nicklas_ | how do i remove configs for steam games? i have set up the resolution wrong in ark, and now its misplaced and i cant change it, cause i cant click the save box | 00:28 |
swift110 | hey all | 00:37 |
ali1234 | nicklas_: there isn't any standard place | 01:00 |
ali1234 | its different for each game | 01:00 |
nicklas_ | fixed :-) | 01:10 |
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
eso4a | la | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | jejeejje | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a | hola | 10:56 |
eso4a_ | e | 10:56 |
eso4a | fque pasa | 10:56 |
eso4a_ | mañana nos vbamos | 10:56 |
eso4a | wapa | 10:56 |
eso4a | tk | 10:56 |
eso4a_ | por ai | 10:56 |
eso4a_ | fiesta | 10:56 |
eso4a | a donde | 10:56 |
eso4a | a bueno | 10:56 |
eso4a | vale | 10:57 |
eso4a_ | a marmolejo | 10:57 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | hola chulos | 11:33 |
thu | eeeeeeeeeeeeee | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | hola | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | heo | 11:35 |
thu | que pasaaa | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | marmolejo | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | thu | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | quiene res | 11:35 |
thu | barrona | 11:35 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | ornitorrinco | 11:35 |
thu | turquesa | 11:35 |
eso4a_ | aguacate | 11:35 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | papaaya | 11:35 |
thu | pato | 11:35 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | me gustan las papayas | 11:35 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | soy una guarra | 11:36 |
thu | esa miguela | 11:36 |
eso4a_ | me meo jajajaja | 11:36 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | parguela | 11:36 |
eso4a_ | miguelaaaa | 11:36 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | thuuuu | 11:36 |
ouroumov_ | !ops | 11:36 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 11:36 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | morenito | 11:36 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | 19 | 11:36 |
thu | total zonas | 11:36 |
thu | jejejejejejejejejejejejejejjejejejejejejejejejejej | 11:36 |
eso4a_ | españa esta vien | 11:37 |
=== eso4a_ is now known as jjjjj | ||
ouroumov_ | flexiondotorg, this channel lacks rules enforcement capability. :/ | 11:37 |
thu | quien eres???? | 11:37 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | spy | 11:37 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | una | 11:37 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | warra | 11:37 |
thu | manifiestate | 11:37 |
eso4a_ | eee | 11:37 |
jjjjj | jejeje | 11:37 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | choni | 11:37 |
jjjjj | andujar va bien | 11:37 |
eso4a_ | vasilones | 11:37 |
eso4a_ | os quiero | 11:38 |
jjjjj | a antender | 11:38 |
thu | ba$ilon | 11:38 |
jjjjj | alberto wapo | 11:38 |
MIGUELAPARGUELA | 8=====================================================================D | 11:38 |
thu | gracias jjjjj | 11:38 |
thu | thu papote malote | 11:38 |
thu | la miguela si | 11:38 |
jjjjj | andrea ureña la chupa x 5 euros | 11:39 |
thu | er migue quiere | 11:39 |
jjjjj | qn quiera q llame a su wa 654847409 | 11:39 |
jjjjj | miguel no pq es gay | 11:39 |
eso4a_ | yo pago 20 euros pa 4 veces | 11:39 |
jjjjj | toma ya | 11:40 |
jjjjj | damelos a mi | 11:40 |
jjjjj | y yo ya los pongo | 11:40 |
ouroumov_ | MIGUELAPARGUELA, jjjjj eso4a_ please stop this. | 11:40 |
jjjjj | ouroumox claro | 11:40 |
eso4a_ | soy un violador | 11:40 |
eso4a_ | tengo fotos de todos desnudos | 11:41 |
thu | okeyyy | 11:41 |
Fuchs | eso4a_: hi, network staff here, would you mind stopping? | 11:41 |
thu | que chulo | 11:41 |
jjjjj | toma | 11:41 |
jjjjj | menos mias | 11:41 |
thu | culo | 11:41 |
thu | choni | 11:41 |
Fuchs | same goes for the rest | 11:41 |
thu | coni | 11:41 |
thu | con | 11:41 |
thu | cño | 11:41 |
thu | jajajaja | 11:41 |
Fuchs | fine | 11:41 |
eso4a_ | eeee | 11:42 |
jjjjj | españa ba bien | 11:42 |
ouroumov_ | Thanks, sorry for bothering you guys. | 11:42 |
ikonia | good call in pointing it out | 11:43 |
thu | hjyj | 11:44 |
thu | ee | 11:44 |
thu | chuparlaaa | 11:44 |
ouroumov_ | k1l_, do you have admin access on every official ubuntu channel? | 11:45 |
k1l_ | ouroumov_: no, sadly the founder of this channel didnt setup the channel permissions correctly | 11:45 |
ouroumov_ | flexiondotorg, this is something to look at. -> ouroumov_> k1l_, do you have admin access on every official ubuntu channel? k1l_> ouroumov_: no, sadly the founder of this channel didnt setup the channel permissions correctly | 11:46 |
k1l_ | ouroumov_: but as i understand the irc council got attention now and will try to improve that setup | 11:47 |
ouroumov_ | Great | 11:47 |
ouroumov_ | This is not the first time those guys do that. | 11:47 |
ouroumov_ | our irclogs must have 10 instances of this happening by now. | 11:48 |
server__ | hi guys! | 12:12 |
server__ | I have a problem | 12:12 |
server__ | is possible install wine on ubuntu mate^ | 12:12 |
server__ | ? | 12:12 |
ikonia | yes | 12:14 |
israel | Buenas | 15:10 |
israel | Hola | 15:10 |
israel | Hi | 15:10 |
israel | Alguien sabe como instalar apache phppgadmin | 15:11 |
israel | ? | 15:11 |
alkisg | !es | 15:11 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 15:11 |
=== don is now known as Guest25058 | ||
Guest25058 | what is the release date for Ubuntu Mate 17.04 | 17:28 |
Guest25058 | O.K. found it myself Apr. 13 | 17:39 |
=== postreAFK is now known as postre | ||
=== postre is now known as postreAFK | ||
mate|28782 | hello | 19:16 |
mate|20921 | hello | 19:46 |
ouroumov | hello mate|20921 | 19:52 |
mate|20921 | are here any developers? | 19:58 |
=== rafa is now known as Guest29123 | ||
ubuntu-mate | Ola | 20:37 |
=== eagle is now known as Guest53715 |
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