nicklas_ | i happened to remove the emblems on the default icons in home. is there any way to get the emblems back in mate? | 00:34 |
nomic | on the panel? | 01:05 |
nicklas_ | nah, in caja | 01:05 |
nicklas_ | i can show you | 01:05 |
nomic | how did you remove them | 01:06 |
nicklas_ | | 01:07 |
nicklas_ | i moved them to my google drive by mistake | 01:08 |
=== link is now known as Guest52147 | ||
nicklas_ | when i moved them back, the emblems were gone | 01:08 |
nomic | whats missing | 01:08 |
nicklas_ | the emblem in the icon | 01:08 |
nicklas_ | you know, speaker on music, arrow on downloads | 01:09 |
nicklas_ | and such | 01:09 |
nicklas_ | not a separate emblem, the emblem that is in the middle of the icon | 01:09 |
nomic | ask in forums | 01:10 |
nomic | cos | 01:10 |
nomic | i don't even know what is missing | 01:10 |
nicklas_ | right clicking and going to properties doesnt help | 01:11 |
nicklas_ | ok :-) hehe | 01:11 |
nicklas_ | look in your own home directory, you dont see any difference on the icons? | 01:11 |
nomic | i use nautilus | 01:12 |
nomic | also | 01:12 |
nomic | i aint on mate .. xfce | 01:12 |
nomic | mate is on pis | 01:12 |
nicklas_ | in mate? | 01:12 |
nicklas_ | ah | 01:12 |
nicklas_ | i actually prefer thunar | 01:12 |
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
mate|5554 | ubuntu mate | 04:51 |
mate|19389 | hi | 10:33 |
mate|19389 | is there any ubuntu users telegram groups? | 10:34 |
mate|19389 | up? | 10:37 |
alkisg | Wait a couple of hours for answers... :) | 10:39 |
alkisg | Not all people watch the channel continuously | 10:39 |
mate|67720 | hey i am new | 11:59 |
irget | Pozdrav !!! | 13:41 |
ubuntu-mate | hello | 13:47 |
ubuntu-mate | >( | 13:47 |
nick__ | hi i am installing wine on a 32 bit ubuntu eith terminal the microsoft terms of use comes up how do i agree ? | 15:47 |
ouroumov | hi nick__ | 15:47 |
ouroumov | I'm not sure, what do you see? | 15:47 |
nick__ | i see the terms of use and at the bottom it has <ok> but i can"t get out i close terminal and then wine is bot installed | 15:50 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, how important is it for you that the UM GRUB menu is pretty? | 17:11 |
flexiondotorg | Why do you ask? | 17:11 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, I think it's of limited interest and is frequently a source of problems. | 17:11 |
flexiondotorg | What problems? | 17:11 |
Akuli | i always remove the grub theme package :) | 17:12 |
ouroumov | Graphics problems when using weird screen setups | 17:12 |
Akuli | e.g. gray box showing up while the os loads | 17:12 |
Akuli | well that too | 17:12 |
ouroumov | The text mode is fullproof, but the graphical BRUG often screws up | 17:12 |
ouroumov | Case in point: | 17:12 |
ouroumov | s/BRUG/GRUB/ * | 17:13 |
flexiondotorg | ouroumov Feel free to prepare a merge proposal with your recommended changes :-) | 17:13 |
Akuli | is ubuntu mate's source/build scripts/whatever on github? | 17:14 |
flexiondotorg | It's all in the package: | 17:14 |
Akuli | i would suggest just not having the grub theme package installed by default | 17:14 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, ehm, I don't know how to do that, but the recommended change is basically to uncomment GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /e | 17:14 |
ouroumov | int /etc/default/grub * | 17:15 |
flexiondotorg | Source is here - | 17:15 |
Akuli | ouroumov, the grub theme would then be installed without ever being used | 17:15 |
ouroumov | Yes, I realize that. | 17:15 |
Akuli | currently the theme installs and uninstalls cleanly, so i think it's just the matter of what's installed by default | 17:15 |
ouroumov | Akuli, if the theme package is not installed by default then grub fallback to console mode? | 17:19 |
Akuli | i think so, at least it does in 16.04 | 17:19 |
Akuli | try removing it and see what happens | 17:19 |
Akuli | i mean, in 14.04 :D | 17:19 |
ouroumov | I don't have a trusty box handy | 17:19 |
ouroumov | what's the name of the package in zetsy? | 17:20 |
Akuli | i meant, try 16.04 | 17:20 |
Akuli | because i know it works in 14.04 | 17:20 |
Akuli | i was kind of unclear | 17:20 |
ouroumov | grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate - GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (ubuntu-mate theme) | 17:20 |
Akuli | yes, that noe | 17:21 |
Akuli | one | 17:21 |
ouroumov | Akuli, flexiondotorg I confirm removing grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate in 17.04 doesn't appear to break anything and has the desired effect. | 17:30 |
Akuli | great :) so we can at least recommend it to everyone unless someone feels like creating a pull request or whatever the thing is in launchpad | 17:38 |
flexiondotorg | ouroumov What does the GRUB screen look like if you do that? | 17:40 |
Akuli | like in sane ubuntus :) plain text | 17:41 |
Akuli | not a command line of course | 17:41 |
Akuli | i believe roughly like this | 17:42 |
Akuli | i think that's good, there are easy instructions for beginners and nothing unnecessary | 17:43 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, | 17:53 |
ouroumov | It's still the background Ubuntu-MATE color, but full console mode, and sure, with no logo. | 17:54 |
ouroumov | It's still not the same branding as vanilla ubuntu with the purple background | 17:55 |
ouroumov | The boot option list is correctly displayed: | 17:56 |
flexiondotorg | ouroumov Can you raise a bug please. We are in feature freeze so I need to bug reference for changes :-) | 17:58 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, okay, I'm on it | 17:58 |
Akuli | why can't it just be a github pull request :( | 17:59 |
flexiondotorg | Because to change this I have to modify the seeds that create the meta-packages and tasks that build the iso image. | 18:00 |
ouroumov | flexiondotorg, | 18:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1673845 in ubuntu-mate "grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate should not be installed by default" [Undecided,New] | 18:07 |
flexiondotorg | ouroumov Thanks. | 18:07 |
mate|42161 | k | 18:48 |
nomic | z.z.z. | 22:40 |
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