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Marcio_Oi bom dia13:23
Marcio_Como descubro se meu s4 e compativel com sistema ubuntu toch?13:24
Buoltp754237searching the askubuntu forums - but couldn't find a solution to get my web browser app on Ubuntu touch operating - the browser fails to start on my E4.5 Aquaris (Ubuntu Edition) - any ideas to get this back or point me to the bug on Launchpad , please ?14:31
lotuspsychjeBuoltp754237: have you tried resetting your phone to defaults?14:31
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, it could be qml cache or lock file14:31
Buoltp754237Would I loose anything ?14:31
lotuspsychjeBuoltp754237: yes, setting back to defaults erases everything, make a backup before14:32
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, delete the cache for the browser in /home/phablet/.cache/QML14:32
Buoltp754237pmcgowan - shall I start up the terminal ?14:32
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, yes14:33
Buoltp754237terminal open (after passphrase entered) - You'd know what to type - but I wouldn't (pmcgowan) - so next step ?14:34
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, ls .cache/QML14:35
pmcgowanlook for something called webbrowser14:35
Buoltp754237All I see is  "Apps" (without quotes)14:36
Buoltp754237How do I open the "Apps" folder in terminal (pmcgowan) ?14:38
Buoltp754237next step please ?(pmcgowan)14:40
lotuspsychjeBuoltp754237: did you try ls Apps14:42
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, one sec let me get the exact path14:43
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, enter this "rm -r .cache/QML/Apps/webbrowser-app/"14:45
pmcgowanthen see if it starts14:45
Buoltp754237okay - doing that now pmcgowan thankyou14:45
Buoltp754237pmcgowan: I take it I need to restart E4,5 (ubuntu edition) phone, then after that ?14:47
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, no just try to open the browser14:47
Buoltp754237loos we have the antidote, cheers pmcgowan -just so I know (for later OTAs) ~ Where is that info located on the ubuntu wiki, please ?14:49
Buoltp754237**looks like we have the antidote ......14:49
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, its just noted in bug reports unfortunately14:50
pmcgowanand mailing list14:50
pmcgowanlet me see if there is an askubuntu for it14:50
Buoltp754237pmcgowan guess you've gotta use some of these (~perhaps [please] you could add info to ) question/s:15:11
Buoltp754237good one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/633106/bq-aquaris-4-5-ubuntu-edition-how-to-delete-cookies-and-cache-in-browser/633119#63311915:12
Buoltp754237'nother: https://askubuntu.com/questions/445526/how-do-i-use-the-web-browser-app/445546#44554615:13
Buoltp754237okay  - pmcgowan : Do those  seem relevant ?15:14
Buoltp754237I have to finish work in an hour pmcgowan - all ok-ay ?15:19
pmcgowanBuoltp754237, thansk I will take a look15:20
Buoltp754237pmc - ~I shall check the logs tommorrow of this channel - pmcgowan, be nice it you'd paste in the link that you've written into one of those question/solutions, thank-you, bye. o/15:22
dakerdobey: hi man, do you know a simple way to trigger a notification in ubuntu touch (qmake project) ?15:24
dobeydaker: notify-send maybe?15:25
dakerdobey: can i trigger it using c++ ? all the examples i have seen are using dbus & libnotify15:27
dobeydaker: you can use libnotify from c++ sure15:28
dobeydaker: is there not a qt api for fdo notifications?15:28
dakerdobey: i am not sure, i just want to trigger a in-app notification from c++15:29
dobeydaker: don't bother with "notifications" then. just show some qml directly in your app or whatever?15:31
dakerdobey: yes, but i think this will not work in desktop if the app is minimized15:32
pmcgowanI updated https://askubuntu.com/questions/692369/reinstall-browser with the answer15:33
dobeydaker: but if your app is a unity8 lifecycle app, it will be paused15:33
dakerdobey: i see, then i'll just use a simple component15:34
dakerdobey: did it :D https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5YNuwiW23vRX2dlby1XbjJzRkk/view18:18
dobeydaker: cool18:20
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