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simon_weberHi all! I'm hoping to copy a build from a ppa into mine. It's an old package and no longer published, so it doesn't show in the "copy packages" interface. Given a link to the build result, what's the easiest way to copy the result to my ppa?17:10
simon_weberI think I just need the .changes file and the files it references, then I give those to dput?17:11
dobeyyou can't dput binary packages to a PPA no17:11
rbasakMaybe the copy-package tool from ubuntu-archive-tools can do it?17:13
dobeywhat ppa are you trying to copy from?17:14
simon_weberthis is the particular build I'm looking to copy: https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/ubuntu/redis-server/+build/665422117:14
simon_weber(yes, I know it's very old, haha)17:14
simon_weberthis seems relevant, maybe? http://askubuntu.com/a/47529817:16
simon_weberI wasn't able to find the copy-package tool you referenced, rbasak17:16
cjwatsonthe "copy packages" web interface has a drop-down that you can switch from "Published" to "Superseded" or similar to find such things17:17
cjwatsonthe askubuntu link you found does not seem appropriate here17:18
simon_weberoh, excellent17:18
simon_weberlet me try that17:18
simon_webercjwatson: beautiful, that's exactly what I needed17:19
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clivejohi folks, when you are building a package on LP, is there any way to get internet access whilst building?23:41
clivejofor example can you setup a python env where pip can install the requirements23:42
tsimonq2clivejo: Nope, I believe that's against Debian's rules for packages23:42
tsimonq2clivejo: Which, in turn, is probably ours.23:42
tsimonq2clivejo: You should probably ask the archive admins in #ubuntu-release what they're comfortable with.23:43
maxbI believe the idea is that if you need internet access, it means the source code isn't entirely represented by what's in the source packages and installed binary packages for dependencies23:56
maxbAnd that would be undesirable, so no internet access, to enforce that people don't do it23:57
wgrantRight, the restriction is in place mostly to ensure that we can't not build a fix just because some upstream website has gone away, or some version of the dependencies has changed.23:58
wgrantThere are also issues around providing source for licenses that require it (eg. GPL)23:58
wgrantA Debian package build on Launchpad can only depend on other packages, not external resources.23:58
tsimonq2maxb: Exactly.23:59

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