pleia2 | can someone add this to the fridge when they have a chance? | 04:55 |
pleia2 | I am tired x_x | 04:55 |
guiverc | pleia2, am looking to see if i can... (work out how .. currently see rename, copy, delete but not add..) | 05:42 |
guiverc | nope - don't know what i'm doing, and better to not make mistake.. so nothing done | 05:50 |
OerHeks | Just noticed this, | 06:47 |
guiverc | thanks OerHeks - added to uwn #503 | 08:38 |
OerHeks | :-) | 09:24 |
guiverc | OerHeks, fyi: if you don't see it in #503 when sent; I've seen two others like it on planet (canonical stmt in fridge & a d.kirk* in planet) & its possible not all will be listed to avoid duplicaton; but thanks anyway as fridge|planet stuff is easy to find - you provided the harder one!) | 11:24 |
OerHeks | guiverc, i surely like to help collect all media pieces, what you do with it is your decision | 11:27 |
OerHeks | good thing is, if the info in there is false, you can take action. | 11:28 |
guiverc | :) only I avoid decision; leaving them to tsimonq2 & jose (or anyone else... I add & comment my 2c..) | 11:39 |
jose | guiverc: if we have a lot of articles talking about it we can maybe add a couple footnotes saying "this person and this other person also blogged about it here:" | 14:51 |
pleia2 | added to the fridge | 18:33 |
pleia2 | guiverc: do you have a fridge login? | 18:33 |
guiverc | pleia2, probably not. | 20:34 |
OerHeks | published 2 hrs ago, Webinar: network function virtualization and juju | 21:20 |
tsimonq2 | OerHeks: Could you please add it to UWN? | 21:32 |
OerHeks | tsimonq2, i post it here, not sure it is relevant to publish ? | 21:34 |
OerHeks | tsimonq2, the header 'ubuntu cloud news' says not press/blogs, if you say it is relevant, i will put it there | 21:37 |
pleia2 | it would be either press or blogosphere | 22:21 |
pleia2 | but just do your best and we'll reorganize, don't stress about it :) | 22:21 |
tsimonq2 | OerHeks: What pleia2 said ;) | 22:23 |
OerHeks | oke, thanks. | 22:23 |
tsimonq2 | pleia2: Could I get a hand adding the new Forums Member to === Welcome New Members and Developers === ? | 23:14 |
tsimonq2 | pleia2: I'm unsure what I should use for the format | 23:14 |
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