daftykins | m0nkey_: you should sample this one for us - http://www.kraftcanada.com/recipes/great-canadian-heinz-ketchup-cake-193998 | 03:25 |
m0nkey_ | Already did | 03:25 |
m0nkey_ | It's actually pretty good | 03:25 |
m0nkey_ | Ugh, we all thought winter was over. Now we're in a middle of a snow storm | 03:27 |
daftykins | o rly | 03:27 |
m0nkey_ | https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/weather/quebec/montreal | 03:27 |
m0nkey_ | My back yard was void of snow. Now I have 30cm. | 03:29 |
daftykins | :> | 03:29 |
m0nkey_ | https://1drv.ms/i/s!AtwcTj6o_0Q-g6IeVuY7knnuwPCoEw | 03:30 |
m0nkey_ | Just took that photo | 03:30 |
daftykins | needs a measuring stick :D | 03:35 |
m0nkey_ | That's about a good 30cm snow | 03:36 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | hi | 07:42 |
SuperMatt | hoobledoop whoop everybody! | 08:35 |
daftykins | weirdest bulb i ever bought https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2t6hnd1nhipkxl/IMG_20170315_082156.jpg?dl=0 | 08:36 |
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 | ||
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:34 |
SuperMatt | good morning mr brobostigon, good morning eeEEEVVVEErrybody | 09:42 |
zmoylan-pi | mornin' mammals | 09:42 |
brobostigon | orning SuperMatt and zmoylan-pi | 09:42 |
davmor2 | Morning all, I forgot you all I'm so sorry got caught up in this horrible work thing ;) | 09:43 |
daftykins | davmor2: how dare you! | 10:01 |
* zmoylan-pi puts on cd of annoying cubicle noises next to davmor2...noisy tea slurping, spoon clinking off cup, humming, tapping pencil, cutting nails while waiting for order for extra squeaky chair and desk fan to arrive :-P | 10:10 | |
JamesTait | Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy Absolutely Incredible Kid Day! 😃 | 10:15 |
* zmoylan-pi gives all kids near JamesTait big bottle of full sugar coke, a big box of smarties and a puppy | 10:16 | |
JamesTait | And that's just breakfast. | 10:17 |
zmoylan-pi | at 3am... | 10:17 |
JamesTait | On Sunday. | 10:17 |
zmoylan-pi | with youtube/nickleodeon on at volume 11 | 10:17 |
JamesTait | I think you missed a '1'. | 10:18 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC5ca6Hsb2Q | 10:58 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: I think that covers it right dream version of children :D | 11:00 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: your attempt at annoyance is a fail it just makes me think I have friends :P | 11:05 |
davmor2 | daftykins: I did say sorry I don't normally forget to say morning to everyone :) | 11:05 |
davmor2 | daftykins: and I noticed at least :) | 11:06 |
* zmoylan-pi turns off cubicle noises and puts on k-tels 100 most annoying ear worm songs album... :-P | 11:07 | |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: wow my favourites \o/ | 11:09 |
* davmor2 sings along to blobby, mister blobby... | 11:09 | |
m0nkey_ | I hope all you guys are having a wonderful spring so far. We've just had over 30cm snow dumped on us. Now I've got to go find the car. | 11:13 |
zmoylan-pi | i was able to remove the top fleece blanket on bed so it is now officially spring for me... :-) | 11:14 |
daftykins | crikey! | 11:15 |
zmoylan-pi | but paddies day on friday so it might be a trap... | 11:16 |
m0nkey_ | I hate you all. | 11:16 |
zmoylan-pi | always a little sleet and snow on paddies day... to freeze the scouts in shorts marching | 11:16 |
davmor2 | 26th is spring | 11:17 |
zmoylan-pi | ireland is 1st of march... we expect less of our springs :-) | 11:19 |
zmoylan-pi | as long as the water falling is only making us wet and not trying to strafe us with hypothermia... | 11:21 |
bigcalm | o/ | 12:21 |
daftykins | \o | 12:33 |
daftykins | well so far, dealing with Three seems to be streets ahead of O2... | 12:34 |
zmoylan-pi | didn't 3 take over o2? | 12:34 |
daftykins | i've read of some takeovers but i don't think that one fits | 12:37 |
SuperMatt | afaik, o2 hasn't been taken over by anyone | 12:38 |
daftykins | i think BT bought Three, Telefonica still owns O2 | 12:39 |
daftykins | Orange and T-Mobile became EE, that's about it? | 12:39 |
davmor2 | bigcalm: how do | 12:41 |
davmor2 | daftykins: no bt bought ee | 12:42 |
daftykins | oh right | 12:42 |
davmor2 | three is hutchinson which was orange, o2 was bt but they sold it then realised there is no need for a land line any more and had better get back into mobile and bought ee and so the merry go round continues | 12:44 |
zmoylan-pi | i knew i wasn't imagining it... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jan/23/mobile-network-three-to-buy-o2 | 12:44 |
daftykins | my my | 12:45 |
daftykins | well if that happens, the UK regulators are as bad as the US ones :> | 12:46 |
davmor2 | daftykins: why ee was allowed to happen that was the 2 biggest merging | 12:55 |
daftykins | *shrug* | 13:00 |
daftykins | got our own telcos down here :) | 13:00 |
daftykins | ah there's another example of the Channel Islands being confused, B&Q website won't accept local postcodes "we don't deliver here" yet calling into store the items can be ordered in | 13:01 |
daftykins | bloke was very careful not to answer me as to whether the price included or excluded VAT though... | 13:02 |
zmoylan-pi | it really confuses head offices of firms who mostly operate on the mainland when they've got a location in a spot with just slightly different tax laws. they never remember to check their memos and directives are applicable | 13:34 |
daftykins | even huge places just refuse to avoid the 'hassle' | 13:35 |
daftykins | Adobe online subscriptions "pay up or give us a VAT number" (we don't have them, not how it works at all) | 13:36 |
daftykins | Google: Block content and pages from our IPs | 13:36 |
daftykins | Microsoft (store): flat out refusal | 13:37 |
daftykins | :) | 13:37 |
zmoylan-pi | is that a bad thing? :-P | 13:37 |
daftykins | yep | 13:37 |
daftykins | oh same with Lenovo too | 13:37 |
zmoylan-pi | well google blocks ireland from some stuff too. someone was recently complaining that they couldn't get a google pixel in ireland as he wasn't in uk. he was most annoyed as he was sitting in google hq in dublin at the time... | 13:45 |
diplo | We have an internal web application that our customers use, it's currently http only and I want to recitfy that as Customers are getting "Connection is not secure" from FF / Chrome which is quite right. | 15:50 |
diplo | What I don't understand is the best way to approach this, get a proper cert from a company and then create a a record of software.domain.tld and apply to the web app or just use Self Signed | 15:51 |
diplo | I take it that is how I'd have to create an external SSL cert to get it to work correctly ? by creating a sub domain and then buy a cert for that | 15:51 |
foobarry | use a legit cert with subject alternate name fields | 15:51 |
diplo | Or using something like letsencrypt and automate it | 15:52 |
foobarry | letsencrypt requires external access | 15:52 |
diplo | You can get around that | 15:52 |
diplo | officially | 15:52 |
diplo | Running it manually | 15:52 |
diplo | I'll google subject alternate name fields, really new to SSL | 15:52 |
foobarry | it means the cert will be accepted as valid if your server is called barry-01 and barry.com | 15:53 |
diplo | ah ok ta | 15:55 |
foobarry | pretty pleased with the dashcam footage | 19:43 |
ibrahim | jdasda | 20:18 |
popey | foobarry: taken today, on a nice sunny day? | 20:38 |
diddledan | ooh, that's a claws at dawn acquisition: gitLAB have bought gitter.im (which is primarily focused at being a chat for gitHUB) | 21:15 |
diddledan | ref: http://blog.gitter.im/2017/03/15/gitter-gitlab-acquisition/ | 21:15 |
popey | wow | 22:10 |
popey | *boggle* | 22:10 |
popey | gitlab have mattermost i thought | 22:10 |
ali1234 | what is gitter? | 22:12 |
ali1234 | is it just another slack/discord clone? | 22:12 |
ali1234 | does it have git integration? | 22:12 |
popey | it does | 22:53 |
m0nkey_ | http://yul.buzz/news-and-opinions/2017/03/15/10-of-the-most-fcked-up-photos-of-the-snow-storm-in-montreal/ | 23:10 |
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