v_ | hi whenever i click the downloaded chrome amd64.deb file in the downloaded box. It said this link needs to be opened with an application sen to:ubiquity-gtkui.desktop. After i click ok, it comes back to the downloaded box with no installing happened. Why | 01:17 |
v_ | i also try to click on to send to google-chrome-stable-current-amd64 45.1 mb-google.com same problem | 01:19 |
v_ | actuallu i want to download the flash player to my firefox in ubuntu. anyone can help, please | 01:20 |
xubuntu38w | [12:18] <v_> hi whenever i click the downloaded chrome amd64.deb file in the downloaded box. It said this link needs to be opened with an application sen to:ubiquity-gtkui.desktop. After i click ok, it comes back to the downloaded box with no installing happened. Why [12:19] == someguy256 [~someguy25@] has joined #xubuntu [12:20] <v_> i also try to click on to send to google-chrome-stable-current-amd64 45.1 mb-googl | 01:29 |
krytarik | v_: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-install-flash.html | 01:37 |
v_ | thx. but on that link, it said make sure that the canonical partner repository is activated. waht is it? can i skip that and click install adobe-flashplugin package straight away? | 01:57 |
krytarik | That's a link, click it. | 01:58 |
v_ | thx. when i click the repository link it said i have not enough space. can i ignore it and click install flash player directly? | 02:03 |
krytarik | No. | 02:04 |
krytarik | To recite that page though: "To enable the repository, follow the steps above to open the Other Software tab in Software & Updates. If you see the Canonical Partners repository in the list, make sure it is checked then close the Software & Updates window." | 02:07 |
krytarik | !partner | 02:07 |
ubottu | Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » | 02:07 |
v_ | it asks for click the ubuntu software icon in the launcher. where to find it? this is my first time to use linus. | 02:11 |
krytarik | What version of Xubuntu are you on? | 02:12 |
v_ | how to find that info. thx | 02:13 |
krytarik | Well, let's just assume it's "Software" already then: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1610/user/C/managing-applications.html#gnome-software | 02:15 |
v_ | i just click file manager, it said xubuntu-16.10-desktop-i386.iso, waht does it mean? thx | 02:18 |
menindorf | Hello, I am having trouble getting a Raedon RX 480 card to be recognized. I am fairly newb to linux/ubuntu. . . can anyone help? I have already installed amdgpu-pro | 02:22 |
menindorf | anyone here??? | 02:25 |
krytarik | Yes, just looking at: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx | 02:26 |
menindorf | Yes, I followed the instructions on that link ~ as carefully as I could. | 02:27 |
krytarik | And by not recognized you mean what exactly? | 02:28 |
menindorf | I am also using a 1x to 16x pcie riser. . . I don't know if this could be effecting the issue. Xubuntu does not seem to "see" that anything is there at all. . . | 02:28 |
menindorf | Is there a way to check and see if the system knows my card is there? | 02:29 |
krytarik | "lspci", for example. | 02:29 |
menindorf | 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 06) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06) 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06) 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI Controller 00:16.0 Communication | 02:29 |
menindorf | Oooo - that doesn't format very nicely in the chat :/ | 02:30 |
menindorf | 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev d0) | 02:30 |
krytarik | !pastebin | 02:31 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:31 |
krytarik | But I guess that's redundant by now. | 02:31 |
menindorf | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24192798/ | 02:32 |
menindorf | I tried using a jumper wire as in this link: http://www.gobitgo.com/articles/1001/How-To-Correctly-Use-and-Install-PCI-E-Riser-Cables/ | 02:35 |
v_ | hi whenever i click the downloaded chrome amd64.deb file in the downloaded box. It said this link needs to be opened with an application sen to:ubiquity-gtkui.desktop. After i click ok, it comes back to the downloaded box with no installing happened. Why | 02:35 |
menindorf | but I'm not certain I used the correct type of wire | 02:35 |
v_ | anyone know how to install flash player to linus? thx | 02:40 |
krytarik | v_: Yes, you - if you read all the given info. | 02:42 |
menindorf | Am I correct here that the system is not recognizing my graphics card at all? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24192798/ | 02:46 |
krytarik | Yes. | 02:46 |
menindorf | fans on the graphics card are spinning, but the Gigabyte lights do not light up. . . | 02:47 |
menindorf | Any thoughts about what I might try? | 02:47 |
krytarik | Definitely sounds like hardware then. | 02:47 |
menindorf | Thank you for your help~ I am using a custom case, and the GPU does not fit. But perhaps I can physically modify it so I can plug it directly into the motherboard without the 1x riser~ | 02:50 |
v_ | i've follow your flash.html web address and it ask me to install other repositories by click the ubuntu software icon in the launcher, or search for software in the search bar. i don,t know where to find the launcher or the search bar because i only have floppy drive , trash, home, file system and install icon in my ubuntu desktop. thx | 02:56 |
v_ | i think i am using xubuntu 8.0-4 | 02:59 |
krytarik | I think not. | 03:00 |
v_ | how do i find out what is my ubuntu version? thx | 03:01 |
v_ | when i open the firefox in linus, it comes up with a page saying welcome to ubuntu 8.04 LTS | 03:04 |
v_ | where can i find the search bar? | 03:05 |
v_ | httpsoftware | 03:06 |
bazhang | 8.04 LTS? | 03:08 |
bazhang | are you on 8.04? | 03:08 |
bazhang | lsb_release -a in terminal please v_ | 03:09 |
v_ | yes please. this is my first time using linus in my pc. thx | 03:09 |
bazhang | please do that | 03:09 |
bazhang | lsb_release -a in a terminal | 03:11 |
bazhang | v_, we need a timely response | 03:12 |
v_ | how to get flash player in ny linus? | 03:13 |
bazhang | v_ hello | 03:13 |
v_ | sorry, i am having lunch at the same time struggling to learn linus | 03:14 |
bazhang | v_ are you there | 03:14 |
v_ | yesd | 03:15 |
bazhang | v_ I need you to answer a simple question | 03:15 |
bazhang | v_ when can you do that | 03:15 |
v_ | now | 03:15 |
bazhang | open a terminal | 03:15 |
bazhang | tell us when that is done | 03:16 |
bazhang | v_ are you still there | 03:16 |
v_ | what do you mean by terminal? there is a blankl linus desktop in front of me | 03:16 |
bazhang | v_ it's not linus | 03:16 |
bazhang | v_ it's linuX | 03:17 |
bazhang | v_ and in this case it's 8.04 xubuntu | 03:17 |
v_ | blue screen with floppy drive, trash,home,file system and install icon. thats all | 03:17 |
v_ | i am lost | 03:17 |
v_ | hi whenever i click the downloaded chrome amd64.deb file in the downloaded box. It said this link needs to be opened with an application sen to:ubiquity-gtkui.desktop. After i click ok, it comes back to the downloaded box with no installing happened. Why | 03:17 |
bazhang | v_ first thing, you need to get a more up to date system | 03:18 |
v_ | how? thx | 03:18 |
bazhang | v_ you are trying to install something very new on a very old OS | 03:18 |
v_ | oh thx for coaching | 03:19 |
v_ | how to solve the problem. | 03:19 |
bazhang | v_ first you need to the very latest LTS, which is 16.04 | 03:19 |
v_ | what is LTS? | 03:20 |
bazhang | v_ the one you are using is more than 9 years old | 03:20 |
bazhang | v_ long term support | 03:20 |
v_ | oh, i just downloaded from the ubuntu website so that i can use for as a booting disc./ | 03:20 |
bazhang | v_ yet you said 8.04 | 03:21 |
bazhang | v_ you are not giving us the answers we need to help you | 03:22 |
bazhang | v_ you are just repeating the question about flash | 03:22 |
v_ | what is the question | 03:22 |
v_ | how to get the 16.04 linus? | 03:25 |
bazhang | v_ it's linux , not linus | 03:27 |
bazhang | !torrents | 03:27 |
ubottu | Xubuntu Yakkety (16.10) torrents can be downloaded from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/yakkety/release/desktop/xubuntu-16.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent and http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/yakkety/release/desktop/xubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent | 03:27 |
v_ | ok, | 03:28 |
v_ | ok it said it needs 4 hours. | 03:28 |
bazhang | v_ via the browser? or torrent | 03:28 |
v_ | torrent | 03:28 |
bazhang | v_ did you plan to upgrade this in the very near future | 03:29 |
v_ | yes. | 03:29 |
bazhang | v_ or did you want an OS you can use for many years with changing the system version | 03:30 |
bazhang | without | 03:30 |
v_ | yes, i want an new os that can work for many yrs | 03:31 |
bazhang | then you want 16.04 | 03:31 |
v_ | actually i am using firefox in window xp and the firefox says they no longer support firefox for xp | 03:32 |
bazhang | https://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ | 03:32 |
bazhang | get 16.04 from the torrent there | 03:33 |
v_ | is flash player cannot be download using firefox? it has to download using chrome? | 03:34 |
bazhang | v_ I thought you wanted xubuntu help | 03:35 |
v_ | where to get xbuntu help. i am in a blue. | 03:36 |
bazhang | v_ you want xp help and flash? | 03:36 |
v_ | i dont understand | 03:36 |
v_ | where to get that helps | 03:37 |
bazhang | v_ do you have xubuntu installed, yes or no | 03:37 |
v_ | yes... 8.04 | 03:37 |
v_ | booting disc. | 03:37 |
v_ | so i can use linux or window | 03:37 |
bazhang | v_ and that version is not been supported for a long while now | 03:37 |
bazhang | v_ so the very first thing you need to do is to get the 16.04 | 03:38 |
v_ | i know nothing...why is it not updated automatically like windows | 03:38 |
v_ | ok thx | 03:38 |
bazhang | v_ I am trying to help you, but you are just not listening | 03:38 |
v_ | so i don't need window | 03:39 |
bazhang | get 16.04 | 03:39 |
bazhang | that is the very first step | 03:39 |
v_ | does it mean 8.04 can't have flash player | 03:39 |
bazhang | it means we dont support 8.04 | 03:40 |
bazhang | not for a long time | 03:40 |
v_ | so will linux has auto update if later it has 16.05 | 03:41 |
bazhang | no | 03:41 |
v_ | or we have to check it manuaaly every month | 03:41 |
bazhang | there is no 16.05 | 03:41 |
v_ | i mean later after 16.04 | 03:41 |
bazhang | once you get 16.04, then you will not have to upgrade s ystem for several years | 03:42 |
bazhang | v_ so get 16.04, and come back when you have it | 03:43 |
v_ | thx and i have to finish my lunch now and rush back to work...thx a lot bazhang..its very nice of you | 03:43 |
bazhang | np | 03:43 |
bazhang | see you in a few hours, or tomorrow | 03:43 |
v_ | r u indian? | 03:43 |
bazhang | irc-ian | 03:44 |
v_ | nice to meet u | 03:44 |
v_ | bye | 03:44 |
bazhang | bye | 03:44 |
xubuntu17w | Help! I live in Toronto & I know nothing about this system that my son-in-law installed. It is now "humming" loudly! Also I cannot no longer view youTube,all videos are "black screen" & will not open! Can anyone help me here in Toronto? PLEASE | 08:41 |
pmjdebruijn | did it work before? | 08:42 |
pmjdebruijn | xubuntu17w: did you try to reboot? | 08:45 |
pmjdebruijn | xubuntu17w: since your son-in-law installed it, he'd probably also be the best person to help you | 08:49 |
pmjdebruijn | since he know how the install was done exactly | 08:49 |
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-AFK | ||
ddoobb | Hey, new user here. How do I get a Unity style dash or something close? Appfinder isn't good enough. | 14:59 |
pmjdebruijn | ddoobb: installing regular ubuntu seems the obvious answer here :) | 15:01 |
pmjdebruijn | ddoobb: though whisker menu does allow search for apps too | 15:01 |
pmjdebruijn | or are you looking to search through your files? | 15:02 |
digbychicken | ddoobb: CTRL-ESC will bring up the whisker menu and let you search for apps. | 15:02 |
ddoobb | pmjdebruijn: Nope, just app search would be enough | 15:02 |
pmjdebruijn | the default whisker menu allows that by default | 15:03 |
pmjdebruijn | https://xubuntu.org/screenshots/1604_whisker/ | 15:03 |
ddoobb | Hmmm, ctrl+esc just brings up the desktop context menu. THere's no app search there (?) | 15:03 |
pmjdebruijn | which version of xubuntu are you using? | 15:04 |
pmjdebruijn | 16.04? | 15:04 |
ddoobb | Oh, wait, I'm running xfce on Ubuntu. Should have mentioned that before. | 15:05 |
pmjdebruijn | that means you're not running xubuntu at all..... but sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 15:06 |
pmjdebruijn | not sure how that will affect an already initliazed profile | 15:06 |
pmjdebruijn | since you logged in with xfce's defaults, not xubuntu's defaults | 15:06 |
ddoobb | Thanks, whisker menu works | 15:10 |
menindorf | Good morning Xubuntu chat. . . can anyone help me with a multi-display issue I am having? | 15:27 |
pmjdebruijn | menindorf: just explain your issue, and stick around for someone to answer | 15:28 |
* pmjdebruijn doesn't have any experience with multi display | 15:28 | |
pmjdebruijn | explain exactly what graphics card/driver/display/resolutions are involved in your setup | 15:29 |
menindorf | Thank you~ | 15:29 |
menindorf | I am trying to run an AMD RX 480 graphics card in a PCIe 16x slot. I am hoping this card will power a second (non-primary) display. I would like to use the on-board graphics driver for the primary display. Currently I have visual on the secondary monitor, but the primary is getting a blank feed. (Not zero feed, as it is not in power-save mode, but just a black screen.) In settings/display -- both monitors show up, but when I | 15:32 |
menindorf | both monitor names come up on the secondary monitor | 15:32 |
menindorf | I have amdgpu-pro installed. | 15:32 |
=== Snoo55776 is now known as ddoobb | ||
ddoobb | Can someone give me the firefox.desktop file? Pastebin maybe? | 15:34 |
ddoobb | /usr/shared/applications/firefox.desktop I think | 15:34 |
menindorf | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24195798/ | 15:35 |
menindorf | Here is a terminal output for xrandr | 15:35 |
ddoobb | Thanks menindorf | 15:35 |
menindorf | Sorry ddoobb that is not the link you were looking for. . . :P | 15:36 |
menindorf | I am trying to get a multi-display issue resloved. | 15:36 |
ddoobb | oh, haha | 15:37 |
menindorf | I unchecked the "handle display power management" box in the Power Manager and it has resloved the issue :) | 15:49 |
=== xGrind-AFK is now known as xGrind | ||
karqat | is this the channel for xubuntu contributors? | 19:53 |
karqat | or just a general xubuntu users channel? | 19:53 |
flocculant | karqat: support channel - -devel for contributors, -offtopic for what it sounds like :) | 19:55 |
karqat | -devel | 19:57 |
karqat | thanks | 19:57 |
dreamon | using xubuntu 16.04 but cannot connect to bluetooth speaker. → blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Resource temporarily unavailable | 22:27 |
dreamon | Is there a console based way to connect to ? | 22:27 |
xubuntu79i | Darn! Grub install just failed. I can't boot any O.S. now | 22:57 |
xubuntu79i | Te same to Linux Mint. Maybe ubiquity problem?? | 22:58 |
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