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alan_g | anpok: any preferences (or other ideas)? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/drag-and-drop-II/+merge/319820 | 09:29 |
anpok | alan_g: on the sequence diagram. | 09:56 |
alan_g | yes? | 09:56 |
anpok | is the dnd handle in the MP the "drag mir_cookie" from the sequences diagrams? | 09:57 |
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anpok | hm something to identify data in content hub.. | 09:58 |
alan_g | anpok: That was the original suggestion, but we changed our mind. I guess the diagram wasn't updated. | 09:58 |
anpok | so the actual data now? | 09:58 |
alan_g | No. Still a handle for content hub. Just doesn't have to bee the cookie that signed the initial event | 10:00 |
alan_g | greyback: anything you know of that I should look at before a (bugfix) MirAL 1.3.1 release? | 10:06 |
greyback | alan_g: nothing comes to mind | 10:08 |
alan_g | Thanks. | 10:09 |
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mterry | Any best practices for debugging Mir? I'm looking at bug 1673215 ("bind: Permission denied") but Mir aborts after the problem occurs and gdb stepping messes up the timing of Mir, it bails on my thread because I'm taking too long. | 19:19 |
ubot5 | bug 1673215 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Second unity8 user session hangs with a black screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673215 | 19:19 |
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