mup | Bug #1673634 opened: [2.2] Spurious test failure: test__handles_missing_system_handler_on_notification <MAAS:Triaged> <> | 00:35 |
derekcat | Ok FYI, figured it out.... Something [MAAS?] mangled or failed to restore the node's UEFI settings to PXE boot once it was released, and thus it was just booting to the installed/deployed OS but with cloud-init messages all over and confusing me. | 00:45 |
eduard | Hi, can somebody help me with the open stack install... i have a problem when i run JUJU_BOOTSTRAP_TO=------- openstack-install | 03:09 |
eduard | it's my log: | 03:09 |
eduard | [ERROR: 03-16 20:31:20,] A fatal error has occurred: Problem with juju bootstrap. [ERROR: 03-16 20:31:20,] Problem with juju bootstrap. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.4/concurrent/futures/", line 54, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 146, in do_install raise Exception("Prob | 03:09 |
mup | Bug #1673655 opened: deploy of a custom image failed <MAAS:New> <> | 03:15 |
mup | Bug #1673655 changed: deploy of a custom image failed <MAAS:New> <> | 03:21 |
mup | Bug #1673655 opened: deploy of a custom image failed <MAAS:New> <> | 03:24 |
roaksoax | cd/win 6 | 08:22 |
mup | Bug #1671839 changed: Improve how the ssh key is shown in the UI <MAAS:Fix Released> <> | 09:12 |
mup | Bug #1673713 opened: django.db.utils.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "maasserver_staticipaddress_ip_key" <MAAS:New> <> | 09:42 |
ybaumy | i think i have found a bug | 09:45 |
ybaumy | when using maas with vmware sdb mostly gets the mbr then when using juju to deploy the VM doesnt boot | 09:45 |
ybaumy | because it expects the first hd | 09:46 |
ybaumy | it seems that scsi ids are not correctly read by maas or ubuntu | 09:47 |
cnf | maas won't let me assign a vlan on what it considers to be the default on a fabric | 10:07 |
cnf | and i seem unable to change the default... | 10:07 |
cnf | how do you deal with this? | 10:07 |
ybaumy | sorry i dont use vlans in maas since the tagging is on vmware side | 10:08 |
mup | Bug #1673724 opened: [2.2] MAAS sets the last disk (i.e. sdf) as the boot device, instead of the first (i.e. sda) <MAAS:New> <> | 10:12 |
mup | Bug #1673726 opened: scsi ids with vmware are not correctly used <MAAS:Incomplete> <> | 10:12 |
ybaumy | hmm did somebody open up the same problem as i have with | 10:16 |
roaksoax | cnf: i dont fully understand what you wnt to do ? | 10:24 |
cnf | roaksoax: job called for my attention,. there :P | 11:21 |
cnf | roaksoax: so if i make a fabric, and add 3 VLAN's with subnets to it | 11:22 |
cnf | and i configure an interface on a machine | 11:22 |
cnf | it picks the 1st vlan | 11:22 |
cnf | i can add the other 2 vlans tagged, but it will not let me add the 1st one tagged, it seems | 11:23 |
ybaumy | cnf: hmm can it be that you can only have one vlan per fabric? | 11:31 |
roaksoax | cnf: you mean, you have: | 11:32 |
ybaumy | cnf: forget that | 11:32 |
roaksoax | fabric-0.untagged.subnet1 | 11:32 |
roaksoax | fabric-0.vlanX.subnet1 | 11:33 |
roaksoax | fabric-0.vlanY.subnet3 | 11:33 |
roaksoax | and configuring interfaces | 11:33 |
roaksoax | that would be: | 11:33 |
cnf | roaksoax: no, there is no untagged traffic | 11:33 |
roaksoax | cnf: right, but your switchport has the management vlan set ? (which would be considered untagged, as you dont need ethX.<vlan> configured to receive traffic?) | 11:34 |
cnf | the switch doesn't allow untagged data | 11:35 |
cnf | on that port, anyway | 11:35 |
roaksoax | cnf: but you still have a management vlan no ? | 11:37 |
roaksoax | cnf: for example, switch port management vlan could be 10 | 11:37 |
roaksoax | and you have tagged traffic on vlan 100 and vlan 200 | 11:37 |
roaksoax | on the same switch port | 11:37 |
roaksoax | so effectively, you can access eth0 -> vlan10, management vlan | 11:37 |
roaksoax | eth0.100 -> tagged | 11:37 |
roaksoax | eth0.200 -> tagged | 11:37 |
cnf | no | 11:41 |
cnf | no untagged traffic on that switch | 11:41 |
cnf | management is on a different switch | 11:41 |
cnf | untagged traffic just gets blackholed | 11:42 |
cnf | roaksoax: and maas doesn't seem to like this :P | 11:43 |
cnf | hmm | 11:51 |
cnf | roaksoax: so maas expects there to be untagged traffic on a port? | 11:52 |
cnf | so i need to create a fake subnet, just to free the vlan on that port? | 11:52 |
cnf | why can't i pick which one is untagged, anyway? | 11:52 |
mup | Bug #1669833 opened: [2.2b3] Cannot add subnet via the WebUI <MAAS:New for ricgard> <> | 11:54 |
cnf | roaksoax: so even if my switch had an untagged vlan, if that vlan was 4090, i'd have the same problem | 11:55 |
cnf | it picks the smallest one, and hard locks it on the interface | 11:55 |
cnf | (or i am doing something wrong) | 11:55 |
cnf | no, can't even make a fake "untagged" vlan, and assign it | 11:57 |
cnf | it locks to the lowest number vlan | 11:57 |
cnf | am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? | 11:57 |
roaksoax | cnf: not really no | 11:59 |
roaksoax | cnf: eth0 -> unconfigured | 11:59 |
roaksoax | eth0 -> vlan10 | 11:59 |
cnf | not really a bug, or not really doing something wrong? | 11:59 |
roaksoax | cnf: I can configure multiple vlans for 1 interface | 12:00 |
cnf | yes, but NOT the lowerst numbered one | 12:01 |
cnf | not tagged, anyway | 12:01 |
cnf | because maas seems to assume that is untagged | 12:01 |
cnf | i can add the other ones just fine | 12:01 |
cnf | so, i have vlans 2, 4011 and 4012 | 12:02 |
cnf | when i connect an interface, maas puts it in vlan 2 | 12:02 |
cnf | untagged | 12:02 |
cnf | i can now add tagged vlans 4011 and 4012 to that interface | 12:02 |
cnf | this works | 12:02 |
cnf | but i can not add vlan 2 to it, tagged | 12:02 |
cnf | it just won't let me | 12:03 |
cnf | it lets me click save, it just doesn't do anything | 12:03 |
roaksoax | cnf: so you have this: | 12:03 |
mup | Bug #1669833 changed: [2.2b3] Cannot add subnet via the WebUI <MAAS:New for ricgard> <> | 12:03 |
roaksoax | cnf: fabric-0 - untagged | 12:04 |
roaksoax | - vlan2 - subnet1 | 12:04 |
roaksoax | - vlan4011 - subnet2 | 12:04 |
roaksoax | - vlan4012 - subnet3 | 12:04 |
cnf | yes | 12:05 |
cnf | sent you a screenshot of it in pm | 12:05 |
cnf | has some public ranges, hence the pm | 12:05 |
roaksoax | and your interfaces look like: | 12:06 |
roaksoax | name - Fabric - VLAN - Subnet - IP Address | 12:06 |
roaksoax | -------------------------------------------------------------- | 12:06 |
roaksoax | eth0 - fabric-0 - untagged - unconfigured - unconfigured | 12:06 |
roaksoax | eth0.2 - fabric-0 - untagged - vlan2 - Auto assign | 12:06 |
roaksoax | eth0.4011 - fabric-0 - untagged - vlan4011 - Auto assign | 12:06 |
roaksoax | eth0.4012 - fabric-0 - untagged - vlan4012 - Auto assign | 12:06 |
cnf | i don't know how to get it in that format :P but the webui doesn't let me make eth0.2 | 12:07 |
cnf | or maybe it just doesn't show it? | 12:07 |
roaksoax | cnf: hover over 'eth0' | 12:08 |
roaksoax | on the far right, there will be an icon for ' + <edit> <bin>' | 12:08 |
roaksoax | hover over the '+' | 12:08 |
roaksoax | click it | 12:09 |
cnf | roaksoax: i mean, it shows me eth0.4011 and eth.4012 | 12:09 |
cnf | but NOT eth0.2 | 12:09 |
cnf | yes | 12:09 |
cnf | it will not give me eth0.2 | 12:09 |
cnf | i added 4011 and 4012 fine | 12:09 |
mup | Bug #1669833 opened: [2.2b3] Cannot add subnet via the WebUI <MAAS:New for ricgard> <> | 12:09 |
roaksoax | cnf: when you hit on the + | 12:10 |
roaksoax | doens't show you a drop down to select the VLAN interface ? | 12:11 |
cnf | it does | 12:11 |
cnf | i can pick vlan 2 | 12:11 |
cnf | it lets me fill everything out | 12:11 |
cnf | it lets me click save | 12:11 |
cnf | and then it doesn't have that config | 12:11 |
cnf | it's just gone | 12:11 |
cnf | for vlan 2, the other ones work | 12:12 |
roaksoax | cnf: ohhh, so while you do that tail the logs? tail -f /var/log/maas/*.log | 12:12 |
roaksoax | there's a bug in 2.1 that it doens't surface errors on the UI | 12:12 |
roaksoax | but that's fixed on trunk now | 12:12 |
roaksoax | cnf: but fwiw: | 12:13 |
roaksoax | | 12:13 |
cnf | you have a functional subnet on your untagged, though | 12:13 |
cnf | i was trying to fake that | 12:13 |
cnf | ith the fe80::/10 | 12:14 |
cnf | my interface locks on vlan 2 | 12:14 |
roaksoax | cnf: tail the logs | 12:14 |
roaksoax | cnf: if it allows you to add the other vlans, there's no reason why it shouldn;t allow you to add 2 | 12:14 |
cnf | | 12:16 |
cnf | machine.create_vlan: {"vlan": ["A VLAN interface can only belong to a tagged VLAN."]} | 12:16 |
roaksoax | cnf: that's a weird and unuseful error | 12:17 |
roaksoax | cnf: try deleting vlan2 | 12:17 |
roaksoax | re-adding it again | 12:17 |
roaksoax | and see what happens | 12:17 |
cnf | | 12:17 |
roaksoax | cnf: also, fwiw, I just create a new fabric, without any vlans whatsoever and I was able to configure the interface appropriately | 12:17 |
cnf | as you can see, the VLAN field is grayed out | 12:17 |
cnf | i have no choice as to what vlan is "untagged" on it | 12:18 |
roaksoax | cnf: ohh, istead of editing the physical interface | 12:18 |
roaksoax | cnf: click on the "+" sign | 12:18 |
cnf | yeah, but i can't | 12:19 |
cnf | it thinks vlan 2 is untagged, so it won't let me add it | 12:19 |
roaksoax | yes | 12:19 |
roaksoax | that;s the problem | 12:19 |
cnf | so i don't know how to fix this | 12:22 |
roaksoax | Go to the 'Subnets' tag | 12:23 |
roaksoax | cnf: click on tour vlan 2 | 12:24 |
roaksoax | what's teh VID? | 12:24 |
cnf | shit, i deleted a wrong interface | 12:24 |
cnf | and i don't know the MAC | 12:25 |
roaksoax | did you delete the PXE interface ? | 12:25 |
roaksoax | if not, just re-commission the machine | 12:26 |
cnf | yes, i did :P | 12:26 |
roaksoax | cnf: any, it is fairly simple to fix | 12:26 |
roaksoax | go to vlan2 | 12:26 |
roaksoax | switch the VID back to 9 | 12:26 |
roaksoax | 0 | 12:26 |
roaksoax | swithc the name | 12:26 |
roaksoax | back to 'default vlan' | 12:26 |
roaksoax | then add a new vlan2 | 12:26 |
roaksoax | and problem solved | 12:26 |
cnf | so it sees the very 1st one added as "default" ? | 12:27 |
roaksoax | cnf: every single time you add a fabric an 'untagged' vlan will be create | 12:28 |
roaksoax | that will always be the "physical link" vlan , so to speak | 12:28 |
cnf | oh, and I probably edited that one, because there isn't one for me | 12:29 |
cnf | ok, unexpected... | 12:29 |
cnf | roaksoax: that does seem to work, thanks! | 12:29 |
cnf | i'm going to grab lunch, and let that one machine add itself again | 12:30 |
cnf | bbiab \o | 12:30 |
cnf | roaksoax: btw, i consider this a bug, it assumes the untagged vlan is the same on every port | 12:55 |
cnf | (this is why we don't do untagged traffic on trunk ports, btw :P ) | 12:55 |
roaksoax | cnf: actually it is not a bug. It's specifically designed to be that way | 12:56 |
roaksoax | cnf: while you may be blocking a vlan on the swithc, the underlying physical interface is sitll connected to the switch | 12:59 |
cnf | roaksoax: it is, but port 1 on switch a can have vlan 10 untagged, and port 2 can have vlan 20 untagged | 13:03 |
cnf | maas can't deal with this | 13:03 |
roaksoax | cnf: that's by design | 13:04 |
roaksoax | for good or bad :/ | 13:04 |
cnf | hmm | 13:04 |
roaksoax | cnf: you should file a bug about that, maybe we can change's the decision maker's mind on this :P | 13:05 |
cnf | where would I file this bug? | 13:07 |
roaksoax | cnf: | 13:07 |
roaksoax | fwiw, when we initially implemented the suport for vlans | 13:07 |
roaksoax | we allowed to deal with that use case | 13:08 |
roaksoax | but we had to remove it | 13:08 |
cnf | "had to" ? | 13:08 |
cnf | roaksoax: so it doesn't affect me too much, because we keep untagged traffic off of our trunks, anyway, but it sure bit me in the rear there :P | 13:11 |
cnf | on a different question | 13:11 |
cnf | when i add a machine, the root partition gets created with LVM | 13:11 |
cnf | which is cool | 13:11 |
cnf | but about half the time, it uses sdb to create the root | 13:11 |
cnf | which isn't cool :P | 13:11 |
cnf | when i delete it from sdb, i can't manually configure lvm on sda | 13:11 |
cnf | so now half my nodes have lvm, and have do not | 13:12 |
roaksoax | cnf: you should be able to recreate your lvm just fine | 13:13 |
roaksoax | on sda | 13:13 |
cnf | hmm, i don't see the options | 13:14 |
cnf | let me look again | 13:14 |
roaksoax | unver "available disks and partitions" | 13:15 |
roaksoax | there should be a button for "Create volume group" | 13:15 |
cnf | oh, so there is | 13:15 |
cnf | roaksoax: yep, i was just blind :P | 13:18 |
roaksoax | :) | 13:18 |
vogelc | Question to the group. How is it suggested to setup DHCP forwarding on a switch to multiple rack controllers? use a vip for the controllers or use a broadcast address for forwarding? | 13:25 |
cnf | are there separate install methods for the maas cli? | 13:38 |
roaksoax | vogelc: | 13:39 |
roaksoax | 2.2+ only though | 13:39 |
vogelc | roaksoax: we tried dhcp relay and it was strange. when a node would be deployed it would set the network interface to the network the DHCP server was on not the network we had the relay on. Strangely it would give it the correct IP. | 13:44 |
vogelc | roaksoax: so what we are doing now is putting all the subnets in the same fabric. | 13:46 |
roaksoax | vogelc: that's expected | 13:49 |
roaksoax | isc-dhcp.network1 ---- dhcp-relay ---- machine would dhcp from network1 | 13:49 |
cnf | ah HP slow boot... | 13:52 |
cnf | so much fun during maas debugging... | 13:52 |
cnf | uhm | 14:07 |
cnf | hmm | 14:07 |
cnf | should maas not add interface routes for interfaces? | 14:09 |
cnf | k this is confusing | 14:10 |
cnf | i have a non-working network setup from a maas deploy | 14:14 |
cnf | roaksoax: so it seems the interface isn't brought up properly if you don't configure the untagged interface | 14:19 |
cnf | i had to manually edit /etc/network/interfaces | 14:19 |
cnf | and add "auto <nicname>" to it | 14:19 |
roaksoax | cnf: maas <user> machine get-curtin-config <system-id> would tell me the config | 14:19 |
cnf | and ifdown, and ifup said interface | 14:19 |
cnf | yeah, i don't have a working maas cli atm | 14:20 |
cnf | let me see how that works | 14:20 |
cnf | hmm, login isn't working | 14:23 |
cnf | ok | 14:24 |
mup | Bug #1673791 opened: [2.2b3] Running a full test suite leaves machines as Testing <hardware-testing> <MAAS:Triaged> <> | 14:24 |
cnf | pasted it in pm roaksoax | 14:25 |
cnf | there was no entry for enp3s0f0 in /etc/network/interfaces, so none of the vlan devices came up | 14:25 |
SARAH__ | Hello guys, can anyone help me? Im having some issues with my MaaS server | 14:34 |
pmatulis | SARAH__, ask and see | 14:36 |
SARAH__ | I have a raw image that I want to import with maas, but I just couldnt find a way to do so | 14:37 |
roaksoax | SARAH__: is this an ubuntu image ? | 14:43 |
SARAH__ | it's a debian mage | 14:43 |
SARAH__ | image | 14:43 |
roaksoax | SARAH__: maas admin boot-resources create name=custom1 title=”Ubuntu Custom Image” architecture=amd64/generic content@=/home/ubuntu/ubuntu-custom-root-tgz | 14:50 |
roaksoax | simthing like that | 14:50 |
roaksoax | SARAH__: by raw, you mean it is a ddtgz ? | 14:50 |
SARAH__ | I get an error when I try to do that command, it's somehow missing | 14:52 |
roaksoax | maas admin boot-resources create name=custom1 title="Custom Image" architecture=amd64/generic content@=/path/to/image | 14:56 |
roaksoax | maas admin boot-resources create name=custom1 title="Custom Image" architecture=amd64/generic content@=/path/to/image filetype=ddtgz | 14:57 |
roaksoax | for example | 14:57 |
cnf | hmm | 14:59 |
cnf | roaksoax: other machine, some interfaces up, some not | 14:59 |
cnf | and an ifdown / ifup of the raw interface fixes it | 15:01 |
cnf | o,O | 15:01 |
Abir | why is my ''rack-controller'' not connected to the region and how do I fix it ? | 15:04 |
pmatulis | Abir, restart it? | 15:07 |
Abir | I tried that, nothing | 15:08 |
pmatulis | Abir, command used? | 15:08 |
Abir | I restarted the whole server ... | 15:09 |
pmatulis | Abi... | 15:33 |
mup | Bug #1646160 changed: [2.1] Device discovery UI does not have a loading state <ui> <MAAS:Fix Released by ricgard> <> | 15:37 |
jianghuaw_ | hi, is there any way to disable DHCP on a specific network/interface? I setup both Region and rack controller in the same host. | 15:49 |
jianghuaw_ | the host has eth0 connect to the external network. It shouldn't enable DHCP on external network. | 15:50 |
jianghuaw_ | Any idea? | 15:50 |
roaksoax | jianghuaw_: you cannot enabled/disable dhcp on an interface | 15:55 |
roaksoax | you enable/disable dhcp on a vlan | 15:55 |
roaksoax | so if you have a rack controller interface connected to a vlanx (for example, untagged), and you enable DHCP on the "untagged" vlan | 15:55 |
roaksoax | you are telling maas that dhcp is to be provided in that VLAN | 15:55 |
jianghuaw_ | roaksoax, thanks for the response. oh. I see. I have two interfaces connected to two untagged vlan. I should be able to disable dhcp on the one which is connected to external. | 15:58 |
jianghuaw_ | correct? | 15:58 |
roaksoax | jianghuaw_: if you have 1 machine, with 2 interfaces connected to the same broadcast domain, without a bond, that seems like is likely to break other things than just doing dhcp on both interfaces | 16:00 |
jianghuaw_ | they are two isolated network. not in the same broadcast domain. | 16:01 |
roaksoax | jianghuaw_: then it is strnage that they are in the same vlan | 16:02 |
roaksoax | jianghuaw_: for example, if you enable dhcp on fabric-0.untagged | 16:03 |
roaksoax | and you have a rack controller on eth0.fabric-0.untagged and eth1.fabric-0.untagged | 16:03 |
roaksoax | that means you have two interfaces on the same vlan | 16:03 |
jianghuaw_ | Ah acutally they belong to different Fabric. | 16:03 |
roaksoax | jianghuaw_: right... so the way it works is just maas would enable dhcp against those interfaces in the vlan you are enabling | 16:05 |
jianghuaw_ | roaksoax, indeed. Thanks. | 16:15 |
David_Orange | Hi, is there any way to get node interfaces using python-libmass ? | 16:18 |
roaksoax | David_Orange: not yet, but we are working on it! | 16:38 |
brendand | David_Orange, objects in libmaas have a _data attribute which is not really *meant* to be used, but it's probably there, with the caveat that 'private' attributes are highly liable to change | 16:41 |
David_Orange | roaksoax: thanks for your answer. I take a look to the code, of the machine class, but i can not figure how to add this set | 16:41 |
David_Orange | roaksoax: thks for this clue, i will check if it can be enought for now | 16:41 |
David_Orange | roaksoax: thx, it is enough for me. I suppose _data is the raw response from the api ? | 16:45 |
roaksoax | David_Orange: yes, that's the raw response | 16:45 |
stormmore | anyone seen kiko lately? | 16:46 |
roaksoax | David_Orange: i.e. machine = client.machines.get(system_id="an8xxy") | 16:46 |
roaksoax | machine._data["interface_set"] | 16:46 |
roaksoax | stormmore: he's probably traveling lately | 16:46 |
stormmore | ah no problem :) | 16:47 |
David_Orange | roaksoax: yeah, get it. Thx | 16:47 |
stormmore | updated the bug for him :) | 16:51 |
zeestrat | Hey MAAS folks, has there been any thoughts about the possibility of easily/automatically adding A records for the power addresses of machines? | 17:37 |
mup | Bug #1673854 opened: Commissioning selects wrong boot drive on 3-disk KVM <MAAS:Incomplete> <> | 18:46 |
catbus1 | maas 2.1 cli login returns: Expected application/json, got: text/html; charset=utf-8 | 21:44 |
catbus1 | either I manually copied and pasted the api key or followed to provide the key through a file. | 21:44 |
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