rick_h | wallyworld: or thumper either of you have a few to chat? | 00:37 |
wallyworld | sure | 00:38 |
rick_h | https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick?authuser=1wallyworld: | 00:38 |
rick_h | bah | 00:38 |
rick_h | wallyworld: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick?authuser=1 | 00:38 |
wallyworld | thumper: are you free to pop into chat above? | 00:45 |
axw | babbageclunk: back from school drop off. what did you want to know about GCE networking specifically? | 01:09 |
axw | babbageclunk: I think I may have poked around the edges before, so *may* be able ot answer questions | 01:10 |
babbageclunk | axw: hi! I'm just trying to understand how GCE's networking compares to what we have | 01:25 |
thumper | wallyworld: I'm around now | 01:27 |
wallyworld | thumper: tis ok, we can chat in a bit | 01:27 |
babbageclunk | axw: actually, I'm having trouble formulating specific questions now - I need to get things a bit clearer in my head. | 01:33 |
babbageclunk | axw: ok, one specific question - GCE subnets are tied to a region and span all the AZs for that region. Should the SubnetInfos I return from gceEnviron.Subnets() have all of the AZs for a region? Or should AvailabilityZones be empty? | 01:40 |
axw | babbageclunk: yeah sorry, no idea about that. that's probably a question for jam | 01:41 |
babbageclunk | axw: :) ah well - I'm just going to pick one for now and then talk to him about it on Monday. | 01:42 |
axw | babbageclunk: based on the docs for SubnetInfo, I'd fill them all in. but I don't know for sure | 01:42 |
axw | babbageclunk: I *think* we use that to constrain which AZs to choose from when starting the instance | 01:43 |
babbageclunk | axw: ah, ok. | 01:43 |
babbageclunk | axw: I think that's the kind of information I really need, actually | 01:46 |
axw | okey dokey | 01:46 |
babbageclunk | axw: thanks! | 01:48 |
axw | babbageclunk: np | 01:48 |
rick_h | thumper: still around? | 01:58 |
* rick_h checks in one more time before bed | 01:58 | |
rick_h | thumper: nvm, I see you sent me an email. ty | 02:01 |
sinzui | babbageclunk: signup using your canonical email and register a credit card. The expenses wont be much for the occassional testing | 02:13 |
babbageclunk | Ah, ok | 02:13 |
babbageclunk | thanks sinzui | 02:13 |
sinzui | babbageclunk: also, you can request a raise in limits from the quota page, you might not needed. | 02:13 |
* babbageclunk should really sort out an NZ credit card anyway. | 02:14 | |
sinzui | babbageclunk: Happy to think you are protecting my firewalls. ses deleeted them all one day in December because he thought GCE would ignore requests to delete firwalls that were in use. | 02:14 |
babbageclunk | sinzui: oh ouch! | 02:14 |
pranav_ | Hi Folks. Facing an issue publishing our charm for review | 06:57 |
pranav_ | # charm release cs:~vtas-hyperscale-ci/hyperscale-0 --resource "install/-1" --channel edge ERROR cannot release charm or bundle: bad request: charm published with incorrect resources: charm does not have resource "install/" | 06:57 |
Guest50267 | Hey all. Any one has idea on charm push-term? [14:24] <Guest50267> getting error ERROR unrecognized command: charm push-term [14:24] <Guest50267> charm version is 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16. | 08:54 |
psarwate | Hey folks. Need help getting juju terms working | 16:06 |
psarwate | juju doesn't seem to prompt for agreeing terms | 16:07 |
mattyw | perrito666, you still around? | 16:46 |
perrito666 | mattyw: hey, yes, sorry I was not watching this channel | 16:46 |
mattyw | perrito666, unforgivable, as punishment here's a review you can do :) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7120 | 16:47 |
mattyw | :) | 16:47 |
perrito666 | mattyw: I am curious, what is the number on your branch names? | 16:47 |
mattyw | perrito666, I number my branches, so I have a concept of the order I've done them in | 16:48 |
perrito666 | interesting idea | 16:48 |
mattyw | perrito666, but the number resets at random intervals | 16:48 |
mattyw | perrito666, and isn't always sequential | 16:49 |
mattyw | perrito666, it's fairly ad hoc | 16:49 |
perrito666 | 16 files change :p | 16:50 |
mattyw | perrito666, most of it is fairly trivial | 16:52 |
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