=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS | ||
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Choups | hi guys | 02:13 |
Choups | i need help installing this: https://github.com/AppStateESS/phpwebsite | 02:13 |
Choups | im getting this: http://pastebin.com/MtsBZ48u | 02:14 |
Choups | any clue? | 02:14 |
sarnold | Choups: does the file /var/www/html/phpwebsite-master/vendor/autoload.php act7ually exist? | 02:15 |
Choups | the directory vendor doesnt exist.. | 02:15 |
Choups | but it comes like this from the download page | 02:15 |
Choups | i just unzip the thing | 02:15 |
Choups | any ideia? | 02:18 |
sarnold | it's hard to find anything with details there :/ no clue, sorry | 02:20 |
Choups | sarnold, how it be too much to ask you to try download the thing and get it to work on your machine | 02:22 |
Choups | or you can even use one of my vps if you prefer | 02:22 |
Choups | i just really need to install this | 02:23 |
sarnold | Choups: heh, it'd be a waste of time; i know next to nothing of php. I just look for failures in logs, then look in docs to see if tehre's anything mentioned that looks like the log entries. Then sources. | 02:24 |
=== vittnet is now known as ayd | ||
snypz | hello all | 03:01 |
snypz | anyone out there using remote desktop ubuntu server 16.04? | 03:04 |
Sebastien | so, if i get a 10$ vps from digitalocean or linode, with 16.04 for servers, can i connect to it and see the desktop? | 03:47 |
Sebastien | probably a stupid question. | 03:47 |
cncr04s | if you install the desktop | 03:52 |
cncr04s | it may not work well though | 03:53 |
Sebastien | oh ok.ty | 03:57 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:12 |
cpaelzer | good morning to you as well lordievader | 08:10 |
cpaelzer | and everybody else | 08:10 |
lordievader | Hey cpaelzer, how are you doing? | 08:40 |
cpaelzer | lordievader: good, I hope you as well | 08:56 |
cpaelzer | lordievader: usually If I find time to greet it is either one of the better days or I haven't read mails/bug-updates yet :-) | 08:57 |
lordievader | Hehehe, doing good here :) | 09:06 |
lordievader | Making my server ready for some ipython notebook stuff. | 09:06 |
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jge | hey all, good morning. What are some of the recommended way of doing an offline installation of Ubuntu? | 14:37 |
jge | it's a private network with no internet, the network where the host sits has a site to stie VPN to my desktop (running ubuntu as well) | 14:38 |
jge | I was thinking of setting up a network share and somehow put an offline repo there and grab it across the VPN? | 14:39 |
jge | but that could be slower, maybe copy a complete online repo to a USB drive and virtual mount it through idrac? | 14:40 |
Guest64063 | hi, ich hatte heute morgen vormittag schon mal im ubuntu-de channel geschrieben, aber nach diversen Ratschlägen wurde mir gesagt ich soll hier mal nach meinem Problem nachfragen | 14:49 |
Guest64063 | muss ich hier auf englisch oder kann ich acuh auf deutsch tippen? | 14:49 |
nacc | englisch bitte, Guest64063 :) | 15:08 |
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zul | coreycb/jamespage: last minute gnocchi update | 16:30 |
huggybear404 | some progress today , after testing 4 identical boards failing and another asus strix that didnt cooperate. I ordered an asus prime and it seems to work, now I can install server 16.10 without errors. I installed xubuntu desktop , but I can not find any disk manager ? I loved the layout of old xubuntu 9.1 or ubuntu 10-12 series, is it possible to get similar layout on 16.10 or customize | 16:37 |
huggybear404 | it to show the items I use a lot like disk manager and root terminal ? | 16:37 |
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey | ||
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huggybear404 | Is remote desktop and disk utility removed ??? Why can I not find these in server 16.10 ? | 17:19 |
nacc | huggybear404: do you know the names of the actual programs or packages? | 17:20 |
huggybear404 | https://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop this says its called remote desktop | 17:21 |
huggybear404 | when I search it says not found | 17:21 |
=== tinwood_ is now known as tinwood | ||
nacc | lol, '7.10' ? | 17:24 |
huggybear404 | hm seems theres a desktop sharing, why was it removed | 17:24 |
huggybear404 | yes I miss the old versions where thing I need are included | 17:24 |
nacc | that appears to just be a VNC server | 17:24 |
huggybear404 | like samba, disk utils, and remote desktop | 17:25 |
huggybear404 | now I just get office and lots of stuff I never used | 17:25 |
compdoc | does anyone have vnc or x2go working with Unity? | 17:34 |
nacc | huggybear404: you're also asking in the server channel about a bunch of desktop stuff, it seems | 17:36 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
huggybear404 | well I use remote desktop on my server, that way I can work on it no matter where in the world I am | 17:41 |
huggybear404 | can I suspend a task and resume after reboot ? | 17:42 |
nacc | huggybear404: strange to even run a desktop on a server, IMO :) | 17:43 |
huggybear404 | is it ? | 17:44 |
nacc | huggybear404: no, not trivially | 17:44 |
nacc | huggybear404: well, i mean at that point, it's not really about the server side, you're running a full-fledged desktop, afaict | 17:44 |
nacc | *the ubuntu server side | 17:44 |
huggybear404 | I often use web browser to admin f.ex usenet downloads | 17:44 |
* nacc doesn't understand why having a browser on your local desktop matters to your server | 17:45 | |
huggybear404 | browser is on the server as an admin tool | 17:45 |
nacc | huggybear404: clearly your configure is more involved than you have said, but regardless, things get renamed periodically, sure | 17:45 |
nacc | huggybear404: so you rdesktop to use a browser? | 17:45 |
huggybear404 | yes | 17:46 |
huggybear404 | since the browser controls the server | 17:46 |
nacc | you must mean controls some application | 17:46 |
huggybear404 | yes it controls what the app does on the server | 17:49 |
huggybear404 | so I can logoff and enjoy my holiday while the server keeps on working | 17:50 |
nacc | huggybear404: and you can't access that remotely? | 17:50 |
huggybear404 | I can if vnc works | 17:50 |
nacc | no, i mean you can't just browse in your desktop to 'http://ip_of_server/application/url' ? | 17:51 |
nacc | huggybear404: i have no idea why you would use vnc to do this, i guess if you didn't have a public ip ? | 17:51 |
nacc | huggybear404: but setting up vnc is pretty easy, regardless (afaik) | 17:51 |
ybaumy | how do i change the cpu overcommitment values in nova.conf .. it says that its maintained by juju | 17:54 |
ybaumy | wrong channel | 17:55 |
sarnold | ybaumy: if it's actually managed by juju then there's probably a juju set ... thing that can do it. check the nova charm docs? | 18:15 |
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