Bashing-om | Here, Better late than not at all :) | 00:09 |
OerHeks | is it a mouse? is it a frog wiht one leg ? ... | 00:14 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: Humm .. Lotus's logo ? Jump ! Just Jump ! | 00:22 |
OerHeks | brave chungy .. | 00:31 |
nicomachus | 20:39 < brendon_> catc a bullet wit your face. | 01:40 |
nicomachus | I see the main channel is going well tonight | 01:40 |
DArqueBishop | The ops were a model of patience. | 01:40 |
DArqueBishop | Obvious troll was obvious. | 01:40 |
nicomachus | There's an easier way to disable the GUI temporarily than editing grub, isn't there? I thought you could just disable x as a service and just re-enable but I can't find that now | 01:42 |
Bashing-om | nicomachus: Boot to terminal from grub: . | 01:43 |
nicomachus | maybe I'm thinking of my raspberry pi. It has a single command from regular terminal that disabled x on the next boot. | 01:46 |
=== lordievader is now known as Guest76231 | ||
=== Guest76231 is now known as lordievader | ||
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | morning pavlushka | 07:00 |
pavlushka | Morning lotuspsychje :) | 07:00 |
ducasse | morning all | 07:01 |
pavlushka | Morning ducasse :) | 07:01 |
lotuspsychje | pavlushka: are you testing 17.04 this time? | 07:01 |
lotuspsychje | hey ducasse morning mate | 07:01 |
pavlushka | lotuspsychje: I am afraid no :| | 07:02 |
ducasse | hi lotuspsychje, pavlushka | 07:03 |
lotuspsychje | pavlushka: sticking to LTS? | 07:03 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: my laptop is on 17.04 | 07:03 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: i3? | 07:04 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: of course :) | 07:04 |
lotuspsychje | nice nice | 07:05 |
ducasse | been on zesty for maybe a couple of months or so, no problems so far. then again, i don't use any of the desktop stuff and very few applications. | 07:10 |
lotuspsychje | morning EriC^^ | 07:10 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: great 2 hear | 07:11 |
OerHeks | :-) | 07:11 |
EriC^^ | morning lotuspsychje | 07:11 |
lotuspsychje | morning davidj | 07:11 |
EriC^^ | morning ducasse OerHeks | 07:11 |
lotuspsychje | EriC^^: i wonder if you would bug it, if it gets critical or not :p | 07:13 |
ducasse | hi EriC^^, OerHeks | 07:14 |
EriC^^ | nothing irc'ish is critical i guess | 07:21 |
EriC^^ | for the guys in charge | 07:22 |
lotuspsychje | oh well, perhaps theyl learn the hard way one day | 07:22 |
EriC^^ | i think they wont | 07:23 |
OerHeks | i have been watching that eric dude, when he was pointed to #winehq, he surely did the same as in ubuntu, but now he wanted 4x a chat client. | 07:23 |
ducasse | the trolls are out in force this morning… | 07:31 |
OerHeks | the best trolls use mint | 07:39 |
ducasse | :) | 07:40 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 07:44 |
EriC^^ | anybody ever used pcrack? | 07:46 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: i had a suspicion they used backbox, but OerHeks may be right :) | 07:47 |
EriC^^ | i actually was trying to crack the password of a zip file i had that i forgot the password to, 3 years ago when uefi wouldn't work so i had to fix my pc back, and i came across the irc channel | 07:48 |
EriC^^ | the zip file is encrypted, and inside the encryption zip is another encrypted zip | 07:50 |
EriC^^ | i remember the pass to the first one, the second one i dont | 07:50 |
EriC^^ | anybody used pcrack ever? i tried to pass it the headers of another zip file, hmm let me check something | 07:52 |
OerHeks | fcrackzip -u -b -l 1-10 -c <name>.zip # if the length = 1-10 char | 07:53 |
OerHeks | i forgot aA1, <<< fcrackzip -u -b -l 1-10 -c aA1 <name>.zip # if the length = 1-10 char | 07:54 |
EriC^^ | i tried fcrack no luck | 07:54 |
EriC^^ | it's a very long pass | 07:54 |
OerHeks | oh.. | 07:54 |
daftykins | good morn \o | 07:54 |
EriC^^ | i used to put passes like so <,ThIsIsAvErYl0NgPaSs.> | 07:55 |
ducasse | hi daftykins | 07:55 |
OerHeks | hi daftykins | 07:55 |
OerHeks | EriC^^, oh, you used a perfect hard to crack password ... | 07:55 |
daftykins | >:D | 07:55 |
EriC^^ | it's like 26chars alpha-numeric with cases and special cars would take me infinity | 07:55 |
EriC^^ | yes OerHeks, pcrack uses though a plaintext attack and statistics | 07:56 |
EriC^^ | it's my only hope | 07:56 |
EriC^^ | if you know 8bytes or more of the decrypted stuff, and know the location of them, it can make a statistical analysis on it and get the keys used to encrypt everything | 07:56 |
daftykins | "help me Obi-wan pcracky..." | 07:56 |
EriC^^ | lol | 07:56 |
EriC^^ | before i came to ubuntu i was trying to feed it the headers of a zip file | 07:57 |
EriC^^ | it's pretty quick btw, i gave it a whole file as a plaintext, it decrypted it in like 10mins | 07:58 |
OerHeks | I wrote all my passwords down, my brother knows where, in case somebody kills me not helping in #ubuntu | 07:58 |
daftykins | XD | 07:58 |
EriC^^ | lol | 07:59 |
EriC^^ | this pass is around since i was 16-17 | 07:59 |
daftykins | in all seriousness i have thought about how nobody'd get into my accounts if something happened, made me think about it | 07:59 |
OerHeks | seriously, what happens when nobody can enter my mail, computer or disks? | 07:59 |
EriC^^ | i remember mainly what i used to use for long encrypted zips, but i think this one i put something else | 07:59 |
EriC^^ | do cd's eventually rot and stuff? | 08:03 |
daftykins | they're supposed to, but i can't say i've ever had a proper pressed disc die yet | 08:03 |
daftykins | CD-R's and so on definitely perish quickly | 08:04 |
EriC^^ | aha | 08:24 |
ducasse | it helps to buy decent brands, though. i've got a bunch that are many years old and work fine. | 08:26 |
EriC^^ | ok so looking back at that zip, i have 2 files, something.txt.pgp which i guess is pgp encrypted and another zip file | 08:26 |
EriC^^ | yeah these ones are verbatim and imation, still good after quite some time | 08:26 |
EriC^^ | i think i can crack this sucker, i know a lot more about pc's than i knew 3 years ago | 08:26 |
ducasse | the text file could be the password, if you used something unusual? | 08:27 |
EriC^^ | nah the text file isn't | 08:27 |
EriC^^ | but when pgp files are encrypted, they share the same header or data somewhere? | 08:27 |
EriC^^ | i still have the keys i used to do encryption with i think | 08:28 |
ducasse | have you got the passwords for them? | 08:28 |
EriC^^ | i possibly have other files encrypted with the same key maybe ill look for similar bytes in them | 08:28 |
EriC^^ | yes i remember the password | 08:28 |
ducasse | try ##crypto or #gnupg? | 08:30 |
EriC^^ | nah i tried back 3 years ago | 08:34 |
EriC^^ | all they were talking about was how to destroy a hdd fully or something | 08:35 |
EriC^^ | they didnt warm up to cracking a zip file | 08:35 |
EriC^^ | anyways i compared 2 other .pgp files i had, they both start with the same 18 bytes or so | 08:35 |
EriC^^ | A8 03 50 47 50 C1 C1 4E 03 44 61 A6 87 AE F9 81 3B 10 | 08:36 |
EriC^^ | after that they start changing | 08:36 |
EriC^^ | !info pkcrack | 08:39 |
ubot5 | Package pkcrack does not exist in xenial | 08:39 |
EriC^^ | !find pkcrack | 08:39 |
ubot5 | Package/file pkcrack does not exist in xenial | 08:39 |
lotuspsychje | EriC^^: you might find it on pentest distro's aka kali etc | 08:41 |
EriC^^ | found it, i had it on src dir | 08:41 |
EriC^^ | repo package is always nicer though :D | 08:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info fcrackzip | 08:43 |
ubot5 | fcrackzip (source: fcrackzip): password cracker for zip archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-6 (xenial), package size 26 kB, installed size 70 kB | 08:43 |
lotuspsychje | !info rarcrack | 08:44 |
ubot5 | rarcrack (source: rarcrack): Password cracker for rar archives. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2-1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 59 kB | 08:44 |
EriC^^ | won't help me i'll need a super computer for it | 08:44 |
EriC^^ | this using .pgp header can work i think, it's 18 bytes | 08:45 |
EriC^^ | i need to make sure it's the old winzip encryption though, if i used aes not winzip default i'm screwed | 08:45 |
ducasse | just ask the nsa for a copy ;) | 08:47 |
EriC^^ | :D | 08:53 |
EriC^^ | this is the zip's header 50 4b 03 04 14 00 01 00 | 08:53 |
EriC^^ | not sure if that's just winzip legacy encryption or aes | 08:53 |
lotuspsychje | i have a supercomputer amd 3200+ hahaha you can use it if you want? | 08:54 |
EriC^^ | seems like just winzip legacy! :D | 08:55 |
EriC^^ | ok now to try to decrypt it using pkcrack | 08:56 |
EriC^^ | breakfast first though :) | 08:57 |
EriC^^ | fed the fishes, changex their water, made some coffee! | 09:11 |
EriC^^ | i just need smokes :( | 09:11 |
* EriC^^ will resort to smoking the left overs in the ashtray for now | 09:11 | |
daftykins | :O | 09:11 |
EriC^^ | they're kind of long | 09:11 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest95676 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
ducasse | EriC^^: i was all out of smokes the other night, and no cash. about an hour later i was looking for something in a drawer and found a full pack :) | 10:03 |
ducasse | $deity knows how long it had been there. | 10:04 |
EriC^^ | yeah it's always great when you dont have smokes and you find a pack | 10:11 |
EriC^^ | $deity means "who" ? | 10:11 |
EriC^^ | or $deity = god? | 10:11 |
ducasse | $deity = divinity of your choice | 10:12 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 11:20 |
OerHeks | \o/ BluesKaj | 11:20 |
* OerHeks wearing sunglasses, sunny day | 11:20 | |
BluesKaj | OerHeks, :-) | 11:21 |
ducasse | 8-) | 11:27 |
BluesKaj | Hey ducasse | 11:31 |
ducasse | morning BluesKaj, how has the weather been treating you? | 11:32 |
BluesKaj | it's becoming milder day by day and sunny too, so quite nice now | 11:34 |
BluesKaj | how's your;s ? | 11:34 |
ducasse | not as nice as yesterday (sunny then, grey now), but still fairly warm. luna was outside for over an hour today, that hasn't happened since november or so :) | 11:37 |
OerHeks | Drabber wants to go outside all the time, ladies in our neighbourhood are in heat | 11:42 |
OerHeks | vicious little monster | 11:42 |
ducasse | | 13:09 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 13:10 |
ducasse | the secret is out :) | 13:11 |
ducasse | he probably had -proposed enabled :) | 13:12 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 13:16 |
lotuspsychje | bloody lags | 13:48 |
lotuspsychje | just got roof worker over and told me total makeover will cost 12.000 euro | 14:06 |
lotuspsychje | auch | 14:06 |
ducasse | that hurts :-( | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | previous owner didnt finish few jobs on it.. | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | ill try to compare a few, phew :p | 14:08 |
lotuspsychje | | 15:35 |
lotuspsychje | hmmm | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | we had few users with audio issues lately right | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | wth... | 15:38 |
OerHeks | dont go for firefox esr, with that silly flashplugin | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | and downgrading silly also | 15:42 |
lotuspsychje | leaves the user in the cold | 15:42 |
lotuspsychje | !esm | 15:44 |
lotuspsychje | | 15:47 |
lotuspsychje | bbl guys | 15:55 |
Guest28070 | @OerHeks how much sleep do you get? | 19:15 |
Wirehunter | Good evening all | 20:08 |
Bashing-om | Wirehunter: :), evening, What brings you to our fair channel ? | 20:12 |
Wirehunter | Good question | 20:24 |
Bashing-om | Wirehunter: Good answer ? | 20:25 |
Wirehunter | I don't know what does or did | 20:25 |
Wirehunter | But I just liked the mood here and added it to auto-join | 20:25 |
Bashing-om | Wirehunter: Here you are in good company :) | 20:26 |
Wirehunter | :) | 20:27 |
OerHeks | Guest28070, 45 minutes | 20:27 |
Guest28070 | Really? You get only 45 minutes of sleep? | 20:32 |
Guest28070 | Dang | 20:32 |
Guest28070 | How do you live? | 20:33 |
OerHeks | :-D | 20:33 |
OerHeks | no, i sleep 5-6 hrs a day | 20:33 |
=== lordievader is now known as Guest65389 | ||
OerHeks | :-) | 23:14 |
nacc | i just don't have the time to handhold everyone who thinks they should run their own little cloud :) | 23:14 |
OerHeks | not another Eric___ please | 23:15 |
daftykins | nacc: but i bought this lamp and this bucket of water and you PROMISED! | 23:15 |
OerHeks | waterserver :-D | 23:15 |
daftykins | then you turn up the lamp, the water evaporates and *BAM* cloud! | 23:16 |
nacc | daftykins: nice one :) | 23:17 |
daftykins | :D | 23:17 |
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