Dro | bonjour | 08:09 |
DocZ | bonjour à touts | 08:20 |
DocZ | bonjour Dro | 08:20 |
Dro | ahla DocZ | 08:42 |
Dro | any drupal guy on here? :D | 08:43 |
DocZ | 5atini Dro | 08:55 |
DocZ | :) | 08:55 |
Dro | thats ok :) | 09:08 |
Dro | wondering why Neo and the others don't come here anymore :| | 09:08 |
elacheche | Morning folks :) | 09:34 |
elacheche | That's life Dro :) People can be very very busy :) Wait to experience that soon ;) | 09:34 |
elacheche | How are you doing DocZ :) | 09:34 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: Yo! Share that prez :p | 09:35 |
Dro | elacheche, morning, i'm already experiencing it... i'm very very busy with drupal :D | 09:35 |
elacheche | Wait until life hits you in the face then :p | 09:37 |
Dro | lol :P | 09:43 |
nzoueidi | Morning folks, yep I will share it now :D | 09:46 |
elacheche | Dro: ask nzoueidi about that :) ;) | 09:47 |
Dro | nzoueidi yefhmelha fel drupal8 ? :P | 09:48 |
nzoueidi | no :D I installed it locally but I am not that expert x) | 09:48 |
elacheche | I mean ask him about live hitting you in the face x) | 09:49 |
elacheche | hahahha :p | 09:49 |
Dro | hahaha i see :D | 09:49 |
Dro | brb, I have to take a coffee :D | 09:49 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: did you read the SRE book from google or not yet? | 09:49 |
nzoueidi | hahaha :D That's life x) | 09:49 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: nope not yet I still facing many issues and tickets of clients.. :( I hope I can find time in the weekend to read it | 09:50 |
elacheche | Same here.. Too ma,ny life events prevents me from reading anything | 09:51 |
elacheche | Just, in case you or anyone else didn't knew about it, Google published it for Free, so you can read it online, or you can go and buy the actual book from O'Reilly → https://landing.google.com/sre/book.html DocZ have any good books to recommend? | 09:52 |
nzoueidi | Pretty cool, the books I can recommend are about the Linux kernel, I have a collection if you are interested or anyone else I can share it in my website :D | 09:54 |
elacheche | A blog post can be cool nzoueidi :) | 09:55 |
nzoueidi | I will asap inchallah | 09:55 |
elacheche | A guide how you contribute to many FOSS projects at work (with no confidential details of course :p) will be awesome too :) | 09:55 |
nzoueidi | I am really thinking about that too :D | 09:56 |
elacheche | :) | 09:58 |
elacheche | Yo praisethemoon :) | 10:11 |
praisethemoon | Good day :D | 10:11 |
praisethemoon | how is it going elacheche ? | 10:11 |
elacheche | Good praisethemoon :) u? | 10:13 |
praisethemoon | well; what can I say | 10:13 |
praisethemoon | i'm working with SSL and java keytool to generate self signed certificates | 10:14 |
praisethemoon | so im not good | 10:14 |
praisethemoon | xD | 10:14 |
elacheche | I agree.. You're not good at all.. I have the java keytool.. At least you don't have to deal with a SSL SSO with that.. It's kind of nightmare sometimes.. Espacially when you don't get readable logs | 10:17 |
praisethemoon | i'm just following my instincs | 10:24 |
praisethemoon | which are deceiving me so far | 10:24 |
praisethemoon | xD | 10:24 |
elacheche | Maybe I can help.. What are you trying to achieve? | 10:24 |
praisethemoon | i have a web application that is communicating with a CAS on another app container | 10:28 |
praisethemoon | in production it might be in a complete separate server, so I'm trying to add the generated certificate to the web app's keystore :( | 10:29 |
praisethemoon | so far not good xD | 10:30 |
elacheche | hahahha :D | 10:33 |
elacheche | CAS == SSO x) | 10:33 |
elacheche | I did that before :) | 10:33 |
elacheche | You're using tomcat? | 10:34 |
elacheche | Good Feedback from a Google SRE guy about the Google SRE book Ch1 x) https://medium.com/@jerub/tenets-of-sre-8af6238ae8a8?ct=t(DevOpsLinks_51)#.7kolqhy5n | 10:47 |
elacheche | morning nzoueidi | 10:47 |
elacheche | morning nizarus | 10:47 |
nizarus | bonjour elacheche | 10:48 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: Me during the last weekend → https://redd.it/5zjr7i x( I really hate systemd x( | 10:50 |
nzoueidi | hahaha exactlyyy x) | 10:51 |
praisethemoon | what is systemd? | 10:53 |
elacheche | Some says it "is an init system".. Other says it's a Cancer x) | 10:55 |
praisethemoon | init what? | 11:05 |
praisethemoon | services? | 11:05 |
elacheche | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Init | 11:08 |
elacheche | Ubuntu used to use Upstrat, they actually initited the project, but now, it uses systemd.. | 11:09 |
elacheche | In fact, systemd is not only an init system (it was supposed to be).. It manage almost the whole system.. That's not good, because if systemd fails, the system fails.. | 11:10 |
praisethemoon | oh noes | 11:12 |
praisethemoon | heavily centralized | 11:12 |
elacheche | An off-topic question, anyone in here know a Linux compatible Belote game? → Not a FLASH one x) | 11:12 |
praisethemoon | not me :( | 11:12 |
praisethemoon | I bought a PS4 to game | 11:12 |
praisethemoon | even though i have a gaming PC | 11:12 |
elacheche | I don't need any of that to play a Belote game x) | 11:14 |
praisethemoon | XD | 11:15 |
praisethemoon | I play Bloodborne, Final Fantasy XV, The Witcher III WildHunt | 11:16 |
praisethemoon | :D | 11:16 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: I know a startegic game it is known as 0AD | 13:10 |
praisethemoon | oh yeah it's FOS | 13:11 |
nzoueidi | I tried it, a pretty cool game, it is the same as Age of Empire but a FOS one ;D | 13:12 |
praisethemoon | Yeah ^^ there are a couple of good racing game out there | 13:12 |
praisethemoon | there is also an RPG | 13:12 |
praisethemoon | The Mana World | 13:12 |
praisethemoon | it's worth trying | 13:12 |
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