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zyga_ | tyhicks: hey, so I had to revert the "capability sys_ptrace" removal | 07:44 |
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zyga | tyhicks: if you could have a look at the rationale I posted in Signed-off-by: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@canonical.com> | 07:44 |
zyga | 7373ee8938cebb82c88f5925d448b290d18a7122 | 07:45 |
zyga | tyhicks: it seems to fail if you're not root when starting snap-confine | 07:45 |
cwayne | zyga: did a new snapd with that fix land in candidate? | 08:24 |
zyga | tyhicks: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2624/commits/7373ee8938cebb82c88f5925d448b290d18a7122 | 08:30 |
mup | PR snapd#2624: cmd/snap-confine: re-associate with pid-1 mount namespace if required <Blocked> <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2624> | 08:30 |
zyga | tyhicks: we didn't release last night; we plan to relase early today | 08:31 |
zyga | er | 08:31 |
zyga | cwayne: ^ | 08:31 |
zyga | cwayne: candidate will be made after mvo investigates a packaging error we ran into | 08:33 |
mvo | cwayne: what fix in particular? | 08:35 |
cwayne | mvo: snap-confine bug about namespaces | 08:37 |
mup | PR snapd#3033 closed: cmd/libsnap: make mountinfo structures public <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3033> | 09:07 |
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mup | PR snapd#3031 closed: cmd/snap-confine-suid-trampoline: add new helper <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3031> | 10:43 |
mup | PR snapd#2990 closed: cmd: link libcap dynamically <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2990> | 11:23 |
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Son_Goku | zyga: I'd really like to have gnome-software have snappy support in Fedora for F26 | 11:42 |
Son_Goku | so we need to get snapd going into the archive, since someone rewrote the snappy plugin to require snapd-glib | 11:43 |
Son_Goku | and snapd-glib won't install without snapd | 11:43 |
zyga | Son_Goku: will you review a hand-made spec for the two deps? | 11:44 |
Son_Goku | I can | 11:44 |
Son_Goku | did you also file a bug about gofed's problems with gopkg.in? | 11:44 |
zyga | no, I should really do that | 11:45 |
zyga | may be easier than patching | 11:45 |
Son_Goku | well... yes | 11:45 |
zyga | actually | 11:45 |
zyga | https://github.com/gofed/gofed/issues/75 | 11:45 |
zyga | it's there for two years | 11:45 |
zyga | so... | 11:45 |
Son_Goku | now bug them to say they broke things without it :) | 11:46 |
zyga | Son_Goku: them == upstrem gofed? | 11:52 |
Son_Goku | yes | 11:52 |
Son_Goku | if it helps, you can file a bug in rhbz against gofed about it :) | 11:52 |
Son_Goku | they might pay attention there | 11:52 |
mup | Bug #1673435 opened: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ is read-only <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673435> | 11:55 |
Son_Goku | zyga: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fedora&component=gofed&version=25 | 11:56 |
mup | PR snapd#3039 opened: many: add support for partially static builds <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3039> | 12:19 |
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mup | PR snapd#3040 opened: cmd: enable large file support <Created by drizzt> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3040> | 13:06 |
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mup | Bug #1673465 opened: Cannot set a timezone on dragonboard core system <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673465> | 14:11 |
mup | Bug #1672472 changed: Date and time reports the wrong timezone <snapweb:Fix Released by justinmcp> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672472> | 14:23 |
mup | Bug #1673465 changed: Cannot set a timezone on dragonboard core system <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673465> | 14:26 |
tyhicks | zyga: thanks for checking into that - I'm fine with leaving the rule in | 14:28 |
mup | PR snapcraft#1196 opened: store: enable delta uploads by default when pushing <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1196> | 14:28 |
zyga | tyhicks: OK, thanks for confirming | 14:30 |
cachio | tyhicks, any chance to see the dbus tests? | 14:39 |
cachio | tyhicks, currently I have the spammer and the handler in the same snap, could it affect the resutls? should I split in different snpas? | 14:40 |
Cynerva | How do I add auto aliases to a snap? | 14:48 |
Cynerva | i.e. remove the need to `snap alias my-snap my-alias` | 14:48 |
tyhicks | cachio: no, sorry but I'm still trying to climb out from under work that cropped up last week | 14:49 |
Cynerva | I've seen references to this but I'm having trouble figuring out what enables that | 14:49 |
tyhicks | cachio: I don't think it'll affect the performance since both ends will still be confined | 14:49 |
cachio | tyhicks, yes | 14:50 |
tyhicks | cachio: I think I mentioned it last week but when we originally benchmarked the dbus mediation performance, the typical case was a confined client and an unconfined service which resulted in a max of ~10% overhead when generating a lot of traffic | 14:51 |
cachio | tyhicks, yes | 14:51 |
mup | PR snapd#3041 opened: cmd/snap: handle missing snap-confine <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3041> | 14:52 |
cachio | last execution I got 32% of overhead | 14:53 |
cachio | but most of the them are around the 40% | 14:54 |
cachio | tyhicks, the metrics are at the end of this graphic https://platform-qa-dashboard.canonical.com/dashboard/db/kpi-zesty-dashboard | 14:55 |
cachio | tyhicks, User: perf pass: ubuntuPERF | 14:55 |
tyhicks | cachio: is it safe to publicize those credentials? | 14:57 |
qengho | Hah. | 14:58 |
tyhicks | cachio: I thought you reported a 15% overhead last week? | 15:00 |
tyhicks | (with some blips up to around 40%) | 15:00 |
cachio | tyhicks, no | 15:01 |
cachio | tyhicks, all the overheads that I saw but client and service confined are more than 30% | 15:02 |
cachio | tyhicks, in the graphics you can see the messages by second fof the execution in confinment and without confinment | 15:03 |
cachio | those results are for zesty and the execution is in real hardware | 15:03 |
cachio | tyhicks, the tests for those graphics are sending 20K messages with a paylod of 256 bytes | 15:04 |
mup | PR snapd#3042 opened: cmd: discard the C implementation of snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3042> | 15:04 |
tyhicks | cachio: you just publicized the credentials (this is a public channel) | 15:04 |
cachio | tyhicks, firgit ut | 15:08 |
cachio | fforgot it | 15:08 |
cachio | tyhicks, but it is a read only user | 15:08 |
cachio | and the dashboar is public | 15:08 |
Rumple | Anyone have any idea how long 'manual review' takes when publishing to the snap store? | 15:10 |
oky | Rumple: one hour | 15:10 |
Rumple | oky: I have had a snap with 'Manual review pending' for over a week | 15:11 |
cachio | tyhicks, I'll change the password just in case | 15:11 |
oky | Rumple: ok, i'm sorry! i don't know - good idea to come here and get help | 15:11 |
Rumple | oky: thanks for the guess at least | 15:12 |
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cachio_lunch | tyhicks, change done | 15:14 |
cachio_lunch | tyhicks, ping me if could take a look to those results please | 15:15 |
morphis | alecu: you talked with koza about your bluez problems on your pi3? | 15:16 |
tyhicks | cachio_lunch: I've looked at the results but what I haven't yet had time for is to reproduce the results locally and begin poking at test and the dbus-daemon code | 15:18 |
alecu | morphis: no... was expecting some pong here. | 15:24 |
alecu | morphis: should I report a bug somewhere? | 15:24 |
morphis | alecu: ok, koza ^^ alecu has problems getting the bluez snap to work on a pi3 | 15:24 |
morphis | alecu: let koza reply here first, then we can if we need a bug | 15:25 |
koza | alecu, hey | 15:28 |
alecu | hi koza! | 15:28 |
koza | alecu, what is going on? | 15:28 |
koza | alecy, just fyi we have sprint planning so I will be slow on re for a while but feel free to describe the problem | 15:29 |
koza | alecu, ^^ | 15:29 |
alecu | koza: I'm using ubuntu core on a raspi3, and would like to use a bluetooth keyboard with it | 15:29 |
trapchat | IS THIS THE NEW PPA? | 15:29 |
alecu | koza: so, I've installed the bluez snap, and I'm trying to follow the steps here: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/bluetooth/doc/overview | 15:30 |
alecu | koza: but, bluetoothctl never prints the line that would read something like: "[NEW] Controller 1C:C3:E4:79:43:4C localhost.localdomain [default]" | 15:31 |
alecu | koza: so, I guess there must be a missing driver, or something like that? | 15:32 |
koza | alecu, what if you type: power on just after the bluetoothctl is started | 15:36 |
alecu | koza: I can't type a thing there :-/ | 15:36 |
alecu | koza: can't see anything I type | 15:36 |
alecu | I'll give it a try anyway | 15:36 |
koza | alecu, how come? how do you start bluetoothctl then? | 15:36 |
alecu | koza: (sorry, on a meeting too) | 15:38 |
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cachio | tyhicks, ok | 15:52 |
mup | PR snapd#2624 closed: cmd/snap-confine: re-associate with pid-1 mount namespace if required <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2624> | 15:58 |
koza | alecu, I do not see bt controler on my pi either. I have all the time used a usb dongle plugged in to the pi. with that keyboards do work. i will try to figure out why the bt is not there | 16:08 |
alecu | koza: ah, good to know | 16:10 |
alecu | koza: perhaps it's a missing kernel compile option in the pi3. We should also ask ogra_ | 16:11 |
koza | ogra_, ^^^^ | 16:24 |
om26er | Hi! What could cause: - Fetch and check assertions for snap "core" (35) (internal error: circular assertions are not expected: account (canonical)) ? | 16:50 |
om26er | Note: my snapd is pointing to staging. | 16:51 |
pedronis | om26er: wrong snapd or wrong setup | 16:59 |
didrocks | pedronis: hey, speaking of which, is there any way to tell snapd to forget about one snap assertion? (removing a snap doesn't remove the assertions) | 17:02 |
pedronis | didrocks: no, they are facts, they don't become wrong (we might gc them at some point) | 17:02 |
om26er | pedronis: I have snapd 2.22.5 with testkeys, while 2.22.6 is available. Could that be the reason or did I screw something in my build ? | 17:02 |
didrocks | pedronis: yeah, I'm trying to illustrate the assertions in a tutorial, but if people already installed the snap in the store, I can't have them to then download the snap and try to install it without acking the assertion first | 17:03 |
didrocks | pedronis: I would have thought that removing the snap would GC the corresponding assertions for that rev | 17:04 |
pedronis | as I said we might to do at some point, but it would be an optimisation | 17:04 |
didrocks | yeah, sounds unwanted to keep piling up cruft | 17:05 |
pedronis | om26er: what does snap known account-key authority-id=canonical reports, mostly interested what is in name: of those keys | 17:05 |
pedronis | didrocks: thank you | 17:06 |
didrocks | pedronis: want a bug for this? | 17:06 |
om26er | pedronis: returns nothing | 17:06 |
pedronis | om26er: you sure, that's weird in different ways | 17:06 |
pedronis | didrocks: if you want, unlikely to get high priority for a while | 17:06 |
om26er | pedronis: yep. | 17:07 |
didrocks | pedronis: yeah, still good to log it, will do, thanks! | 17:07 |
pedronis | om26er: a couple come from inside snapd itself, that's why I'm perplexed | 17:08 |
pedronis | om26er: "snap known account-key authority-id=canonical" is what I'm typing here | 17:08 |
mup | PR snapd#3043 opened: interfaces: use spec in the dbus backend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3043> | 17:08 |
om26er | pedronis: right, that's the command, I ran. OTH, here is mostly how I built snapd in my ppa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24046002/ | 17:09 |
pedronis | om26er: not sure, I'm quite confused tbh | 17:11 |
pedronis | there should be at least one key listed by that command | 17:11 |
pedronis | even for a snap/snapd that have done nothing | 17:11 |
mup | Bug #1673539 opened: snapd doesn't clean up imported (snap) assertions <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673539> | 17:21 |
mup | PR snapd#3041 closed: cmd/snap: handle missing snap-confine <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3041> | 18:03 |
om26er | pedronis: figured that out, it was a mistake on my end, I had broken debian/rules file | 19:06 |
pedronis | om26er: ah, ok | 19:06 |
om26er | pedronis: I have another issue though. | 19:07 |
om26er | pedronis: - Download snap "core" (35) from channel "stable" (read tcp> read: connection reset by peer) | 19:07 |
om26er | pedronis: this happens when I try to install a snap in my digitalocean droplet. | 19:07 |
om26er | the issue does not happen on my local machine. | 19:07 |
pedronis | seems some networking issue | 19:07 |
om26er | pedronis: fwiw snap download works fine | 19:08 |
pedronis | even stranger, but not sure what is happening | 19:08 |
om26er | :/ | 19:08 |
pedronis | they use the same code more or less | 19:09 |
om26er | actually snap download also has the same issue. (sometimes it works other don't) | 19:09 |
om26er | atleast I am not alone, bug 1617765 | 19:09 |
mup | Bug #1617765: Connections reset when downloading snaps from CDN <Software Center Agent:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1617765> | 19:09 |
mup | PR snapd#3044 opened: snapstate: more helpers to work with alias states (aliases v2) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3044> | 19:28 |
datajerk | anybody else hear having problems with autoupdate (16.04) removing snapd? happened to all of my cloud-based servers last night. thanks. | 20:05 |
qengho | datajerk: Eh? What does your /var/log/apt/ log say? | 20:06 |
datajerk | from my logs: Remove: snapd:amd64 (2.22.6) | 20:06 |
datajerk | Commandline: /usr/bin/apt-get -o quiet=1 dist-upgrade -q -y -o APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/security.sources.list -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold | 20:06 |
qengho | datajerk: And "apt install snapd" didn't warn of conflict with something you have installed? | 20:07 |
datajerk | nope, no conflict warning | 20:08 |
qengho | Weeeeeird. | 20:08 |
qengho | datajerk: Pastebin "apt policy snapd" ? | 20:09 |
datajerk | http://pastebin.com/v1NGbfAh | 20:11 |
qengho | datajerk: Paste the entire log stanza, too, from /var/log/apt/history.log ? | 20:12 |
datajerk | http://termbin.com/fr3z | 20:14 |
qengho | zyga: ^back 10 min. | 20:18 |
zyga | gouchi: hmm? | 20:21 |
zyga | not sure if related but snapd hit a bug in dpkg | 20:21 |
zyga | dpkg was fixed and tomorrow we will issue an update that pre-depends on the updated dpkg | 20:22 |
gouchi | zyga: ?? | 20:22 |
zyga | qengho: hmm | 20:22 |
zyga | gouchi: sorry, I'm tired and misread notification | 20:22 |
gouchi | zyga: np | 20:22 |
zyga | datajerk: thank you, we are looking into this | 20:26 |
datajerk | zyga qengho thanks | 20:52 |
barry | does snap and/or snapcraft not support the snapcraft.yaml `environment` section in xenial and yakkety? | 21:31 |
mup | PR snapcraft#1197 opened: tests: increase the timeout in the shared ros test <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1197> | 22:35 |
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