lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 04:44 |
Bashing-om | lotuspsychje: \0 . | 04:46 |
lotuspsychje | hey there Bashing-om | 04:47 |
lotuspsychje | Bashing-om: hows the night been? | 04:47 |
Bashing-om | slow, not much action ... 'buntu getting too tame ? | 04:47 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | lotus gonna wake them up | 04:49 |
Bashing-om | seems they do come out when you come on :) | 04:50 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 04:54 |
lotuspsychje | Bashing-om: rocknroll! :p | 05:06 |
Bashing-om | Yer getting into the groove :) Me, I am falling asleep . | 05:14 |
Bashing-om | !bootiso | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | !grub2iso | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | !isoboot | 05:24 |
Bashing-om | And ... that's all folks - g nite | 05:27 |
lotuspsychje | nite Bashing-om | 05:27 |
EastTexas | How secure is uBuntu vs Mint or Fedora or OpenSUSE or Manjaro? | 06:18 |
wafflejock | EastTexas, really depends on what you mean by that exactly and what extra packages you install or configure and how you go about that | 06:20 |
wafflejock | EastTexas, I've heard Mint has had issues in the past with not updating packages that had security issues, but would have to dig into those stories to see what the truth of that is Manjaro or any rolling release you will be downloading source and building so can get the latest as it comes out but that may be more or less secure/stable depending on the particular package/maintainers | 06:21 |
EastTexas | I'm looking at web & graphic design apps like Krita, GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus others | 06:24 |
wafflejock | Been a long time since I've used OpenSUSE but hear they have both a regular release and a rolling release option (or at least are working on it) Fedora I've never really run... pretty much always used debian based stuff mostly due to availability of .debs originally and now cause I do web dev and it's convenient to have the same LTS on a server and my dev machine | 06:24 |
wafflejock | you can search for particular versions of packages in different versions of Ubuntu here but for the most part should be fine http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 06:25 |
wafflejock | scribus is the only one I've not used at all | 06:25 |
EastTexas | I use Bluefish | 06:25 |
wafflejock | mm never used that one | 06:25 |
wafflejock | I use IntelliJ stuff mostly phpstorm | 06:26 |
EastTexas | it's good even on W7 | 06:26 |
wafflejock | used SublimeText for a while there, VSCode isn't bad for modern JS and stuff | 06:26 |
wafflejock | yah might check it uot | 06:26 |
wafflejock | out* | 06:26 |
EastTexas | thanks | 06:26 |
wafflejock | yeah they've got that here too http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bluefish&searchon=names&suite=yakkety§ion=all | 06:27 |
EastTexas | is there a way to override deny from in htaccess & send wp hackers to hell.com? | 06:27 |
wafflejock | eh can do your redirects in the .conf files too don't need to use .htaccess files for the most part when you control the server | 06:28 |
wafflejock | the main apache conf in /etc/apache2 will have what's allowed from htaccess files too | 06:28 |
EastTexas | I'm cheap using a shared server | 06:29 |
wafflejock | how cheap is the shared server? | 06:29 |
wafflejock | if it's more than free just get a VPS :) | 06:29 |
EastTexas | hostmetro | 06:30 |
wafflejock | hmm yeah that's pretty cheap can do a VPS for $5 though | 06:31 |
wafflejock | digital ocean or linode | 06:31 |
EastTexas | I HATE digital ocean or linode all they do is try & Scrape or Hack my Site! All IP Ranges are BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:33 |
wafflejock | ah well that's not really the providers fault | 06:34 |
wafflejock | why not just use fail2ban | 06:34 |
wafflejock | people come in from AWS or Azure too I'm sure or any number of other ways | 06:34 |
EastTexas | I also blocked today all of 'deny from 38' due cogentco.com, psi-net.com bots & hackers I had a string 30+ | 06:35 |
EastTexas | ips | 06:35 |
EastTexas | what is fail2ban? | 06:36 |
wafflejock | fail2ban will watch logs it does some regex on the files in the logs to get IP addresses of computers that are doing malicious things and bans their IP using iptables I'm pretty sure for a set amount of time | 06:36 |
wafflejock | by default has some configs for ssh and smtp and some other things | 06:37 |
EastTexas | I have walled off from everyone except the USA works like a charm... daily attacks from .ua, .ru, .fr, .nl | 06:38 |
wafflejock | basically I just keep my firewall locked down except ports that must be open and then have fail2ban for any services that are open to being knocked on, turn off password based ssh login and just use a pub/private key pair only open ssh for your IP | 06:38 |
wafflejock | yeah if all your traffic/customers are in one region that's fine | 06:38 |
EastTexas | I do USA only... | 06:39 |
wafflejock | there are also hardening tools you can run to help point out possible issues you can fix with your configuration to help lock it down more or let you know where there are potential holes | 06:39 |
EastTexas | No pays are hard in the USA, worse over the border... | 06:40 |
wafflejock | for the most part things are pretty secure to start though | 06:40 |
wafflejock | yah | 06:40 |
wafflejock | I've had good luck working with people internationally really | 06:40 |
EastTexas | there are a few holes here and there.. mostly .ca for some odd reason? | 06:40 |
wafflejock | but could see how that could be really bad | 06:41 |
wafflejock | yeah well problem with any explicit IP range banning is those IPs might be redistributed or whatever and then you end up blocking someone because of old geoip information | 06:42 |
EastTexas | Infected Jail-Broken SmartPhones | 06:42 |
EastTexas | FYI - Block This Bad User Agent:* com.google.GoogleMobile/23.1.0 iPhone/10.2.1 hw/iPhone6_1 | 06:42 |
EastTexas | it targets graphics | 06:43 |
EastTexas | http://androidforums.com/threads/the-second-half-of-mobile-security.1003172/ | 06:44 |
wafflejock | was listening to a tech podcast the other day where some service wasn't letting this guy sign up because it thought he was in China because of his IP | 06:44 |
EastTexas | I can relate my US ISP was sold to Canadians & they half the sites thinks I'm from there... | 06:46 |
EastTexas | https://www.webmasterworld.com/search_engine_spiders/4836796.htm | 06:47 |
EastTexas | Here is a new bad UA: Java/1.7.0_09-icedtea | 06:49 |
EastTexas | I also had a bad attack from .cn today they tried over 50 times! | 06:50 |
EastTexas | too bad I can't remote format their computer 8( | 06:51 |
wafflejock | EastTexas, hah ah well it happens if no one is hammering on your server it probably isn't online | 06:52 |
EastTexas | They only think I'm using WP ;} | 06:53 |
wafflejock | yeah there are always tons of bots looking for old WP installs to exploit | 06:53 |
EastTexas | I hate WP... | 06:54 |
wafflejock | I'm with ya | 06:54 |
EastTexas | I think a micro CMS might be the way to go for most sites? | 06:54 |
EastTexas | you know it's late when cooking commercials are on.... | 06:56 |
EastTexas | I miss the Ronco Commercials | 06:57 |
wafflejock | I've got a homebrewed thing for drag and drop to make "blog pages" and has online invoicing baked into it something along the lines of what square space offers but just building it to avoid reinventing the wheel for customers we have with small businesses that want roughly the same stuff | 06:57 |
wafflejock | people want a "blog" and sort of rightly so if they actually publish new content to it but can't deal with working with or maintaining WP | 06:58 |
wafflejock | I mean I can't deal with it, but most people developers or not who have tried are of the same opinion | 06:59 |
EastTexas | if it works it works, but it better be secure 4 sure | 06:59 |
EastTexas | What I don't like WP patch this that & the other thing too... | 07:00 |
EastTexas | left the word about out... | 07:00 |
EastTexas | if I could only click'n edit a post... | 07:01 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:02 |
wafflejock | yeah keeping the plugins and themes and wp itself up to date is a mess also just not a fan of having PHP write out the front end the way it does, I like having all my client and server side stuff as separated as possible | 07:02 |
wafflejock | o/ | 07:02 |
EastTexas | good night folks.... gota catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's | 07:02 |
wafflejock | 'night | 07:02 |
EastTexas | Which is better Fedora 25 or Mint? | 07:03 |
EastTexas | or Ubuntu XFCE maybe GNOME? | 07:03 |
EastTexas | My head almost hit the keyboard... | 07:06 |
EastTexas | night ya'll | 07:06 |
ducasse | morning all | 07:10 |
linuxterminali_ | hey anyone here I need help in deciding what part of my pc's hardware causing choppiness and random | 07:12 |
linuxterminali_ | freezes for couple of second | 07:13 |
linuxterminali_ | so that i can upgrade that part | 07:13 |
lordievader | Hey ducasse, how are you doing? | 07:18 |
ducasse | good thanks, and you? | 07:19 |
lordievader | Doing good too :) | 07:23 |
ducasse | had your morning coffee yet? :) | 07:25 |
EriC^^ | morning ducasse lordievader | 07:28 |
ducasse | hi EriC^^, how are you doing? | 07:28 |
EriC^^ | great, you? | 07:29 |
lordievader | ducasse: Not yet. | 07:29 |
lordievader | Hey EriC^^ | 07:29 |
ducasse | good here as well, EriC^^, just a quiet morning. _really_ nice weather today. | 07:32 |
EriC^^ | same here, weather is ok slightly better | 07:34 |
lordievader | Pretty cloudy here again, though it seems the wind has gone down a bit. | 07:41 |
ducasse | just sun and blue sky here, and just about all the snow/ice is finally gone. not too sad about that last bit. | 07:48 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
lotuspsychje | working day, have a nice one guys | 08:16 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 10:10 |
OerHeks | hi di hi | 11:16 |
ducasse | mmmmmmmmmorning! | 11:22 |
OerHeks | monday payday , how are you ducasse | 11:23 |
ducasse | good enough, how about the two of you? | 11:23 |
OerHeks | it is raining cats and dogs | 11:24 |
OerHeks | so Drabber is happy :-D | 11:24 |
ducasse | he likes rain? | 11:24 |
OerHeks | well, the light is growing, and the grass too, he wants to go out all the time | 11:25 |
ducasse | same with luna, she's out for an hour plus at a time, hasn't been that since november or so. | 11:27 |
OerHeks | today i started to put my plants outside too | 11:28 |
OerHeks | maybe a little cold, but i think they like it | 11:28 |
OerHeks | next step: bigger pots and fresh soil | 11:29 |
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon | ||
ducasse | ah, i got my mother to promise to help me do a little planting outside by my porch when it's warm enough. | 11:29 |
OerHeks | gardening is fun, yeah | 11:29 |
OerHeks | a little efford gives a ton of joy | 11:30 |
ducasse | i want to see what i can keep alive :) | 11:30 |
ducasse | i have a bit of space here where i'm allowed to grow stuff if i want, so i thought i'd try to make something out of it. | 11:32 |
OerHeks | get a bag of seeds, and try | 11:33 |
OerHeks | birdseed will do too | 11:34 |
ducasse | damn it, every time crazytux is asked for something he is currently on mint, but insists he'd really using xubuntu. he's been doing this for ages now to get support from us. | 17:18 |
OerHeks | yes, ioria is in PM with him | 17:25 |
ducasse | about that or helping him? | 17:26 |
ducasse | last time he was here i asked him to try 16.04 since mint works, but he was really reluctant. curious if he did it. | 17:27 |
OerHeks | helping .. | 17:27 |
ducasse | it just annoys me that he thinks we're idiots who won't suspect he's lying... | 17:29 |
OerHeks | normally i would not say 'i doubt that' | 17:30 |
OerHeks | the longer we give support, the more strict we become :-D | 17:34 |
ducasse | but thankfully it looks like he has stopped wasting our time with questions like 'will installing lxde in addition to xfce slow things down' again and again and again :) | 17:34 |
ducasse | OerHeks: what grep options do you use the most? i'm adding some stuff to the grep wiki article. | 17:46 |
OerHeks | i mostly grep ip adresses and usernames in my irc-logs | 17:48 |
OerHeks | just came over this site, https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.nl/ .. nvidia driver is a collection of holes | 17:49 |
ducasse | what isn't these days? *sigh* | 17:52 |
ducasse | gtg, bbl | 18:01 |
Bashing-om | !persistence | 19:34 |
ubot5 | To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence | 19:34 |
Bashing-om | Yard chores, back in a bit . | 20:16 |
Bashing-om | Did not take long for splitting out for fire wood to get real old . R&R ! | 21:12 |
daftykins | :) | 21:13 |
Bashing-om | !raid | 21:26 |
ubot5 | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 21:26 |
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