
robert_ancelljbicha, ping02:15
jbicharobert_ancell: hi02:15
robert_ancelljbicha, you can reproduce bug 1672424 right? It's working fine for me here on both xenial and zesty..02:15
ubot5bug 1672424 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Cannot install Debian files outside of the repositories" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167242402:15
jbichawhat test file did you use?02:16
robert_ancelljbicha, switcheroo-control as per the bug instructions02:16
jbichado you have the gnome3 staging ppa enabled?02:16
robert_ancelljbicha, no02:16
jbichayes, I can still reproduce it on Ubuntu (Unity) 16.0402:19
jbichathis time, I right-clicked on it in Nautilus and chose to open it with Ubuntu Software02:19
robert_ancelljbicha, what version of g-s?02:20
robert_ancellI tried with Nautilus - still wokrs02:20
robert_ancellI'm using the .a34b091 version here02:21
jbichayes, that's the same version I'm using02:21
robert_ancellbare metal or VM?02:22
robert_ancellI'm using QEMU, but I can't see how that would make a difference...02:22
jbichabut I can reproduce it in zesty too02:23
jbichawe're up to 3.22.7 now02:24
jbichaand I'm using the PK-enabled version from that ubuntu-desktop PPA02:24
jbichathe latest comment on bug 1581713 asks for the ability to use gnome-software without snap02:28
ubot5bug 1581713 in Ubuntu GNOME "Ubuntu Software always asks for an Ubuntu Single Sign-On account when installing or removing a snap package" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158171302:28
jbichathat's sort of possible in zesty except that I have gnome-software depend on g-s-plugin-snap instead of just recommends02:28
robert_ancelljbicha, yeah, uninstalling the plugin seems an appropriate solution.02:32
robert_ancellThough it's just a side effect of not being able to do this properly. Still waiting on the support from the snapd side02:33
jbichaexcept we don't have a supported way of uninstalling that plugin02:33
robert_ancelli.e. graphically?02:35
robert_ancellor in older releases?02:35
jbichayou can't do it in zesty because I made it a hard-depends; you can't do it in earlier releases because it's included in the same binary pkg as gnome-software02:36
robert_ancellGiven the request is "I want to disable snaps because they're harder to install than .debs" I think the real solution is to fix the snap installing issues..02:38
jbichaoh never mind, I guess they could just uninstall 'snapd' which is only a recommends02:40
jbichajhbuild run gnome-software --local-filename=switcheroo-control_1.1-0ubuntu0~zesty1_amd64.deb02:40
jbichafails too with gnome-software 3.22.7 without our patches02:41
robert_ancelloh yeah, snapd is optional02:42
jbichaGs  failed to convert to GsApp: no application was created for /home/jeremy/Downloads/switcheroo-control_1.1-0ubuntu0~zesty1_amd64.deb02:43
jbicha(it seems a bit extreme to switch to Debian testing because of that one snapd issue!)02:45
robert_ancellRAGE QUIT!02:48
robert_ancellSeems the trend is to change the error message every release :)02:49
* robert_ancell wishes he'd bought a faster SSD. Updates take ages...02:49
robert_ancellStill works on zesty with all updates... :(02:59
* robert_ancell reboots02:59
robert_ancellstill works03:02
Guest63440Morning hikiko!06:32
hikikomorning Guest6344006:32
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willcookemorning all08:58
didrockshey willcooke09:00
davmor2Morning all09:00
didrockshappy monday davmor209:01
didrocksoh, a Laney09:01
didrocksUK's really united… in time :)09:01
Laney3~/sb e09:04
Laneyhey didrocks!09:04
Laneyhow's it going?09:04
didrocksgood good! busy week-end even if didn't do much in the end :)09:09
didrockshow was yours?09:09
didrocks(btw, played unlocked at the game cafe, really really cool game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/213460/unlock)09:09
didrocksunfortunately can't replay a scenario once done09:09
didrocks(card-based escape room game)09:10
seb128hey willcooke Laney davmor2, how is u.k today? had a good w.e?09:10
davmor2seb128, didrocks: Doing well thanks miserable weather, but I finished my Millenium Falcon Model, Now I just need to figure out where the hell I'm going to put it09:12
didrockshaha, it's the hardest part :)09:13
Laneydidrocks: nice, not heard of that one09:15
Laneyhey seb128!09:15
Laneywas quite good, exploring in wales09:15
Laneyrained every day but that's expected :P09:15
davmor2didrocks: have you seen the size of it09:16
didrocksdavmor2: ah no, how big is it?09:16
davmor2didrocks: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPfwDJuQqMUxGKYJoMK5uJaFQRVhRKYnEngcUXB can you see that09:31
davmor2didrocks: to give you and Idea the cushion in the background is 40cm Squared09:33
didrockshey Sweet5hark09:38
didrocksdavmor2: I don't have access to it09:38
davmor2didrocks: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPfwDJuQqMUxGKYJoMK5uJaFQRVhRKYnEngcUXB try that09:39
didrocksdavmor2: nope09:39
davmor2sorry paste fail09:39
didrocksbetter :)09:39
didrocksahah, quite massive then!09:39
seb128hey Sweet5hark09:41
davmor2didrocks: I think the round is 70cm and with the blades it is 82cm09:42
willcookeseb128, could you take a look at this one pls:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/166137109:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1661371 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "[zesty] doesn't offer a window to install missing gstreamer codecs" [High,Confirmed]09:42
Sweet5harkdidrocks, seb128: bonjours!09:44
Sweet5harkmondays lament: After backing up the bundled windows, setting up ubuntu, customizing everything and moving my workflow to the new machine and being really happy about it ...09:47
Sweet5hark... yesterday I played my first youtube video on it. Turns out the right internals speakder doesnt work.09:48
* Sweet5hark is so angry at Lenovo for letting such an obvious fail pass QA on a 1000+ EUR machine.09:48
* Sweet5hark is even more angry at himself for not having tested sound on delivery before setting anything up.09:49
seb128willcooke, sure, I had it in my triaged bug emails box, going to have a look today or tomorrow09:53
willcookeperfect, thanks seb12809:57
* Laney emerges from emails09:58
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers10:06
chrisccoulsonricotz, all the bits are in place for building firefox with our rust toolchain now, but we're blocked on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1347483 (the build fails because it hits the network)11:10
ubot5Mozilla bug 1347483 in Buildduty "blessings package should be downloaded from internal pypi and not from external one" [Normal,New]11:10
Sweet5harkoh, lol: a redhat employee pimping my performance hacks on GNU make to upstream (again): http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-make/2017-03/msg00038.html12:01
seb128Sweet5hark, be careful or you might end up maintaining gnumake :-)12:31
Sweet5harkseb128: you mean maintaining an ancient widely used codebase with way too few developers? Would be an entirely new experience to me then ...12:46
Sweet5harkLaney: FWIW, preventing premature promotion of libreoffice-l10n with the last upload worked. It worked jsut a bit ... too well too.12:58
Laneyyou mean it broke libreoffice somehow?13:00
Sweet5harkLaney: nah, not really broke it. Just means that we need one extra build of -l10n this time around although it is not strictly needed. see: https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=485e71dffdaf408d17b51a8118d9bda303b914e313:02
LaneySweet5hark: ah right, do you know about source:Upstream-Version?13:03
Sweet5harkLaney: hmm. both source:Upstream-Version and binary:Version might bite you in one scenario or the other, wouldnt they? Murphy says likely the one that hurts you will come to pass anyway.13:07
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Sweet5harkLaney: I mean chances of upstream or packaging incompatibilities are roughly the same between libreoffice and libreoffice-l10n.13:08
LaneyI thought you wanted to express 'should be the same upstream version'13:09
Laneykeeping binary versions in sync across different package is a nightmare (so >= is better there)13:09
Sweet5harkLaney: for the most part, -l10n being a separate package is artificial anyway: I mean, they are even maintained in the same repo and generated from the same source. Being able to update libreoffice without libreoffice-l10n is just a minor sideeffect, but IMHO we should not depend on that anyway: just take it as a freebie that pays back some of the pain we get for splittng these in the first place.13:15
Sweet5harkLaney: but yeah: (= ${binary:Version}) had no benefits at all here, so good to kill it.13:16
LaneySweet5hark: meh, it still requires a libreoffice upload to match every l10n one13:21
* Laney lunch13:21
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Sweet5harkLaney: so: 1/ changes in libreoffice-l10n without one in libreoffice have never happened. 2/ incompatible changes on the same upstream version of LibreOffice DO happen: e.g. dis-/enable a feature with configure-flags and suddenly you have too much/too little in the -l10n (and possibly, given the funky "Help-Id" mapping of translated text in libreoffice-l10n: broken l10n even for stuff that both13:30
Sweet5harkversions had).13:30
Sweet5harkLaney: building l10n separately isnt an supported upstream scenario. Compatibility of -l10n when e.g. config-flags change isnt a promise that upstream ever made. IOW: we should be thankful if even "(>= ${binary:Version})" works. ;)13:34
Sweet5hark(The l10n strings arent mapped to content between the two via something sane and stable like unique strings. Rather ints that are generated during the build. We should be thankful libreoffice and libreoffice-l10n agree on the generated ids so much: that was never an expectation when that code was originally written.)13:39
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LaneySweet5hark: Right, so this whole approach is fragile and prone to random breakage. Got you.14:53
Sweet5harkLaney: aye. Its a bit "We are doomed anyway". To be properly fixed, that would need to happen upstream, but that is a lot of work with zero enduser visible benefit, so as long as what we do now works, Id rather spend the time on other things ...14:59
Sweet5harke.g. we discussed moving to gettext for l10n upstream (because ~everyone else is, and then we would only have the troubles everyone else has). in addition to a lot of work, while it would make things more robust, it would also roughly double l10n file sizes: so enthusiasm was ... limited.15:02
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Sweet5harkis it ok to reuse bug 1673790 for the -0ubuntu2 upload?15:18
ubot5bug 1673790 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "bump LibreOffice to 5.3.1 on zesty and fix autpkgtest dependencies" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167379015:18
jbichaSweet5hark: yes, could you add that bug number to your debian/changelog so it will get closed automatically when it makes it into zesty?15:20
Sweet5harkjbicha: hmm, already uploaded the changes w/o a launchpad bug id (debian bug id is in there though). Would it be ok for me to close the lp bug manually this time? Otherwise I'd have to redo the whole source package dance ...15:25
Sweet5harkjbicha: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1673790/comments/315:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1673790 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "bump LibreOffice to 5.3.1 on zesty and fix autpkgtest dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:26
jbichaSweet5hark: since we already have the original tarballs in zesty, a .debdiff would be a lot easier for you I think15:29
jbichajust send a diff of the debian/ directory since what's already in zesty-proposed15:30
davmor2willcooke: did your branch for slides still not make it in?15:30
Laneydavmor2: https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-zesty/+merge/31996215:32
davmor2Laney: meh15:32
jbichaSweet5hark: actually now that I think about it some more, your way is fine; building LO and Firefox's sources for uploading take a very long time15:33
davmor2Laney: any way to get that moving it would be nice to have before Thursday if possible you know with it being final beta and all that ;)15:34
LaneyYes, get a reviewer to review it and then, if approved, to upload it. :)15:34
jbichaSweet5hark: I would have used (<< for the breaks/replaces to better match the existing replaces but your way should be fine too15:38
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Sweet5harkjbicha: yep, it would only be a difference for 1:5.3.1-0ubuntu1+foo versions (IOW <=1:5.3.1-0ubuntu1 assumes there wont be a 1:5.3.1-0ubuntu1+x version with the bug, while <<1:5.3.1-0ubuntu2~ assumes those might exist).16:53
Sweet5harkjbicha: and thanks for not insisting on a debdiff -- my jenkins machinery doesnt autogenerate one, so Id have to manually create one ...16:53
Laneyback in a bit17:21
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Sweet5harkjbicha: thanks for sponsoring. FWIW, I might ask for a yakkety SRU too: usually I waited for an CVE to bump versions, but for yakkety none came about, so its still stuck at 5.2.2. Id bump to 5.2.6 and add the backport of the SDK fix.17:32
jbichasounds good17:33
Sweet5harkjbicha: eh, forget about backporting the SDK patch. yakkety isnt broken apparently as rene broke it after I branched off.17:36
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