Snowhog | ddoobb: Ctl+M | 00:00 |
ddoobb | aaarhghg of course, thanks snowhog | 00:01 |
Snowhog | :) | 00:01 |
ZeZu | Where can I find power settings to turn off monitor when idle? I don't want it to suspend, and I thought I had it working but after i disabled locking it stays on 24/7 | 02:13 |
ZeZu | Sorry, I should have added the actual system setting, I know where the Energy Saving panel is... It doesn't work. | 02:23 |
DarinMiller | ZeZu: for some reason the energy panel settings "get stuck". I find that making a minor change, i.e. change monitor brighness levels and resaving the energy settings fixes the issue. | 02:25 |
ZeZu | DarinMiller, I have tried :| It's weird I get a black screen for about a second and then it disappears back to desktop | 02:26 |
DarinMiller | ZeZu: Laptop or desktop? And which version of Kubuntu? | 02:28 |
ZeZu | desktop, and 16.04 | 02:29 |
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ZeZu | I know a lot of front-end UI's in gnome or unity wrote to settings database you could access directly with gconf | 02:33 |
ZeZu | bbiab, i keep a full log and will check it when i get back so if you have any thoughts please do tell. | 02:35 |
DarinMiller | ZeZu: If you have not installed the backports ppa, ensure to upgrade. Lots of these little issues are fixed with backports. | 02:44 |
JamesB192 | xset -dpms j/k | 02:52 |
ZeZu | DarinMiller, backports is in sources so prob good there | 03:12 |
DarinMiller | ZeZu: Not sure how to advise from here as the system I use work fine with the screen blanking and sleep mode. As I said above, slightly adjusting the time for the blank or sleep option remedies my dimming, blanking and sleeping issues. | 03:17 |
ZeZu | Ok, thanks | 03:18 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 07:02 |
IrcsomeBot | David Silverman was added by: David Silverman | 07:10 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hi, I'm new to Telegram and Kubuntu... | 07:10 |
lordievader | o/ | 07:18 |
rio_ | hi | 07:18 |
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IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I have a question about a UUI installation copy failure... Can I ask it here, or would there be a better place? | 07:19 |
lordievader | This is the right place to ask ;) | 07:23 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Thanks! After last Win 7 update to my Dell laptop, it almost stopped working entirely! I decided to try a new OS again with Kubuntu. I burned an 8 GB flash drive using UUI with Kubuntu 16.04.1 It worked and booted up Kubuntu, but DVD player wouldn't work and proposed solutions (sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg) did not work, so, thinking I might have better results, I tried to install Kubuntu 16.10 on a 16 GB flash | 07:41 |
IrcsomeBot | persistent partition) and UUI said immediately 'Copy Done, Process is Complete!', but actually copied nothing. I had previously formatted the flash drive (complete format, not quick format) to FAT 32. Copying 1.48 GB ISO file should take longer than 1 sec! Strangely enough, it worked a few days ago when I used UUI to copy Kubuntu 16.04.1 β now that doesn't work either (on the 16 GB drive). I tried Unetbootin, and it can't even find the fl | 07:41 |
IrcsomeBot | as device G: on Windows Explorer (actually using Directory Opus file manager). I have screen shots if that would be helpful. | 07:41 |
lordievader | I have seen that before, usually for me a dd to a usb drive is done in a couple of seconds... the actual sync takes alot longer. | 07:43 |
lordievader | My explanation is the write buffering. Linux simply buffers the entire file and then starts actually writing it to disk. | 07:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> What is 'dd'? | 07:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I am using UUI on a Win 7 desktop, not on a Linux machine. | 07:45 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> When I wrote to the 8 GB flash drive previously, it took 10-20 seconds to maybe a few minutes (can't remember now). It was not instantaneous. | 07:47 |
lordievader | dd is a bytecopy tool in Linux. I expect Windows to do similar things. | 07:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> The file manager shows no Kubuntu files on the flash drive, but it did but a 129 byte link to the desktop Recycle Bin on the drive, that it is impossible to delete (unless I reformat, I suppose). I put the drive anyway in my laptop and rebooted, but no Kubuntu :( , just an 'Operating System not found' error from the BIOS. | 07:51 |
lordievader | Please keep it in channel. | 07:59 |
lordievader | I'd retry the process but this time using Unetbootin. | 08:06 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hi, I'm back again... I couldn't find out how to get back here till just now. I hit the wrong button! Luckily, I remembered your user name and sent you a direct message. Do I type in Kubuntu Support to get back here? Hmmm... I guess I got here from this page: Anyway, I did try using Unetbootin, and it couldn't even find my flash drive on G:, although it is there on my Dopus file manag | 08:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Oops, I think I hit the wrong button again! | 08:16 |
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lordievader | Maybe you can better use the web irc client... | 08:29 |
lordievader | | 08:29 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Will I still be in touch with you on that...? | 08:30 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I sent you a message over freenode IRC... | 08:36 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I'm looking here again ( ) and I wonder if I'm using the wrong flash drive. It's a Sandisk (Cruiser, I think) 16 GB. Maybe I'll find a different one and see what happens... | 08:38 |
deardavid_ | I'm here to get help with UUI which failed to copy Kubuntu 16.04 to a USB drive. | 08:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I think I figured it out now, about staying in channel... | 08:45 |
lordievader | deardavid_: Yes, you are back in channel ;) | 08:47 |
lordievader | What are you using? I am a bit confused, are you trying to create a live-usb on Linux or Windows? | 08:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Trying to create a live-usb on a Dell Inspiron Laptop, currently running Win 7 | 08:50 |
lordievader | Right, and Unetbootin didn't work? | 08:55 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hmmm... I just inserted a Lexar 32 GB flash drive and ran UUI again, and it's working! | 08:55 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> No, Unetbootin couldn't even find a device on G:, when I had the Sandisk 16 GB drive inserted...??? | 08:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> My clue on the UUI site was this line: *Fat32 or NTFS Formatted Flash Drive. MBR partition only GPT will not work! | 08:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I don't know what MBR or GPT mean, but I took it to mean that certain flash drives may not work. I didn't want to use a 32 GB USB 3.0 drive for this, but it DID work! | 08:59 |
lordievader | Different partition tables. | 09:00 |
lordievader | Good to hear. | 09:00 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> It came up on the laptop, and gives a choice: oops, it already took the default, I think the other option was ACPI=off. Do you know what that means? | 09:02 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Thank you for assisting me in solving this problem. Wonder what was wrong with the Sandisk drive. It seems to work for other purposes. | 09:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I have brought up Kubuntu 16.10 on the laptop, but again, it will not play the DVD. I will bring up the terminal program and see if 'sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg' works better this time. | 09:07 |
lordievader | !dvd | 09:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of | 09:08 |
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IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I think I did look at the first one. That command to get restricted formats didn't work either. I just read the second link. Thanks for providing it. I always want to stay within the copyright laws. I don't think I should have a problem playing my legal commercial DVD using Kubuntu in the US. | 09:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hmmm , after typing 'sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg', it says 'E: Unable to locate package libdvd-pkg' | 09:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hmmm... maybe better connect to the internet first! | 09:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Having trouble connecting to my home wifi β it worked last time...??? | 09:30 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Connected to wifi now, but still can't find libdvd-pkg | 09:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Maybe it is looking at the flash drive to find libdvd-pkg. Wonder how I can download it. Tried Software Manager before, but couldn't get that to work either. | 09:45 |
lordievader | Did you update your sources? | 09:47 |
lordievader | !info libdvd-pkg | 09:47 |
ubottu | libdvd-pkg (source: libdvd-pkg): DVD-Video playing library - installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1-2 (yakkety), package size 14 kB, installed size 77 kB | 09:47 |
lordievader | !yakkety | 09:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at - Read the release notes at | 09:48 |
clivejo | alxd: are you Aditya? | 09:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I don't understand what you are suggesting. I have installed Kubuntu 16.10 (code named Yakkety Yak, I suppose). What does '!info libdvd-pkg' mean? | 09:51 |
lordievader | deardavid_: Just looking up if the package name was correct, in a terminal run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libdvd-pkg | 09:52 |
IrcsomeBot | Manish Vattamattam was removed by: Manish Vattamattam | 09:53 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Oh... 'ubottu' is an information bot! π | 09:55 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> ran sudo apt update etc., which apparently updated the libraries, but still am winding up with libdvd-pkg not found... :( | 09:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> ran apt list βupgradable and saw list of 285 items, but none of them was libdvd | 10:04 |
lordievader | Could you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache search libdvd'? | 10:06 |
lordievader | !pastebin | deardavid_ | 10:06 |
ubottu | deardavid_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:06 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Hmmm.... I'll go to the laptop and go to and see what happens.... | 10:08 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 10:10 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I got nothing from running 'apt-cache search libdvd'. Maybe I should try 'sudo apt-cache search libdvd'... | 10:11 |
lordievader | It could be that the repo is not enabled, libdvd-pkg comes from multiverse. | 10:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Prefixing with sudo also does nothing... π | 10:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> hmmm β how enable 'repo'...? | 10:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> It seems that I may have seen something about that being able to be checked off in the Software Manager, but I could never find the checkboxes referred to on the help webpage... | 10:15 |
lordievader | Yes, the Software Manager can enable them. Or you edit the /etc/apt/sources.list . | 10:18 |
BluesKaj | libdvd-pkg has a lot of depenedencies as well | 10:21 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: It looks like a meta-package. | 10:21 |
BluesKaj | yup | 10:23 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I just found the 4 sources in the Software Manager, but the enabling boxes are grayed out. The top one is the multiverse repository, but I can't seem to enable it. It mentions 'list: deb cdrom' in the description... | 10:25 |
jimtendo | Fam, just dropping in to thank you for all your excellent work. Had Kubuntu 16.04 running on an Asus X5540S Laptop and it was slow as slow could be. Also, it pretty much crashed as soon as Swap was utilized (never found a fix unfortunately :( ). Have updated to a Lenovo X1 Carbon and god damn... most smoothest thing I've ever used. Kubuntu 16.10 is running beautifully. So thank you for all your time and effort, very much appreciate it and hope that I can | 10:28 |
jimtendo | eventually give something useful back. :) | 10:28 |
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman | ||
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I found this on sudo apt-add-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update | 10:37 |
lordievader | There are easier ways, add 'multiverse' to the repo selection in /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:47 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> After doing that, ran sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg, which (after going along with some more dialogs and running a reconfigure command) has apparently installed libdvd-pkg, including libdvdcss and libdvdcss2!! | 10:49 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Wonder why software manager boxes were grayed out...? Anyway, now will try Dragon again... | 10:50 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Dragon still fails to play DVD. Tried to install VLC, which I could do with K. 1604, but now I can't install with K. 1610: it says PackageKit error β Discover; Dependency Resolution Failed :( | 10:59 |
lordievader | Could you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get install vlc'? | 11:01 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I'll try... | 11:01 |
BluesKaj | David Silverman, install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 11:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> It worked!! Goodbye, Windows! (no, I may still use it for some things, maybe,...) | 11:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> I ran 'sudo apt-get install vlc', then it asked me if I wanted to install some more stuff, I said 'Y(es)', and it apparently loaded what I needed to be able to install VLC. I ran VLC and lo and behold, my DVD began playing (after I opened it...)! Thank you, everyone for your help, especially lorievader! | 11:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Guess I'll be reading 'Linux for Dummies' next... π | 11:16 |
lordievader | No problem. Have fun ;) | 11:18 |
IrcsomeBot | <David Silverman> Time to go to bed now. Have a good day, all! And thanks again π | 11:20 |
user|65261 | hi | 12:23 |
user|65261 | hi | 12:25 |
user|65261 | can i install kubinu 64 in intel core 2 duo with 2 GB RAM laptop | 12:25 |
=== user|65261 is now known as Yoga | ||
Yoga | hello | 12:27 |
Yoga | can i install kubinu 64 in intel core 2 duo with 2 GB RAM laptop | 12:27 |
OerHeks | user|65261,sure, but if you are uncertain, check the intel page | 12:28 |
Yoga | will this run smoothly in system with this hardware ? | 12:28 |
OerHeks | depends more on the videochip than processor, i guess | 12:30 |
Yoga | ok thanks | 12:30 |
OerHeks | yoga try the iso in live mode :-) | 12:31 |
IrcsomeBot | nuclear_holocaust was added by: nuclear_holocaust | 12:33 |
OerHeks | IrcsomeBot, delete nuclear_holocaust please, thanks. | 12:36 |
IrcsomeBot | <nuclear_holocaust> Why? | 12:36 |
OerHeks | such a sad event .. | 12:38 |
IrcsomeBot | nuclear_holocaust was removed by: nuclear_holocaust | 12:39 |
OerHeks | IrcsomeBot, now fix Fukushima too, please, can you do that? | 12:41 |
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eigilb | help register | 20:16 |
genii | !register | 20:17 |
ubottu | For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 20:17 |
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Nubb3 | KDE Store, how secure is it? | 21:41 |
valorie | Nubb3: it was set up to be secure | 21:56 |
valorie | are you seeing a problem? | 21:57 |
Nubb3 | valorie: not with the infrastructure | 22:08 |
Nubb3 | valorie: wonderigb how secure the packages are on it | 22:08 |
valorie | ah | 22:08 |
Nubb3 | valorie: are they checked? | 22:08 |
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=== De_HOC_satis is now known as faLUCE | ||
valorie | Nubb3: I don't know if they are signed and such -- I would check around on the site itself | 22:09 |
valorie | surely there is contact info | 22:10 |
valorie | I don't see a kde-store IRC channel | 22:10 |
Nubb3 | it's hooked into systemsettings but I haven't found anything about themes for example being checked | 22:11 |
Nubb3 | makes me hesitant to use it | 22:11 |
valorie | I've not heard of any difficulties, but that's no guarantee | 22:15 |
valorie | I would really contact the store itself for more information | 22:15 |
Nubb3 | I'll do that. Thanks :) | 22:16 |
anonmatir | i am trying to change the kubuntu glow image on bootup, web search tells me it is managed by plymouth, but tweaking plymouth does not help, plymouth --show-splash shows nothing (i have kubuntu desktop over ubuntu 16.10) | 22:56 |
anonmatir | any advise? | 22:56 |
diogenes__ | anonmatir, did you look in for available splash screens | 23:41 |
anonmatir | um, i dint spend a lot of time in there, but didnt see any splash screen options either , leme check | 23:43 |
anonmatir | i see some plasma splash screens, but they r the ones that come after login in dm? right ?(i am using sddm, ) | 23:46 |
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