
seeit_hi my audio seems to have stopped working on the audio device but works on the hdmi ports still anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions?04:44
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:16
CraggyTubhey guys after a bit of help I cannot change the DNS settings on the router, and am using a vpn but the dns is leaking, how do i change the dns settings in Kubuntu 16.1011:34
hateballCraggyTub: is it openvpn? if so there is a bug for leaking iirc11:35
CraggyTubyes it is openvpn11:35
CraggyTubany work around?11:35
CraggyTubsorry dog had a go at typing11:35
hateballCraggyTub: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/121111011:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1211110 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network manager openvpn dns push data not updating system DNS addresses" [High,Expired]11:36
hateballCraggyTub: I think there is a workaround or two in there11:36
CraggyTubthanks dude11:36
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hateballCan't say for sure as I don't use openvpn myself11:37
hateballCraggyTub: Good luck :)11:37
Guest15938Alguem afim de conversar11:43
Guest15938acho que nao mudou muito esse internet relay chat11:44
Guest15938esta uma merda11:44
Guest15938holy shit11:44
BluesKajCraggyTub, there is a method using openvpn in the terminal without network-manager-vpn, also prevents dns leakage https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/36b6by/how_can_i_connect_to_a_vpn_pia_without_network/11:49
CraggyTubthanks bud ill look at that too11:50
CraggyTubfound a git script that may help with network manager11:51
BluesKajok CraggyTub , care to share?11:52
BluesKajCraggyTub, thanks11:54
leransWhat I need in telepathy for use Telegram?12:31
JamesB192telepathy-morse -> https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ??12:49
JamesB192telepathy-morse -> https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ??12:49
leransJamesB192: http://ppa.launchpad.net/telepathy/ppa/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found12:52
OerHeksthat ppa is up to precise ..12:52
OerHeksthere is a snap package, sudo snap install telegram-sergiusens, or a ppa ppa:atareao/telegram12:54
JamesB192so I was wrong hence uncertainty12:54
OerHeksJamesB192, easy to check, that page got a drop-down-menu12:56
OerHeksany ppa.launchpad page actually12:57
JamesB192i was trying to help lerans and failing.12:57
OerHeksJamesB192, no problem, at least you tried :-)12:58
OerHeksno harm done, that is12:58
leransWhat's the solution?12:59
OerHekslerans,just remove that instance from sources, and you are fine.12:59
OerHekstry again with ppa:atareao/telegram12:59
lerans... I can' t install13:10
leranssee you later13:11
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DeeJayTwoHi, I'd like to unlock kwallet when opening my session but I see in /etc/pam.d/sddm that there could be a problem with qprocess.17:48
DeeJayTwoIs it still the case with Kubuntu 16.04.2 ?17:48
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CraggyTubgood evening guys, looking for a bit of help is there a way of either making the popups when you hover over an open app or make it smaller?21:04
CraggyTubif that makes sence21:05
CraggyTubanyone here?21:23
SnowhogLot's here, but not many talking. :(21:24
CraggyTubany idea where the settings are to adjust the hover over open app popup thing21:25
SnowhogWhat version of Kubuntu?21:25
CraggyTubdone it =]21:29
StefanSuurmeijerHi all, just upgraded to 16.10 yesterday. Not it seems on reboot, some (but not all) startup scripts are not working. Anyone else see this behavior? For me specifically, Samba (smbd/nmbd) and Arno-iptables-firewall don't start. No obvious reason, still looking23:18
StefanSuurmeijerNot = Now23:18
user|39984hi all. Whatever I do with grub I cannot decrease the ridiculously high resolution of 1920x1080 to 1440x810 or 1280. do you have any suggestions?23:33
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ddoobbCan an okular user please tell me the shirtcut to unhide menubar?23:59

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