Kilos | morning superfly | 04:32 |
Kilos | all good there? | 04:33 |
superfly | Hi Kilos. About as good as can be right now. | 05:30 |
inetpro | good mornings | 08:32 |
magellanic | hi | 08:37 |
smile | hi | 09:28 |
inetpro | smile: how are you doing? | 09:36 |
smile | I'm very well, thank you :) I'm fixing Wikipedia :P | 09:36 |
smile | How're you? | 09:36 |
inetpro | fixing wikipedia? that sounds like a fun challenge | 09:36 |
smile | yeah, fixing all 404's :P | 09:37 |
inetpro | how? | 09:37 |
smile | Using Get Archive: | 09:38 |
smile | I'm fixing Get Archive simultaniously :) | 09:41 |
smile | There are a few improvements that I want to apply to Get Archive | 09:41 |
inetpro | not sure I understand the problem | 09:41 |
inetpro | in fact, am quite sure that I don't understand right now | 09:41 |
smile | I wrote Get Archive myself, and I'm improving Get Archive while I'm fixing 404s on | 09:43 |
inetpro | ok, so you see a dead link on wikipedia and you right-click to retrieve such info from an link (Wayback Machine) and then? | 09:46 |
inetpro | or with Ctrl+4 for that matter... looks interesting so far | 09:48 |
smile | yeah :D | 09:48 |
smile | and then get archive copies the URL to my clipboard | 09:49 |
smile | so I can paste it back into wikipedia | 09:49 |
smile | the or link | 09:49 |
inetpro | ah, so, you just link back to the archive? | 09:49 |
smile | yeah :) so readers of Wikipedia can click on the link and see the info as it was when first linked | 09:49 |
smile | and not a random 404 page | 09:50 |
inetpro | very interesting indeed, but what if the site owners realise missing info - say due to reorganising their website - and then add such info back to the site with a different URL? | 09:51 |
smile | I sometimes go looking for the same info on Google using the filename (in the case of PDF), page title (if known) or URL | 09:53 |
smile | often I do find copies of the same information elsewhere | 09:53 |
smile | they're candidates for linking on Wikipedia as well, instead of an archived link | 09:53 |
inetpro | the other interesting bit is, when new external links are added to wikipedia these days, is there some way that archive sites are triggerred to archive such a page? | 09:54 |
smile | is cooperating with the English Wikipedia to offer archived versions of the linked URLs | 09:55 |
smile | and is mainly using Wikipedia as a means to decide which URLs to archive | 09:55 |
inetpro | very interesting | 09:55 |
smile | yeah, indeed | 09:55 |
smile | I'm now porting Get Archive to new Mozilla technology (and very Chrome-like) called WebExtensions | 09:56 |
smile | To make sure Get Archive keeps working after Firefox 57 is released | 09:56 |
smile | I'm almost finished, but there are some things that I would like to fix before I release it | 09:57 |
inetpro | I'm sure most web developers often don't understand the implications of a redesign of their site and lots of historic info is often completely lost entirely | 09:58 |
smile | Indeed, that's a giant problem | 09:59 |
smile | That reminds me, I need to polish up my site when it's onlline again :) | 10:00 |
inetpro | smile: nice job! | 10:00 |
smile | It has been down for a while, phillw is working to fix it | 10:00 |
smile | If you don't know the guy, join #phillw :P | 10:01 |
smile | Kilos is there as well | 10:01 |
smile | inetpro: thanks :) | 10:01 |
* Kilos waves | 10:01 | |
Kilos | lo my pro | 10:01 |
* smile waves at Kilos | 10:02 | |
Kilos | howdy smile, keep up the good work lad | 10:02 |
smile | :D | 10:02 |
inetpro | good mornings Kilos | 10:02 |
Kilos | i was asleep and the ping ping ping broke through | 10:02 |
smile | Kilos: it wasn't a very deep sleep then :) | 10:03 |
Kilos | nope | 10:03 |
smile | do you have trouble sleeping, Kilos? | 10:03 |
Kilos | looking after a baby cat that has just started walking and im scared i turn over and squish it | 10:03 |
Kilos | no sleep last night | 10:04 |
Kilos | bad bad head so took 3 tramadol over 4 hour period and brain couldnt switch off last night | 10:04 |
Kilos | morphine based i think but sposed to make you sleepy as well , with me they kept me awake | 10:05 |
inetpro | ai! | 10:06 |
Kilos | lol | 10:06 |
inetpro | Kilos: you should play minetest for that | 10:06 |
smile | Not a very smart thing to do then :P | 10:06 |
Kilos | hahaha ya maybe thats an idea | 10:07 |
Kilos | do you still play inetpro | 10:07 |
inetpro | Kilos: you forgot about #minetest-za ? | 10:07 |
inetpro | Kilos: nope, have no data | 10:07 |
Kilos | i dont have minetest installed here on ssd | 10:08 |
inetpro | and enough other challenges | 10:08 |
Kilos | this 100gig cellc lasts forever | 10:08 |
smile | Kilos: how do you mean, 100gig cell? | 10:08 |
Kilos | cellc bundle | 10:08 |
smile | How can a SSD last forever? | 10:08 |
smile | cellc is a provider? | 10:09 |
Kilos | mobile data bundle | 10:09 |
smile | nice, 100 gigabyte :D | 10:09 |
Kilos | but slow connection so that helps | 10:09 |
* smile has 1 gigabyte of mobile data | 10:09 | |
Kilos | hopefully this coming week their techie will come out and upgrade the tower or at least organise it | 10:10 |
smile | yeah :) | 10:10 |
smile | how much do you pay for it, Kilos? | 10:10 |
Kilos | R1000 | 10:10 |
inetpro | now you're giving me an idea, how do I throttle my NIC to slow down in order to preserve data? | 10:10 |
Kilos | it expires after a year only | 10:10 |
smile | nice! | 10:11 |
smile | My mobile data bundle expires every month | 10:11 |
smile | So to have equal data to you, I would need 10 gig each month :) | 10:11 |
Kilos | yes this is a special promo thing to steal customers from other providers | 10:11 |
Kilos | we were paying 399 for 3 gig | 10:12 |
Kilos | every month | 10:12 |
Kilos | i think it was 399 | 10:12 |
smile | 10 gig each month costs me 100 euro each month (1368R) | 10:12 |
smile | mobile data | 10:12 |
Kilos | anyway this one is cheap just slow | 10:13 |
Kilos | wow | 10:13 |
smile | fixed line is 396R for 150 gig data | 10:13 |
Kilos | thats better | 10:13 |
smile | yeah :D | 10:13 |
Kilos | 100 euro a month is heavy | 10:14 |
smile | Yeah :P | 10:14 |
smile | about 10% of my income :P | 10:14 |
Kilos | whew | 10:14 |
Kilos | just for internet | 10:14 |
inetpro | smile: 100€ = R1367 | 10:14 |
Kilos | wb andrewlsd | 10:14 |
smile | yeah, that's why I used fixed line heavily | 10:14 |
inetpro | you put the R in front here :-) | 10:15 |
Kilos | we are forward thinking peeps | 10:15 |
smile | inetpro: Google says 100 euro is 1367.99R | 10:15 |
smile | I'm sorry :P | 10:15 |
smile | R1368 then | 10:15 |
Kilos | dont close the gate after the cows have already run away | 10:15 |
inetpro | google tells me "1367.98 South African Rand" | 10:15 |
smile | Kilos: why not? :D | 10:15 |
smile | Let's just drop the decimal part :D | 10:16 |
Kilos | because then you find them and bring them back and then close the gate | 10:16 |
smile | first close the gate, find them, open the gate, let the cows in, close the gate | 10:16 |
smile | normal procedure :P | 10:16 |
inetpro | haha | 10:17 |
Kilos | then you need two peeps because if you have to open the gate they turn and leave again | 10:17 |
inetpro | let's not even talk about decimals even... please continue with the subject | 10:17 |
Kilos | you herd from behind them | 10:17 |
smile | Kilos: that means you're providing jobs for two people instead of one | 10:17 |
smile | which is good, right? | 10:17 |
Kilos | lol | 10:17 |
Kilos | paying 2 peeps to do ones work is crazy | 10:18 |
smile | yeah :P | 10:18 |
smile | On a side note, 100 euro/month gives me 18000 SMS messages :P | 10:18 |
Kilos | holy smokes | 10:18 |
smile | to Mobile Vikings clients | 10:18 |
smile | and 10000 to other networks | 10:19 |
smile | so 28000 SMS messages in total | 10:19 |
Kilos | thats why your fingers are so short | 10:19 |
* inetpro no longer uses SMS | 10:19 | |
smile | I hardly use SMS, only to text my dad, or find someone when there's no internet available | 10:19 |
smile | I use less than 10 SMS messages a month | 10:20 |
Kilos | peeps here use whatsapp | 10:20 |
smile | I use telegram | 10:20 |
Kilos | and telegram | 10:20 |
inetpro | SMS has been abused by mobile operators... the worst form of stealing | 10:20 |
smile | you mean the way they charged for it? | 10:21 |
inetpro | exactly | 10:21 |
smile | here, too | 10:21 |
Kilos | i have paid R3.60 for one sms to aus | 10:21 |
smile | If I don't buy a internet bundle, an SMS still costs me 1/10th of a euro | 10:21 |
Kilos | telegram hardly moves the data bundle | 10:21 |
smile | 0,10 cents | 10:21 |
smile | * 10 cents | 10:21 |
smile | Kilos: yeah, that's great indeed | 10:22 |
inetpro | and people just keep paying, it's crazy | 10:22 |
smile | must be that they have a money surplus | 10:22 |
Kilos | haha, they will never have surplus | 10:22 |
Kilos | they always try get more | 10:23 |
inetpro | people have no idea how much they pay compared to normal data | 10:23 |
Kilos | oh you mean the peeps that pay | 10:23 |
smile | Kilos: yeah | 10:23 |
Kilos | ya stupid | 10:23 |
Kilos | even skype audio is cheaper tha n sms | 10:23 |
Kilos | about 1 meg data a minute | 10:24 |
inetpro | | 10:24 |
smile | skype sucks :P | 10:24 |
Kilos | i get to talk to my girls so i use it | 10:24 |
smile | yeah, I understand | 10:25 |
Kilos | i eed to sleep more | 10:25 |
Kilos | need | 10:25 |
smile | It's a standard thing so set a video call / audio call up | 10:25 |
Kilos | you guys be good | 10:25 |
smile | good night :) | 10:25 |
inetpro | sleep well oom Kilos | 10:25 |
Kilos | no man its midday | 10:25 |
Kilos | ty guys | 10:25 |
smile | :D | 10:25 |
smile | inetpro: what have you been up to? :) | 10:27 |
inetpro | anothr interesting article on the topic | 10:28 |
inetpro | Price gouging: It costs more to send a text message on Earth than from Mars | 10:28 |
inetpro | smile: just enjoying a relaxed Saturday, for a change | 10:29 |
smile | inetpro: omg, I'll start texting from Mars | 10:30 |
smile | inetpro: me too | 10:30 |
inetpro | smile: did you see this, "Bill Gates suggested in a recent interview that robots should be taxed when they are doing the role of a human worker" | 10:52 |
smile | no, didn't see it passing under my eyes :) | 10:52 |
inetpro | have seen a few related debates recently | 10:53 |
inetpro | see: | 10:54 |
MaNI | taxed, fine, but first recognise them as having rights then and pay them an income ;) | 11:00 |
smile | Haha lol | 11:34 |
inetpro | MaNI: good point :-D | 11:43 |
inetpro | andrewlsd: what's wrong with your connection? | 11:44 |
inetpro | fix it! | 11:44 |
inetpro | or move to another VPS provider | 11:45 |
nsnzero | hi andrewlsd | 15:08 |
smile | Hi nsnzero | 15:32 |
nsnzero | hi smile | 15:41 |
smile | :D | 15:41 |
nsnzero | checking if i can use ipython as a shell | 15:41 |
smile | I wonder, I wouldn't know it myself | 15:42 |
smile | I have a headache, so I'll quit thinking | 15:42 |
nsnzero | doesnt seem to be a common topic | 15:42 |
smile | maybe because it wasn't meant to be | 15:42 |
nsnzero | that is the beauty of linux - if you can think it you can probally implement it | 15:44 |
smile | yeah, but maybe no one thought of it before | 15:44 |
nsnzero | ipython had a sh profile -> but its since been removed | 15:45 |
smile | hmm, okay, weird | 15:46 |
nsnzero | lol yeah | 15:48 |
nsnzero | back to my googling / duckduckgoing ? | 15:50 |
smile | duckling? :P | 15:50 |
nsnzero | google just goes - google it vs duckduckgo it ? its a verb and a noun | 15:51 |
smile | yeah | 15:52 |
nsnzero | also checking if i can split my terminal with the prompt in the bottom and the output - stdout on top | 15:54 |
smile | I quit experimenting like that, I'm very satisfied with my setup like it is right now | 15:56 |
nsnzero | i can never be satisfied - love to tinker and ultimately perfect / break it | 15:58 |
smile | That's what I do when developing Firefox extensions :P | 15:58 |
nsnzero | hows that going smile ? | 16:01 |
smile | now it's hard, because the easy part is over :D | 16:01 |
smile | I published Translate Now 2.0 recently with a shitload of fixes (quoting a collegue :P ) | 16:02 |
smile | So Translate Now won't need immediate updates anytime soon | 16:02 |
nsnzero | congrats on that | 16:02 |
smile | Thanks :) | 16:02 |
smile | Get Archive is still in the process of being finished up, but I have spotted a few bugs which I want to solve | 16:03 |
smile | I thought up a solution, but with the headache I'm reluctant to implement it | 16:03 |
nsnzero | thats another extension i presume | 16:03 |
smile | yeah :) I have quite a few | 16:03 |
smile | and I have an idea for another one | 16:04 |
smile | but I just wrote a CSS style for now, instead of an extension | 16:05 |
smile | do you know what CSS userstyles are, nsnzero? | 16:06 |
nsnzero | yes alittle | 16:10 |
smile | It's easy to make, and you get a new design / improved lay-out for an existing site | 16:10 |
smile | | 16:11 |
nsnzero | cant use them in my simple browser - qupzilla | 16:14 |
nsnzero | i dont use the fox - its too slow | 16:15 |
smile | Userstyles can be used in most browsers, not sure about qupzilla | 16:37 |
nsnzero | require the installation of stylish to use those css styles | 16:39 |
smile | Some browsers do not require stylish. But in general, that's correct | 16:40 |
inetpro | Kilos: where are you when I need you? | 17:51 |
* inetpro just had to do a small plumbing job to stop another leaking pipe in the roof | 17:53 | |
smile | Kilos is youri plumber, inetpro? | 17:58 |
inetpro | smile: nope, not really :-) | 17:58 |
inetpro | but he always comes good solutions for everyday problems like these | 17:58 |
Kilos | here inetpro | 17:59 |
Kilos | well done | 17:59 |
inetpro | well it's just a temp fix for now | 17:59 |
Kilos | what? bandaid? | 17:59 |
Kilos | hehe | 17:59 |
inetpro | ya, bandaid :-) | 18:00 |
Kilos | lol | 18:00 |
inetpro | stupid old galvanized piping | 18:00 |
nsnzero | lol - evening guys | 18:00 |
Kilos | its been working for a long time | 18:00 |
smile | The bandaid won't work long though | 18:01 |
smile | What did you use? | 18:01 |
inetpro | true, rusting from the inside out, will have to replace the pipe very soon | 18:01 |
inetpro | just a very small pinhole leak | 18:03 |
inetpro | perhaps a small crack, must have been leaking a few days already, only noticed after seeing drops on the floor | 18:05 |
inetpro | difficult to get a proper fix late on a Saturday afternoon | 18:06 |
Kilos | yip | 18:07 |
inetpro | Kilos: how are you feeling now? | 18:29 |
Kilos | im ok ty inetpro slept like the dead | 18:29 |
Kilos | actually feel good | 18:29 |
inetpro | cool | 18:30 |
magespawn | good evening | 18:58 |
nsnzero | hi magespawn | 18:58 |
magespawn | how goes it nsnzero ? | 19:05 |
nsnzero | ok and yourself ? | 19:06 |
magespawn | all good. learning how to use drupal. | 19:07 |
nsnzero | what does it do magespawn ? | 19:08 |
magespawn | CMS similar to Joomla or Wordpress | 19:11 |
nsnzero | wordpress like a web publishing suite | 19:12 |
magespawn | Content Mangement System | 19:22 |
nsnzero | ok i not sure about that | 19:23 |
nsnzero | well all the best | 19:23 |
nsnzero | leave | 19:24 |
nsnzero | opps | 19:24 |
magespawn | So it all of them let you manage the content and lay out of the site using a framework rather than hand coding everything yourself | 19:24 |
magespawn | good night all | 19:39 |
inetpro | so quiet here, why? | 20:58 |
Kilos | sleep timer | 21:14 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 21:14 |
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