
diploMorning all08:25
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:51
davmor2Morning all09:05
daftykinsmorn \o09:27
daftykinsLandscape has really grown up i find, using the 5 free registrations with servers i manage - very neat09:34
daftykinsjust hope it doesn't max load the CPU sometime like it did once in the past :D shame there's not an android app :D09:34
popeyheh, yeah. i used to have it pegging the cpu here too09:35
daftykinsall resolved, or did you stop using it?09:36
popeyyeah, i found myself not actually using it09:41
popeyi have auto-update set on everywhere, so it didnt seem worth it09:41
popeyit was super useful when my mum changed isp and her IP address changed though09:41
popeywas able to poke at her machine via landscape where I was no longer able to get in due to her router changing09:41
daftykinsmmm pesky dynamic IP09:41
popeyworse, dynamic hardware :)09:42
popey"here mrs popey, have this router" "ok". me: "AAAARGH!"09:42
JamesTaitTop o' the morning to you all! Happy Friday, and happy St Patrick's Day! 😃 ☘09:42
daftykinsi'm still dealing with this task of trying to work out whether we can get a dumb 'ONT' for fibre services down in Spain for a clients place, even with the help of a Spanish lass i couldn't get much out of Movistar's phone lines09:42
daftykinslooks like you *might* be able to put their fancy full featured all-in-one into bridge mode, but then you'd have to sit and configure VLAN IDs and i'm not sure if it needs much more o009:44
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15qc3_joy5A09:45
JamesTaitNot Guinness, popey?09:45
popeynot at 09:4509:45
popeynot.. today anyway09:46
daftykinstsk tsk!09:46
daftykinspopey: i was of the same opinion, although even SSHing into 5 for reboots now is getting a bit tiresome :>09:46
daftykinsmuch as i love some package management09:46
foobarryhe Chaitin Security Research Lab team also successfully demonstrated a kernel privilege escalation on Ubuntu Desktop that earned them $15,000.11:44
=== oli- is now known as Oli
=== nejm is now known as Guest82933
diddledanhave aliens landed? four military helicopters just flew over in a tight formation!15:20
diddledanheading south west15:21
* diddledan checks the news15:21
loptadiddledan: They're responding to reports of an unaccompanied wurzlefonium15:21
davmor2diddledan: practising for the trump invasion erm I mean visit15:22
diddledanBBC has no news of Aliens. I think there must be a coverup15:22
diddledanspeaking of aliens - watch "arrival" it's fantastic!15:23
loptaIf I'm *really* lucky I get to watch Barnwood Builders and a gardening program.15:24
lopta...and quite a bit of Curious George and Puffin Rock.15:41
davmor2and that is just your viewing while you wait for the kids to turn up right?15:47
* lopta grins15:47
* lopta starts to think about lunch.16:05
foobarryif i use a bouncer, how can i get the bouncer to leave a channel?16:13
foobarry/wc doesn't quit the channel16:14
foobarrybouncer keeps my accoutn conencted16:14
foobarryah /leave works16:15
diddledanthere's more than one "bouncer" so stating "the bouncer" doesn't help us help you16:15
davmor2Why do I always think of these two when people say bouncer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CiGUMQZUgU16:20
=== nejm is now known as Guest45223
m0nkey_lol.. I totally forgot about Hale and Pace19:04
zmoylan-pithe kitten in the microwave...19:04
davmor2m0nkey_: next you'll be saying you forgot the fast show too19:07
m0nkey_I remember the Fast Show19:07
m0nkey_never cared for it though.19:07
zmoylan-pii have the fast show on dvd... tis wonderful... this week i will be mostly eating...19:08
m0nkey_I'm now watching Billy & Johnny clips19:08
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I'll get me coat19:08
davmor2m0nkey_: 1...2...drip on my shoe.....3.....4......not anymore19:09
zmoylan-piand don't forget trigger happy tv19:09
zmoylan-pired fox to grey squirrel, red fox to grey squirrel...19:09
diddledanwe've got clerence, clarence, over. roger, roger, what's your vector, victor?21:03
zmoylan-piah... the classics...21:04
zmoylan-pii'll never get over machu pichu...21:09
foobarryalready caught a crash on my dashcam :|21:31
foobarryhaven't even had it a week21:31
zmoylan-pihopefully nobody hurt...21:33
foobarryit was a bus. empty one21:41
foobarrysomebody drove into the side and drove off21:41
foobarryit was dark and rainy so no reg plate21:42
zmoylan-pisend the video to bus company, they might be able to identify car from that alone21:46

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