=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
Guest26329 | this is the biggest nightmare of an operating system that I could ever imagine. seriously thinking about re installing windows 10 | 23:27 |
Guest26329 | is there a reason why i can download apps that work and then when i need something from my vpn, they dont have a simple app to install my vpn like everother os does | 23:29 |
wxl | @Guest26329: ok, love you bye. :) | 23:29 |
meetingology | wxl: Error: "Guest26329:" is not a valid command. | 23:29 |
Guest26329 | hello | 23:29 |
wxl | needless to say if you're looking for support, i'd try #ubuntu | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | i dont even know what that means | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | i dont hash tag | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | dont know what they are | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | or do | 23:30 |
wxl | Guest26329: currently you're on the #ubuntu-quality channel. join the #ubuntu one. /join #ubuntu | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | what quality | 23:30 |
Guest26329 | my brand new system wont even update properly | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | right out of the box | 23:31 |
wxl | you are asking support questions | 23:31 |
wxl | you can get support | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | took 3 days to install ubuntu | 23:31 |
wxl | to get support with ubuntu on irc, you need to join the #ubuntu channel | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | where can i get support | 23:31 |
wxl | to do so you type: | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | where i ask you | 23:31 |
wxl | /join #ubuntu | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | yeah, i ddnt see it | 23:31 |
Guest26329 | i barely got into this "chat room" | 23:32 |
wxl | just type, at the bottom "/join #ubuntu" without the quotes and hit enter | 23:32 |
wxl | you could also use the mailing list | 23:32 |
Guest26329 | dont see anywhere to type in join ubuntu | 23:33 |
wxl | what client are you using? | 23:33 |
Guest26329 | tried the top box, that did nothing just like everything else in the os | 23:34 |
Guest26329 | xchat | 23:34 |
wxl | i mean you type that right where type messages like you have been typing | 23:34 |
wxl | so that would be at the bottom, no? | 23:34 |
Guest26329 | i know how to type | 23:34 |
wxl | i believe xchat shows your nick at the bottom | 23:35 |
wxl | right next to it is an input area | 23:35 |
Guest26329 | none of this makes any sense. why do you want people to use this system if you arent going to make it easier? | 23:35 |
wxl | in that area, type /join #ubuntu | 23:35 |
Guest26329 | the only two boxes on my screen are the top and the bottom. the only one that does anything is the bottom one | 23:36 |
wxl | right, so use the bottom one | 23:36 |
Guest26329 | # join ubuntu | 23:36 |
wxl | nope | 23:36 |
wxl | no hash tag at the front | 23:36 |
Guest26329 | hmmm, that didt work | 23:36 |
wxl | /join #ubuntu | 23:36 |
Guest26329 | join ubuntu | 23:36 |
Guest26329 | guess what, that didnt work either | 23:37 |
wxl | you're still missing the slash | 23:37 |
wxl | which you didn't have in the first one either | 23:37 |
wxl | /join #ubuntu | 23:37 |
wxl | not join #ubuntu | 23:37 |
wxl | but /join #ubuntu | 23:37 |
wxl | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto might help | 23:37 |
wxl | as nmight http://xchat.org/docs/start/ | 23:37 |
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