
dylygsHey, quick question, I have a new xubuntu install here, and I'm trying to pair my Avantree Audition headphones with bluetooth, but they don't even show up under blueman or bluetoothctl. I've successfully found, paired, & used a bluetooth speaker, so I'm a bit confused...02:58
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
cmb_I have an old Sony Vaio PCG-31311M that has run XUbuntu in various flavours over the years. Last week wireless stopped working while trying to connect to a network. In the WiFi applet it reports as "Disabled" and refuses to be enabled. Eventually tried a clean install (tried 16.10 and 16.04.2, in both cases reformatting the disk so no leftovers from previous install). Still reporting as disabled and can't be re-enabled. Outpu09:46
cmb_t of 'lshw' at http://www.fintry-church.org.uk/opal_hardware  Any hints about what to try, either to re-enable WiFi, or to decide its permanently borked, welcome!09:46
pmjdebruijncmb_: sounds like you hit the wifi kill switch button on the laptop itself09:50
pmjdebruijnmost laptop have one09:51
cmb_Hmm, not aware of one. Specific switch, or keyboard combo?09:52
pmjdebruijnno clue09:52
pmjdebruijnit's your laptop09:52
pmjdebruijncheck the manual :)09:52
sorinello_cmb_, do you have a Fn key on your laptop ?09:52
cmb_:^) Man, that's slightly embarrassing. Looking underneath the laptop to get the model number to download the manual from Sony, turns out there is a dedicated wireless on/off switch that I didn't know was there. So much for a 35+ years of technical experience. Sigh...09:56
cmb_(though slightly disappointing I can't justify to the SO a new laptop...!)09:56
pmjdebruijnyou can pretend you never talked to us :)09:57
=== user__ is now known as akis
akishi all. today i realized that thunar freezes while shredding files. I also realize that columns size is expanded although there is no need. I saw this issue after yesterday's system's update. Any help please?10:10
akishi all. today i realized that thunar freezes while shredding files. I also realize that columns size is expanded although there is no need. I saw this issue after yesterday's system's update. Any help please?11:49
cmb_Not sure that this is XUbuntu specific, so will maybe need ask over in #ubuntu - but tried 16.10 briefly recently and had problems with addressing machines on my local network. On 16.04 and earlier I could address machines on my local network via 'hostname.local' (using ssh, rsync, unison, etc). On 16.10 the .local domain didn't resolve, and neither does trying the hostnames on their own (ie 'rock' rather than 'rock.local' et17:51
cmb_c). Did just enough googling to realise something has changed in the resolver.  But nothing obvious showed up for how to restore previous behaviour, or use hostnames directly, or whatever. Logging in via IP was OK, so I know connectivity was OK.17:51
pmjdebruijncmb_: sounds like avahi or something17:59
pmjdebruijnbut to be honest I'd never want to depend on that17:59
pmjdebruijnI don't think it's a particularly great idea17:59
pmjdebruijnmany home routers do register hostname in their local dns via dhcp18:00
pmjdebruijndnsmasq does it by default IIRC18:00
pmjdebruijnmuch better approach18:00
pmjdebruijnsince that's os independant of course18:00
xubuntu68wMy charger is malfunction and i installed with only the battery. I guess all is ok so long there was power enough on the battery ?20:17
SlownHey guys21:27
Wayward_VagabondThis laptop is running xubuntu 14.04lts, trying to ethernet to my new laptop I just installed 16.04lts onto and bridge the wifi on here22:08
Wayward_Vagabondbut with a crossover cable or straight one, they both fail to connect, do I need to change the network settings on here?22:09
=== Guest28845 is now known as aaronraimist

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