that are useful.16:12
xnoxdobey, and acutally e.g. hwe; certification; java; toolchain teams have been asking for unity7 or unity8 support on s390x for java test-suite validation, etc.16:13
xnoxsuch that e.g. if mir forwarding over ssh works; we may would actually want to have that supported on s390x for niche certification stuff.16:13
xnoxso far i have been pushing back on that.16:14
xnoxbecause we are clearly not in the position to support that with trivial amount of cost. but we should not be slashing our wrists over it as well by making parts of the archive not build at all, artificially16:14
willcookedesrt, hey! Would you be able take a look at these MPs and sanity check for GMenuModel?16:39
desrtwillcooke: sure.16:41
willcookedesrt, no immediate hurry, merci16:42
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willcookedavmor2, xnox - squeek squeek, the mouse is here!17:57
willcookehave a nice weekend Laney18:02
Laneythx, will do!18:02
* Laney is going to be So Mindful18:02
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davmor2Enjoy Laney18:22
davmor2willcooke: \o/18:22
seb128have a nice evening desktopers, Laney, enjoy the long w.e!18:23
willcookeI'm off too, night all18:24
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Sweetsharklibreoffice 5.3.1~rc2 compiled and build successfully to private ppa, running autopkgtests in a local VM right now.18:47
sarnoldSweetshark: do you have good visibility into how many items the clusterfuzzer has found, how many cpu hours they've spent fuzzing, etc?18:49
Sweetshark(in a shell on desktop, not exactly an adt-testbed, but it should be good enough)18:49
Sweetsharksarnold: I should be able to find out items found, cpu hours spent would require me to do some digging (if that is even knowable outside GOOG)18:51
sarnoldSweetshark: ah, don't bother then; it's an idle curiosity, not worth spending time on it18:52
sarnoldSweetshark: thanks18:52
Sweetsharksubsequentcheck and manual test succeeded for 5.3.1 build19:23
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