cmaloney | morning | 12:54 |
brousch__ | youarecorrectsir | 13:08 |
cmaloney | Yay, finally something I can be right about | 13:09 |
jrwren | good morning. How are you on this fine day? | 13:10 |
cmaloney | Still unemployed, thinking I'm unemployable, and drinking coffee. | 13:10 |
cmaloney | You? :) | 13:10 |
brousch__ | :( | 13:10 |
jrwren | working and drinking coffee. | 13:12 |
cmaloney | cool deal | 13:15 |
brousch__ | cmaloney: Have you started looking at anything outside of IT/programming? | 13:22 |
cmaloney | Yeah, but I'm not sure what I can do other than dig ditches. :) | 14:40 |
cmaloney | I think you need a Bachelors in ditch digging to even qualify anymore. | 14:41 |
brousch__ | Don't they have machines for that now? | 14:41 |
cmaloney | Fucking robots. :) | 14:41 |
cmaloney | Maybe I could become one o those 6-figure teachers I've heard so much about. ;) | 14:43 |
* cmaloney is a little salty | 14:43 | |
* brousch__ will not lick cmaloney to confirm that statement | 14:44 | |
jrwren | if chromebooks can get good battery life, why can't linux laptops? | 14:45 |
rick_h | jrwren: lies, chrome eats batteries for dinner. I've been told that. | 14:46 |
brousch__ | They can, if you strip down the install, tweak the kernel, and use power-efficient hardware | 14:47 |
jrwren | ah, makes sense. | 14:55 |
jrwren | so maybe in a year or two. IIRC a lot of the android kernel diffs got merged back into main linux branch. Maybe linux will be power efficient | 14:56 |
rick_h | jrwren: heh, start usign linux with 4gb of ram? | 15:04 |
* rick_h still can't believe that apple laptops default with 8 | 15:04 | |
rick_h | "uuummm, this one has 'Pro' in the name. Surely that one gets more ootb?" | 15:05 |
jrwren | rick_h: I know, but for $200, it was tempting for my kid. | 15:07 |
rick_h | jrwren: the chromebook? | 15:07 |
rick_h | oh definitely, they use them at my son's elementary school and I think they're pretty cool with the android app ability now | 15:07 |
rick_h | I'll be tempted to get one for my son in a bit when he starts needing to use it for looking stuff up or writing | 15:08 |
jrwren | oh, they do have the android app ability? | 15:08 |
rick_h | yea | 15:08 |
rick_h | | 15:08 |
jrwren | awesome. | 15:08 |
rick_h | jrwren: looks like you need the right device: | 15:08 |
jrwren | so weird. | 15:11 |
jrwren | i love tech. i hate this closed b.s. | 15:12 |
rick_h | the android stuff? or what other closed BS? | 15:18 |
brousch__ | The problem I ran into with chromebooks for the kid was lack of Minecraft (and now Roblox) | 15:18 |
rick_h | but you'd be able to run minecraft the android app right? | 15:18 |
rick_h | my son plays it on his android phone current so assumed that would come along | 15:18 |
brousch__ | Well that would be Minecraft PE vs normal Minecraft | 15:18 |
* rick_h is minecraft ignorant so zoom over my head | 15:19 | |
brousch__ | There is Minecraft, and there is Pocket Edition. PE is stripped down and designed for touch screens. | 15:19 |
rick_h | oic | 15:19 |
brousch__ | Different games, really, and cannot interact with each other | 15:20 |
rick_h | ah, bummer | 15:20 |
cmaloney | Yeah, like the differences between Civ for PC and Civ for the Nintendo DS | 15:25 |
cmaloney | (is my age showing?) | 15:25 |
jrwren | The closed stuff I dislike is... yeah, android :) If chrome os can run android apps, why can't my linux? | 15:32 |
jcastro | well, someone has to do the work first off | 15:51 |
jrwren | I guess that is always the case, eh? google did it for chromeos but it isn't open source. Oh well. | 15:54 |
rick_h | I'm not sure how hard to laugh at this | 17:47 |
cmaloney | blergh | 17:50 |
jrwren | idle your car for 50min? or can engine be off and key in RUN position? | 17:53 |
rick_h | yea, I think "run" is maybe with the key part turned (or in my keyless truck you hit the start button without foot on the brake) | 17:54 |
jrwren | i wonder if there will be an alt market for dumb vehicles sometime soon. | 17:56 |
jrwren | I want this UI back: | 17:57 |
rick_h | hah, I had a rental car last week | 17:58 |
_stink_ | jrwren++ | 17:58 |
rick_h | and it was that way and I was annoyed "what do you mean I have to switch heat and adjust the level?" | 17:58 |
greg-g | jrwren: that's what I have in my '02 subaru :) | 17:58 |
* rick_h is spoiled with dual climate set a temp and let it go | 17:58 | |
rick_h | I want my side 69...heat or cool or whatever you need to do to make it so jfdi | 17:58 |
greg-g | I don't want a fancy computerized car | 17:58 |
greg-g | but, I do want the CVT transmission | 17:59 |
greg-g | (atm machine) | 17:59 |
rick_h | +1 | 17:59 |
rick_h | oh wait, you want CVT? | 17:59 |
* rick_h hates CVT | 17:59 | |
greg-g | yeah, better gas mileage | 17:59 |
rick_h | hated that in the subaru | 17:59 |
rick_h | got a stick instead of a CVT | 17:59 |
greg-g | I'd really love an electric/hybrid outback | 18:00 |
rick_h | I'm really curious to try out the wife's hybrid pacifica if it ever gets here | 18:00 |
jrwren | yes rick_h, you want your android phone. I want the equiv of the grandpa flip phone for car UI. | 18:00 |
jrwren | No bullshit, no toys and it works. | 18:01 |
jrwren | honestly, the '12 Accord is just fine in that regard. | 18:01 |
greg-g | or better, a small four-door electric/hybrid pickup truck. Like a toyota tacoma size | 18:01 |
rick_h | I hate the idea of upgrading my car and so much software in there...but damn I love my gps directions, set it and forget it climate control, and fancy tire pressure monitoring and such | 18:01 |
jrwren | CVT is great in theory, but humans have got accustomed to feeling shifts under high acceleration. | 18:02 |
rick_h | greg-g: yea, that'll be cool if they do something like that with a colorado or the like | 18:02 |
greg-g | effing colorado, I hate that small ass thing | 18:02 |
greg-g | I'm still pissed Ford discontinued the Ranger | 18:02 |
jrwren | greg-g: WHAT?! I want an S10. | 18:02 |
rick_h | jrwren: well cvt just sucks for actual power and offroad testing shows that it can't deliver the power like non-cvt | 18:02 |
jrwren | electric S10 would be great :) | 18:02 |
greg-g | Ranger >> s10 | 18:02 |
rick_h | lol | 18:02 |
jrwren | yes, Range >> S10 when it comes to size and eating gas. | 18:02 |
* rick_h had a ranger back in the day and hated it | 18:02 | |
jrwren | only reason I want a pickup is for the utility. 4'x8' bed so I can pickup my own drywall plz. :) | 18:04 |
rick_h | yea, I've come to love my truck | 18:04 |
rick_h | didn't want to get it at first but it is nice | 18:04 |
rick_h | when I had the ranger really only used hte bed a couple of times | 18:04 |
rick_h | greg-g: colorado you can get in diesel now :) though I've never been in one so no experience with em | 18:05 |
jrwren | would you trust GM and small diesel? | 18:05 |
rick_h | we'll see. I <3 diesel | 18:06 |
jrwren | me too. its just, GM doesn't have a very good record with small diesel engines. | 18:10 |
* greg-g doesn't know those kinds of things | 18:12 | |
jrwren | Maybe I'm too anti-GM given I contracted for them for 5yrs :p | 18:12 |
greg-g | heh | 18:13 |
greg-g | "momma! momma! can you help me?! My underwear are inside out!" | 18:35 |
greg-g | working from home you hear the darndest things | 18:35 |
_stink_ | haha | 18:35 |
_stink_ | yes | 18:35 |
rick_h | lol | 18:36 |
jrwren | babies! | 18:36 |
jrwren | <3 | 18:36 |
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