
adymitrukOerHeks: thank you.. I'll send that link.00:00
bonsairootOerHeks, True... according to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_13_(9360)#Bluetooth they have Killer 1535 which is in mainline... bluetooth should work out of the box00:01
adymitrukk1l_: yes, I'm familiar with the project. I just thought there was a specific page for it00:01
k1l_adymitruk: and ususally dell lists all the needed drivers on their support webpages. if they need special drivers that are not inlcuded in ubuntu already00:01
adymitrukk1l_: ya.. this guy can't for the life of it to get his bluetooth headphones to work with it00:02
bonsairootadymitruk, If it really is the newest xps 13 (late 2016) the driver should be in recent kernel versions already (see link I posted)00:02
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adymitrukbonsairoot: yes I'm reading that page. thank you.00:02
tatertotsadymitruk: have the actual end user of the computer come here directly for help......00:03
k1l_adymitruk: there is a difference with BT doesnt work at all and BT doesnt work with some other device :/00:03
adymitrukk1l_: I'm also wondering about that.. I'll see if he can get any other bluetooth things to connect00:03
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naccmomken: yes, i assume so00:16
momkennacc: I created a new issue in their github repo. I hope they could help me, because I guess they are my last chance to make this card work in ubuntu00:25
momkennacc: Thank you for helping me :)00:25
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | This channel supports: Ubuntu and its official flavors, versions 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | PM spam? /mode yournickhere +R
foliCanonical data centre firewall maintenance is now complete.00:33
OerHeksfoli, is there a bounty for testing?00:34
naccmomken: you are welcome00:35
naccSweetshark: fwiw, it worked fine for me (adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud)00:42
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dar123Hey guyz, i want to create a script that does few things on startup. For e.g. Untar from source, compile, modify default configs, restart service. Have to start services in a sequence, what's the best practice00:46
kirillowim trying to get ubuntu to work on a machine with ryzen 7, prime x370 pro mobo, rx460 gpu but I cant install it. It's teling me `core perfctr but no constraints; unknown hardware!`00:54
kirillowalso `no southbridge IOAPIC found` before that (though Im not sure they're related or that the latter is even fatal?)00:54
OerHekskirillow, what kernel do you use?00:55
OerHeks4.10.1 is stable, according to this page https://www.servethehome.com/amd-ryzen-with-ubuntu-here-is-what-you-have-to-do-to-fix-constant-crashes/00:55
kirillowis there a distro thats coming with 4.10.1 out of the box?00:58
kirillowotherwise, how would I do that?00:58
Sweetsharknacc: for zesty?01:02
Sweetsharknacc: on my xenial system it fails to find the zesty image (because it uses an outdated URL), on my my yakkety box it times out at some point. Patched the URL on xenial, maybe that works now.01:05
Bashing-omkirillow: The development release 17.04 runs the 4.10 kernel . inquire in #ubuntu+1 .01:11
brendon_cleaner specialist?01:16
brendon_or we still on memory cards still?01:17
Bashing-ombrendon_: As in ? For what ?01:17
brendon_im preoccupied.....needihg a puter specialist01:18
brendon_nerds wont quit twerpin my new.01:18
bazhangbrendon_, state your actual issue01:19
brendon_or what?01:19
bazhangbrendon_, did you need assistance with an ubuntu issue01:20
brendon_nerds are twerping my pc01:20
bazhangbrendon_, what does that mean exactly01:20
Delviennerds twerking on his pc, thats scary01:21
brendon_1729 total?01:21
=== alleyrat_ is now known as alleyrat18
bazhangbrendon_, we need actual errors to real issues; nerds b twerping my pc is not one01:22
Sam-UMhi guys01:22
brendon_so like just a inute ago01:22
SosaHello evry body01:22
SosaI need elp01:23
brendon_i could open up y file explorerin ubuntu01:23
brendon_some nerd acked it01:23
brendon_had windows on it....they NERDED it....01:23
brendon_for SOMEONE'01:23
brendon_whos probably in this chat room01:23
brendon_and i would like this issue solved01:23
brendon_is tat better01:23
bazhangbrendon_, what evidence do you have of a hack01:24
brendon_wats yoru name again?01:24
Sosa I Flashing mobile sony ericson lT18 i01:24
Bashing-om!help | Sosa01:24
ubottuSosa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:24
bazhangbrendon_, my nick is what follows the words I type here01:24
Sosabut i Have problime01:25
brendon_problems mmust be solved....01:25
Sosa15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Not a sin file 15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted01:25
brendon_ubuntu aint so secure.....is wat im saying.01:25
hggdhbrendon_: please stop.01:25
bazhangbrendon_, please give us actionable support errors01:25
brendon_i did....01:26
Sosasorry i dont speake english good01:26
brendon_'=/    =)01:26
Sosabut i will translation01:26
bazhangbrendon_, I got hacked is not that01:26
Sosacan you help  me for this problems01:27
sevarg1q2whey guys test test01:27
Sosaplease i need some help01:28
sevarg1q2wwhat problem are you having01:28
Sweetsharknacc: seems zesty guest images are broken, yakkety guests (on yakkety) work here too. thx.01:28
SosaWhen it appeared connect the phone to flash tool program comes to this letter01:29
Sosa15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Not a sin file 15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted01:29
Sosaany body here01:31
DArqueBishopSosa: what's your native language?01:32
bazhangbrendon_, stop that01:33
Bashing-omSosa: Looks perhaps as this is a #ubuntu-touch issue ??01:33
pitt-hackeranyone running Ubuntu on the Raspberry PI01:33
brendon_stop wat/01:33
brendon_organizing te world?01:34
bazhangbrendon_, this channel is support only, not random chatter01:34
hggdhbrendon_: what you are doing.01:34
brendon_you call tat support01:34
hggdhbrendon_: last warning, Please either put a support question, or go elsewhere for chat01:35
brendon_why i gots a problem in the first place/01:35
bazhangbrendon_, you claim to be hacked01:35
brendon_imma claim my pc up side your head......01:36
bazhangbrendon_, but you give us no evidence or errors of any kind01:36
brendon_if MY computer is hacked'01:36
bazhangbrendon_, it wasnt01:36
brendon_MY comuter......YOU responde....like you DONT kno who i am01:36
bazhangbrendon_, so you have no ubuntu issues01:37
bazhangbrendon_, so find another channel to chatter in, NOT here01:37
theoremso, where is the "System" > "Administration" window in this article ?  : https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/37659/the-beginners-guide-to-linux-disk-utilities/01:37
brendon_baz.....did yo ujust tell me to leave?01:39
hggdhbrendon_: yes.01:39
wafflejocktheorem, you can just search for disk utility in the dash (hit the windows/super key)01:39
bazhangbrendon_, take the chatter to another place, NOT here01:39
Sosai need help pease01:39
EriC^^theorem: install smartmontools if you want a nice smart test01:39
brendon_catc a bullet wit your face.01:39
theoremEriC^^: yes, I have installed them01:39
theoremwafflejock: dash won't find "disk utility"01:40
SosaIf one wanted to help me could talk01:40
wafflejocktheorem, try just "disks" are you using Unity? (personally on Gnome, they call it disks)01:40
theoremEriC^^: installed the CLI tools, was looking for a GUI one01:40
nicomachuswafflejock: "disks" here on unity01:40
theoremwafflejock: yes, nothing for "disks" either01:40
theoremUbuntu 16.04 LTS01:41
theorempackage manager also doesn't let me install 'GSmartControl'01:42
theoremso, er... not working01:42
wafflejocktheorem, sorry had to search around a bit, the one I have is called gnome-disks the package is gnome-disk-utility if you want to install that one01:45
wafflejocknot sure if that's the same Unity typically comes with though01:46
theoremwafflejock: trying01:46
theoremgnome-disks it is !01:46
wafflejockcool no prob01:46
theorem Iwould never have found it01:47
wafflejockyeah strange that didn't come up in the dash01:47
wafflejockthere should be a .desktop entry for it I think01:47
theoremwhile I have you here01:47
theoremI was looking for a way of exercising the disk because it's developing bad sectors01:47
theoremit's still passing SMART tests01:48
wafflejockhmm yeah I've heard the SMART tests are mostly bogus (Leo Laporte says) but don't know good utilities for testing hard drives really, someone else here may know though01:49
wafflejockI think in gnome-disks there's a benchmark option per filesystem01:50
wafflejockbut not sure how much detail it'll give and probably better stuff out there01:50
theoremsee ...01:50
theoremZFS is reporting that 1 disk has bad sectors (2) : ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WMC4N141053901:50
wafflejockah okay yeah would trust ZFS01:51
theoremand smartctl is reporting 6 bad sectors on WD-WMC4N190930801:51
theorem(another disk)01:51
theorembut ...01:52
theoremWD-WMC4N1909308 is not in /dev/disk/by-id01:52
* theorem rechecks01:53
theoremnope, it is .. hold ..01:53
SosaWhen it appeared connect the phone to flash tool program comes to this letter [03:29] <Sosa> 15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Not a sin file 15/056/2017 02:56:10 - ERROR - Error flashing01:54
theoremweird , it's not part of any pool01:54
wafflejocktheorem, you might want to try #zfs or #hardware for those ones.  I mean you can write large images to the disks and check a checksum, but there's gotta be more thorough ways of checking the disk.  I know zfs has some tools for checking things too but it also checks on reads and writes I think but have only used it in a FreeNAS context so couldn't tell ya anything definitively01:56
theoremwafflejock: I think I may have an extra disk just sitting around ...01:57
theoremwhich would be weird01:57
binarydepthCan an App write on another App's configuration files or have access ?02:26
binarydepthmeaning /etc02:26
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Guest68343Any here can respond me02:30
Bashing-omGuest68343: Ubuntu support here .02:31
hggdhbinarydepth: as long as they have root access, yes (as a principle)02:32
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
klopphi, evereboy, i use gnome7ubuntu02:36
kloppany body how to change the white theme of GTHUMB for black ???02:37
kloppi follo this but don't work: browse to org -> gnome -> gthumb -> image-viewer and check the black-background option.02:38
kloppwhere control the apparence of gtk apps¡02:39
theoremdoes anyone know how to get chrom to replace a window manager ?  I want an embedded device to just display chrome, and don't boot to a window manager02:40
davido_theorem: there are often kiosk-mode plugins for browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.02:45
kloppi follow this but don't work: browse to org -> gnome -> gthumb -> image-viewer and check the black-background option.02:48
kloppdont exists black-ground...02:48
klopp i follow this but don't work: browse to org -> gnome -> gthumb -> image-viewer and check the black-background option.02:53
kloppfor change theme of Gthumb02:54
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
remi__get size on rpi so i get update03:02
=== erwinnovo is now known as easyOnMe
davido_ufiq: I'm not sure I understand. Do you have a question?03:24
ufiqnew of training03:25
davido_fine, but this is the ubuntu support channel. is there a specific question?03:25
davido_ufiq: That is not a question.03:25
PadawanIs vim supposed to come with ubuntu?03:27
niiyaizuPadawan: no03:28
davido_Padawan: vi is pre-installed. you can install vim using apt.03:28
B105PH3REvi does though03:28
niiyaizuthat'd be terribly inefficient03:28
Padawanniiyaizu: what would be terribly inneficient?03:28
B105PH3REmousepad,leafpad are gui editors that are good also03:28
niiyaizuPadawan: having to download ubuntu every time you install vim03:28
davido_ufiq: please stop whatever that is you are doing.03:29
ufiqcode hack facebook03:29
PadawanHe says he can use vi command but he says when he opens vi it says its Vi Improved.03:29
Padawanwhats up with that03:29
JohnDoe2any idea how I may make available my user's $PATH to /usr/bin/env? When ran from sshkit (a ruby ssh command automation), echo $PATH does not include my user's $PATH. Not sure what the terminology is, but .bashrc does not get loaded with this type of ssh session.03:31
Cyber_AkumaIs it possible to run Ubuntu without a swap partition if you have a large amoutn of ram?03:35
Padawanits possible if u dont have a large amount of ram03:36
PipeItToDevNullCyber_Akuma, Just dont max the RAM03:43
PipeItToDevNullYou dont need alot03:43
Epx998anyone familar with dnsmasq, the #dnsmasq guys are afk03:46
darthho0Hey I have a Killer e2400 gigabit ethernet controller using alx driver. My wired connection is extremely slow or not working at all. Just installed 16.04 and it says connected but not internet activity04:33
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darthho0my wired connection is going very slow or not connecting at all in 16.0404:38
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tatertotsdarthho0: are you using the computer right now?04:54
darthho0tatertots, i tried disabling ip6 but not working04:55
tatertotsdarthho0: at this moment is it (A) going very slow or (B) not connected at all?04:55
darthho0in and out while going slow tatertots04:55
darthho0i'm on another computer for xchat but my other computer is having the problems... it connects and reconnects ofter04:55
tatertotsdarthho0: what method are you using to measure 'slow'?04:55
darthho0when i apt-get install something it goes slow or stops and my wireless gets 1mb/s versus 40kbs on wired04:56
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tatertotsdarthho0: have you performed a thorough analysis of the logs?04:58
darthho0no not entirely sure how04:58
darthho0i can barely read ifconfig ;/04:58
darthho0it was working relatively good when i fresh installed 16.04, but it was still slow... now it justs cuts on and off tatertots04:59
apb1963Is anyone using Godot for game development?  I'm running into issues with mouse & window - I don't know if it's just me, Godot, Unity Desktop or what...05:00
tatertotsdarthho0: well it takes experience to perform a thorough analysis, so you would either need to (A) gain the years of experience yourself to be able to perform such a task, or (B) allow another person to perform this analysis, which may trigger trust issues if you have them and paranoia if you suffer with that05:00
tatertotsdarthho0: so it's a rather tough spot to be in05:00
darthho0yeah lol ubuntu use to just work... but lets do this analysis05:01
Kali_Yugahow do I tell it to automatically connect to a specific  channel too? I've done so far: irssi --connect=$SERVER  --password=$PW --port=$PORT --nick=$NICK05:02
tatertotsdarthho0: does the symptom occur when booted to livecd/liveusb?....if this symptom is recently occurring it's likely something recently has induced this symptom, in any even you will need to do the following in terminal05:02
tatertotsdarthho0: in terminal>     sudo apt install inxi pastebinit sosreport05:02
apb1963I think it's  unity... my desktop just rebooted itself.05:03
tatertotsdarthho0: if wireless is faster at the moment then perform the above action while using wireless05:03
darthho0tatertots, honestly installing anything will take about an hour... with that connection05:03
darthho0i don't have wireless on that computer :(05:03
tatertotsdarthho0: do you have livecd/liveusb?05:04
darthho0yeah should i load that up and see if problem is there?05:04
tatertotsdarthho0: does the symptom occur when booted to livecd/liveusb? yes or no.....you should be able to answer that question definitively after you boot livecd/liveusb05:05
apb1963tatertots, Ask him about his router. Then tell him to reboot the router and see if that helps.05:05
darthho0doing now05:05
apb1963tatertots, my router does crappy things requiring reboots every so often.  Maybe he has one too.05:06
tatertotsapb1963: he'll rule out his installed os as the possible culprit, then if needed based on the results booted to livecd/liveusb the network and it's equipment will be investigated05:07
apb1963tatertots, sounds good :)05:08
darthho0tatertots, oddly enough it won't connect. i don't think its detected the wire05:10
tatertotsdarthho0: your objective 1st and foremost was to boot to livecd/liveusb.....so the first order of business is to confirm that you were successful at that task alone05:11
tatertotsdarthho0: are you booted to livecd/liveusb yes or no?05:11
tatertotsdarthho0: are you booted to livecd/liveusb?   yes or no05:12
darthho0yes tatertots05:12
ubuntu69ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu05:13
niiyaizuubuntu ubuntu ubuntu05:13
ubuntu69why does #clones forward to ##unavailable, whose entrymsg says the channel i was trying to reach may be clone-infested?05:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu05:13
ubuntu69its kind of the point in trying to join #clones05:13
tatertotsdarthho0: while booted to livecd/liveusb unplug and replug the ethernet cable05:13
ubuntu69i am looking for clonez05:13
ubuntu69!ops | root is floodspamming via the !ops-bot05:14
ubotturoot is floodspamming via the !ops-bot: please see above05:14
tatertotsdarthho0: do you have connectivity after unplug and replug of the ethernet cable? yes or no05:14
tatertotsdarthho0: power cycling your router/modem will disrupt connectivity for all devices on the network, with that being said, that is something you could try while booted to livecd/liveusb05:15
darthho0i can't get to router currently. kinda impossible05:16
dsixone2that is not problem05:16
tatertotsdarthho0: do you have a livecd/liveusb of any other linux distribution in your possession?05:17
darthho0yeah freebsd fedora etc but i think they are outdated05:18
darthho0slackware shit like that but very old05:18
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darthho0like bsd9 and ubuntu 11 and fedora 13 i think fedora is the most recent one05:19
tatertotsdarthho0: the symptom isn't inherent to your installed os exclusively as the symptom is also observed while booted to livecd/liveusb,05:19
darthho0well that might not be entirely true... because pre installation i dled files from ubuntu to update the os05:20
Kali_Yugahow do I tell it to automatically connect to a specific  channel too? I've done so far: irssi --connect=$SERVER  --password=$PW --port=$PORT --nick=$NICK05:20
darthho0for some reason i have no wired connection in this liveboot05:20
tatertotsdarthho0: your initial testimony says "slow OR no connectivity"....intermittently in nature....05:22
tatertotsdarthho0: thus far while booted to livecd/liveusb you have observed 1of2 of those symptoms (no connection)05:23
darthho0yeah correct tatertots05:24
tatertotsdarthho0: boot another linux distro (of your choice) and determine if the symptom occurs with another linux distro05:24
tatertotsdarthho0: report the results of the findings05:26
darthho0must it be an alternative distro or could it be 13.10 ub05:26
darthho0i got fedora 20 i'll try that05:27
tatertotsdarthho0: what livecd/liveusb are you booted to right now?05:27
darthho0ubuntu 16405:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 164 in Baz (deprecated) "baz add should cope with "escaped" files" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16405:27
darthho0damn fedora is pretty lol05:28
tatertotsdarthho0: as long as it's a linux distro other than ubuntu 164 (as you wrote) it's good for the purpose of this analysis05:28
tatertotsdarthho0: does the symptom occur (either of them slow/no) when booted to fedora?05:29
darthho0same with fedora05:30
darthho0its showing no connection at all btw05:30
tatertotsdarthho0: then the symptom is exhibited with your hardware/pc no matter what linux is used, meaning it is not a ubuntu issue nor is it a fedora issue for that matter...we just ruled out os's05:31
darthho0i just got this computer in the mail today lol05:32
darthho0it was working earlier05:33
tatertotsdarthho0: because you have no access to the network gear, the only things you have access to that you can physically touch would be bios settings that involve the network adapter, the cable that is being used and.............05:33
darthho0when i boot os from ssd the wired connection is on05:33
tatertotsdarthho0: your environment is also another common denominator is this05:33
tatertotsin this05:33
tatertotsdarthho0: when i say environment this included but is not limited to the ethernet cable that may have hypothetically speaking been chewed on by a cat/dog or pet you may own and other "environmental" conditions05:34
tatertotshypothetically speaking05:35
nwehmm if you will host your own apt-repo is reprepo the best chocie or is something else I should use instead?05:36
tatertotsdarthho0: do you have another known good ethernet cable to replace the current one with?05:36
OerHeksbending cheap wires can do that too05:36
tatertotsdarthho0: that would rule out a bad cable05:36
darthho0i'll check05:37
OerHeksnwe, you can choose a private ppa, it survives formatting05:37
tatertotsdarthho0: in your testimony you say "it was working earlier"05:38
tatertotsdarthho0: environmentally speaking.....what has changed between now and then....give it some thought05:39
darthho0i put in a gpu05:39
tatertotsdarthho0: any thing else you can think of?05:39
darthho0no not really05:40
nweOerHeks: I will take a look on it.. Im goal is to sync dockers repo, so I can have the stuff in my internal network..05:40
nwemaybe I can use apt-mirror too that too?05:40
tatertotsdarthho0: then you will remove the gpu...as if entering into a time machine and going back to when it "worked" and report the results05:41
darthho0i'll just restart tomorrow and restart the router05:41
darthho0ok will do05:41
OerHeksnwe, sure05:41
nwebut maybe it looks cleaner to host that seperate?05:42
darthho0tatertots, still persist05:44
tatertotsdarthho0: did you also find a known good cable and replace the cable?....or are you still using the same cable05:45
darthho0don't have one right now05:46
darthho0i'll have access to more stuff tomorrow05:46
tatertotsdarthho0: most wired network adapters have small led lights on them...these are referred to as link lights or activity lights....do you see link lights when the ethernet cable is plugged in?05:47
darthho0when i load up computer it says network discovery has been disable05:47
darthho0yeah i do05:48
=== xormor_ is now known as xormor
ItsMeLennyafter using jackd ive lost control of my audio input06:00
ItsMeLennyeven after jackd is off, i cant select or control inputs06:01
darthho0i got it working tatertots06:05
darthho0i was using a pluglink and used the ethernet through my cable box06:06
=== sheen is now known as Guest21225
tatertotsdarthho0: glad you located the "environmental" culprit06:15
tatertotsdarthho0: those powerline ethernet things are hit and miss .....was it in the electrical outlet by itself or with a co tenant?06:16
jordy_Hi all. What would be the best way to collect the deb and all dependencies of a wireless driver of a currently offline computer on another Ubuntu computer?06:20
jordy_I would then like to install everything using a usb and dpkg...06:20
OerHeksjordy_, softwarecenter gives that option, to download only.06:24
OerHekselse see the !offline factoid06:24
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD06:24
jordy_Thank you guys.06:25
bobstermangood afternoon :p06:32
tatertotsgood evening06:32
FManTropyxno, morning!06:32
bobstermanany package maintainers on? need help with debhelper: Can you install to custom directories? i.e. /usr/share/<something>/<package>06:34
OerHeksbobsterman, yes, on ubuntu: ./configure --exec_prefix=/usr/share/<something> http://askubuntu.com/questions/879387/changing-default-directory-for-debhelper-while-packaging-deb06:38
OerHeksbut you are on debian, ask there again06:38
bobstermanyea, some dude on debian has responded, thanks anyway06:40
snowkrashdoes anyone know how to reset tripwire?06:46
radfactzYes snowkrash06:47
snowkrashit kinda shows me all the files modified06:47
snowkrashbut i think i would do better to set it back06:47
snowkrashwho is the channel op here06:49
lotuspsychjesnowkrash: #ubuntu-ops06:49
radfactzsnowkrash: ?06:49
stress-box!patiencel Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage, Security and Networking.epub06:55
ubottustress-box: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:55
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dahliaI have ubuntu mate on a raspberry pi. I'd like to use it headless over a wifi connection but the wifi doesn't work unless I log in via the console. Is there any way around this?07:03
hateballdahlia: did you make sure to mark the wifi connection as a "system connection" ?07:04
dahliahateball: I'm not sure I know how to do that07:04
hateballdahlia: otherwise it'll only auth to it after you log on07:04
hateballdahlia: go into the properties for the connection in network-manager and tick the box for "all users can use this" or some such07:05
hateballnot running neither mate, nor english, but NM should look quite similar07:05
dahliai dont see that option and the edit connection button is greyed out07:06
dahliacan I edit some file instead?07:06
ducassedahlia: have you highlighted your connection?07:11
dahliaducasse: yes but the edit button is disabled07:11
dahliawould it matter if I was doing this via vnc?07:12
ducassei don't _think_ so...07:12
FManTropyxI just experienced 10 minutes of 100% HDD usage with practically no responsiveness including almost two minutes of the clock not running, mouse pointer not moving, nothing reacting to anything at all (16.04.2)07:13
ducassedahlia: can you try running nm-connection-editor maually?07:13
dahliaducasse: ok if I run it with sudo then it lets me edit07:15
ducassedahlia: make sure both "automatically connect..." and "all users may connect..." are on under general.07:17
dahliaducasse: I think I did both, rebooting now to test07:17
dahliaducasse: looks like that worked :) tyvm!07:18
ducassedahlia: np :)07:19
CryptoServerich29djwdotjsjaedsnsjsdr oakfntnejaowrjrnwodkwjsnswj07:20
CryptoServergifkhdihddod spsepspsurzpuruprapurapryapyra07:20
CryptoServervijaykakkar: 1095719481947194371907:21
CryptoServerimack: 1003726492744829204507:21
CryptoServerfrechdachs69: 1003827164068294298407:22
CryptoServerKarazhan: 100333325677885332207:23
lotuspsychjeCryptoServer: stop that please07:23
CryptoServersaschpe: 1048737389449281291907:23
CryptoServerlotuspsychje: akauahwhjsjsnr9jwidjw9skq9w99w9w9w99owwow???07:23
CryptoServerich bin klug!07:23
lotuspsychje!ops | CryptoServer flooding07:23
ubottuCryptoServer flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:23
CryptoServerbist du haben mein Crypto07:23
OerHeks!ops | CryptoServer is making fun like in other channels07:23
ubottuCryptoServer is making fun like in other channels: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:23
CryptoServerDas Wanker07:26
Surveybotplease fill out my survey07:28
plymptonHELLO i cant get runescape to install07:39
OerHeksplympton, how did you try to install runescape?07:42
plymptonwith the terminal07:44
plymptoni am still trying with wine but no luck07:45
OerHeksrunescape is available for 16.10 and up .. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=runescape07:45
linociscohi all, I have once installed atom editor to be used with Rails app development. I can't find it now anymore and how to make sure it has completely removed or still exist?07:45
OerHekselse you want a ppa like this one : https://launchpad.net/~hikariknight/+archive/ubuntu/unix-runescape-client07:45
OerHeksbut carefull, ppa's are unsupported here07:45
OnceMeI'm on 14.04 and I dont have systemd.. how do I disable services which are shown in services --status-all?08:05
ducasseOnceMe: take a look at the update-rc.d man page08:07
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linociscohi all, I have once installed atom editor to be used with Rails app development. I can't find it now anymore and how to make sure it has completely removed or still exist?08:08
ducasselinocisco: 'locate atom'?08:10
linociscoducasse, thanks. but so many outputs. some are under subdirectory of linux headers08:11
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ducasselinocisco: try to grep for 'bin', for example08:12
OnceMeducasse: I did update-rc.d disable nginx08:12
OnceMebut service --status-all shows nginx + still08:12
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OnceMedo I need to relogin?08:13
ducasseOnceMe: you need to stop it, you only disabled it from starting on boot08:13
linociscoducasse, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24187437/08:13
OnceMeaha ok08:13
ducasselinocisco: 'locate atom | grep bin'08:14
linociscoducasse, output is like that /usr/bin/xlsatoms08:15
ducasselinocisco: then atom is most likely gone08:16
linociscoducasse, ok. thanks.08:16
linociscosublinetext vs atom for ruby editor?08:18
Duckle|wasDumlelinocisco: 70 usd vs 0 usd, and not really #ubuntu relevant :)08:18
ducasselinocisco: what is 'best' is totally subjective08:18
linociscoducasse, Duckle|wasDumle sorry.08:20
ducasselinocisco: try them out yourself, see what you like :)08:20
Morbiouscan anyone point me how to get ifupdown to working properly on Ubuntu 16.04 ? I have problems with default gateway which isn't setting up after reboot08:29
ikoniaifupdown shouldn't really be used08:30
ikoniahow are you setting the gateway08:30
ikoniaand what are you doing to expect the gateway to appear on the network interface08:30
MorbiousI use /etc/network/interfaces file08:33
Morbiouswhat is proper instead of using ifupdown ?08:34
ikoniaMacroMan: so ifupdown does just that, it ups or downs the actual interface,08:36
ikoniaalthough I'm surprised it's not parsing the gateway param08:37
MorbiousI found that there is a bug in ubuntu08:38
ikoniawhere ?08:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573272 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "default gateway route not installed for bond interfaces through reboot" [High,Confirmed]08:38
ikoniaahhh bond interfaces08:38
Morbiousyeas , that's problem bond interfaces :)08:40
ikoniathat sort of makes sense and isn't really a bug (I take the point though) as the bond device isn't a "real" interface08:40
Morbiousyes, but in other systems it works08:42
ikoniareally ? which other systems ?08:42
Morbiouscentos ?08:43
ikoniathat handles interface config differently though, the ifup and ifdown scripts work different08:43
MorbiousI have no problems with it on this system, debian too08:43
ikoniadebian - that is interesting as that should be the same08:43
schultzaif i have a seperated partition for /usr, /var, and /home, how much space does / really need?08:56
lotuspsychje!partitions | schultza08:56
ubottuschultza: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap08:56
anddamis there a straightforward way to edit a couple altgr combination in a English International AltGr layout?08:57
anddamnamely I'd like to have simpler compositions for … and ·08:58
anddamnow I'm using compose-compose-.  for the former and ctrl-shift-u and the code point for the latter08:58
anddamit's doable, but a bit annoying08:59
schultzathat really doesnt help09:00
schultzatoo bland.09:00
schultzait also assumes you do not seperate /usr09:01
ZenomWhat's this error means? "sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set09:15
EriC^^Zenom: it means it's not owned by root and doesn't have setuid bit, did you do chown -R something by mistake?09:15
ZenomI wanted to get permission to some file with -R09:17
EriC^^what did you run?09:17
ZenomHow can I fix it?09:17
EriC^^what did you run first?09:17
ikevinZenom, chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo && chmod +s /usr/bin/sudo09:19
ikevinso, it's possible you have break another rights09:19
Zenomsudo chmod -R a+w09:19
Zenomsudo chmod -R 775 '/usr/bin09:19
Zenomsudo chmod -R 775 '/home09:19
EriC^^Zenom: you need to reinstall unless you got a backup of the permissions09:19
Zenomsudo chmod -R 777 '/home09:19
Zenomreinstall sudo?09:20
EriC^^no, the whole os09:20
ikevinchanging right on /usr/bin is a really bad idea09:20
cfhowlettreally ^3 bad09:20
Zenomthere's not any other solution, I can't reinstall whole OS09:21
OerHeksuh oh ..09:21
OerHeksyou *can * reinstall, do doubt about that. you created a mess, no way of fixing that properly within 10 hrs09:22
ZenWalkerhello, there is a database with a lot of .debs with old versions ?09:23
ikevinZenom, you can use debootstrap to restore some rights, so it's better to reinstall09:24
Zenomhow ikevin09:24
ikevinZenom, installing another system on a directory, then copying file from new system to your current one09:25
EriC^^you could reinstall every package of the OS09:27
EriC^^using dpkg and xargs, it would take a while but it should work i guess09:27
EriC^^yup it works09:28
ikevinEriC^^, not sure that override defined right09:28
EriC^^he didn't change the owner, so it should be enough, didnt test ownership09:29
ikevinEriC^^, oh, good to know that !09:29
EriC^^Zenom: it shouldn't be that bad we can make it a little efficient09:30
ramsub07Hi, i'm trying to ssh into two servers in one command. I am also forwarding ports, from local to remote1, then remote1 to remote2. After ssh into the remote2, I want to activate a profile inside the server. I do this command, but the environment doesn't seem to get activated,  `ssh -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@ 'ssh -f -L localhost:8889:localhost:8890 n13 -t 'source .ramanarc''`09:32
EriC^^find /usr/bin | while IFS='' read -r file; do package=$(dpkg -S $(readlink -f "$file") | cut -d: -f1); sudo apt-get install --reinstall -y "$package"; done09:32
EriC^^Zenom: ^ that will follow links, get the package responsible for the files, and reinstall that package09:33
apb1963EriC^^, Since he hosed standard system files, another way would be for some kind soul to execute a find on their system, recording file privileges.. and then writing a simple script to restore them on the other side.09:35
EriC^^apb1963: yeah but we have to have the exact same packages he has installed09:35
EriC^^it would be very trivial to get them back, just getfacl -Rnp /usr/bin > file, then sudo setfacl --restore=/file09:36
apb1963EriC^^, that would save him having to download... just a restoration of permissions if that makes any sense.09:36
ramsub07*i'd also be happy if when i ssh into my server, the .bashrc will be the source file09:36
EriC^^apb1963: yeah it does, it'll restore not fully though and other stuff too09:37
apb1963EriC^^, Would it be difficult to do a diff between the two systems?09:38
ramsub07Hi, i'm trying to ssh into two servers in one command. I am also forwarding ports, from local to remote1, then remote1 to remote2. After ssh into the remote2, I want to activate a profile inside the server. I do this command, but the environment doesn't seem to get activated,  `ssh -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@ 'ssh -f -L localhost:8889:localhost:8890 n13 -t 'source .ramanarc''`09:39
nugrohowallpaper xorg picture howto?09:39
EriC^^apb1963: not really, maybe dpkg -l on both, and then use comm to see what packages are missing09:40
apb1963ramsub07, what profile?  how do you know it's not being activated?09:40
EriC^^i forget how comm works, if it doesn't have to be sorted and it just looks if the line is there or not09:41
ramsub07apb1963: i have created that profile just a couple of minutes ago09:41
ramsub07that profile is .ramanarc09:41
apb1963EriC^^, just a thought.  Probably too much work.  Much easier your way09:41
Zenomsorry ikevin and EriC^^ I was calling with phone back again09:41
apb1963.rama narc is your profile?09:41
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apb1963Why would you expect that to work?  Is that something new I don't know about?09:42
EriC^^Zenom: is internet connection a problem? you can download the packages that relate to the files with this command below09:42
EriC^^find /usr/bin | while IFS='' read -r file; do package=$(dpkg -S $(readlink -f "$file") | cut -d: -f1); sudo apt-get install --reinstall -y "$package"; done09:42
EriC^^for me wc -l gives 2600 files, so there's a lot09:43
ZenomEriC^^, https://ghostbin.com/paste/uef4809:43
apb1963ramsub07, What commands did you put in your .rama narc file?09:44
EriC^^Zenom: there's the part after -y09:44
ramsub07apb1963: i am activating an anaconda environment and a couple of environment variables09:44
Zenomafter enter showed me just >09:44
EriC^^Zenom: press ctrl+c, copy it again09:45
EriC^^you didn't put the whole thing, there's some stuff after -y still09:45
ZenomOk I'll check again09:45
apb1963ramsub07, Edit the .profile file.  Put your commands in there, at the bottom after everything else.  See if that works for what you're trying to do.  Someone else may have a better recommendation like .bashrc I'm not sure which is better for what you're doing.09:48
ramsub07apb1963: can i do something like "source .ramanarc" in the .profile file09:49
apb1963ramsub07, Actually I think you can.  Good idea.  Try it.09:49
ZenomEriC^^, just flooding by sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set09:50
EriC^^Zenom: oh, press ctrl+c09:50
EriC^^Zenom: remove sudo from the command and run it from a root shell09:50
apb1963Is anyone using Godot for game development?  I'm running into issues with mouse & window - I don't know if it's just me, Godot, Unity Desktop or what...09:51
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apb1963probably me.10:02
Zenomsorry EriC^^ I have Internet problem, but the command showed me again sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set10:02
* apb1963 goes to bed. zzzzzzz10:02
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Zenomcouldn't sent you results10:02
adityaduggal_hi can any one help me find an alternative to jumpcloud on ubuntu. Basically I have an account with jumpcloud and I would like to have my own server host jumpcloud like app where in I could controll the linux desktops remotely10:06
sruli is there a automated way to extract each sheet to a new file in librecalc? i have a problem with my workbook, it has a few 100 sheets and takes 30-40 seconds to save each time a i make a small change (in ms office it takes a fraction of a sec) i tried in xlxs and ods format, i couldn’t find any solutions online that helped, so i need a automated way to extract each sheet to new file10:07
ducassesruli: have you tried #libreoffice?10:09
srulilet me try10:09
EriC^^Zenom: find /usr/bin | while IFS='' read -r file; do package=$(dpkg -S $(readlink -f "$file") | cut -d: -f1); apt-get install --reinstall -y "$package"; done10:10
EriC^^Zenom: login as root from recovery console or so and run that ^10:10
Zenomyou mean su?10:10
mono89hi, one question: how can I show my hidden folders in filemanager on ubuntu 16.04? Need the bash file to set commands while starting the bash10:11
k1l_mono89: ctrl+h10:11
mono89ahh perfect thx10:12
EriC^^Zenom: yeah, if you haven't enabled the root password then login from the recovery and fix the sudo permissions10:12
EriC^^Zenom: chown root: /usr/bin/sudo && chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo10:13
adityaduggal_Is there any alternative to jumpcloud in ubuntu, I am looking to make a DIY cloud server similar to jumpcloud to manage multiple computers remotely and also have user management10:14
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ZenomEriC^^, https://ghostbin.com/paste/mkja310:15
ikevinZenom, you need to start in recovery mode10:16
Zenomok ikevin10:16
=== user__ is now known as akis
akishi all. today i realized that thunar freezes while shredding files. I also realize that columns size is expanded although there is no need. I saw this issue after yesterday's system's update. Any help please?10:18
ZenomI'll back with my other account10:20
akishow can i check through terminal why an application hangs. how can i trace a log file about it?10:26
k1l_akis: first start the program from the terminal and look what it says in the terminal then10:26
yao_ziyuandoes ubuntu require disk defragmentation?10:29
k1l_yao_ziyuan: no, ubuntu uses ext4 as standard filesystem, which doesnt need defragmentation like the windows filesystems do10:29
yao_ziyuank1l_: how do i know my system's file system type?10:30
PhotonEriC^^ https://i.imgur.com/8DYqlW7.jpg10:30
k1l_yao_ziyuan: "sudo parted -l" will tell what partition has what filesystem10:31
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/8DYqlW7.jpg10:32
yao_ziyuank1l_: ok, it's ext4.10:32
k1l_yao_ziyuan: that is the ubuntu standard10:33
yao_ziyuank1l_: thx10:34
ikevinPhoton, find /usr/bin | while IFS='' read -r file; do package=$(dpkg -S $(readlink -f "$file") | cut -d: -f1); echo "$package"; done10:34
Bob_Hi, I want to run Ubuntu on a PC and I have the ISOs on a Mac10:34
Bob_I want to use a USB10:34
ikevinPhoton, don't use " on IFS= so 2 '10:34
Photonikevin ok10:34
k1l_Bob_: use "dd" to create the ubuntu usb.10:34
ikevinPhoton, and don't drop the space after10:35
Bob_Won't work, gives an error: no mountable filesystems10:35
ikevinPhoton, oups, replace : echo "$package" by : apt-get install --reinstall "$package"10:36
Photonwould please give me whole command again please ikevin10:36
ikevinPhoton, find /usr/bin | while IFS='' read -r file; do package=$(dpkg -S $(readlink -f "$file") | cut -d: -f1); apt-get install --reinstall -y "$package"; done10:37
k1l_Bob_: try this= https://penguintosh.com/10:38
akiskll: ok thanks i will do it.10:39
ikevink1l_, unetbootin work fine on osx10:40
k1l_ikevin: unetbootin has issues with the syslinux changes it makes. i dont know if that is different on mac10:40
ikevink1l_, never had issue with it10:40
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/x2vxMIe.jpg10:42
ikevinPhoton, does "ping google.fr" is working?10:42
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Photonping: unknown host google.fr ikevin10:44
ikevinPhoton, ok, and "ping" ?10:46
akiskll: i started thunar through terminal. i shredded a file to check if terminal reports anything. thunar freezed. nothing was written on terminal. i terminated thunar because was hanged. Terminal says: killed. Nothing else. No sign about what makes thunar to be freezed. any help?10:46
ikevinakis, does dmesg show you anything? or on .xsession_errors10:47
vltHello. When I use x2x and specify "-east", for example, everything works fine for keyboard and mouse. Now I want to get rid of "-east" and have the controlled screen directly on my X display. This works for keyboard but not for mouse: I can't see the mouse movement on the remote screen and also clicking doesn't seems to have an effect. I tried "-big" but no difference. Any idea what to do here?10:47
Photonconnect : Network is unreasonable ikevin10:48
thereyougoI have this weird behavior in bash, if I type very long command and it reaches right edge of the screen it doesn't wraps to a new line, imagine screen is about 12 characters and I use symbol "|" as edges of the screen, now if I type this command:10:48
thereyougo|$ls /dir/dir/di|10:48
thereyougo it reaches the right edge and now if I type "r" the screen will be like:10:49
thereyougo|r            |10:49
thereyougoso it just scrolled entire line left off the screen at put cursor at the begining, instead of wrapping to a new line10:49
ikevinPhoton, does you computer use ethernet cable or wifi?10:49
thereyougohow to fix it ?10:49
akisikevin:  on .xsession_errors there is only this message: "openConnection: connect: No such file or directory. cannot connect to brltty at :0" . On what should I pay attention on dmesg?10:50
thereyougoor in other words the command line is a one line like in IRC client, where you don't have multiline editing and you have to scroll back and forth through one line of text10:51
tozenakis: have u tryed to remove thunar configuration from ~/.config?10:52
thereyougoI don't think its a "bug" of some sort, it just requires setting some option or parameter but I need to know what is it10:52
OerHeksthereyougo, screenshot?10:52
akistozen. no. should I try it?10:53
thereyougoOerHeks: why10:53
thereyougoOerHeks: you using IRC client right now, so you know what I'm talkign about10:53
tozenakis: coshkan mate!!10:53
OerHeksthereyougo, your issue is so weird, and a screenshot might help10:53
akistozen. i beg your pardon?10:54
tozenakis: just move it to another name and restart thunar10:55
PhotonI'm using Ethernet ikevin10:57
thereyougoOerHeks: do this: in your bash terminal press "a" and hold it, after 10 seconds you will see 4-5 lines of "aaaaaaaaaa" text on your screen, because it wraps after every 80 or so characters, now try the same in your IRC client, after you get 80 characters your IRC client just scrolls entire line to the left and puts your cursor in the middle and it just cotinue scrolling text to the left putting your10:57
thereyougocursor in the middle so after 10 seconds of pressing "a" you will still see just one line in IRC client, that is how my bash behaves there is only one "edit" line10:57
ikevinPhoton, ok, type "ifconfig" and search a line that start by "enp" and give me the full interface name10:57
k1l_thereyougo: what ubuntu is that exactly? what terminal is in use?did you change things?10:58
OerHeksthereyougo, what if you hold ctrl and press <-10:58
thereyougoOerHeks: press what ?10:58
k1l_thereyougo: did you make changes to your .bashrc?10:59
jinkthereyougo: ctrl + left arrow11:00
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/mEizJZM.jpg11:00
OerHeks<- = arrow backwards11:00
OerHekswhy not a screenshot, i wonder11:00
thereyougoit prints ;5D11:00
Photondidn't find line started with enp11:00
ikevinPhoton, try "ifconfig -a"11:01
Photonok "enp3s0"11:01
Photonok "enp3s0"  ikevin11:02
ikevinPhoton, ok, now: dhclient enp3s011:02
thereyougoI think if you never experience it you can't help11:03
Photonikevin done11:03
k1l_thereyougo: and i think with that attitude and not answering questions for more specific informations, its not possible to help you :/11:04
ikevinPhoton, now try again "ping google.fr"11:04
thereyougoyou can't do nothing, I don't blame you, but its so sad11:05
k1l_ok. looks like he was not interessted in resolving that issue at all11:06
ducassethereyougo: this sounds like a readline setting i vaguely remember, it should be covered either in 'man bash' or 'man 3readline readline'11:06
ducasseoh, too late.11:06
cfhowlettnoted and added to /ignore11:06
OerHeksi am só sorry11:06
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/W5iPCbZ.jpg11:07
peterson@search  jay sankey11:08
akistozen. nothing changed. still hangs when it shredds.11:08
ikevinPhoton, ok, now you can retype the "find /usr/bin ..." command11:10
Photonok but Google didn't worked ikevin11:10
ikevinPhoton, ok correct !11:11
ikevinPhoton, echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf11:11
akisBefore this issue appeared Thunar while shredding files was working and the user could see the file how it was shredding. Now Thunar seems to shredd them but no visible work and meanwhile is freezes.11:12
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/2F6dt0N.jpg11:16
adityaduggal_need help managing multiple ubuntu desktops11:16
adityaduggal_Need to have the following requirements: 1. Connect Remotely via SSH over internet, 2. Connect remotely via remote desktop over internet, 3. Manage common username passwords for all machines via cloud server, 4. Get keystrokes of computers with screenshots11:18
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adityaduggal_Can any one let me know how to go about the above requirements11:18
BluesKajHey folks11:20
JuJUBeeAfter reboot, fsck ran on /home  where can I view results?11:21
akisWell. I saw at var/log/syslog the following message: Thunar[1538]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fcd1abbb9de sp 00007ffc95f9c758 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7fcd1ab1d000+1bf000]. Is it clear what happens on my system and Thunar hangs while shredding files?11:21
guest0815I want to create a new user to run a process with restricted rights (spawned for that user by root). There isn't any reason to give that user a password, is there?11:23
OerHeksJuJUBee, /var/log/fsck11:24
JuJUBeeOerHeks, (Nothing has been logged yet.)11:25
ikevinPhoton, hard to see anything :x11:25
OerHeksJuJUBee, or find it with: grep -A 1 fsck /var/log/*11:26
PhotonI tried to take a better phone but sorry11:26
ducasseguest0815: no, it's much like being able to run processes as root with sudo without root having a password11:28
JuJUBeeOerHeks, checkfs returned 2 messages in syslog from March 13.  I restarted the server on March 14 which is when the fsck must have run11:28
JuJUBeeAt least the notification that it needs to run...11:28
JuJUBeeI was not in due to weather.  This morning I let fsck run on /home  and there are no messages for today11:29
guest0815ducasse: ok, cool. Wanted to make sure I got that idea right.11:29
OerHeksJuJUBee, not sure if all is 100% oke, there will be a log ?11:30
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/lhnBoJQ.jpg11:31
ikevinPhoton, you have write "resolv.cof" instead of "resolv.conf"11:32
akisanyone has any idea about this error: Thunar[1538]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fcd1abbb9de sp 00007ffc95f9c758 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7fcd1ab1d000+1bf000] ?11:32
guest0815akis: what did you do when it happened?11:33
Photonikevin worked11:34
PhotonGoogle ping working :) ikevin11:34
guest0815akis: Thunar has this pesky bug that makes it crash when doing simple file operations like moving or renaming. It could be that.11:34
akisguest0815: i shredded a file using Thunar's custom action shred command. First time this issue appeared is today after yesterdays system update. Before it worked fine for months (Xubuntu 16.04.2 installed)11:35
Photonikevin I rewrite and run the command again, working...11:35
Photonikevin When done I'll let you know11:36
ikevinPhoton, ok, now do the "find ...." command11:36
akisguest0815: it's a new issue for me.11:37
guest0815akis: I think yours is a different issue to the one i'm familiar with. No idea, sorry.11:38
=== david is now known as Guest69061
Guest69061I am running xenial/desktop. I want to go back to an older version that was in xenial ( linux-image-4.2.0-17-generic ), but it no longer seems to be in the repo.11:39
akisguest0815: I think so too! And i looked for similar complains but i found nothing. I am afraid is a new one.11:39
Guest69061Is there are repo with old unsupported packages for a supported version?11:39
ducasseGuest69061: not really, no.11:40
AheegHello guys I have an nvidia gtx680m and I can't boot as it says my graphics are not configured11:48
AheegI had to install with nomodeset11:48
AheegHow do I install nvidia11:49
snowkrashdownload from  nvidia.com11:49
snowkrashthe drivers11:49
snowkrashand install them via shell11:49
AheegHelp pls11:49
ducassesnowkrash: Aheeg no, don't download from nvidia, install from the repo11:49
OerHekssnowkrash, bad advise11:50
AheegHow do I install11:50
OerHeksAheeg, type drivers in dash, and the tool shows up11:50
snowkrashif i remember right the ones from the repo didnt work out11:50
snowkrashfor myself11:50
AheegIm i am in tty11:50
AheegWith full of pci e buss errors11:50
snowkrashOerHeks, why are the drivers bad from the official site?11:50
ducassesnowkrash: that does not mean they won't work for others11:50
AheegUnable to search stuff11:50
AheegCan u please paste me the command11:50
OerHeksAheeg, sudo ubuntu-drivers list # or directly sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall11:51
snowkrashOerHeks, whats bad on them?11:51
OerHekssnowkrash, not supported if something goes wrong.11:51
k1l_Aheeg: boot with nomodeset. the go to the system settings and software&updates. then choose the nvidia driver in the prop. drivers tab11:52
AheegWhy do I get all try full of messages about pive bus error11:52
AheegI can't get to graphic login11:52
ducasseAheeg: did you boot with nomodeset, or did you just run the installer with it?11:53
AheegI run installer with it11:54
AheegImpossible to get rid of errors in tty11:54
AheegWithout nomodeset11:54
ducasseAheeg: then boot again with nomodeset11:54
AheegI did but the try is full of shit spamming11:54
cfhowlettno profanity needed or required in this channel Aheeg11:55
ducasseAheeg: you just said you only ran the installer with it11:55
AheegI did the driver auto install but it didn't pull in nvidia11:55
AheegAnd the pcie bus error is still spamming crazy on all tty11:56
snowkrashhow do i update my distro to the beta from commandline?11:56
snowkrashthere was some url but cant find it anymore11:57
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | snowkrash11:57
ubottusnowkrash: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:57
AheegAn Simone help me pla11:57
AheegThis os is junk11:59
k1lAheeg: please boot with nomodeset in use.12:00
I-am-GrootHello, I wiped my ubuntu 14.04 and installed 16.04, i noticed so much lag in nautilus, so i decided to update ubuntu but then, the problem still exists. What do i do?12:04
ehsanHello, I have asuse laptop installed a xubuntu 14.04 now I have not wireless modem nor Ethernet to connect through cabel, Waht can I do ?12:08
ikevinehsan, network interface are not reconized?12:09
Guest89605I can't run X -configure ( seg fault ) and I don't have a Xorg.conf . Running ubuntu 16.04. How can I set the 'Option "XvMC" "false"' option for all cards? I know there is probably something in xorg.conf.d that can be done, but I am not familiar with xorg.conf enough to work with bits and pieces12:09
Guest89605found it. i added a section 'device' with only Option12:13
I-am-GrootHello, I wiped my ubuntu 14.04 and installed 16.04, i noticed so much lag in nautilus, so i decided to update ubuntu but then, the problem still exists. What do i do?12:21
ducasseI-am-Groot: what do you mean by 'lag'?12:22
InvisibleRastahello guys, i jsut installed ubuntu in nomodeset. and now im booted but i want to isntall the drivers for my nvidia 960m12:25
InvisibleRastawhat do i have to install?12:25
hateballInvisibleRasta: you should be able to to pick the restricted driver in the software updater gui12:26
InvisibleRastawhat is the software updater gui?12:27
hateballeum.. I dunno, I dont run unity. search for "updates" in dash I guess12:27
PipeItToDevNull"Additional Drivers"12:27
PipeItToDevNullIs what the app is called12:28
k1lInvisibleRasta: system-settings > software and updates > lst tab12:29
InvisibleRastai selected nvidia binary driver from there and do i have to also put  using processor microde firmware for intel cpu from intel-microcode12:29
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/hT97gPc.jpg stuck here for a while12:29
k1lInvisibleRasta: yes, the intel microcode doesnt hurt to install too12:30
InvisibleRastaafter installign this i should be able to reboot and have X working with nvidia?12:30
hateballInvisibleRasta: Yep12:30
ikevinPhoton, i don't see any error, your computer is maybe working, do you see the hard disk led blinking?12:30
k1lInvisibleRasta: yes12:31
Photonikevin neither do I12:31
FMannow the Ubuntu machine is completely frozen: the clock is still showing 10:52, which was almost 4 hours ago12:32
Photonbut now I don't see blinking ikevin12:32
FManI guess there is nothing else to do, but a hardware reset12:32
ikevinPhoton, if you hit "enter" key, does the computer show you a move?12:33
Photonikevin I hit the enter just next other line12:34
PhotonDidn't happened anything else ikevin12:35
ikevinPhoton, nop12:35
ikevinPhoton, it's just to see if your computer is freezed12:35
ikevindo a ctrl+shift+f212:35
ikevinyou will have another terminal, when your on, type "ps aux | grep dpkg" to see if dpkg do anything12:36
Photonctrl+shift+f2 not working12:37
PhotonYou thinking I need to reboot ikevin12:37
ikevinPhoton, you can do a ctrl+c to cancel apt12:38
ducassePhoton: ctrl+alt+f212:38
ikevinducasse, oh thx, i've not see my mistake :x12:38
ducassePhoton: alt+f7 to get back to x12:38
Photonctrl+c not working ikevin12:38
Photonhttps://i.imgur.com/n9glQjx.jpg ikevin12:40
PhotonI'm on recovery mode ducasse12:41
ducassePhoton: is that from after pressing ctrl+alt+f2?12:48
Photonit's from after I pressed ctrl+c ducasse12:49
Photonducasse may I reboot system?12:49
vltHello. I have a pc "3.2.0-105-generic #146" from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Its cpu has no "pae" flag.  What kernel version do I need on Ubuntu 16.04 to boot this pc?  It refuses to do so now with: "This kernel requires ... pae. Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU."12:50
vlt*pc that runs ...12:50
ikevinPhoton, try ctrl + z12:51
k1lvlt: i think only the Lubuntu iso does support non PAE setups12:51
ioriavlt you can try forcepae -- forcepae  flag, but not sure it works12:52
vltk1l: I don't need an iso. I'm booting this machine via PXE and can offer any kernel that is avaiable in the repos.12:52
vltioria: "forcepae" as kernel cmd line?12:53
ioriavlt yup12:53
Photonikevin ctrl+z worked12:53
PhotonWhat should I do next?12:54
ikevinPhoton, ps aux | grep apt12:54
ioriavlt  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE12:55
vltioria: Thank you. I checked the current cmd line and "forcepae" is already there.  Does that mean that it won't work or that it might work when I _remove_ "forcepae"?12:56
ioriavlt  it's just forcepae or   (double)  forcepae -- forcepae  ?12:57
k1lforcepae is for old cpus, that support pae but dont show the cpu flag. like some older pentium412:57
Photonhttps://i.imgur.com/9eTmMWZ.jpg ikevin12:57
ikevinPhoton, it look like apt is working12:58
vltk1l: Ah ok.12:58
vltioria: single now12:58
ioriavlt  try the double12:58
PhotonSo, what should I do next ikevin ?12:59
vltioria: I'll do.12:59
ikevinPhoton, you can try to kill apt and restart it12:59
ioriavlt  what's your cpu ? pentium M ?13:00
Photonok and back to resume or recovery mode again ikevin ?13:00
ikevinPhoton, nop13:00
ikevinPhoton, kill -9 2379813:01
I-am-Grootducasse, I mean...Nautilus keeps freezing, greying out or crashing13:02
ducasseikevin: try with -TERM first13:02
vltioria: Tried double, tried w/o forcepae => no difference. CPU is "Transmeta(tm) Crusoe(tm) Processor TM5800": http://termbin.com/d09213:03
ducasseI-am-Groot: what does 'apt policy nautilus say'?13:04
Zenomikevin, I rebooted but showing me this again https://ghostbin.com/paste/d3y7h13:04
ducasseI-am-Groot: what does 'apt policy nautilus' say, sorry?13:04
ikevinZenom, you need to be in recovery until your system is repaired13:05
ZenomOk I'll back to recovery again13:05
ikevinZenom, or use recovery to repaire sudo then reboot in normal mode13:05
ksbalajihow to get jack sound server working in ubuntu 16.04 please?13:06
ioriavlt  you don't have pae flag ... and you want to boot what kernel ? the xenial one ?13:07
I-am-Grootducasse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24188454/13:07
vltioria: Yes, is there an alternative kernel in xenial's repos that will run on non-pae CPUs?13:07
PhotonOk ikevin I'm in recovery mode again13:08
ioriavlt  id think so... neither lubuntu (stops at 12)... you need to fake-flag i guess13:08
ikevinPhoton, apt-get install --reinstall sudo13:08
ksbalajiI have ubuntu 16.04 running in acer aspire . How to get jack sound server running please?13:09
=== user__ is now known as akis
vltioria: Ok, thanks for your help :)13:09
k1lksbalaji: install it, configure it, use it? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK13:10
ioriavlt  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE/PentiumM13:10
akishi all. is it possible to downgrade Thunar which last update has an issue?13:10
ioriavlt   check out the second part 'Upgrading'13:10
ducasseI-am-Groot: ok, so the installed version is correct. can you try logging in as guest user and see how nautilus behaves then?13:11
KaiForceI have a VM running 15.04, and do-release-upgrade says I can't move from whatever version this is to whatever is current.  Do I need to install a new machine to update this?13:11
ioriavlt   you install linux-image-generic-pae  and you pretend to add the 'pae' flag to the cpu13:11
I-am-Grootducasse, Sure13:12
ducasse!eolupgrade | KaiForce13:13
ubottuKaiForce: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:13
ksbalajikil , thanks - also for solving my repository server problem for which I sought help here. It is cool.13:13
Photonikevin https://i.imgur.com/RcSEYEW.jpg13:14
KaiForceducasse: thanks...  I wonder if I'd be better of with a fresh install.13:14
k1lKaiForce: you waited way too long. so now you are in a messed up situation. you need to run now once (!) the sepcial upgrade "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" to get to the EOL 15.10. from there on you can upgrade with the regular upgrade to the 1.0413:14
k1lKaiForce: imho, a fresh isntall of 16.04 will be faster.13:14
ikevinPhoton, do the "dpkg --configure -a" and when it's finished, do the apt-get install --reinstall sudo13:14
akisor can i purge the newest (current) version and install the previous?13:15
KaiForcek11:  ok, thanks.  Not a big deal, this machine is basically a utility machine, I can install a fresh VM and restore my configs/etc pretty easily.13:15
Photonikevin it says dpkg: error: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system13:17
ikevinPhoton, mount -o remount,rw /13:17
I-am-Grootducasse, It seemed snappier on guest than it is in my current account13:18
Photonhttps://i.imgur.com/roxYvRY.jpg ikevin13:21
ikevinPhoton, you need to reconnect to network : dhclient enp3s0 && echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf13:22
ikevinPhoton, i need to go to the market, i'll be back in few minuts13:23
Photonok ikevin I'll waiting for you thanks for leting me know13:24
I-am-Groot1ducasse, It seemed snappier on guest than it is in my current account13:24
I-am-Groot1Seems like i lost connection13:25
raddyHello Everybody13:25
raddyHow to do initdb in postgresql in xenial?13:25
ducasseI-am-Groot1: ok, then it could be something in your settings that causes this, but i use neither unity nor nautilus, and don't know how to reset them. i'm sure someone else can help with that.13:26
I-am-Groot1ducasse, Thanks, and there is also this problem...where all applications fail to detect Internet connectivity from my usb modem after i have disconnected and reconnected it.13:28
I-am-Groot1The only thing that seems to work is a reboot or restart network manager13:28
raddyI have mistakenly deleted datadir13:29
raddyNow i have to recreate it.13:29
raddyPlease suggest13:29
raddyHow do i run initdb in postgresql in ubuntu13:29
raddygot it13:31
vltioria: I have read the help about PAE/PentiumM.  I don't understand a few things: There doesn't seem to be a "linux-image-generic-pae" package available in the xenial repositories (and why would I want that for a non-pae CPU?) and then: Why would I fake a pae flag and how if the kernel isn't running?13:32
ioriavlt   you install "linux-image-generic-pae" on you system  ....13:32
vltioria: Unfortunately I can't find this pkg.13:33
ioria !info linux-image-generic-pae precise13:33
ubottulinux-image-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 34 kB13:33
ioriavlt   you are on precise now, right ?13:33
vltioria: No (and yes). The pc is able to a 12.04 kernel.13:34
vlt*to boot13:34
vltioria: Ok, if I installed the -pae kernel on 12.04, what happens then?13:35
ioriavlt   then you 'edit' the /proc/cpuinfo as in the link above13:35
vltioria: Ok, and then? (And why would I do that?)13:36
ioriavlt   then you  you try to boot the xenial kernel13:36
ioriavlt  becasue, in this way, the new kern would think that you have the pae flag13:37
vltCan someone, please, confirm that?13:37
=== semeion is now known as mnemonic
ioriavlt  have you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE/PentiumM ?13:37
lotuspsychje!pae | vlt13:37
ubottuvlt: Ubuntu provides only PAE-enabled kernels for 32-bit systems now. Some older CPUs may have issues with it. For more info and troubleshooting, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE13:37
vltioria: Yes.13:37
ioriavlt   i did on a pentium M , idk for sure if 'll work on Transmeta(tm) Crusoe(tm) Processor13:39
vltlotuspsychje: How would altering /proc/cpuinfo while running on a kernel that is working change the behaviour of a kernel booted later that refuses to boot a non-pae CPU?13:41
raddyHow to change path for postgresql-9.5-main.log13:43
ikevinPhoton, i'm back13:44
PhotonWelcome back ikevin I'm so appreciated for your help and your time13:46
PhotonThank you so much ikevin13:46
ikevinPhoton, you welcome13:46
ikevinPhoton, does sudo is now repaired?13:46
Photonit's working again yes13:46
ikevincool :)13:47
PhotonI should be more careful next time13:47
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
nwedoes reprepro 5.11 exist for xenial or must I build from soure?14:01
kjhgdiDo you know how to speak in the #Linux channel? I can't say anything in it.14:01
ducasse!register | kjhgdi14:02
ubottukjhgdi: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.14:02
kjhgdiOk,thank you.14:03
lotuspsychje!latest | nwe14:03
ubottunwe: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:03
sruliin librecalc how can i record a macro to save file with the name of the active sheet?14:04
lotuspsychjenwe: its recommended to use package versions for the specific ubuntu version14:04
lotuspsychjesruli: the #libreoffice guys might know that one14:04
srulinot many ppl in the room, not getting any response14:04
ehsanHello, I have asuse laptop installed a xubuntu 14.04 now I have not wireless modem nor Ethernet to connect through cabel, Waht can I do ?14:05
ikevinehsan, what does "dmesg | grep -i eth" said?14:06
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sruliehsan: also check "sudo rfkill list all"14:07
ehsanikevin nothing14:08
ehsansruli nothing happend14:09
ikevinehsan, and lspci ?14:09
InvisibleRastahello guys, i jsut installed ubuntu 16.04 and now i want to remove unity. I alredy installed mate14:09
InvisibleRastahow can i do this safely?14:09
ppfInvisibleRasta: of course14:10
InvisibleRastaif i remove unity will i also loose the login manager?14:10
ehsanikevin it recognized my Network controller az Qualcom Atheros AR948514:10
ehsanlike when I wrote lshw -c network14:10
lotuspsychjeInvisibleRasta: why dont you just install ubuntu mate vanilla?14:10
ehsanit knows both ethernet and wireless but said they are unclaimed14:11
lotuspsychjeehsan: chipset?14:11
InvisibleRastalotus waht is ubuntu mate vanilla?14:11
lotuspsychje!mate | InvisibleRasta14:11
ubottuInvisibleRasta: Ubuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/14:11
ehsanlotuspsychje Qualcomm Atheros AR948514:12
InvisibleRastappf, what command do i have to run to remove unity14:12
lotuspsychjeInvisibleRasta: i just mean, if you like mate, why not install it clean right away?14:12
ducasseInvisibleRasta: he means just use the ubuntu mate installer, but you probably want to keep your stuff?14:12
ppfInvisibleRasta: sudo apt remove unity814:12
ppf!info unity14:12
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 7.5.0+16.10.20161112-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1627 kB, installed size 6972 kB14:12
ppfor just unity, maybe14:13
InvisibleRastaunity8 package doesnt work14:13
k1lunity8 is a different thing. that is the new unity still in development14:14
ehsancan I download Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 package drivers copy it on a stick memory and install or compile it in the other system ?14:14
ppfk1l: you're right, it was the first unity package that i came across from an apt search :)14:14
lotuspsychjeehsan: the problem might be you could not update during setup process?14:14
lotuspsychjeehsan: was your iso a 14.04 or 14.04.5?14:15
ehsandude I have no internet not by wireless nor ethernet14:15
ehsanxubuntu 14.0414:15
k1lInvisibleRasta: the ubuntu package for mate should depend on a *dm. i dont know which dm mate favours but you can look afterwards what dm package is installed and install the lightdm or others if you want14:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest47558
lotuspsychjeehsan: i would try to get a 14.04.5 or perhaps loan some plugnplay usb wifi from someone thats gets recognized to be able to update14:17
PCatineanCan someone help me setup my dns records in order to make an email account work?14:17
Guest47558I have an issue with GNOME ubuntu where my workspace grid on my bottom panel is not displaying properly14:17
Guest47558is there an easy way to reset it ?14:17
lotuspsychjeGuest47558: the #ubuntu-gnome channel might know that one14:17
lotuspsychjeehsan: both chipsets are atheros, or do you have broadcom also?14:20
ppfactually anything not qualcomm will do14:20
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k1lehsan: does "rfkill list" show some blocked yes?14:24
ubuntu-mateAfter updating to 16.10 network stopped working. I tried to restart PC, restart network, edit configuration file but it didn't help.14:25
BluesKajubuntu-mate, ethernet?14:26
lotuspsychjeubuntu-mate: update hold a kernel update or network-manager new version?14:26
ehsankIl: nothing happend14:27
ubuntu-mateYes. I'm using DSL.14:27
BluesKajubuntu-mate, if it's an ethernet connection, sudo dhclient14:28
ubuntu-mateI have no idea. I tried to reinstall network manager and it didn't help.14:28
lotuspsychje!info network-manager14:29
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 2020 kB, installed size 10832 kB (Only available for linux-any)14:29
BluesKajsudo dhclient , in the terminal , ubuntu-mate14:29
ubuntu-mateWithout any options?14:29
BluesKajno options14:29
lotuspsychjeehsan: was the other chipset also atheros?14:31
BluesKajubuntu-mate, now try a browser14:31
ehsanlotuspsychje: no just wireless14:32
lotuspsychjeehsan: no broadcom right?14:32
=== John is now known as Guest268
k1lehsan: "rfkill list" does output nothing?14:33
ehsanyes no broadcom14:33
k1lehsan: make sure you have the hardware switch no set to off. make sure its enabled in bios, too14:33
EightynineThank you. It helped. But it still shows a little cross on the network icon.14:34
ehsankil: yes rfkill doesnt have any output14:34
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
k1lehsan: that is very uncommon. so make sure the hardware switches are not set to off and its enabled in bios14:35
ehsankil: it doesnt have any switch14:35
lotuspsychjeehsan: what kind of pc is this again?14:36
ehsanin bios network stack is enabled14:36
k1lehsan: did it work on the ubuntu live usb?14:36
ehsankil: no i did not whats ubuntu live usb14:37
ehsanyou mean try ubuntu14:37
k1lehsan: yes, the thing you installed that ubuntu with14:37
ehsandear xubuntu 14.04 have install on this pc 1 year ago14:38
k1land it worked before?14:38
ehsanI am sure if I install it again it works14:38
ehsanbut I need it with its installed packages14:38
k1l<k1l> and it worked before?14:38
ehsanYes it worked14:39
k1lso what did you do so it doesnt work anymore?14:39
ehsanI tried to install mysql14:39
ehsanduring this it happend14:39
k1ldid you reboot since?14:39
ehsanyes several times I have reboot it14:40
k1lehsan: can you reboot, and press left shift to get to grub menu and there choose an older kernel on advanced options?14:40
ehsansure I try it now14:41
noggerhi all, i' m having difficulties compiling a program in ubuntu14:41
lotuspsychje!compile | nogger14:42
ubottunogger: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall14:42
noggerfor my class, i'm trying using eclipse and all my previous project compile regularely14:42
ehsanin advanced mode there are 7 options all like each other but are with "(recovery mode)"14:43
ehsanwhich one I have to choose14:43
k1lehsan: there should be another older kernel in the grub menu.14:43
noggerthis one throws an error make: ***[name of my project] error 12714:44
k1lehsan: something like this: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Db5MK.png where you can chose the older kernels (without the recovery extension)14:44
k1lnogger: look at the log. he cant find something14:45
ohcanadahello. i was wondering what is going on with the kernel for xenial, which appears to have been withdrawn. this is the second time in as many weeks, that an updated kernel has been offered, thru the usual channels and then silently withdrawn with no explanation14:47
naccohcanada: i believe it is being fixed as we speak -- that kernel was broken due to a packaging issue with another package (aiui)14:48
FManTropyxcan I look at some log in order to try to find out what happened? I forcefully reset to regain control of PC14:48
ohcanadanacc: i see. best practice to sit tight with the new (but broken) kernel, or revert?14:49
naccohcanada: if you were able to update, it probably won't be broken -- and i think a newer version should replace it soonish (let me read more of the backlog elsewhere)14:49
ehsanthank you everybody spacially kil, loyuspsychje and ikevin14:52
ehsanI finally revoverd it by older versions14:52
naccohcanada: aiui, just like before, contentfully the kernel is fine, it's a dependency issue14:52
ehsanthank you14:52
k1lehsan: make sure to run the updates "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" to get all bugfixes14:53
ehsansure dear kil14:54
mustmodifyI have an ubuntu machine that I SSH into to do dev work. But I never use the console (unless the machine is borked.) I assume the answer is no, but ... crazy question ... is there some way to get the machine to show a website and, if reset, to automatically come up with that website again after booting? I mean, either not logging in or automatically logging in as an isolated user?14:55
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naccmustmodify: "show a website"?14:55
ohcanadanacc: thanks squire. ok one more question. isn't stuff meant to go to 'proposed' and thus receive attention from the keen edgers before hitting the main repos?14:56
k1lmustmodify: show a website on ssh? or what do you mean?14:56
mustmodifynacc: yep. I'd like to pull up a dashboard with the status of my client's websites.14:56
mustmodifysince I don't use that monitor.14:56
mustmodifySorry, apparently I wasn't clear.14:56
mustmodifyI have two machines.14:57
mustmodifypular and logopolis14:57
naccohcanada: yes, this is a case that 'technically' couldn't be caught with the tests as written14:57
naccohcanada: i think that will be resolved14:57
mustmodifyI use pulsar.14:57
mustmodifyFrom Pulsar, I ssh into logopolis to do dev work.14:57
mustmodifybut I don't use pulsar's keyboard or monitor except when Pulsar is borked.14:57
naccohcanada: it's a web of dependencies and when one version goes in dependent on another version, and the other version gets removed, the first has to be as well (or it becomes uninstallable)14:57
naccohcanada: that's my rough understanding14:57
ohcanadanacc: ok. good stuff14:57
naccmustmodify: what does keyboards or monitors have to do with websites?14:58
naccmustmodify: websites are hosted by a service (apache2 typically, or nginx) in ubuntu, it doesn't matter if the hosting system is headless or not14:58
mustmodifynacc: I don't want to *host* a website.14:59
mustmodifyI want one to be displayed on the unused monitor automatically.14:59
ohcanadawell, i think i'll leave you chaps to it. toodlepip15:00
mustmodifyI assume that isn't feasible / secure, though. So nm. Just thinking out loud.15:01
k1lmustmodify: well, you can set a browser to be run fullscreen on that xserver15:01
mustmodifyk1l: sometimes the keyboard isn't plugged in or whatever, so I was wondering if there was a way to set up the machine to boot and then bring up the page without any user action.15:05
k1lmustmodify: yes15:05
k1lmustmodify: some might call that "kiosk" system.15:07
mustmodifyOh... yeah... a kiosk ... perfect. Can't believe I didn't think of googling that. Thanks.15:09
k1lmustmodify: something like this https://www.danpurdy.co.uk/web-development/raspberry-pi-kiosk-screen-tutorial/15:09
FManTropyxhow common is it for Ubuntu to just totally freeze up?15:15
naccFManTropyx: IME highly dependent on hardware and packages installed15:16
ikevinFManTropyx, it depend of a lot of things15:16
Cyber_AkumaI noticed that even modern versions of Ubuntu seem to have issues with corruption now and then with writing to NTFS partitions. Any suggestions what would be the best setup if I wanted to dualboot Windows/Ubuntu and create a storage partition to share between them? Fat32 is out due to video editing and thus needing large file support15:17
BluesKajntfs works for both15:17
FManTropyxhow can I make the mouse slower? there is no graphical setting for that15:18
Cyber_AkumaI have had several ntfs partitions corrupt when I performed write operatins on them under linux15:18
FManTropyxI suspect Firefox was behind the problem I just experienced15:18
naccCyber_Akuma: i would be surprised if they corrupted due to the writes; perhaps incorrect umounting15:18
naccFManTropyx: "mouse speed"?15:19
Cyber_AkumaIs exfat an option?15:19
BluesKajCyber_Akuma, and install ext2fsd on windows to access your linux partitions and data, if needed15:20
FManTropyxheh, I thought mouse speed was a bit funny way of expressing it, but I mean the distance traveled by the mouse pointer relative to a certain amount of physical mouse movement :)15:20
guest12435hi can someone assist with my gnome issue my workspaces at the bottom are not working properly have tried tweak tool and preferences15:20
naccFManTropyx: yes, i know, the setting is called "mouse speed", i think?15:21
FManTropyxalas, I did not find the mouse speed setting15:21
FManTropyxI looked, where the acceleration thing is (I have xfce)15:21
naccFManTropyx: settings -> mouse & touchpad here (gnome ubuntu)15:21
naccFManTropyx: ah i don't know where/if xubuntu exposes it15:21
FManTropyxok, thank you, maybe I'll try to ##xfce later and perhaps I will install just normal Ubuntu - this distro is in fact Ubuntu Studio15:23
ZeljkoSomeone know anything about kiwi irc "webirc" for unrealircd ? thanks15:25
naccZeljko: i'm sure someone does. Ask a specific ubuntu support question to get a better answer15:27
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rx-determinethere is few people15:32
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rx-determinemight be doing something else15:32
GehtehaSomebody here?15:32
GehtehaI mean. Any real person here?15:33
rx-determinethere is only me15:33
naccrx-determine: stop15:33
lotuspsychje!ask | Gehteha15:33
ubottuGehteha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:33
rx-determineok see you15:34
GehtehaI had a problem with my QNAS, ext4 formatted drive. Trying to read or under Ubuntu Live on a win 10 pc. The NAS HDD is installed. Trying to mount it with the Drives (?) app. I see it there but I cannot mount it, the option is greyed out.15:38
mustmodifyK1l: thanks again.15:39
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AndChat|512129Hello again. Trying to get access to a ext4 formatted drive, using Ubuntu Live on a USB stick. Can't seem to mount said drive.15:44
denNorskeHello guys! I am experiencing wierd behavior trying to fetch HTML data from an external host, into a webpage thorugh PHP and cURL15:47
denNorskeMy ubuntu server setup has a website on apache2, parsing html data from another webpage15:47
denNorskeI can ping the page, but can't download neither browse it from the host15:48
Cyber_AkumaIf I hide grub on a dualboot setup and make the system boot directly into Ubuntu, is there any way to set it up so you can choose to reboot into windows from ubuntu?15:48
lotuspsychjedenNorske: you might wanna try #ubuntu-server or #httpd channel15:48
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Cyber_Akuma can this help?15:49
ubottuCyber_Akuma can this help?: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:49
denNorskeIt's still using a ubuntu distro, not a server15:49
denNorskeUbuntu 14.0415:49
denNorskeIll try httpd, thanks lotuspsychje15:50
lotuspsychjedenNorske: im just widening your options to specific help mate, no sweat15:50
ibrahimsharafhello guys15:50
Cyber_AkumaI know how to setup a dualboot, I am asking if I cna hide grub alltogether and only make it possible to reboot into windows from ubuntu15:50
lotuspsychjeCyber_Akuma: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18170/how-to-reboot-into-windows-from-ubuntu15:51
skinuxI've about 30G of free disk space, is that a good amount for trying to download and install MATE or another good light-weight DE?15:52
sipiorskinux: plenty15:52
skinuxRight now I use Unity with the panel moved to horizontal at the bottom.15:52
skinuxI'm trying to figure out why my machine can't handle running a VM without being laggy these days. When I first bought it, it could handle a VM, but now it seems it can hardly handle a headless VM.15:53
Cyber_AkumaHmm, that seems to mostly just tell you how to edit grub to boot into windows :(15:53
AndChat|512129I'm trying to mount a disk with the Disk app, but Edit Mount Options is not available.15:53
sipiorCyber_Akuma: you booting via {u}efi?15:55
Cyber_AkumaI don't think the system supports uefi, it's a core 2 duo system15:56
sipiorCyber_Akuma: probably efi 1.1 or something15:57
kirillow1still trying to install ubuntu on asus prime x370 pro, ryzen 7 1800x, radeon rx460. Now at 17.04. Always get black screen after selecting install option. Rescue mode shows line `core perfectr but no constraints; unknown hardware!`15:57
Lavinhogood morning15:59
nacc!ubuntu+1 | kirillow115:59
ubottukirillow1: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:59
nacckirillow1: you may also need to file a bug to get help15:59
Lavinhohow to enable icedtea firafox ubuntu ?15:59
naccskinux: that seems odd16:00
naccskinux: can you see what is taking up time (top or so) when your vm is running16:00
sipiorLavinho: you're looking for the "icedtea-plugin" package16:00
Lavinhoyes i installed16:00
Lavinhobut no function16:00
Southern_GentlemLavinho,  what version of firefox16:01
sipiorhmm. good point. does ff52 break icedtea?16:01
Southern_Gentlemfirefox is blocking java16:01
Southern_Gentlemgoogle for how to open that up16:01
sipiorSouthern_Gentlem: i hope it's not an NPAPI plugin16:03
Lavinhono appear16:03
OerHeksLavinho, icetea firefox is a debian name16:04
OerHekswe just have firefox16:04
sipiorOerHeks: i think you're thinking of "iceweasel"16:04
Dworfhi, how this scenario would be possible: I have ubuntu server with openvpn, i can connect it from wan ip. if i want to reroute the ubuntu to another vpn (some vpn service) can i connect it from outside? so it would be phone->openvpn->vpnservice->internet?16:05
sipiorah no, they've changed it to "icecat" now.16:05
Dworfso that i could use my already paid vpn service from outside of my house16:05
OerHeksuhhh.. oops, you are correct16:06
OerHeksb.t.w. firefox 52 breaks a lot of stuff, alsa16:07
Lavinhowhere is the solution ?16:07
sipiorLavinho: i think you need to use the "Extended Support Release" of firefox16:09
sipiorLavinho: i think the icedtea plugin in npapi-based, and will not work on firefox 52.16:09
denNorskeI opened a browser too , can't open that specific webpage from my ubuntu.16:09
denNorskeDNS is resolved, but stops there16:10
OerHekssipior +1 https://support.mozilla.org/t5/Problems-with-add-ons-plugins-or/Why-do-Java-Silverlight-Adobe-Acrobat-and-other-plugins-no/ta-p/3106916:11
Lavinhothank you16:11
OerHeksI think it is a good thing, dropping support java flash and silverlight16:12
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ddoobbSo I have two USBs, one automounts on inserting, the other doesn't. I'm trying to see why. Any ideas?16:13
sipiordenNorske: is the host itself reachable?16:13
Southern_Gentlemddoobb, put the second in does fdisk -l see it ?16:14
ChadTaljaardtdoes anyone know why im getting this error E: Unable to locate package update-alternatives16:14
ddoobbSouthern_Gentlem: Yes it's there, lsblk sees it too. Just doesn't automount it. Manual mounting works like it should.16:15
Lavinhonot funtion16:16
ddoobbProblem USB has a GUID partition table, One EFI partition with boot flag, if that helps.16:16
sipiorChadTaljaardt: update-alternatives is a command, not a package16:16
sipiorChadTaljaardt: comes with dpkg, i believe16:16
denNorskesipior: yes16:16
sipiordenNorske: does "telnet <hostname> 80" connect to anything?16:17
naccsipior: yes, from dpkg16:17
sipior(or whatever port the service is running on)16:17
ChadTaljaardtim following this http://askubuntu.com/questions/26498/choose-gcc-and-g-version16:17
denNorskegive me a sec16:17
ChadTaljaardtand i cant run the first command16:17
ddoobbI just made this USB into a liveusb with Unetbootin, so that may have something to d with it?16:17
naccChadTaljaardt: that seems very unlikely on Ubuntu. What version?16:17
denNorskesipior: Trying [ip]...16:18
ChadTaljaardtnacc 16.1016:18
denNorskeso no response at all, it seems16:18
naccChadTaljaardt: please use a pastebin and write the exact command you ran and output16:18
sipiordenNorske: you probably have a firewall dropping that connection16:18
denNorskeI thought so too, but in so case where16:18
denNorskeI don't have IPtables enabled16:18
ChadTaljaardtnacc  https://gist.github.com/ChadTaljaardt/33075f04f3bfab68e442983c8f37624116:18
naccChadTaljaardt: you ran the command fine16:19
naccChadTaljaardt: but there are no alternatives to change16:19
naccChadTaljaardt: you have to have multiple gcc installed before you can do anything with alternatives16:19
ChadTaljaardtahh okay16:19
ChadTaljaardti understand haha16:19
pvl1is there a netboot live for booting using http/pxe16:19
pvl1for uefi16:19
naccChadTaljaardt: which is quite literally the first command and output from that page16:20
denNorskesipior: Can't find any firewall related settings that would do that16:23
denNorskesipior: I can Ping it16:23
ddoobbWhat is the best filesystem to use for liveUSBs?16:23
sipiordenNorske: i imagine someone else is running the firewall. is this all your own network?16:24
qwebirc941182is there anyway to Stop Ubuntu from running this during an automated install "finish-install: info: Running /usr/lib/finish-install.d/50config-target-network"16:24
qwebirc941182i find that it overwrites my /etc/network/interfaces16:24
denNorskesipior: Ping wouldn't be possible then (if blocked), and yes16:25
sipiordenNorske: why wouldn't it be possible? you can surely block tcp/80 without blocking icmp.16:26
NameHello. I installed Ubuntu with password and I choose to "Encrypt home with password". For reasons (don't go into it), I decide to delete this account and start new one. The new one, has new password. Will new account's home be encrypted using it's own password, or the password from 1st account?16:26
denNorskeTrue, I'll have a look at the network setup sipior , thanks16:26
sipiordenNorske: good luck16:26
ppfName: using its own password, of course16:28
Nameppf: Just making sure :p, my password got compromised, need "safer" place to secure my data, so I decided for new account. Are you sure?16:29
denNorskeName: wouldn't quite make sense if not16:29
ppfyes, i'm sure16:30
vladikI can't use cuda in tensorflow-gpu, my gpu is GTX 980, I've installed the driver verson 375.26. The script reports :~/ml/tensorbox$ python train.py --hypes hypes/lstm_resnet_rezoom.json --gpu 1 --logdir output16:49
vladikI tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:135] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so.8.0 locally16:49
vladikI tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:135] successfully opened CUDA library libcudnn.so.5 locally16:49
vladikI tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:135] successfully opened CUDA library libcufft.so.8.0 locally16:49
vladikI tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:135] successfully opened CUDA library libcuda.so.1 locally16:49
`8coreupdate Thrursday?16:52
ppfvlt: then how do you know you can't use it?16:52
naccppf: they left, i think16:53
technocfI'm trying to create a bootable Windows XP installer using Ubuntu.  I've tried 'winusb' but when I try to boot from the created usb it just drops me into the GRUB terminal.16:58
dnslyis there a nice and quick command to flush the system dns cache?16:59
dnslyequivalent to ipconfig /flushdns on windows cmd?17:00
ppfnacc: ah, alright17:00
ppfsometimes it is annoying not to see parts and joins17:00
naccppf: :)17:01
pvl1dnsly: afaik, ubuntu doesnt cache dns unless you install a cache17:01
dnslypvl1: so it is the DNS resolver that is used17:03
dnslyI see17:03
dnslyit doesn't know yet of the new IP17:03
dnslybut I don't want to use Google public DNS on production because of rate limits, etc17:03
gamesterHas anyone here dealt with color problems when using tmux + vim? tmux -2 doesn't work, setting xterm-256color doesn't seem to work, I must be doing something wrong17:05
ZJAYanyone have an idea why i cant delete this old Plex movie/media file on my HD?17:05
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ppfdnsly: then you should clear the cache in your networks dns server17:05
ZJAY-rwxrwxr-x 1 jack jack 4325576192 Jan  7 02:30 SUX.ts17:06
ZJAYim jack by the way17:06
technocfRight, hopefully i stay connected this time17:06
ZJAYit says the file is mine17:06
ZJAYi chmod 755 and chown'dit17:06
technocfDid anyone have any answers for my question of creating a bootable windows xp installer using ubuntu?17:06
ZJAYi try rming it and it gives me this error:17:07
dnslyppf: it is a public server though, using the hoster DNS servers17:07
dnslythe domain transfer was just some hours ago17:07
ppfdnsly: then you need to call them or just wait it out17:07
ZJAYrm: cannot remove 'SUX.ts': Permission denied17:07
dnslyppf: right, I will have to wait then.17:08
ppfZJAY: read-only filesystem?17:08
arya__hi, I am getting the Ubuntu software updater pop message to update the current applications and softwares I use. when i click install now17:08
arya__*when i hit "install now" it says free up additional xyz MB of space to install17:09
arya__this is been hapenning since quite a while17:09
arya__how should i download and install updates?17:09
ppfarya__: your disk is full17:09
ppfdelete old stuff or get a bigger disk17:09
pvl1dnsly: you probably cant get around rate limits. its unusual for dns rate limits. unless you're using ddns17:10
arya__ppf: how should i decide what is old and what should i delete?17:10
ppfarya__: how would anyone of us know which of your data is old??17:11
arya__good one!17:11
ppfyou can run a sudo apt autoremove to uninstall old an unneeded packages17:12
ppfbut that won't get you far17:12
arya__ppf: okay thnx17:12
ZJAYhow can it be its in my home dir17:13
ppfmount | pastebinit # <- ZJAY17:13
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ddoobbI have a USB drive that won't automount on inserting. Other drives do. I formatted it but still nothing . What else should I try?17:13
arya__ppf: http://pastebin.com/H52bxhXq17:14
ppfyes, as i said17:15
ppf300M won't help you really17:15
ZJAYppf http://paste.ubuntu.com/24189976/17:16
arya__ppf: i know but would get me the current updates... will keep running this command every now and then17:17
gamesterHello, what application is "terminal"? What's the name of it? Just terminal?17:18
gamesteroh mb, "GNOME Terminal"17:19
technocfHello, does anybody have any idea about creating a bootable Windows XP usb using Ubuntu.17:25
pvl1technocf: pm me17:26
Mathisentechnocf, dd should work for xp , dd does not work on new win version but for xp it should17:26
Mathisentechnocf, sudo dd if=windows.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M; sync17:27
technocfMathisen: i tried that but then it just doesn't boot from it.17:29
Mathisentechnocf, okej i guess  "winusb" is the thing you want then17:30
technocfDidnt work either, after using that it just takes me to a grub prompt when i try to boot from the usb17:30
Mathisen... :( manual way then.. gparted make partition, flag for boot copy .iso content over17:31
technocfTrying that now17:32
Mathisenmake it fat3217:32
EightynineI had to type sudo dhclient after every reboot. When I typed it last time my monitor turned off for a second.17:34
JuJUBeeMy version of google chrome seems to have a gnome shell integration extension.  How can I remove it?  The checkbox is not clickable17:35
JuJUBeeIs that extension something in the OS?17:35
legortie1how do i yahooanswers not slide down?17:35
legortie1https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101119173701AAUJPWb keeps sliding down17:35
legortie1and also the yahoo answers page, just keep rooling down, and I see white all over17:41
legortie1ducasse: hi17:46
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MenzadorHey! I'm running Ubuntu MATE. I just installed the Unity greeter because I want that specific greeter set up. However, when I start LightDM I don't see my desktop background when the Unity greeter displays. What package(s) and/or configs might I be missing?17:48
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lernerI forgot the command to list interfaces in use18:04
mixxithi guys i just got a dell 9550 and after installing linux i seem to have a big issue where grub tries to boot into windows and i get a black screen18:05
mixxitdoes anyone know what might cause this kind of problem? i didnt have this on my old laptop which is pretty much the same spec18:06
mixxitif i reboot it a few times it will eventually work18:06
gamesterWhy does Ubuntu not have neovim?18:06
legortiedwhy do I get that white page on yahoo answers it doesn't display properly?18:17
legortiedis anyone here/ why is it so silent today18:18
legortiedI mean no one is here, on #ubuntu here usually it's busy as heel18:19
nicomachuslegortied: maybe try asking the firefox folks that question.18:20
legortiednicomachus: no it has more to do with ubuntu codecs18:20
legortiedI think I need to install some thing18:21
legortiedalso ubuntu does *stuck* a lot18:21
legortiedand it freesez18:21
legortiedon hp intel corei5 and I use nvidia, and the default ubbuntu install 32bit18:21
legortiedthe same problem on 64 bit too18:21
nicomachuswhy 32 bit?18:21
legortiedI just downloaded it, as it works18:22
nicomachusis your CPU a 32 bit architecture?18:22
legortiedi686 yes18:22
legortiedso what? it should work18:22
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legortiednicomachus: when you open a yahoo answers page, does it work good for you?18:27
legortiedAs any other page?18:27
nicomachusI don't go to yahoo answers18:30
rsvi am using ubuntu 16.04. The sound icon is always marked mute. there is a tick mark against mute permanently. I tried to click on it. But it is always on mute18:34
rsvcan anyone help me on this please?18:34
As4xkHi. I used "apt upgrade" instead of "apt-get upgrade". During this there was a conflict in some configuration file but apt would not let me see which file. It just showed the "choose [Y/N/O/D/..]" question. (looked like apt only showed one line at a time of the output from apt-get. So I hit ctrl-c to stop it.18:37
As4xkAfter that nginx can not be configured. I tried apt-get --force-yes remove nginx libnginx-... and all nginx related things. Also tried with apt-get purge with all nginx related packages. After removing or purging i do apt-get autoremove and autoclean and clean and finally "sudo dpkg --configure -a". Then I do "apt-get install nginx-full".18:37
As4xkThen I get this output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24190343/18:38
As4xkCould anyone help me "reset" nginx package, or point me in the direction of some log files that could tell we what is wrong?18:39
As4xkIf relevant: I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.518:39
As4xkAnd i use "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu trusty main" as APT repo for nginx18:40
arunpyasiHi people, why do I get this error while using rsync ? rsync: link_stat "/backup/ssh" failed: No such file or directory (2) ?18:46
arunpyasiwhy is it checking for that ssh directory as there is no ssh directory in my dir. !!18:46
arunpyasisecond error I get is : rsync: mkstemp "/backup/site/.backup_2017-03-16.zip.LJN3dB" failed: Permission denied (13)18:47
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energizerHow can I make gmail in chrome my default email client?18:59
evg_Hello, any ideas how to grep actual keyboard layout?18:59
* evg_ any ideas how to grep actual keyboard layout?19:00
evg_Hello, any ideas how to grep actual keyboard layout?19:01
Bashing-omevg_: Depends on whay info you are seeking : ' cat /etc/default/keyboard ' ?19:03
evg_i wont to add actual keyboard layout to PS119:04
crisedThis may be hard to describe problem, but I'm running Ubuntu 16.04, but I get intermittent lags on my internet connection (and internet connection is not the problem). How can I debug this? ping times looks ok? I'm using fixed IPv4...19:06
crisedMay it be something wrong with the drivers? These issue started 2 weeks ago approximately19:06
crisedusing ethernet19:07
pavloscrised, there is ntop, tool for network monitoring19:10
mahakalGuys i am working on unix domain socket programming..Is there any way to manipulate/analyse the content of the socket files ?19:13
Epx998crised: youre getting lag locally, how did you determine it was not your internet connection?19:13
legortiedhey my ubuntu keeps on getting stuck? And it freezes often??????????19:13
legortiednacc: what can i do19:13
DelvienI doubt its a software issue, thats a very slim possibility19:13
legortiedI have hp core i5 with nvidida driver?19:13
Delvien^ was to crised19:13
CodeMouse92__legortied: What version of Ubuntu?19:13
Epx998legortied: try running top and see what is causing your lag.19:14
legortiedCodeMouse92__: xenial19:14
CodeMouse92__legortied: Also, are you by some chance running Chromium/Chrome when the lags/freezes happen?19:14
legortiedEpx998: which memory do I see? No I usefirefox19:14
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gerard_hiya, i just need and urgent help with thermal receipt printer. i installed driver, i can  echo "hellp" >> /dev/usb/lp0 but i cannot print a test page. it's gp-80250 printer. anyone can help me?19:14
legortiedbut even when I play the flightgear heavy duty game it does stuck a lot19:14
legortiedand many other peopel do face the same problem on heavy gaming in particular like apt install flightgear19:15
Delvienis that a windows game?19:15
CodeMouse92__legortied: How much RAM do you have in your machine?19:16
CodeMouse92__legortied: Also, do you usually only have this problems when running games?19:16
legortied8GB that is not as problem19:16
legortiedno it does freeze randomly do19:16
CodeMouse92__legortied: You would be surprised how much memory a game takes up. I've got a 12GB machine that gets laggy on Minecraft at times. :P19:16
legortiedI use the default driver no idea which one19:16
mahakalGuys i am working on unix domain socket programming..Is there any way to manipulate/analyse the content of the socket files ?19:17
legortieduse x.org X server noveau display driver19:17
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legortiedi saw it in softwares and updates?19:17
legortiedCodeMouse92__: no it  works fine on manjaro19:18
Delvienlegortied: thats probably the reason. Nouveau is the open source driver, the proprietary will run 3d apps better19:18
legortiedfor some reason it NEVER freezes19:18
legortiedDelvien: but it's the default setting?19:18
Epx998isnt there an nvidia driver that is available?19:19
legortiedEpx998: there is19:22
legortiedbut why does it happen only to me , as others too leave it in their default mode?19:22
legortiedmy pc tooo is usual that all else use, hp core i519:22
WhitePelicann #kde19:22
Southern_Gentlemlegortied, video card of the day your computer was built19:23
legortiednvidia is my card Southern_Gentlem it's what everyone uses19:24
compdocplympton, you have to install google Chrome, and not Chromium, which is in the app store19:27
plymptonok i will try that19:27
plymptonit work in firefox19:28
compdocwell, then use that19:28
plympton*it does not work in firefox i ment19:28
compdocoh, heh19:28
compdocto install chrome, you have to add a repo19:29
legortiedhow do I change my default video player to mpv?19:31
=== tcorneli is now known as tcorneli_
ddoobbHas Ubuntu gotten heavier compared to say, 12.04? I remember I could run a liveUSB on my old laptop and it was always snappy. Now it's hanging heavily every 2-3 minutes.19:34
OnceMessh-keyscan host returns nothing and no known_hosts has been generated, how to preadd fingerprint?19:38
EriC^^ddoobb: 14.04 runs better for more than 12.0419:42
EriC^^*for me19:42
Pinkamena_Dreally strange question here: something on my laptop keeps creating the file /var/run/do-not-hibernate (ubuntu 14.04 LTS) I use hibernation quite frequently in my work. I have found if I just remove this file and hibernate after, hibernation works fine. How can I prevent this file from being created, and also how can I know if I am messing something up by deleting it?19:45
ppfPinkamena_D: i think the file gets created when you install a kernel upgrade19:47
Ben64from google - "aborts the hibernate/sleep if the kernel has been upgraded (checks for /var/run/do-not-hibernate)"19:47
Pinkamena_Dthis is happening every one or two days - I would think this is too quick for that update?19:47
Pinkamena_DIf that is the case, can I turn off the automatic update?19:47
Ben64don't turn off updates, just reboot after doing a kernel upgrade19:48
Pinkamena_Drebooting that often is quite a detriment - I keep a lot of stuff running19:48
ioriaPinkamena_D, don't you have a pm-hibernate log or pm-suspend log in /var/log ?19:52
Pinkamena_DI am sure I do19:52
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mikeymopis anyone using dekko for mail?19:59
geniimikeymop: Might want to try in #ubuntu-touch or #snappy20:02
crisedI'm seeing this in dmesg: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP)20:04
crisedWhen there is a network issue?20:04
crisedHow to disable a network interface?20:04
ppfifdown <iface>20:06
crisedppf: but does it work forever?20:06
crisedor only at the current session?20:06
Hans-Martinhi folks, I'm trying to sync music to my android phone using rhythmbox - but rythmbox does not recognize the phone, even though nautilus has no problems showing its contents. Most posts on the web deal with connecting a phone to ubuntu in the first place, but that's not my problem :-(20:06
ppfcrised: until the next reboot20:06
aotaointbincan't you just copy it using nautilus then?20:07
crisedppf: I want to disable it forever, I'm not using that built in interface20:07
Ben64crised: if you're not using it, what is the problem?20:07
pavloscrised, ip link set down eth020:08
crisedBen64: network is intermittent, and I feel that is caused because it starts to look network on an interface that isn't connected20:08
crisedpavlos: will that prevail?20:08
Ben64crised: nope20:08
Ben64that's not how it works20:08
crisedBen64: what's causing my intermittence?20:09
Hans-Martinaotaointbin: sure I can, I was hoping that rhythmbox would deal with tags and folder structure in a more intelligent way...20:09
Ben64impossible to tell with the information provided20:09
crisedBen64: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6bb1b2ea06f5ae9b448480850fac677420:09
crisedenp4s0 is the IPv4 link that I use20:10
borisetoWhere can I reset the network manager with all the saved networks inside? Like delete all the config or whatever it has so it could recreate it by itself?20:10
Ben64looks like you plugged in an ethernet to enp4s020:10
crisedBen64: so it's the cable?20:11
Ben64it might b e20:11
mikeymopgenii: ty20:12
mikeymopHans-Martin: do you have file transfer enabled in the usb connection settings?20:13
Hans-Martinmikeymop: yup, mtp20:13
crisedBen64: I wan't able to ping for a few seconds20:14
Hans-Martinmikeymop: as I said, it shows nicely in nautilus, just rhythmbox does not recognize it20:14
crisedBen64: you see, it also got disconnected from freenode... I think it's not the cable20:14
Ben64crised: yep, try a new cable, try a new <device your computer connects to>20:14
Ben64crised: a bad cable could definitely cause that20:14
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:16
MasterChickenWhen I enable Ubuntu Desktop Sharing through the cool Ubuntu application, is that equivalent to setting up a VNC server?20:17
ioriaMasterChicken, that is vino, yes20:17
MasterChickenioria, what is vino?20:20
ioriaMasterChicken, default ubuntu vnc server20:21
ioria!info vino | MasterChicken20:21
ubottuMasterChicken: vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu12 (yakkety), package size 141 kB, installed size 588 kB20:21
MasterChickenioria, I can't seem to connect to this server from a realVNC viewer. It says downgrade the viewer or use lower encryption.. It is confusing. Any suggestions?20:22
ioriaMasterChicken,    gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false20:22
MasterChickenioria, from the server or viewer?20:23
ioriaMasterChicken,    the server20:23
MasterChickenioria, how do you make the viewer use the correct encryption?20:24
Ben64get a good viewer20:24
ioriaMasterChicken,   where are you connecting from ?20:24
ioriaMasterChicken,  windows machine ?20:25
MasterChickenioria, RaspberryPi20:25
ioriaMasterChicken,  try vinagre from the client20:26
MasterChickenioria, do you know the package for that?20:27
ioria!info vinagre20:28
ubottuvinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.22.0-1 (yakkety), package size 1284 kB, installed size 4193 kB20:28
MasterChickenioria, Raspbian support GNOME?20:28
ioriaMasterChicken,  idk20:29
Hans-Martinmikeymop: looks like libmtp is really bad at recognizing new(ish) devices as possible music players. I'll find another solution (some kind of file sync will work eventually)20:34
AurorasauraWould anyone be able to help me with constantly getting a "transport endpoint is not connected" when using mhhdfs? I have read extensively on possible fixes and even downgraded but nothing seems to help. It happens once a day at least.20:42
AurorasauraI did come across this though http://nramkumar.org/tech/blog/tag/mhddfs-the-transport-endpoint-is-not-connected/ but have no idea how to install the "patch"20:43
Kali_Yugawhy does my script continue if I hit cancel? output after pressing cancel is always 0: dialog --title "test" --backtitle "tet" --stdout --inputbox "try Cancel" 7 40;clear;printf "$?"20:45
Kali_Yugasorry why does my script continue if I hit cancel? output after pressing cancel is always 0: dialog --title "test" --backtitle "test" --stdout --inputbox "try Cancel" 7 40;clear;printf "$?"20:46
OerHeksis there a connection in "try cancel" and pressing cancel = valid?20:47
Kali_Yugahow to tell the inputbox to actually cancel if cancel is pressed20:47
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Kali_YugaOerHeks: I don't think so I just want to know how to tell it to actually cancel20:48
Kali_YugaTry if it spits out a different value but it does not "Ok" & "Cancel" both spit out 0. If not I could continue with an if command20:49
naccKali_Yuga: becuase printf is printing the return value from clear probably?20:51
naccKali_Yuga: don't try to be clever20:51
gaglyUnattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins  how can i specify a wildcard here so that these can be fetched from my private repos ?20:51
Kali_Yuganacc: OMG20:53
Kali_Yuganacc: It actually spit out 1 OMG. clear no way20:53
Kali_Yugathank you20:54
naccKali_Yuga: i have no idea what "clear no way" means, but you just made a simple shell programming error20:54
ppfwhat sort of script is that20:57
naccppf: `dialog` is a shell dialog command20:58
ppf!info dialog20:59
ubottudialog (source: dialog): Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-20160424-1 (yakkety), package size 220 kB, installed size 1079 kB20:59
ppfthat one?20:59
naccppf: yeah20:59
Kali_Yuganacc: thx again gotta go20:59
Gadyctanoalguien que me explique como va esto21:22
pavlos!es | Gadyctano21:26
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ubottuGadyctano: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:26
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gusgg_What is this apt-get issue where it says there are dependencies, names them, and then says "they will not be installed".  I can then manually install them and things proceed as expected. e.g.:  libignition-transport2-dev : Depends: libignition-msgs-dev but it is not going to be installed21:37
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geniigusgg_: This happens when you have external repositories like PPAs and there is a version of that dependency which is a mismatch to the one which is required by what you're trying to install21:39
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gusgg_genii: does that mean that manually resolving the dependency is appearing to work but it's an illusion?21:42
wadI'm on a dual-boot laptop, and I can't change some stuff under Windows, because "IT department". The hardware clock is in my local timezone, and Windows expects it that way. But when I boot to Ubuntu, it shows the wrong time, because it expects the HW clock to be in UTC. I've several things, but have failed to make Ubuntu do what I want.21:45
wadI followed the instructions here, but after a reboot, still the wrong time: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/09/dual-boot-fix-time-differences-between.html21:46
Bashing-omwad: What release ? systemd ? then try as ' sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC ' .21:46
wad16.04 LTS, 64-bit desktop.21:47
daxit's sudo timedatectl set-local-rtc 1, actually21:47
daxassuming you actually want both OSes to show the correct local time21:47
wadGood assumpton. ;)21:48
wadSo I've set the timezone to MDT (UTC-6), and the hardware close to the current time in MDT. This makes Windows happy. But timedatectl shows local=9:50 am (incorrect), universal=15:50 pm (incorrect), RTC = 9:50 AM (not sure what this is)21:51
wadI wish there were some way to tell the OS which timezone the HW clock is in.21:52
wadThen I could tell it what timezone I want it to display times as.21:52
wad(Since I'm making wishes, can I wish that Microsoft would stop making operating systems? Pretty please??)21:52
wadDoing "timedatectl set-local-rtc 1" doesn't change my clock.21:53
wadIt does make RTC be correct, in the output of timedatectl.21:54
wadWhat is RTC anyway?21:54
gimpy0455How do I get sudo to not use networking at all?  when I try to sudo with a bad DNS setting (because crappy VPN) it hangs fora while before prompting for password21:54
Bashing-omwad: How about ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure ntp ' to set the system clock ??21:55
naccwad: real-time clock21:55
naccwad: typically a hardware device21:55
wadAh. I wonder if this  laptop has one.21:55
Jakeukalanehello, do you know where I can ask about convert command? because I think maybe ubuntu irc is not the best place...  and if can ask here, tell me21:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:56
wadThe RTC is correct, is there a way to make the clock that shows on the desktop pull time from that?21:56
nacc!alis | Jakeukalane21:56
ubottuJakeukalane: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:56
Jakeukalanenacc, thanks, I hope those enormous outputs didn't reach the channel22:00
infinitepooonfacWhich screenshot tool is installed on Ubuntu?22:05
dckxhi guys, I need some help. I was following a guide to use bumblebee to switch between nvidia and intel GPU in Ubuntu16.04. At some point I restarted, and now keyboard and trackpad don work so I can log into ubuntu... Tried recovery, but sudo apt-get in terminal does not work because it can fetch packages... it seems there is an issue with DNS.  Anyone knows how to solve this problem?22:05
xanguainfinitepooonfac: in vanilla Ubuntu, gnome screenshot22:08
dckxwhen I try to update packages it says "temporary failure resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net'"22:08
infinitepooonfacxangua ok thanks22:08
dckxwhen I try to ping google, it times out22:08
OerHeksdckx, what ppa exactly? bumblebee is depreciated, prime is current22:11
pavlosdckx, see if this helps ... echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null22:11
vuphanhost irc.oftc.net22:11
FinetundraHey folks, what's the best way to install oracle java?22:11
OerHeks!java | Finetundra see this guide:22:11
ubottuFinetundra see this guide:: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:11
dckxpavlos: I tried that (found it somewhere) but didn't fix the problem. I will try again22:11
dckxOerHeks: I don't know exactly what you mean... when I do the apt-get update, manu ppas cannot be contacted... or I don't even know if they are ppas... it says 'linux.dropbox.com', 'archive.canonical.com', dl.google.com, packages.ros.org22:13
OerHeksdckx, can you paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com ?22:13
pavlosdckx, can you ping ? that's a google DNS22:13
pavlosdckx, also check /etc/apt/sources.list if you have conflicting ppa's22:15
dckxpavlos: I just did the echo nameserver, and trying to do apt-get update... but it is taking forever, has been in 0% for 2 or 3 minutes (before it just jumped through all the ppa's instantly22:16
dckxpavlos: ok, so now it is making progress, but it is failing to connect22:17
dckxpavlos: when it is done, I will ping
OerHekssounds like dead ppa's ..22:17
dckxOerHeks: I can't, I am in recovery mode22:17
pavlosdckx, you could do, apt clean then apt update22:17
dckxpavlos: but some of the repositories include us.archive.ubuntu.com, security.ubuntu.com...22:17
dckxpavlos: I think the problem is I don't have internet connection. I am in recovery mode, in terminal... I can't login into ubuntu because keyboard and mouse are dead22:18
gimpy0455when using alt+tab, is there any way to quick way to expand the "window group" or whatever it is called that you are on?  Such as if you want to switch between 2 firefox windows I have to tab through every other window and get back to firefox, wait a second, then it shows both firefox windows and I can select the one I want22:19
pavlosdckx, unplug/replug keyb/mouse see if that helps22:20
dckxpavlos: it is a laptop22:20
pavlosdckx, oh ... can you boot off a live cd usb?22:20
hggdhgimpy0455: Alt-`22:21
dckxpavlos: I have tried external usb keyboard and mouse... keyboard and mouse work in windows, also in console, and also in recovery mode... but do not work once ubuntu boots. Also, I read somewhere that it might be that xorg got damaged, which is why the update, clean, upgrade, etc should be done. I can try booting from livecd...22:21
dckxpavlos: on a side note, ping is frozen22:21
pavlosdckx, sure, if you dont have net, ping wont work ... can you boot a previous kernel?22:22
wedgiegimpy0455: on unity it's alt+`22:22
gimpy0455hggdh: that'll work, thanks22:22
dckxpavlos: that is in advanced options? I have 4.8.0-41, 4.8.0-36, and 4.4.0-66... but none of them work22:23
pavlosdckx, I thought 4.8 is for 16.10 but 4.4 is 16.04 (might be wrong)22:24
dckxpavlos: I also have the upstart and recovery mode for each one of those kernels... I haven't tried all, but upstart doesn't boot, and the normal ones have all the same issue with kb and mouse22:24
dckxpavlos: this also may be important... when I am in recovery mode and go to "resumen normal boot", I get an error message (among many "OK" messages) that says: Failed to start Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up22:25
OerHekspavlos, you can get kernel 4.8 on 16.04 with: sudo apt-get install –install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0422:25
dckxand then booting stops... I i try to update packages via recovery mode (instead of terminal via recovery mode) I also get the error message that packagex cannot be fetched22:26
pavlosOerHeks, ty22:26
OerHekspavlos, can you help him chroot from live iso?22:27
pavlosOerHeks, nope, I have to leave in 10 min22:27
jazz_vibeshey all, need help diagnosing why a kworker is stuck on 100% (also new to irc)22:28
pavlosdckx, the idea is to boot off a live CD, then mount your drive and other things, chroot into, and fix things22:28
OerHeksoh oke, dckx , follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery22:28
OerHeksor we walk you through it22:28
pavlosdckx, see guide from OerHeks22:28
OerHekssee the part update-failure, follow it step 1-722:29
dckxOerHeks: perfect, I'll do that, thank you.22:29
dckxpavlos: I'll do that, thank you22:29
OerHekswith step 8, ( i hope you have wired networking) you can pastebin the output22:30
OerHeksdckx, sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 999922:33
jazz_vibesi've run perf here is the output http://pastebin.com/pDpy4E5R22:37
dckxOerHeks: this is embarassing, but this thing keeps saying incorrect login22:38
dckxOerHeks: my login is "Juan Pablo Ugarte"... could it have to do with the spaces? or what?22:39
xzhi there, I want to create customized live USB distro off 16.04.0122:40
xz16.04.02 it is22:40
xzI need only to add couple of files and install 2 packages22:40
OerHeksdckx, possibly .. not sure how to catch this;   Juan\ Pablo\ Ugarte    ??22:41
xzis there some script, that I can just fill in the blanks?22:41
xzall of the tutorials on the internet are very lenghty22:41
xzmessing with /etc/hosts, resolv, etc.22:41
OerHeksxz there used to be a UCK, but that project is dead22:41
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/22:41
xzOerHeks: so what's out there instead of uck?22:43
nedstarkopensuse has a website that lets you make a custom version of their distro pretty easily22:43
infinitepooonfacwhich website?22:44
OerHeksxz, there is cubic, but i never tried that myself > http://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image22:44
OerHeksnedstark, indeed, for many years now22:45
xzOerHeks: I'm going to give it a go22:45
dckxOerHeks: since I am in livecd, username was 'ubuntu' and password was blank22:45
nedstarkinfinitepooonfac, https://susestudio.com/22:45
OerHeksxz let us know, if it works, maybe it can be a replacement for UCK22:45
OerHeksdckx, ohhh.. good find!22:46
nedstarki've had mixed results with builds, they seem to fail if you pick the wrong packages22:46
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xzOerHeks: so far it does something it says it extracts the iso (which I think means it is unsquashfsing casper)22:51
xzOerHeks: and now I have chrooted console window, cool22:51
xzOerHeks: I can do stuff, or just hit 'next'22:51
Scarybabysup ya'll. I just built a apache webserver. Can anyone suggest the best application to edit the web files on the server?22:52
ScarybabyI'm using mobaterm, but it's hard to navigate around22:52
elias_aScarybaby: What about emacs? :)22:53
xzOerHeks: the problem is, in that chrooted shell, 'apt-cache search python-pip' returns no results22:53
xzOerHeks: I cannot install pip!22:53
Scarybabyemacs? never heard of it22:53
naccScarybaby: any editor22:54
dckxOerHeks:  so the instructions say: "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" ... the "sda1" in there should be the partition were I installed ubuntu, right? In muy case, sda1 is the EFI system partition... I should change it to sdaN where N is the root partition?22:54
Scarybabyeven if i edit on a windows computer?22:54
naccScarybaby: what does where you are editing matter?22:55
naccScarybaby: also this is the Ubuntu support channel, not sure asking about Windows applications are relevant22:55
dckxOerHeks: or should I stick to sda1? if I do sd1, then the rest of the steps give an error (mount point /mtn/proc does not exist)... however, if I try to mount sda7, for instance, it says "special device dev/sda7 does not exist"22:56
Scarybabyif i edit something in windows, it can be read on linux without issue?22:56
naccScarybaby: how are you editing it in windows?22:56
Scarybabyon something like notepad++22:56
Scarybabywrite the html and php stuff, then upload to apache22:57
naccScarybaby: 'upload'?22:57
kangaroo72Hi again ... ;-)22:57
Scarybabymy ubuntu server is headless22:57
Scarybabyi've been doing everything via ssh22:57
kangaroo72@nacc - no problem today - just prevention ...22:57
naccScarybaby: that's not uploading to 'apache', that's uploading to a directory22:57
Scarybabysorry about that22:58
dar123I need to install and perform certain tasks when i boot a server. One of the script downloads source and compiles an application. Where should i put the script?22:58
kangaroo72can U tell me what to backup for KVM?22:58
xzOerHeks: cubic seems to work fine, but it doesn't give me persistent partition option22:58
xzOerHeks: I'm asking for more than regular user I guess, but it would be cool to have it22:58
naccScarybaby: afaict, there shouldn't be any issues with that. I guess you might eol issues if anything, but I don't think apache/php care (and if it does `dos2unix` may fix it)22:59
naccScarybaby: why not try it and see?22:59
Scarybabyso i'm good to go editing that way? great. whats the best file format to save it as?23:00
naccScarybaby: 'file format'? they are text files23:01
fishcookershould we restarted the service of a package after doing an upgrade to the package?23:01
naccScarybaby: I don't understand why you edit remotely and upload -- why not just edit files on the server?23:01
naccfishcooker: iiuc, if it's necessary it should have been restarted for you (or you might get a request to reboot your machine, depending)23:02
Scarybabypain in the ass in mobaterm. I'm checking out emacs, but i don't have a desktop for the server23:02
naccScarybaby: you don't need a desktop to use an editor23:02
naccScarybaby: both vim and emacs work over ssh23:02
naccScarybaby: i have no idea what 'mobaterm' is23:02
ScarybabySSH terminal23:03
naccsounds like bad software if it's hard to use an editor in it23:03
Scarybabyi've been editing it in nano but i haven't been a fan because I can't click around.23:03
Scarybabyi'm open to suggestions for a ssh terminal in windows23:04
naccScarybaby: well, that would be a question for #windows probably23:04
bhalashOr PuTTY23:04
naccScarybaby: you don't need a mouse to edit files23:04
Scarybabydon't need it. just prefer it23:04
OerHeksdckx, i am back. only you can tell what partitions are used, can you pastebin sudo parted -l23:05
Scarybabymy bad, i just realized im in the wrong channel23:05
Scarybabyi meant to go to ubuntu-beginners23:05
dckxOerHeks: Hi, I got that working... but when I am in steps 8 and 9 I still get the temporary failure resolving the repositories... and I added the DNS to the resolv.conf file23:05
dckxOerHeks: but I do have internet in livecd... but somehow apt still cannot connect to the repositories23:06
OerHeksdckx, oke, can you pastebin that output?23:07
OerHeksdckx, sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 999923:07
fishcookerlet's say ntp service nacc... should we restart the service?23:07
dckxOerHeks: didn't work.. how do I copy this to past bin? cant use ctrl+c, cant use mouse inside this tty terminal23:08
naccfishcooker: i think if it needed to be restarted from theupgrade, it should have (via the package scripts). if it didn't, it wouldn't. but you can restart NTP yourself of course. It should not do any harm23:08
tatertotsdckx: the old fashioned way....type it out23:09
kangaroo72@nacc: I'm creating a backup-plan for my system. Is it safe to backup "/etc/libvirt" & "/var/lib/libvirt"?23:09
OerHekstatertots +1 type the failing ppa.launchpad names23:09
OerHekswe can tell if those have packages for your ubuntu version23:10
OerHeksif there are dead ppa's, you need to install ppa-purge, and run « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> »23:10
nacckangaroo72: what do you want to have backed up? the VMs?23:10
dckxok, I'll do it23:11
kangaroo72Generic for a HDD-Crash23:11
nacckangaroo72: but you don't care about other data?23:11
kangaroo72which e. G.?23:11
nacckangaroo72: any data23:12
nacckangaroo72: i don't understand what you're asking at all23:12
kangaroo72of course I have planned NGINX23:12
kangaroo72MySQL-DB's  and so on ...23:12
nacckangaroo72: do you only want to backup your VMs? or are you asking how to backup a system in case of HD failure23:12
nacckangaroo72: what does that have to do with anything?23:12
kangaroo72is the VM working again after restoring these folders?23:13
OerHekskangaroo72, simple plan, clone your hdd with clonezilla23:13
kangaroo72the image of the vm is included there ..23:13
nacckangaroo72: i don't know23:14
kangaroo72try'n error? ^^23:14
nacckangaroo72: yes23:14
kangaroo72hehehe :-)23:14
nacckangaroo72: or as OerHeks said, do whole disk images23:14
kangaroo72does clonezilla work on the fly?23:15
pitt-hackerwho is ready to hack?23:15
OerHekskangaroo72, no, do that from a live iso, install clonezilla and go23:16
OerHekspitt-hacker, wrong channel23:16
pitt-hackerOerHeks, why wrong chat?23:17
kangaroo72that's not what I want ... so I have to shutdown the machine ... I want to plan a copy-job via cron ... this would be nice ...23:17
pitt-hackerI have some Hillary e-mails23:17
k1lpitt-hacker: this channel is only for technical ubuntu support. thanks23:17
kangaroo72I will simulate it ...23:17
pitt-hackerI am here to help Hillary not get hacked into23:17
OerHekskangaroo72, backing up a live system, then you surely need a plan23:21
kangaroo72All user-data are on RAID-6 backed up monthly on LTO-Tapes23:22
dckxOerHeks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24191980/23:22
kangaroo72but the systempart, I'll do via Cronjob ...23:22
dckxthat's part of it... is that enough? those are all the packages, but there was more text, very similar to that though23:22
kangaroo72I will test - thanks23:23
ericnoanwhat is the difference between installing the KDE package, vs installing kubuntu? and likewise for xubuntu and lubuntu?23:23
dckxOerHeks: I just did a ping, and output is: "connect: Network is unreachable"23:23
dckxOerHeks: Ok, I just realized I am not connect to internet... will try again23:24
dckxOerHeks: try again apt update and ping23:24
OerHeksbumblebee testing, seems oke, but on top of that https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa which is the one you should use, is your mistake23:24
OerHeksremove bumblebee testing please23:25
OerHeksyou need to install ppa-purge, and run: sudo ppa-purge ppa:bumblebee/testing23:25
OerHeksor choose bumblebee, then remove ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa23:27
dckxOerHeks: but how do I install ppa-purge if I cannot access internet? I can from livecd, but not from tty23:29
tatertotsdckx: smell like you have a reinstallation of the operating system in your future23:30
dellalguien habla español?23:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:31
dckxtatertots: will reinstallation remove all the software I installed? Or will just fix system files?23:31
tatertotsdckx: can you name any of the software you speak of by name?23:33
tatertotsdckx: if not...that's the least of your worries right now23:34
dckxtatertots: lol you are right23:34
mkeloggneed some help with my program that uses pipes and forks that is interpretation of cat /etc/passwd | cut  – f1  – d: | sort.23:35
dckxOerHeks: I had found this solution earlier... what do you think? About contacting my ISP and all that? does it make sense? http://askubuntu.com/questions/91543/apt-get-update-fails-to-fetch-files-temporary-failure-resolving-error23:35
mkeloggfor some reason cant get sort to correctly fork()23:35
OerHeksoneiric .. that version is EOL23:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on May 9th 2013, see http://ubottu.com/y/oneiric for more details.23:36
Hydr0p0nXanyone point me to a guide for getting the vrc-1100 fully functioning under 14.04.5 ? i can get some of the keys to work but at least the menu, info, exit, back, red/blue/green/yellow keys don't appear to be registering23:37
dckxOerHeks: I understand the deprecated ppas, or the conflict between packages. What I don't get is why I cannot connect to internet.23:37
Hydr0p0nXeverything I can find seems outdated23:37
OerHeksdckx, did you chroot with oneiric?23:37
tatertotsdckx: you internet works fine from livecd/liveusb....why bother your ISP for a problem that it's liability lies squarely on your shoulders23:37
Guest26329this operating system is crazy hard23:37
Guest26329it was so hard just to get here.23:38
dckxOerHeks: you mean if I did "sudo chroot /mnt" (step 7. in the LiveCdRecovery guide)... I did that... in tty it says: root@ubuntu:/#... is that what you were asking about?23:39
OerHeksdckx, no, the live iso itself, is it oneiric 11.10 ??23:40
OerHeksand is the troubled machine wired or wireless?23:40
Guest26329im gonna have to come back here when i have a whole day.  ive run out of patience and i seriously doubt i can find this chat room again. everything is so hard in this os23:41
dckxOerHeks: how can I check within livecd? it is wireless23:41
wxl@Guest26329: you can always pay for support through windows/mac. technically, you can pay for support with ubuntu, too.23:41
OerHeksdckx, ah oke, try to plugin a cable. you have no wireless connection setup.23:41
Guest26329 id sooner reinstall windows 1023:41
dckxOerHeks: ok, will be back soon23:42
dckxtatertots: good point23:42
dckxtatertots: you seem to be enjoying my situation to a certain degree, am I right?23:42
naccmkelogg: why are you using C to just call commands on the shell basically?23:42
OerHeksdckx, normally i am the joker, and tatertots the volunteer :-D23:43
tatertotsdckx: of course i do not enjoy your situation....what kind of person do you take me for23:44
mkeloggim learning pipes and forks nacc23:46
naccmkelogg: also, you're not connecting anything (afaict) to pdfs2[0] for writing23:46
mkeloggwell trying to23:47
naccmkelogg: i'm not sure C is the best place to learn abou them, but ok23:47
dckxOerHeks: apt update working now that it is wired... any other apt stuff I should try before ppa-purge?23:47
dckxOerHeks: anything that will let me boot, so I can do the purge and all that from my installation instead of livecd (I have no trackpoad on livecd)23:48
OerHeksnope, instlal ppa-purge and go23:48
naccmkelogg: your use of dup() seems odd23:48
naccmkelogg: and doesn't match what the comment says, afaict23:48
naccmkelogg: but you should be asking a programming channel anyways23:49
dckxOerHeks: nevermind, I will find out myself. Thank you so much for your help :D23:50
tatertotsdckx: you got internet now?23:51
dckxtatertots: I know, linux users would never rejoice out of someone else's technical mishaps23:51
dckxtatertots: yes, I do... So hopefully I'll be able to boot into ubuntu now and solve whaever packages issues from there23:52
tatertotsdckx: give it a shot/try23:52
tatertotsdckx: were you able to boot into ubuntu?23:56
Guest11832why i can not see the device tab when i open terminal on my VM guest ob VB23:58
dckxtatertots: no, but hopefully I will be able to fix the packages from recovery mode... but that will have to wait until I do laundry23:58
Guest11832i am using the server version without GUI23:58
tatertotsGuest11832: aww...are you looking for a particular "device"?23:59

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