
guivercplanet added (to this moment) - audio-vid 2 added, canonical 7 added, planet only 2 added, & general 1 added (with comment about location-move etc)08:09
guivercOerHeks, did you put the kernel flaw [trendmicro] article in uwn doc?12:19
OerHeksguiverc, i have no info about what the hack was :-(12:23
OerHeksand no, i didn't yet.12:23
* OerHeks will do now12:24
OerHeksoh possible wrong spot ..12:28
OerHeksguiverc, proper spot?12:32
guivercif you're not sure about something; you can always add a comment asking for someone to check & move like I do12:37
guiverci'll check anyway OerHeks12:37
guiverci moved to blogosphere only because its where i felt more a blog than 'cloud' (cloud being more canonical says, virtualization, containerization etc...) - but my opinion which is not fact12:53
guiverceditors, or people later will move etc later down 'production line'12:53
guiverccomments are good as highlight issues you have to editors or those that do stuff later; plus any replies you'll also generally see (and some folks are really good at leaving replies explaining why)12:55
OerHeksI am open for suggestions, just started this week with offering news articles13:00
guivercwell you're off to a good start OerHeks.  in a few weeks you'll know the way it flows together....13:05
OerHeksnext step would be: write my own article.13:07
guivercsomething I did was made a copy of file late sunday night (UST timezone is used) before editors process; it shows the formats for sections (different formats threw me awhile) & keep in my own gdocs to review when I need to recall which format applies... but if you copy format already provided no-one will fault you13:08
OerHeksguiverc, thanks for the tip, seeing other editions and choise of placement of articles helps, i guess13:09
guivercOerHeks, writing summaries is usually where many people start; it only requires some language skills - and you'll learn its formulaic anyway (xy of site tells us|blogs about|informs us that...13:09
guivercpleia2, & tsimonq2 only days ago made reference to needing to reference older uwn issues for formatting reminders....13:11
guivercif you remember where you inserted things (or wrote xyz)... compare to final production ... you'll see what people later (editors etc) did as a clue too13:16
OerHeksI will.13:17

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