jbicha | robert_ancell: have you tried gnome-software with the PK backend recently? | 00:29 |
robert_ancell | jbicha, no | 00:29 |
jbicha | do you want me to upload it to a ppa for you to try out? | 00:30 |
jbicha | I'm wondering if a FFE to switch it to PK now would be a good idea, it would save us from having to figure out bug 1661371 | 00:33 |
ubot5 | bug 1661371 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "[zesty] doesn't offer a window to install missing gstreamer codecs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661371 | 00:33 |
robert_ancell | jbicha, PPA could help | 00:38 |
jbicha | robert_ancell: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software/ | 00:59 |
robert_ancell | jbicha, ta | 01:00 |
jbicha | robert_ancell: see the test case at bug 1661371 if you want to test the sessioninstaller replacement functionality | 01:07 |
ubot5 | bug 1661371 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "[zesty] doesn't offer a window to install missing gstreamer codecs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661371 | 01:07 |
jbicha | and uninstall sessioninstaller and install gstreamer1.0-packagekit | 01:07 |
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hikiko | hi | 06:02 |
RAOF | Good morning hikiko! | 06:29 |
hikiko | good morning RAOF :-) | 06:31 |
Sweetshark | moin | 08:37 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 09:02 |
davmor2 | seb128: do you happen to know the name of the package that tries to look for codecs? If I open an mp3 in videos it says it has no codec find on in software centre but it doesn't launch the app | 09:03 |
seb128 | davmor2, I think your issue is bug #1661371 | 09:10 |
ubot5 | bug 1661371 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "[zesty] doesn't offer a window to install missing gstreamer codecs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661371 | 09:10 |
seb128 | hey Sweetshark davmor2 btw :-) | 09:11 |
Sweetshark | heya seb128 ;) | 09:13 |
Sweetshark | so, LibreOffice 5.3.1 release day is here! Status: amd64/snap build, tested & deployed to edge, armhf/snap fails to download repos (some infra b0rkage?), i386/snap build, but fails tests. | 09:13 |
Sweetshark | amd/i386 zesty: build, (smoke)tested and deployed to libreoffice ppas. Could test autopkgtests in a proper testbed because of bug 1673370 and bug 1673372. I tested the test scripts manually on a VM and at least that succeeds, though.y | 09:13 |
ubot5 | bug 1673370 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud fails to find a zesty image on xenial hosts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673370 | 09:13 |
ubot5 | bug 1673372 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud times out in cloud-init when creating a zesty image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673372 | 09:13 |
davmor2 | seb128: that does indeed look like the issue thanks | 09:13 |
Sweetshark | seb128, Laney: ^^ so Im blocked from properly testing in a zesty adt testbed, but manually it seems to work. | 09:14 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, laney is off until monday | 09:14 |
Sweetshark | seb128: ah, right! | 09:15 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, well, let's upload and see... | 09:15 |
Sweetshark | seb128: ok, Ill finalize (remove the ~rc2 from upsteam version and rename the tarballs) it as-is then. | 09:18 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, k, let me know when you have something ready for sponsoring | 09:18 |
willcooke | moin | 09:18 |
davmor2 | morning willcooke | 09:19 |
Sweetshark | willcooke: bonjour! | 09:19 |
seb128 | hey willcooke | 09:22 |
willcooke | seb128, I want to put the animal artwork somewhere for the doc team - do you think attaching it to a bug against the ubuntu theme packages is ok? | 09:23 |
willcooke | or I could just upload Google drive or something | 09:24 |
willcooke | but thought having it somewhere more offical would be a better idea | 09:24 |
seb128 | willcooke, launchpad bug sounds fine | 09:25 |
seb128 | but ubuntu-docs rather theme I guess | 09:25 |
seb128 | if that's to be included in the documentation | 09:25 |
willcooke | well, I think other teams might need it as well | 09:25 |
willcooke | (also, I already uploaded it there :) ) | 09:25 |
seb128 | it's easy to reassign bugs :-) | 09:27 |
seb128 | you might want to drop an email to the documentation team or to gunnar | 09:27 |
seb128 | just a fyi | 09:27 |
willcooke | already done | 09:27 |
willcooke | :) | 09:27 |
seb128 | :-) | 09:34 |
flocculant | willcooke: artwork will be easy next time assuming it gets called An A :p | 09:37 |
willcooke | :) | 09:39 |
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* Sweetshark cant help find irony in that https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects has all of irssi, weechat and pidgin. "critical infrastructure? yeah, cant have some 4chan script kiddie 0wn me via IRC. prioriies!" | 10:10 | |
Sweetshark | so with moving from firefox->chromium, from pidgin->weechat/tmux, from <wonttellyou>->pass, from lo-pbuilder->sbuild, VirtualBox->KVM.virt-manager, W520->t460s ... life starts to feel better already. | 10:57 |
willcooke | hikiko, Trevinho - any news on that review for low gfx? | 11:26 |
Trevinho | willcooke: I've some comments, I'm looking for some solutions | 11:26 |
willcooke | thanks Trevinho | 11:27 |
hikiko | Trevinho, did you upload this on lp? | 11:27 |
hikiko | I didn't receive any email | 11:27 |
Trevinho | hikiko: no | 11:27 |
hikiko | well, why don't you? | 11:28 |
hikiko | if you found a bug I can fix it | 11:29 |
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mterry | infinity: thanks for fixing my Unity77 typo /.\ | 13:47 |
Sweetshark | willcooke: https://twitter.com/Sweet5hark/status/842375103170113537 | 14:06 |
willcooke | Sweetshark, woo, nice!! | 14:06 |
qengho | Sweetshark: That's pretty great! | 14:12 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, well done! | 14:19 |
Sweetshark | dammit, my canonical vpn connection keeps breaking and I cant upload 5.3.1 dpkg packages to people.canonical.com. 3rd try already. | 14:28 |
Sweetshark | switched back from scp to rsync -- like I would be on dailup. | 14:39 |
davmor2 | willcooke: hmmmm slideshow still shows the yak but help and desktop background both look to be up to date I'll double check versions once the install finishes | 14:58 |
willcooke | davmor2, MP hasn't been merged yet | 14:59 |
willcooke | https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-zesty/+merge/319962 | 15:00 |
davmor2 | willcooke: Ah okay so it is correct currently then | 15:00 |
willcooke | yeah | 15:00 |
davmor2 | phew | 15:00 |
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b4n | andyrock: (and others) https://code.launchpad.net/~banw/compiz/compiz.a11y-shotcuts/+merge/320091 | 17:07 |
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