nsnzero | morning all | 06:32 |
chesedo | morning nsnzero and all others | 06:46 |
superfly | Night all | 06:48 |
superfly | Another interview with Red Hat in just over 7 hours | 06:48 |
chesedo | night and best of luck superfly | 06:50 |
inetpro | goeiemore | 07:13 |
nsnzero | morning chesedo inetpro | 07:17 |
nsnzero | morning kilos | 07:43 |
Kilos | morning nsnzero inetpro paddatrapper thatgraemeguy and other lurkers | 07:44 |
* nsnzero goes to lurk in the school corridors | 07:45 | |
thatgraemeguy | hello hello | 07:58 |
paddatrapper | Morning Kilos, everyone | 08:11 |
nsnzero | hi thatgraemeguy paddatrapper | 08:11 |
paddatrapper | Hi nsnzero | 08:12 |
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI | ||
theblazehen | hi all | 09:20 |
Kilos | hi theblazehen | 10:00 |
theblazehen | hi nsnzero | 10:13 |
nsnzero | hi theblazehen Kilos jerit | 11:05 |
jerit | hey nsnzero | 11:07 |
jerit | On 16 March 2017 around 11h15 on the corners JG Strydom and Old Vereeniging road, Fox Tactical unit together with Backendowns SAPS and other security firms, as well as Afriforum and CPF held a special ops.They chased two suspects in the feld and apprehended them on Old Vereeniging road. The SAPS found a knife on one of the suspects which are being used in robbing people. A job very well done to all and everyone involved. | 11:11 |
jerit | all of those resources for 2 suspects armed with 1 knife... | 11:12 |
nsnzero | after many years of watching Macgyver i have a habit of carrying around a knife too ... but i upgrade to the 1 from rambo | 11:25 |
jerit | I have a 12" hunting knife I bought for self defence | 11:36 |
jerit | but I don't have a license to carry it | 11:36 |
nsnzero | just dont take it out in public | 12:06 |
nsnzero | have a good afternoon all | 12:06 |
MaNI | worst special ops ever | 12:11 |
andrewlsd_kiwi | Hey all. Am getting weird Quassel core issue atm. Can't connect to freenode. 6697 | 12:46 |
andrewlsd | weird Quassel issue | 12:48 |
andrewlsd | seems to be sorted now. added a few of the extra ports like 7000 and 7070 | 12:48 |
Kilos | listen to the silence | 14:01 |
Kilos | Maaz coffee on | 14:01 |
* Maaz puts the kettle on | 14:01 | |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 14:05 |
Kilos | Maaz ty | 14:08 |
Maaz | You are welcome Kilos | 14:08 |
jerit | MaNI: I know right, like wtf... a pair of cops could have done the same job, but they invest at least 30 people in it? | 14:41 |
MaNI | maybe they were expecting something bigger, but don't want to call it a failure. Or maybe it's delibrate overkill, like using a shotgun to kill a snail or something | 14:42 |
MaNI | "We are so tough on crime that if you have a knife we will track you down with 30 people from 10 different organisations" sort of thing | 14:42 |
MaNI | heh | 14:42 |
jerit | lol who even knows in SA anymore | 14:43 |
jerit | The country that makes it legal for 12 year olds to consent to sex in order to lower the rate of statutory rape | 14:43 |
jerit | The country that lowers the pass mark for different subjects so that they can say that more students are passing | 14:44 |
nsnzero | good evening | 17:02 |
=== nsnzero is now known as nasanzero | ||
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI | ||
inetpro | guten abend | 18:17 |
inetpro | oh and hi to Kilos as well | 18:20 |
Kilos | hi there inetpro | 18:20 |
Kilos | i banned that thing in africa and bd | 18:20 |
inetpro | ai! | 18:20 |
Kilos | others are also offended by it | 18:20 |
Kilos | what | 18:20 |
Kilos | freenode too slow | 18:21 |
Kilos | but good evening to you anyway | 18:21 |
nasanzero | evening guys | 18:22 |
Kilos | ni nasanzero | 18:22 |
nasanzero | hi Kilos inetpro | 18:23 |
nasanzero | just reading about amd ryzen cpu's - they are quiet good value for money | 18:24 |
magellanic | until you convert to rands? :p | 18:31 |
nasanzero | its expensive - $400 vs intel $1000 | 18:34 |
magellanic | did they release prices on the cheaper models, 3 and 5 I think it is? I know pricing for 7 was out | 18:35 |
nasanzero | but its aimed at people that do video effects and encoding that already spend thousands (ten thousands) | 18:36 |
magellanic | yeah | 18:36 |
nasanzero | they are going to be released on 11 april but i cant confirm pricing as yet | 18:36 |
magellanic | apparently intel dropped prices when the 7 was announced | 18:37 |
nasanzero | at least they have a competitor to keep pricing down | 18:43 |
magellanic | yeah +1 | 18:44 |
Kilos | ai! cellc | 18:49 |
Kilos | hopefully their techie gets here soon, this is murder | 18:50 |
magellanic | I got an sms from them today, saying there is more coverage in your area, and better speeds. Then I looked closely, and I was roaming :p | 18:51 |
MaNI | remember to factor in motherboard prices when comparing as well, historically AMD motherboards tend to be somewhat cheaper than AMD ones here in za. No idea if that's going to be true for ryzen or not, but just saying for a full cost comparison you have to look at the whole picture ;) | 18:52 |
MaNI | ergh cheaper than intel ones I mean | 18:52 |
magellanic | yeah, I also wonder if it has built in graphics, like the intel hd stuff, because the hd stuff tends to work really well out that box with linux | 18:54 |
nasanzero | thats true MaNI - plus the ryzen needs ddr4/3200 to be at its true power | 18:54 |
nasanzero | i think all cpu come with built in graphics | 18:55 |
magellanic | quick googling suggests they don't have integrated graphics, so factor in graphics card cost too, maybe | 18:58 |
nasanzero | maybe its in the northbridge not the cpu itself | 19:00 |
magellanic | ah yes | 19:01 |
nasanzero | i am holding on to when 17" laptops get more affordable | 19:02 |
MaNI | so over 17" laptops - such heavy clunky things, utter pain to travel with - I think the next laptop I have must be tiny. | 19:15 |
nasanzero | what brand was it MaNI ? the high performance ones tend to be heavy | 19:17 |
MaNI | HP, but it's not even a high performance one, those are even worse | 19:18 |
magellanic | an ultrabook type thing, without stuff like dvd rom etc | 19:20 |
nasanzero | chromebook ? | 19:22 |
nasanzero | if there was linux for the nextbook - it would be nice as well | 19:23 |
magellanic | yeah, but some of them are a pain to get linux onto, and ship without enough memory IMO | 19:23 |
nasanzero | what happened to ubuntu phones and tablet ? | 19:24 |
magellanic | no idea, I think phone was killed | 19:25 |
nasanzero | the phone will have to compete against android -> thats already a very difficult battle | 19:27 |
MaNI | sailfish seems the best hope for a proper linux smartphone at the moment, but it's a pretty faint hope | 19:27 |
magellanic | yeah and firefox phone was killed too I believe | 19:28 |
nasanzero | i think its the easy of use that really sells today -> simplified apps to do 1 thing | 19:30 |
magellanic | and the addictive/entertainment stuff, social network, games, media streaming stuff | 19:32 |
nasanzero | magellanic: +1 | 19:32 |
nasanzero | playing around with a 10" laptop?/microtop - put mint 17 on it | 19:39 |
magellanic | hope it isn't one of those intel atom jobs, I had one that drove me insane | 19:45 |
nasanzero | ahh but it is | 19:47 |
nasanzero | 512 ram 8G eMMC hdd | 19:48 |
nasanzero | perfect for the terminal lover | 19:48 |
nasanzero | now if i can only get a dark theme to work | 19:48 |
magellanic | ouch yeah, I had ubuntu on mine and tried to browse and other basic things, just frustrated me | 19:49 |
nasanzero | typing is difficulty on the small keyboard | 19:54 |
magellanic | yeah and don't dare open a browser on it, they sell them with windows, I can't imagine how people use those things with windows | 20:00 |
nasanzero | i am surprised that it runs mint very smoothly | 20:01 |
magellanic | until you open a few apps :p | 20:02 |
nasanzero | only need a terminal - mint is the only distro that installed properly every other 1 i tried kept failing at the very end - loading grub | 20:03 |
nasanzero | good night all its was good talking to you magellanic and mani | 20:10 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 21:32 |
Kilos | hi superfly night superfly | 21:32 |
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