
=== kubuntu is now known as vanta_black
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vanta_blackWell, nothing so far has changed. I did accidentally unplug the live usb before it told me to and had to hard power-off, but I don't think that's related. Still boots me into GRUB, either way00:15
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vanta_blackDownloading again! This time I grabbed a different version of it apparently more suited for "live install"s04:30
vanta_blackDamn my router is doing that thing where it craps out upon me torrentings things again04:32
=== kubuntu is now known as vanta_black
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=== lordievader is now known as Guest76231
=== Guest76231 is now known as lordievader
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BluesKajHey folks11:20
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:55
=== joachim is now known as Guest4878
ravi_whats up13:04
BluesKajdunno ravi_ , what's up with you ?13:05
ravi_i actually had a question13:05
ravi_how to i change my boot background in kde13:05
BluesKajwhich back ground , grub or login page?13:07
ravi_login page13:07
BluesKajsytem settings>startup&shutdown>login screen>background13:08
BluesKajassume you're on plasma 513:09
ravi_yes i have plasma13:10
ravi_i actually have breeze theme but nothing happens when i change background13:10
BluesKajravi_, logout and back in13:11
mbokie5how do I back up network configuration?13:31
BluesKajmbokie5, for network-manager ?13:35
mbokie5for my laptop workstation.13:36
mbokie5oh...yes for network mgr.13:37
BluesKajhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/30790/how-to-migrate-network-manager-settings ...in this case use kdesudo dolphin in place of gksudo nautilus13:39
mbokie5i'll try that. thank you kindly.13:40
BluesKajback it up as a renamed  folder to a different pc if you like13:41
mbokie5I think I'll do that. I was able to do what you initially said. Thanks! I'll be back with more pedestrian questions.13:50
=== miguel is now known as Guest93976
Guest93976hi...my kernel is panic'ing and I don't know what to do. I enabled kdump to dump into a nfs share but nothing shows up13:51
Guest93976how can I see what's causing the panic?13:52
BluesKajGuest93976, can you drop to  VT/TTY ctl+alt+F1_F6,  login, then, sudo nano /var/log/syslog, to see what could be causing it13:54
netromhHi, anyone knows why do I only see mouse pointer when booting from live DVD in VMware Workstation? Text terminals works fine13:55
BluesKajF1-F6 rather13:55
BluesKajnetromh, looks like a question for #VMWare13:57
Guest93976> Mar 16 13:14:46 main-server systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler. > ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^ (lots of these)14:09
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:52
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
Guest93976my last syslog before kernel panic is15:50
Guest93976Mar 16 13:14:46 main-server systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler. > ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^ (lots of these)15:50
Guest93976any ideas on how to persue this?15:51
lordievaderGuest93976: Go and check the smart values of your disk.16:10
Guest93976lordievader: do you know a way to make a usb3 disk expose smart capabilities?16:13
lordievaderOh, the rootfs is on a usb stick?16:13
Guest93976nop...but this seems to happen when I access this external disk16:14
Guest93976the rootfs seems fine....smart not complaining about it16:14
lordievaderGuest93976: Then check the smart values of the disk where the rootfs resides on.16:14
lordievaderHmm, okay.16:14
lordievaderDoes the kernel panic show why it is panicing?16:15
Guest93976the short test did complete without errors16:15
Guest93976it doesn't....and I can't do anything after it freezes16:15
Guest93976already installed kdump and tried to make it dump to a nfs and nothing16:16
Guest93976also tried with ssh16:16
Guest93976got nothing16:16
lordievaderIt only crashed on that thumbdrive?16:17
Guest93976it's a 2tb usb3 disk....so on regular usage, the system works fine16:18
Guest93976but when accessing (reading/writing) large files, it freezes the system16:18
lordievaderFreezes or crashes?16:19
Guest93976the whole system freezes...no mouse/keyboard...not even external ssh access16:20
lordievaderBtw, there are methods of getting smart data from an external drive.16:20
Guest93976so I guess the whole machine froze16:20
lordievaderIt could be that he machine is busy. I have seen it before that under heavy IO load a system becomes very unresponsive.16:20
Guest93976it's a good machine....nothing like that happens on other disks or other very intensive operations16:21
lordievaderGuest93976: https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Supported_USB-Devices16:22
mparilloI have commented on the blank screen with the mouse pointer at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/162734816:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1627348 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Yakkety Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:39
Guest93976lordievader: can't test it :(16:57
lordievaderGuest93976: As in smartctl cannot retrieve the data?17:02
Guest93976yup...can't find a way to retrieve it17:04
lordievaderHmm, well I have to admit it is just a hunch that this is caused by a bad disk.17:06
BluesKajGuest93976, sudo e2fsck /dev/sdX , sdX being the partition in question, from vt/tty shell17:15
Guest93976BluesKaj: says it's cleat17:20
user|48081can someone tell me why the driver manager in system settings just infinitely says "gathering information about your system"17:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:31
BluesKajuser|48081, which hardware driver are you searching for?17:32
user|48081hell if i know lol, thats what the driver manager is supposed to be for17:32
user|48081its a fresh install on an OLD system.17:32
user|48081has integrated ATI graphics of all things too17:32
BluesKajwhich amd gpu?17:34
user|48081its not even amd, its ATI17:34
user|48081xpress 200 series17:35
BluesKajthat's the same company now17:35
user|48081couldnt run windows because nothing more than XP was supported.. and its been so long i cant even find all the necessary drivers so i just installed KuBuntu instead17:35
BluesKajahh, an old pc, think the driver for that is fglrx17:35
user|48081Collecting information about your system17:36
user|48081thats all driver manager gives me.. been about 15 minutes now17:36
user|48081and that discover app is so broken, the search bar dosent work lol17:37
user|48081tried searching for ATI , AMD , and even Vivaldi for a diff browser, wont actually search for something so had no choice but to come here17:37
BluesKajif windows won't run well , then kubuntu is abit heavy for that pc as well, how much memory?17:37
user|48081couldnt run Antergos because it lacked wifi drivers.  so this was my only choice17:38
BluesKajreally ?17:38
user|48081i disabled the compositor on startup17:38
user|48081yeah 4gb system ram17:38
BluesKajwith ati  xpress 200 series gpu , that's really strange17:39
user|48081well its motherboard, power supply, and ram was all recently "upgraded"17:40
user|48081basically replaced17:40
user|48081how do i install that fglrx if the driver manager is busted?17:40
user|48081just sudo apt-get install fglrx?17:40
BluesKajprobly wouldn't hurt to get a pci gpu card17:41
user|48081cant afford it17:41
user|48081broke, in-between jobs.  couldn't afford a $10 agp card if i wanted to either17:41
BluesKajwhich kubuntu?17:41
BluesKajrun lsb_release -a17:42
BluesKajuser|48081, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx17:45
user|48081ok, 1 sec17:46
BluesKajuser|48081, try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati17:49
user|48081trying to install that core package now17:51
user|48081now that first one is installing17:52
user|48081hows that17:52
BluesKajlooks good, let's hope it works :-)17:53
user|48081should i install xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserver-xorg-video-mach64 firmware-amd-graphics ?17:53
user|48081it said those were suggested17:53
BluesKajwell let's try the the one you just installed and see how that goes first17:54
user|48081alright should i reboot?17:54
user|48081k brb17:55
user|68123!help im that ati guy.  On my phone now becUse i cant log in18:07
ubottuuser|68123: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:07
user|68123my keyboard works fine right up to the log screen than it no longer reconizes inputs or anything.  Mouse cursor non existent as well18:08
BluesKajno desktop?18:11
user|68123It gets to the log in than keyboard n mouse stop working18:12
user|68123cant enter password.  Its not locked up.  I tried unplugging the keyboard and replugging but nothinf18:13
BluesKajctl+alt+F1-F6 , login , then, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-r12818:15
user|68123I have to do it while its booting and it opens up the black screen with blinking bar at top left. Than as finishes booting into log in screen it freezes up for a few seconds than kicks to the log in gui and i cant tupe anything and key presses aren't recognized18:18
BluesKajuser|68123, do youse the grub bootloader, if not hold down the left shift key right after the PC model logo page then choose the recovery kernel18:20
user|68123Im using whatever kubuntu installed18:21
BluesKajdo you see a list of kernels right after the "post" screen usually your pc makers logo18:22
user|68123Im in the recovery with 4 options18:22
user|6812336 generic and recovery and 41 generic and recovery18:23
BluesKajyou mean 3.6 right18:23
user|68123both have regular generic and recovery choice18:24
BluesKajanyway choose the 36 first18:24
genii!info linux-image-generic yakkety18:24
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB18:24
BluesKajgotta leave for few mins ...bbl18:25
user|68123I guess ill try repair than18:25
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