=== JanC is now known as Guest79577 | ||
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zedroid | Hello! Could you please say which bootsplash used in the ubuntu touch and how I can change backgroud image here | 09:31 |
zedroid | *there | 09:32 |
zedroid | Hey , knows someone how change image with dots and ubuntu logo in the ubuntu touch? | 10:17 |
arunmehra | hello | 10:40 |
arunmehra | i am getting error | 10:40 |
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arunmehra | can you plz help me | 10:50 |
zedroid | which error | 10:51 |
arunmehra | phablet-tools : Depends: repo but it is not installable | 11:01 |
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arunmehra | phablet-tools : Depends: repo but it is not installable | 11:06 |
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
javier4 | Good morning. I'm porting UT to a mt6795 device. I managed to get my SIM card recognized and unlocked by my pin. It seems it cannot find my 2G/3G/4G network. Looking at the ofono debug log, on the ofono channel has been told to me that's a RIL problem, and then it's better ask for help to you, guys. | 11:47 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/VmO4u6KB/ | 11:47 |
matv4 | javier4 wrt RIL/ofono, AWE (Tony Espy) has been helpfull to me in the past. But I think he is on american timezone | 12:37 |
javier4 | matv4: thanks. I'll try to contact him in a couple hours. | 13:04 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
javier4 | awe: execuse me for bothering you, they told me you cold be able to help me: I'm porting UT to a mt6795 device, I managed to get my SIM card recognized and unlocked by my pin. It seems it cannot find my 2G/3G/4G network. This is the ofono log in debug mode: | 15:21 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/VmO4u6KB/ | 15:21 |
awe | javier4, I'm just about to join a meeting | 15:22 |
awe | if possible, please ping me later today | 15:22 |
javier4 | Sure. I'll try later or tomorrow. Thanks. :-) | 15:24 |
=== cachio is now known as cachio_afk | ||
javier4 | awe: are you still busy? | 21:54 |
awe | hey, just got back and have some time to talk | 21:55 |
awe | how can I help? | 21:55 |
javier4 | I ported Ubuntu on an mt6795, my SIM gets recognised, but can't connect. If I make a search for operator, it returns the correct ones, but displays only their plmn instead of their name. | 21:57 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tuJNiYhZ/ | 21:59 |
javier4 | First is the right one (Wind Italia, my operator), the other two are other operators, correctly reported as forbidden) | 22:00 |
awe | javier4, have you looked at any of the output from ofono in /var/log/syslog to see if it's reporting any errors | 22:02 |
awe | mediatek loves to re-write their rild for each new device | 22:02 |
awe | no consistency whatsoever | 22:02 |
javier4 | Yes, I posted earlier the syslog with ofono in debug mode. Forgot to remention it. | 22:03 |
awe | we had to quirk both the mx4 an mx5 in the ofono rilmodem driver | 22:03 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/VmO4u6KB/ | 22:03 |
javier4 | I pased mtk2 plugin to daemon. | 22:03 |
awe | can you pastebin the output of list-modems? | 22:07 |
awe | I haven't actually looked at any of this for quite a while | 22:07 |
awe | you see where they live by running 'dpkg -L ofono-scripts' | 22:09 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/siM2juou/ | 22:09 |
javier4 | I know where they are. I had to wait, because it hanged on the sections left empty. | 22:10 |
awe | so the last two things in your debug output are: | 22:16 |
awe | and a quick look at the code shows that there's no handler for this unsolicited response | 22:17 |
awe | this is why your operator name isn't readable | 22:17 |
awe | most likely | 22:17 |
awe | the rild says "hey, the plmn changed" and the code just ignores it | 22:17 |
awe | and then second | 22:17 |
awe | which is probably because the mtkmodem driver probably isn't sending the correct requests/responses and/or handling events properly | 22:19 |
awe | do have access to a mx4 or mx5? | 22:19 |
awe | that said, even if you did | 22:19 |
awe | there's probably code that needs to be written to make this device work | 22:20 |
awe | if were started a new port | 22:20 |
awe | typically we'd try to get Android rild traces using a known good image | 22:21 |
awe | and then also enable rild tracing in ofono too | 22:21 |
awe | it supports both readable traces | 22:22 |
awe | and actual hex dumps of the messages | 22:22 |
awe | and that's where the fun comes in | 22:22 |
javier4 | I just partially understand what you're saying. Is there some document that explains the needed procedure? | 22:27 |
awe | the only other suggestion I have is that you might see what happens if you clear RadioSettings "FastDormancy" flag | 22:27 |
awe | javier4, not really... | 22:27 |
awe | I could send you points to the mozilla rild doc, if it's still public | 22:28 |
awe | hold on a sec | 22:28 |
awe | this page will give you a good overview on how the rild protocol works | 22:29 |
awe | https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/RIL | 22:29 |
awe | and here's the android documentation for the std RIL | 22:30 |
awe | http://androidxref.com/5.0.0_r2/xref/hardware/ril/include/telephony/ril.h | 22:30 |
awe | the problem is that vendors sometimes want to do more than what Android provides | 22:30 |
awe | so they invent their own requests and unsolicited responses (ie. events) | 22:30 |
javier4 | But to make them work, shouldn't they had to patch libril? | 22:31 |
awe | and they also may add or subtract fields in the std RIL messages defined by ril.h | 22:31 |
awe | no | 22:31 |
awe | rild is a binary blob | 22:31 |
awe | and ofono / rilmodem & mtk[2]modem | 22:32 |
awe | talk to rild via a socket | 22:32 |
awe | (or sometimes two) | 22:32 |
awe | (if the device is multi-SIM) | 22:32 |
awe | so the b2g page defines the protocol used to send/receive messges to/from rild | 22:32 |
awe | s/defines/explains/ | 22:33 |
awe | and ril.h, defines the format of each of the messages | 22:33 |
awe | if you modify the upstart job that starts ofono, you can define the env var OFONO_RIL_TRACE | 22:34 |
awe | and this will cause ofono to log all the messages in human readable format | 22:34 |
awe | you can also just stop the current ofono, and run it from the command line | 22:34 |
awe | and see the output direct onscreen vs. having to wade thru the syslog | 22:35 |
awe | I actually have to jump back to what I was doing. It's been a long day, and I'd like to finish up for the weekend | 22:36 |
awe | abeato also might be able to offer up suggestions | 22:36 |
awe | as he did most of the enablement for the mtk phones | 22:36 |
awe | he's off Mon | 22:37 |
awe | but should be around Tue | 22:37 |
awe | try clearing the FastDormancy flag as suggested above too | 22:37 |
javier4 | I want to thank you really much. Just one last question: the source of mtk-ril could help in this? Even if they relies on a couple of static library shipped as binary blobs? | 22:38 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem |
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